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[中图分类号]R952 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672-5654(2015)02(c)-0071-02 [Abstract]Hospital drug library belongs to the drug supply department, drug library

management hospital pharmacy management should pay attention to the important part, but there are still drug packaging is damaged, tablets lobes or empty packaging boxes, empty seeds and other problems in clinical medicine, seriously affecting treatment work and endanger the lives of patients, and thus drug library hospital departments and staff members shall recognize the trend of reform and development of drug library hospital, and the use of scientific and modern management methods to strengthen the hospital’s drug library related management in order to basis consistent with our laws and regulations on drug administration, drug quality assurance tasks to complete. This article from the drug procurement, drug storage, drug library and a library of drugs these four aspects of scientific management methods and precautions hospital drug library were explored in order to enhance the hospital drug library management level, to ensure drug efficacy reduce drug wastage of resources and economic cost savings to the hospital. [Key words]Hospitals; Drug library; Scientific; Management

医院药品库是医院药品供应的重要部门,属于医院物资管理系统中的重要环节,其应当在遵循国家药品管理法规的前提下,努力做到以为药房、临床以及患者服务为宗旨,以有效控制储存药品成本、控制药品数量并保证药品质量为任务,以促使药品库存不仅能够满足医院各个科室的用药需求,而且可以防止药品出现积压甚至过期失效情况为目的。随着现代化医院药品库的不断改革与发展,将科学化管理方法应用于医院药品库的管理工作中具有重要意义。 1 医院药品库对于药品采购的科学化管理

