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Task 2 Choose the more suitable word from the two provided for each blank in the following sentences, and give reasons for your choice.

1. We all went to the exhibition (besides, except) the director, who was too busy to go. 2. Many people here have got other income (besides, except) their wages. 3. She likes to sit (besides, beside) the window.

4. The internal situation of a country usually _____ (effects, affects) its foreign policy. 5. Their hard work _____ (effected, affected) rapid progress in the work. 6. A large ______ (amount, number) of cement was used for this project. 7. A large ______ (amount, number) of people volunteered to do this difficult job.

8. The chairman made some ______ (complementary, complimentary) remarks about the speakers. 9. His strong points and hers are ______ (complimentary, complementary). 10. She is an ______ (eminent, imminent) artist in this city.

11. As a result of overproduction, a depression seems ______ (eminent, imminent) in this rich country. 12. There will be (farther, further) changes in the itinerary.

13. This group of explorers went (farther, further) in the desert than that one. 14. She can now spend (less, fewer) time preparing her lessons than before. 15. She spent (less, fewer) days in the city than planned. 16. Many beautiful paintings were ______ (hung, hanged) on the walls.

17. It is reported that some of the leaders of the coup in that country were ______ (hung, hanged). 18. He tried ______ (hard, hardly) but failed to finish his work in time.

19. The interpreter could (hard, hardly) catch up with the fluent speaker.

20. What the minister has said ______ (implies, infers) that there will be a change in the economic policy. 21. From his statement the listeners ______ (imply, infer) that there will be a change in the economic policy. 22. He put all his things (in, into) his suitcase. 23. All his things were (in, into) his suitcase. 24. (Its, It's) Jim who has helped me.

25. I like the cut of the jacket, but I don't like (its, it's) color. 26. He ______ (lay, laid) his pen on the desk and began reading. 27. He ______ (lay, laid) on the grass, looking at the sky. 28. She treats the orphan (as, like) her son.

29. ______ (As, Like) a friend I would advise you to stop smoking at once. 30. The inspector (may be, maybe) here any day. 31. (May be, Maybe) Jesse knows where she is. 32. His horse jumped and he fell (of, off) it. 33. At 80 he died (of, off) a heart attack.

34. One of her (principals, principles) is that honesty is the best policy. 35. The (principal, principle) of the school will resign because of poor health. 36. Rice is the (principal, principle) food of the inhabitants of this area. 37. The director is a very (practical, practicable) man; he has no fanciful ideas. 38. These plans are good and (practised, practicable). 39. He ______ (rose, raised) from his seat to greet the guests. 40. He (rose, raised) his voice and said, \41. I (am used, used) to working at a quick tempo.

42. I (am used, used) to work 11 hours a day, but I can't do that any more. 43. She is (proud, arrogant) of the success her group has won. 44. That aristocrat often speaks in (a proud, an arrogant) tone. 45. One of her (questions, problems) is that she is pressed for time.

46. The speaker said at the end of his talk that (questions, problems) were welcome.

47. The day was ______ (typical, representative) of deep winter here: it was snowing heavily and a north wind

was blowing.

48. This may be considered his (typical, representative) novel. 49. She wishes she were as (thin, slim) as Jane.

50. She had only two (thin, slim) slices of bread for breakfast. 51. He illustrated his theory with convincing (examples, samples). 52. Here are two (examples, samples) of student compositions. 53. Chinese culture has a (continual, continuous) history of 5 000 years. 54. The ______ (continual, continuous) rain slowed down the construction.

55. The chairman talked about future plans (at, toward) the end of his report. 56. They had snacks (at, toward) the end of the meeting. 57. We waited for a long time. (Finally, At last) she came.

58. The chairman summed up the results of the discussion. (Finally, At last) he thanked all the

participants for coming.

59. This salesman made frequent (trips, travels) to nearby cities. 60. He enjoys ______ (making trips, traveling) to foreign countries. 61. Their (voyage, journey) across Europe was eventful. 62. I (hope, wish) she will recover quickly from her illness. 63. I (hope, wish) she were here with us.

64. The audience clapped loudly to (request, require) more songs.

65. Students who have borrowed books from the library are ______ (required, requested) to return them on time. 66. I (doubt, suspect) whether this plan will work. 67. I (doubt, suspect) that he is not telling the truth.

68. Our invitations have all been (received, accepted). 69. He said he had (received, accepted) my letter.

70. She ______ (received, accepted) the gift but did not ______ (receive, accept) it. 71. She said she would come and ______ (send, bring) me the book. 72. She said she would ______ (send, bring) me the book by air mail.

73. I don't know what I should do. I'd like to have your ______ (opinion, advice). 74. What is your (opinion, advice) of these two new dictionaries? 75. Would you like to stop by my (family, home) and have a cup of tea? 76. He was born into a revolutionary (home, family). 77. Many new ______ (houses, rooms) have been built along this road. 78. I share the (house, room) with two other students.

79. This is a ______ (personal, private) visit. There is no need for formalities.

80. We're discussing the work of the company. Let us avoid being ______ (personal, private).

81. Reforms have brought about rapid (economic, economical) growth in China in recent years. 82. We should be (economic, economical) of our time and avoid doing anything unnecessary. 83. This is an interesting book with vivid accounts of (historic, historical) events and people.

84. His article discusses the ______ (historic, historical) significance of the May 4th Movement from a new angle. 85. During the fighting a few soldiers were (injured, wounded). 86. In the accident his right leg was (injured, wounded). 87. Smoking (hurts, does great harm to) one's lungs. 88. These unfair criticisms (hurt, did harm to) his feelings.

89. Of these two old people the former has died and the ______ (later, latter) is alive and healthy. 90. She returned from the beach a few days ______ (later, latter), happy and energetic. 91. We should bear in ______ (heart, mind) all these important rules. 92. She has her ______ (heart, mind) in her work and is doing it very well.

93. I happened to have no money with me and he (lent, borrowed) me 50 dollars. 94. I had to ______ (lend, borrow) some money to buy this expensive book. 95. There was a ______ (terrible, terrific) accident on this road yesterday. 96. The dinner she served was ______ (terrible, terrific) – we enjoyed it greatly.

97. Later he ______ (found, found out) that the real cause of the fire was negligence on the part of the man on


98. On arriving in the ancient city he (found, found out) that it was very quiet and beautiful. 99. Do you know the ______ (cause, reason) why he has resigned?

100. The main ______ (cause, reason) of the stoppage was the insufficient supply of raw material.

