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1. My jacket is on the chair . Let me _______(get) it. 2. My sister and I _________ ( be) in the same school. 3. Bruce only __________ (watch) sports on TV.

4. Fruit is good for us. We always eat it ________ .(good) 5. What about ___________ (have) some bananas?

6. Girls don’t like ice-cream. They don’t want ______(be) fat. 7. I __________(需要) a hat for sports. 8. The socks are ¥ 2 for 3 ___________(双). 9. The T-shirt is 20 _______________(美元). 10. That ____________(听起来) great. 11. Is this ring ____________________(you)? 12. That is a _____________________(字典).

13. Molly’s and Sally’s _____________(photo) are on the wall. 14. ------------- (this) are Eric’s pens. 15. Here ________________(be) my pen. 二.单项选择(每题1分,共15分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ( )1.Tom likes hamburgers and salad_______dinner. A. for B. of C. at

( ) 2. The teacher asks Jim _________ his family.

A. with B. about C.for


( )3.— What’s on the table?

— Three ______ and some _______.

A. pear; bread B. apples; tomato C. bananas; salad

( )4.Some milk __________ in the white cup on the table. A. is B. are C. am

( ) 5. I ________ a black hat. My sister ________ a red one.

A. has; has B. have ; has C. have; have

( )6.-- Is your birthday next week? --- yes, you are ______.

A. fun B. good C. right

( )7.Eat an apple every day. You can be very __________. A. fat B. boring C. healthy ( ) 8. It’s difficult for __________ to play basketball.

A.we B.us C.our ( )9. Come on ,Tom. We are _________! A. late B. / C. great

( ) 10. — Do your parents have a tape player, Cindy? — No, they don’t. But I __________.

A. do B. does C. don’t

( )11.Tony buys ______ 8-yuan sweater. It is _____ orange sweater .

A. a; an B. an ; an C. the ;an

( ) 12. --- What’s the ________ of those socks ? -- 30 yuan.

A. color B. name C. price

( ) 13. This pair of shorts __________ Eric’s.

A. is B. are C. has

( ) 14. The sweater is only 5 yuan . I’ll __________ it. A.play B.take C.sell ( ) 15.--- Can I help you ?

----__________ I want a sweater.

A. You are welcome B. I am sorry C. Yes, please 三. 完形填空.( 共10分)将答案写在下面答题栏。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hi, boys and girls. Have____1_____ look __2____ Huaxing Clothes Store. We have black and blue hats__3____ ____4___ yuan. The blue sweater is __5____ yuan and the red sweater is ___6___ yuan. The yellow shorts are ___7__¥ 13 and the green shorts are __8_____ sale for ¥ 25. You ask how __9____ the shoes


are .___10____ pair? Oh, I’m sorry. These are my shoes. ( ) 1. A. / B. a C. an ( )2 A. at B. in C. to ( )3 A. on B. to C. for ( )4 A . fivety B. fifteen C. fiveteen ( )5 A . thirty-three B. thirteen three C. thirty three ( )6 A . threety B. thirties C. thirteen ( )7 A. too B. also C . / ( ) 8 A . on B. for C . to ( )9 A .many B. some C. much ( )10 A.What B. Which C. How

四. 阅读理解。(每题2分,共30分)将答案写在下面答题栏。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A

Hello, I’m Amy. I eat well. I like vegetables, salad and orange juice. For breakfast, I also have some milk and two eggs. I don’t like ice-cream. My favorite(最喜欢) sports star, Lin Dan (林丹), eats lots of healthy food. He likes eggs and bread for breakfast. For lunch, he eats rice, tomatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice. For dinner, he likes apples and carrots. He likes hamburgers, but he doesn’t eat them. ( ) 1. Amy has _________ for breakfast.

A. milk and two eggs B.ice-cream and salad C. vegetables D. chicken ( ) 2. Amy doesn’t like ________ .

A. orange juice B.ice-cream C. breakfast D. salad ( ) 3. Lin Dan is ________ .

A. a student B. a soccer star


C. a sports star D. a basketball star ( )4. Lin Dan eats ________ for dinner.

A. meat and rice B. milk and hamburgers C. oranges and apple juice D. apples and carrots ( ) 5 Lin Dan doesn’t _______

A . play tennis B. eat chicken C . eat apples D. eat hamburgers B

Bill is an English boy. Here is the list(清单) of his meals for a day . Let’s look at what he has for the meals. Meals Time Food breakfast 7:00~7:30 eggs and apples lunch 11:30~12:30 hamburgers and tomatoes afternoon tea 15:30~16:00 cakes and bananas dinner 18:00~19:00 chicken and carrots ( )6.Bill has ________ meals a day .

A, two B. three C. four D .five

( ) 7.Bill may have breakfast at __________ A. 6:45 B. 7:15 C. 7:40 D. 8:00 ( ) 8.What does Bill have for afternoon tea ?

A. Eggs and apples B. Chicken and carrots

C. Cakes and bananas D. Hamburgers and tomatoes

( )9. At _____ , Bill can eat vegetables.

A. breakfast and lunch B. lunch and dinner

C. breakfast and dinner D. lunch and afternoon tea

( )10. Which of the following is NOT true(正确) according to the passage?

A. Bill has eggs and apples for breakfast B. Bill doesn’t eat meat. C. Bill has afternoon tea for 30 minutes. D.. Bill is an English boy. C

Gina loves sports. She has six tennis bats, three basketballs ,four


volleyballs and five soccer balls. She always plays tennis.

Mary loves sports, too. She has five basketballs, two volleyballs, three ping-pong bats and some ping-pong balls. She has two soccer balls, too. But she doesn’t play sports. She only watches them on TV. Jenny doesn’t play sports and she doesn’t have any (任何)balls. ( )11. Gina and Mary have __________ basketballs. A. four B. five C. eight D. nine ( )12. Gina always plays _____________.

A. ping-pong B. tennis C. basketball D. soccer ( )13. Mary doesn’t have a ____________.

A. volleyball B. basketball C. baseball D. ping-pong ball ( )14. ________ only watches sports on TV.

A. Gina B. Mary C. Jenny D. Mary and Jenny ( )15. Jenny has ___________ balls. A. five B. zero C. seven D. nine

五.补全对话(10分)(根据对话内容,在横线处填入正确的句子) A: Good afternoon! B: Good afternoon!

A: _1.____________________________________________________? B: I want to buy a sweater for my son. A: Look! Do you like this new one? B: Yes. It’s nice.

A: 2._________________________________________________. B: Er, green. Do you have a green one?

A: 3_____________________________.How about this blue one? B: It’s OK. 4__________________________________________. A: 35 yuan.

B: OK, I’ll take it. Thank you.

A: 5______________________________________________________. 六.句型转换(按要求完成下列各题 每小题2分一空1分共10分)


