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Unit one Book Five

基础回眸 固基础,增定力 黑体词汇: 1.结束;推断出(vi,vt)__________ 2.失败(n);打败,战胜,使受挫(vt)__________ 3.照顾,护理,出席,参加(vt)______________ 4.暴露,揭露,使曝光 (vt) _______________ 5.治愈,痊愈(n) 治愈(vt)____________ 6.挑战(n)向……挑战(vt)_____________ 7.提出(vt)_______________

8.认为,怀疑(vt) 被怀疑者,嫌疑犯(n)_____________ 9.责备,谴责(vt);过失,责备(n)____________ 10.柄,把手(n) 处理,操纵(vt)___________ 11.污染,弄脏(vt)______________ 12.连接,联系(vt,n)_____________ 13.宣布,通告(vt)_____________

14.捐献,贡献,捐助(vt,vi)_______________ 15.除……之外,此外(prep)_____________ 16.(使)旋转,纺(线或纱)___________ 17.拒绝,不接受,抛弃(vt)______________ 变换词汇:

1.paint—painter (v.+er 表―……者,……人‖) 2.science—scientist (n) – scientific (adj)

3.conclude—conclusion (n) (--sion为名词后缀) 4.analyse—analysis (n)

5.neighoubore – neighborhood (n)

6.foresee—foresaw—foreseen foretell—foretold—foretold

7.pollute—pollution (n) construct—construction contribute—contribution (--tion为名词后缀)

8.announce—announcement move—movement (--ment 为名词后缀) 9.instruct—instruction (n)—instructive (adj) 10.backward—forward—toward (--ward表―朝……,向……‖) 11.spin—spun—spun

12.enthusiastic——enthusiastically(adv) —enthusiasm (n)

13.universe—universal (adj) 重点词组: 英译汉

1. defeat sb. ___________ win sth. ___________ 2. be expert in/at… _______ an expert player _______ 3. attend the lecture ________ attend school ________ attend (to/on) sb. ________

4. expose…to…________ be exposed to _______ 5. cure sb. of sth. __________ 6. absorb…into… _______ be absorbed in _______

be absorbed in thought ________

7. blame sb. for doing _________ be to blame ________ blame …on…________

take/bear the blame for doing ___________ 8. handle the problem __________ 9. announce …to…___________

announce the coming of the storm ___________ 10.instruct …to do________ instruct…in …________ follow the instructions _____ 11.contribute…to… __________ contribute to _________ make contributions to ____

12.be strict with…________ be strict in…_______ 13. make sense ________ make no sense ________ make sense of _________

14.be cautious about _______ be cautious of ____ 15.die of ________ die from _______ die out _______ die off ________ die down _______ die away _________ 汉译英:

1. 得出结论:__________ 2. 迎接挑战:___________

3. 怀疑某人做某事:______________ 4. 把…和…联系/连接起来:_____________ 5. 对……乐观:____________ 6. 对……有热情:__________

7. 下定决心做某事:___________ 8. 在地图上标出……:__________ 9. 把…从…处移走:___________ 10. 有时候:__________ 熟背句型

1.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.

2.A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims.

3.First he marked on a map the exact places where all the deal people had lived. 4.It seemed that the water was to blame.

5.Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drinking the water.

6.With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.

7.Yet he could not tell anyone about his theory as the powerful Christian Church would have punished him for even suggesting such an idea.

8.Others appeared brighter at times and less bright at others.

9.He did not want to be attacked by the Christian Church, so he only published it as he lay dying

in 1543.

10.Yet Copernicus’s theory is now the basis on which all our ideas of the universe are built. 要点聚焦 明要点,掌规律 I.重点单词: 1.conclude 单词释义

conclude vt.,vi结束;得出结论;断定 What do you conclude from the facts?. 从这些事实中你得出了什么结论?。

We'll conclude our concert with the National Anthem. 我们将以国歌结束我们的音乐会。 单词归纳与拓展 (1) conclude…from… (从……中)推断出 conclude sth. with sth. 以(用)……结束…… ? sth. be concluded with 以…结束=end up with (2) conclusion n. 结束;结论 in conclusion 最后,总之= to conclude arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论 bring …to a conclusion 使…结束 学以致用

1. According to some signs, some experts have ________ that the global economy is beginning to recover little by little.

A.covered B.examined C.concluded D.checked 2.defeat 单词释义


(1) Before long he rebuilt a strong army and defeated the enemy. _____________ (2) I've tried to solve the problem, but it defeats me! ___________ (3)They suffered another defeat. ______________ 单词归纳与拓展 defeat在比赛中―战胜、击败‖对手, 可与beat互换; 在战争中―战胜、击败‖敌人;―希望、计划等遭到破坏‖的意思 beat 在比赛中―战胜、击败‖对手, 还有―连续打击、心跳、敲鼓‖等意思。 win ―赢得‖赛事、战争、某物 学以致用 2.选用defeat, beat, win三个词填空

(1) Before long he rebuilt a strong army and __________ the enemy. (2) Tom suffered the ___________ in the English examination.

(3) The athlete __________ his competitors and __________ the gold medal. (4) I feel my heart ___________.

3.attend vt.,vi. 出席;参加;照料,护理 单词释义

He decided to attend the conference in person. 他决定亲自出席这次会议。

Jenny has been attending on her sick mother for years. 多年来詹妮一直照顾着她生病的母亲。 He offered to go and attend to the matter.


You must attend carefully to these instructions. 你必须仔细注意这些指示。 单词归纳与拓展 attend a meeting/a lecture 参加会议/听报告 attend school 上学 attend (on/to) sb. 照顾,照料某人 = take care of; care for attend to sth. 处理,专心于,听取 学以致用 3. The doctor telephoned to say that he couldn’t _____ the meeting because he had to _____ a patient.

A. come to, attend to B. attend, attend C. join, treat D. attend on, look after 4.expose 单词释义

(1)Don't expose the film to light. ___________

(2) Don't expose your skin to the sun for a long time. _______________

(3)They consider it almost a crime to expose children to violence on TV. _______ (4)He exposed the plot to the police.___________ 单词归纳与拓展 expose undeveloped film to light 把未冲洗的胶卷暴露在光照下 expose one’s skin to the sun 让皮肤暴露在阳光下 expose one’s crimes to the police 向警察揭发某人的罪行 expose children to violence 使孩子们接触暴力 学以致用 4. ______ the sun for too much time, you will get sun burnt. A. Exposed to B. Being exposed to C. Exposing to D. To expose to 5.cure 治愈,消除,疗法 单词释义


(1) This medicine will cure you of your cough. __________________________ (2) The teacher cured him of bad habits. ______________________ (3) A cure for this disease is not yet to be found. __________________ 单词归纳与拓展 (1) cure skin disease 治好皮肤病 cure bad habits 改正坏习惯 cure sb. of … 治好某人的…病;改掉某人的… a cure for cancer 癌症的治疗方法 (2) vt. + sb. + of 结构的还有: remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某物 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人某事 rid sb. of sth. 去除掉某人的某物

单词辨析 cure, treat

cure 表治愈,通常强调结果;还可表消除,纠正。搭配为cure sth.; cure sb. of sth. treat 表治疗,通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不含治好的意思,搭配为treat sb.

for;还可表对待,款待。 学以致用

5. 选用cure, treat两个词填空

(1) Don't __________ me like a child. (2) The dentist is __________ my teeth.

(3) Which doctor is _______ you for your illness? (4) When I left hospital I was completely _______. 6.abosrb 单词释义


(1) The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. _______________ (2) Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed into the large cities. _______________ (3) The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge that his teachers could give him. _____________ (4)I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call. _____________ 单词归纳与拓展 absorb light 吸收光线 absorb new ideas 吸收新的观念 absorb the knowledge 理解/掌握知识 absorb one’s time and energy 占用某人的时间和精力 be absorbed into 被吸收到…当中;被吞并到…中 be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于 be absorbed in thought=be lost in thought 陷入沉思 学以致用 6. When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, ______in conversation. A. absorbing B. absorbed C. to absorb D. to be absorbed 7.blame 单词释义


(1) The other driver blamed me for the accident. __________________ (2) The other driver blamed me for the accident. __________________ (3) You must bear the blame for the accident. ____________________ 单词归纳与拓展 (1) blame sb. for (doing) sth. 因为某事责备某人 be to blame (for) 应对……负责,应该因为……受到责备 blame sth. on sb. 把…..归咎于某人 (2) take/bear the blame (for) 承担……的责任;对……负责 put/lay the blame on sb. 把责任推到某人身上 学以致用 7. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one ______. A. blamed B. blame C. to blame D. to be blamed 8.link

