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Monument: (n.)L.6

The jets from Washington National Airport that normally fly around the president monument like hungry gulls are ,for the moment ,represented by the one that fell.

A building or sth. That preserves the memory of a person or event.

a) 纪念碑,石碑;墓碑;纪念物,纪念像,纪念门,纪念馆;遗迹;遗址;遗物;不朽的功业[著作](等);标石,界石;〔古语〕纪录;标记

? 例句:A monument was erected to the memory of that great scientist.树立了一块纪念碑纪念那位伟大的科学家。 ? Syn: Tombstone, Gravestone, Headstone. Moon-flooded: (adj.)L.2

I sat up ,and in the moon-flooded cabin was my grandfather standing beside me.

Moonlight: (n.)L.4

I will build it out of music by moonlight ,and stain it with my own heart′s blood.

a) N: 1.月光

? 例句:Her spectacles glinted in the moonlight.



? 例句: When I called to get the money she owed me, I found she’d done a moonlight flit. 我打电话向她催债时,发现她已经逃走了。

3. 参与夜袭的人 4.月光下的活动

Mop: (v.)L.5

While he was at it ,he decided ,he might as well mop the floor.

To wash or wipe with or as if with a mop. a) N: 墩布,拖把;类似拖把的东西 ? 例句:She bought a new white mop.

她买了一个白色的新拖把。 b) Vt: 拿墩布拖;擦(泪、汗等)

? 词组:Mop up:做扫尾工作,擦,抹,痛击,吃完 ? 例句:A worker mopped the floor this morning.

今天早晨一个工人用拖把擦洗了地板。 ? Syn: Wash, Wipe, Clean, Dust.

Mortgage: (n.)L.13 (过去式:mortgaged过去分词:mortgaged现在分词:mortgaging复数:mortgages)

Banks wouldn′t give them mortgage ,so they had to keep on renting.

An agreement to borrow money from a bank in order to buy a house , with the house belonging to the lender until the money is repaid.

a) N:【法律】抵押贷款;抵押权;抵押契据;受押人对抵押品的权利。 on mortgage (拿房屋等)作抵押。

? 例句:The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land.


b) Vt:抵押;把…许给。 mortgage oneself [one's life] to the revolutionary cause 献身革命事业。

? 例句: His business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets to try to save it.

他的企业在亏损, 他抵押了所有资产企图挽救它。 ? Syn: Advance,Credit,Finance. Moscow :(n.)L.15 莫斯科〔俄罗斯首都〕

Atomic clocks at some 50 timekeeping stations around the world form Washington to Paris to Moscow allow

? 例句:I have stayed in Moscow for a long time. Motion: (n.)L.14 (过去式:motioned过去分词:motioned现在分词:motioning复数:motions)

I reminded him not to push the SEND button until I confirmed vertical motion.

The act or process of changing position or place.

a) N:1.运动,动,移动 : (天体的)运行;2.(车、船等的)动摇(机器的)开动,运转;【机械工程】机械装置,机制。3.动作,举动;手势;眼色;姿态;〔pl.〕(个人或团体的)行动,举动,活动4.(议会中的)提议,动议;动机,意向;刺激;【法律】申请,请求。5.大便;〔pl.〕排泄物6.【音乐】(旋律、曲调的)变移。

? 例句:The object is no longer in cyclical motion.

这物体已不再循环运动。 b) Vt:1.(向…)打手势, 示意

? 例句:The teacher motioned the boy to study.

老师示意那个孩子去学习。 ? Syn: Movement, Action, Activity, Shift.

Mouse: (n.)L.2 (过去式:moused过去分词:moused现在分词:mousing复数:mice)

a) N:.1.老鼠2.鼠标3.羞怯[胆小]的人

? 例句:A mouse is a small animal.老鼠是一种小动物。 He is a strange little mouse, never said anything. 他竟然胆小如鼠, 一句话都没说。 Mph:L.9

My husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph.

a) =miles per hour 每小时英里数 ? 例句: Mummy: (n.)L.15

By determining its level of carbon-14 ,scientists can tell the age of an Egyptian mummy or of charcoal from an ancient Indian home.

a) N:1.<口>妈妈 2.木乃伊,干尸 3.软弱的男孩(或男人)

? 例句:I′ll have to ask my mummy.我得问问我的妈咪。 They found some gold coins and mummies in the lowest level of the site. 他们在发掘现场的最下层找到一些金币和几具木乃伊。 Musician: (n.)L.4 (复数:musicians)

“The Musicians will play upon their stringed instruments.

a) N:音乐家

? 例句:Even great musicians require constant practice.


? Syn: Performer, Instrumentalist, Conductor, Artiste, Composer.

Mutuality: (n.)L.12

The old emphasis upon superficial difference had to give away to education for mutuality and for citizenship in the human community.

a) N:1.相互关系,相关2.同感;亲密。 ? 例句:

? Syn: Sympathy, Empathy, Support, Affinity.

Muzzle: (n.)L.2 (过去式:muzzled过去分词:muzzled现在分词:muzzling复数:muzzles) Slowly the wolf raised his muzzle.

a) N:.1.(四足动物的)鼻口部 2.(防止动物咬人的)口套 3.枪口, 炮口 ? 例句:

b) Vt: 1.给(狗等)戴口套 2.使缄默, 钳制…言论

? 例句:The newspapers were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws.

严厉的新闻审查法有效地使那些报纸沉默了下来。 ? Syn: Silence, Gag, Hush, Quiet, Suppress, Stifle. Mythology: (n.)L.8 (复数:mythologies)

He gave me a set of books called Greek Myth——mythic——mythologies, that′s it !

a) N:1.神话学 2.神话(总称) 3.虚构的事实;错误的观点 ? 例句:He studies Greek and Roman mythology.

他研究希腊和罗马神话。 ? Syn: Myths, Folklore, Tradition. Naive: (adj.)L.8

We don′t expect you to be so childish as to lock me up in my room ,call the police ,or anything so na?ve as that!

a) Adj: 1.幼稚的; 无经验的; 单纯的 2.天真的; 轻信的 ? 例句:It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says.

相信他会言行一致, 你未免太单纯了。 ? Syn: Myths, Legends, Folklore, Tradition. Nanosecond: (n.)L.15

First built in 1948 ,these clocks generally use atoms of cesium , a silvery white metal and are accurate to within a few nanosecond a day.

a) N:十亿分之一秒 ? 例句: Narrative: (n.)L.14


At some point ——I have no idea when ——I put the phone down and started typing again, filing the copy to Washington where Trott assembled all the pieces into a more or less coherent narrative.

a) N: 1.记叙文; 故事 2.叙述, 讲述; 叙述部分 3.叙事技巧 ? 例句:His trip through the world made an interesting narrative.

他周游世界的旅行是个很有趣的故事。 b) Adj:叙述的; 叙事体的

? 例句:He was a writer of great narrative power.


? Syn: Story, Tale, Account, Description, Plot. Nausea: (n.)L.11

He swallowed hard and choked back the nausea.

a) N:作呕;恶心;反胃

? 例句:Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea.


? Syn: Sickness, Vomiting, Queasiness. Naval: (adj.)L.15

Naval Observatory in Washington ,D.C.

a) Adj:海军的

? 例句:He took part in a great naval battle.


? Syn: Marine, Nautical, Maritime, Seafaring, Sailing. Navigator: (n.)L.15 (复数:navigators)

A navigator at sea or in the air ,plotting location by satellite ,relies on a time signal accurate to within a single millionth of second.

a) N:1.(船或飞机的)领航员 2.(飞机、船舶等上的)航行者,航海者,驾驶员 ? 例句:

? Syn: Guide, Pilot, Direction-finder, Route-finder. Necessarily :(adv.)L.1

a) Adv:1.必要地, 必需地 2.必定地; 必然地; 不可避免地 ? 例句:A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.


? Syn: Unavoidably, Essentially, Automatically, Inevitably. Necessary: (adj.)L.3 (复数:necessaries)

With the average cost of prison construction running around $50,000 per bed, it would cost more than $6 billion to build the necessary cells.

a) Adj:1.必要的; 必需的 2.必然的; 不可避免的

? 例句:It took me a year to get the necessary materials together.

我花了一年的时间才把所需要的资料组织好。 b) N:1.必需品

? 例句:He has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life.

他有足够的钱购买生活必需品。 ? Syn:





Obligatory, Indispensable.


Habitat began buildings house in Americans for needy people who could handle a small down payment about $65 monthy.

a) Adj:贫穷的;贫困的

? 例句:The previously free (= not paid for) distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy.

以前免费发放课本, 现在只给贫困学生。 ? Syn: Deprived, Disadvantaged, Poor, In need.

Nerve: (n.)L.11 (过去式:nerved过去分词:nerved现在分词:nerving复数:nerves)

As the initial shock began to wear off ,the nerve endings became more sensitive ,causing even greater pain.

a) N:1.神经 2.神经过敏; 神经紧张 3.勇气; 胆量 4.鲁莽;冒失;厚颜 ? 例句:

b) vt. & vi:鼓足勇气;振作精 ? 例句:

? Syn: Courage, Bravery, Spirit, Bravado, Guts, Daring. Nest: (n.)L.4 (过去式:nested过去分词:nested现在分词:nesting复数:nests)

Form her nest in the oak tree the Nightingale heard him and she looked out through the leaves and wondered.

a) N.:1.(鸟)窝, 巢 2.(某些动物或昆虫的)窝, 穴 3.温床, 庇护所 4.(套叠在一起的)一套物件 5. 藏匿处;秘密窝点 ? 例句:The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house.

燕子正在我们的屋檐下筑巢。 b) Vi:筑巢

? 例句:Most birds nest in a tree.


? Syn: Shell, Case, Bubble, Layer, Coat. Nevertheless: (adv.)L.1

a) adv:仍然, 然而, 不过

? 例句:What you said was true but nevertheless unkind.

你所说的都对, 不过有点不客气。 b) conj:尽管如此, 然而,不过

? 例句:The news may be unexpected ; nevertheless it is true.

这消息也许是出乎意料的, 然而是真实的。

? Syn: Yet, But, However, Nonetheless, On the other hand, All the same, Even so.

Nightingale: (n.)L.4(复数:nightingales)

“Here at least is a true lover ,”said the Nightingale .

a) N:夜莺

? 例句:Nightingales have beautiful plumage.


Nip: (v.)L.4 (过去式:nipped过去分词:nipped现在分词:nipping)

But the winter has chilled my veins ,and the frost has nipped my buds ,and the storm has broken my branches ,and I shall have no roses at all this years.

a) vt. & vi:啃咬;掐;咬住;夹住;捏 ? 例句:I nipped my finger in the door.

我的手指头让门夹了一下。 b) Vt:伤害;摧残;冻伤

? 例句:The cold weather has nipped the fruit trees.


c) Vi:1.快走;赶快;快速去(某处);急忙赶往 2.将…扼杀在萌芽状态;防患于未然3.掐去; 剪掉 4.(比赛或竞赛中)势均力敌;不分上下;并驾齐驱

? 例句:I’ll nip out and buy a newspaper.


d) N:1.啃咬;掐 2.寒冷;寒意 3.少量的烈酒 e) Adj:Nip 英[nip] 美[n?p] 〈贬〉日本佬的 ? Syn: Pinch, Squeeze. Nonetheless: (adv.)L.3

a) Adv:虽然如此,但是 ? 例句:

? Syn: However, Nevertheless, Even so, On the other hand.

Nontraffic: (adj.)L.3

a) ? 例句: ? Syn:

