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2001年专接本综合考试试卷(英语) I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II.


Religious and private schools receive little support from public taxes in the United States, and __41__ a result , are usually somewhat expensive to__42__. The largest group of religious schools in America __43__ by the Roman Catholic Church. While religious schools tend to be __44__ expensive than private schools, there are usually some __45__.

When there __46__ free education available to all children in the United States, why do people __47__ money on private schools? Americans offer __48__ great variety of reasons for doing so, including the desire of some parents to __49__ their children to schools __50__ classes tend to be smaller, or where religious instruction __51__ as part of the educational program, or because, __52__ their opinion, the public schools in their area are not __53__ high enough quality to meet their needs. Private schools in the United States __54__ widely in size, quality, and in the kind of programs that are offered to meet __55__ of certain students.

The degree __56__ American parents are satisfied with their children’s schools often __57__ people of other countries. Most schools have organizations __58__ of both parents and teachers, usually called P.T.A for Parent-Teacher Association. They meet together to __59__ various matters concerning the schools. Parents often give time __60__ with 第1页 本试卷册共12页

在每组单词中,有一个单词的下划线部分与其他单词的划线部分读音不同,找出该单词(10分) A. camera A. perhaps A. shouted A. society A. younger A. character A. births A. always A. ghost

B. waste

B. closed B. piece B. anger B. paths B. salt

C. hatch C. proved C. field

D. matter D. forehead D. damaged D. version D. receive D. singer D. school D. also D. tomb

B. harvest B. profession

C. Fahrenheit C. suggestion C. stronger C. stomach C. baths C. chalk C. comb

A. association

B. moustache

D. mouths B. exposure

classroom or after-school activities. 41. A)as 42. A)go




B)attend C)take part in D)enroll

C)is run D)is running

43. A)were run B)run 45. A)lodging 46. A)was 47. A)spend 48. A)a

44. A)less B)more C)rather D)much

B)boarding C)tuition D)fees B)have been B)pay





B)they C)some D) /

C)send D)sending

C) in that D)for D)on




C)on C)of


49. A)bring B)bringing 50. A)which 52. A)to 53. A)//

51. A)is included B)are include C)includes D)had included

B)in B)in

54. A)differ B)varies C)extend

55. A)the needs B)the satisfaction C)needs D)need 56. A)on which

B)to which


57. A)surprises B)surprised C)surprising D)striking 59. A)talk to 60. A)helping Passage 1

Making a film takes a long time and is a very hard work. Writing the story for the film may take many weeks. Filming the story being acted or shooting the film, as it is called, often takes at least six months. Actors and cameramen work from very early in the morning until late at night. Each scene has to be acted and reacted, filmed and re-filmed, until it is just right. Sometimes the same scene may have to be acted twenty or thirty times.

The film studio is like a large factory, and the indoor stages are very big indeed. Scenery of all kinds is made in the studio: churches, houses, castles, and forests are all built of wood and by actors and actresses. The director of the film, however, is the most important person In a film

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58. A)consisting B)comprising C)composing D)making up




B)to help C)for helping D)on helping

III. 阅读理解(30分)

studio, he decides now the scene should be filmed and how the scene should be arranged.

Most people go to see a film because they know the film stars in it.

Sometimes the film may be very poor. It is best to choose a film made by a good director. Some famous directors make their films very real. People feel that they themselves are among the people in the film. 61. Making a film usually involves__________. A) writing a story

B) film studio

C) shooting the film D) all of the above

62. The sentence “sometimes the same scene may have to be acted twenty or thirty times” means______

A) every scene must be acted at least twenty or thirty times before it is a success.

B) on occasion the same scene has to be acted again and again before it is a success.

C) every scene has to be acted again and again in order to make it perfect.

D) not all films are made smoothly.

63. It is implied but not stated in the passage that_________. A) every famous director can make his film real B) not all famous directors can make their films real C) every director is a good director

D) most famous directors can make their films real

64. The most important person in making a film is __________. A)an actor or actress B)a cameraman C) a director D)a writer of the story

65.Which of the following statements is true as far as the making of a film is concerned?

A) It is an easy job and usually takes a long time. B) It is a difficult job and usually takes a long time. C) It is a fun when actors or actresses can act freely. D) Very often each scene can just be acted once. Passage 2

No author in American literature is better known or more loved than Samuel Langhome Clemens. Born in Missouri in 1835, he grew up

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on the banks of the Mississippi River and became a river boat pilot when he was 21 years old. So he adopted the pen name of “Mark Twain”, which was derived from a phrase meaning “two fathoms deep” used by the boatmen on the Mississippi as they measured the depth of the river. The river environment inspired the two novels which brought him his greatest name : “Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn”. Another

book ,“Life on the Mississippi”, told of his adventures on the river boats of that period.

It was during the Civil War that Mark Twain’s life as a writer

started. At that time he was working as a newspaper man in Nevada and California. His short story “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaberas County” was an immediate success and his new career began ,“A Million Pound Note” written in 1893 was another well-known short story. In 1870, Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon. He had fallen in love with her picture even before he met her. According to his biographers, his wife had a great influence on Twain’s later books.

Mark Twain was also a very successful lecturer. His travels around the country giving talks on a variety of subjects helped make him famous and increased the sale of his books.

“Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” are considered Twain’s best works. They are marked by humor and salty and provide his readers with an excellent picture of his era. His last book was finished before his death. He was then 74 years old.

66.Samuel Langhome Clemens adopted the pen name of “Mark Twain” ______.

A) when he was 21 years old.

B) after he wrote the novel “Life on the Mississippi”. C) from a phrase used by the boatmen on the Mississippi.

D) because the boatmen called him “Mark Twain” when he worked as a riverboat pilot.

67.Mark Twain’s career as a writer began when_______. A) he wrote “A Million Pound Note” B) he was working on the Mississippi C) the Civil War broke out D) he was working as a newspaper man

68.According to this passage , which of the following books was most

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probably written under the influence of Olivia Langdon? A) “The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaberas County”. B) “A Million Pound Note”.

C) “Life on the Mississippi”. D) “Tom Sawyer”.

69.What helped Mark Twain become famous and made better sale of his books?

A) His humorous style in writing. B) His experience on the Mississippi.

C) His talks on a variety of subjects during his travels around the country.

D) His wife’s influence on his works.

70.Which of the following statement is not true about Mark Twain? A) He is considered the best author in American literature. B) He fell in love with Olivia Langdon when he saw her picture. C) He was a successful lecturer as well as famous writer. D) He completed his last work when he was 74 years old. Passage 3

Long before the white man came to the America, the land belonged to the American Indian nations. The nation of the Cherokees ( 柴罗基部落) lived in what is now the southeastern part of the United States. After the white man came, the Cherokees copied many of their ways. One Cherokees name Sequoyah saw how important reading and writing was to the white man. He decided to invent a way to write down the

spoken Cherokee language. He began by making word pictures. For each word he drew a picture. But that proved impossible------there were just too many words. Then he took the 85 sounds that made up the language. Using his own imagination and an English spelling book, Sequoyah invented a sign for each sound. His alphabet proved amazingly easy to learn. Before long, many Cherokees knew how to read and write in their own language. By 1828, they were even printing their own newspaper. In 1830, the U.S. Congress passed a law. It allowed the government to remove Indians from the homes. The Cherokees refused to go. They had lived on their lands for centuries. It belonged to them. Why should they go to a strange land far beyond the Mississippi River?

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Fake Commodities. You should write no less than 100 words, and base your compostioi on the situation given in Chinese below. Remember you to write it on the Answer sheet II. 1. 假冒伪劣商品是个严重问题。 2. 一些原因导致了这种现象。 3. 为了扫除假冒伪劣商品,······



Phonetics (10 points )

B) treat

C) pleasure

D) pleasant Directions: 1. A) treasure 2. A) insist 3. A) fame 4. A) fly 5. A) hell 6. A) vague 8. A) uneasy

B) persist C) inside D) assist B) game C) damn D) same B) party C) county D) tiny B) hesitate C) hen D) hero B) value C) vanish B) union C) unit

C) lest

D) valley D) universal D) lend 7. A) obvious B) object C) occupy D) obey 9. A) warn B) warm C) farther 10. A) lecture B) legal

IV. Cloze (10 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET.

There are 61 homes in China today that do not have a TV set. Most people, old and young, like to spend some time watching TV for 62 relaxation or amusement after a day’s work or study. Television has become an essential part in our daily life, keeping us 63 of the news, instructing us in many 64 of interest, and entertaining us 65 singing, dancing and acting. In some places, it is possible for people to go to school by watching TV, so a person may get good education at home.

Children are 66 viewers of television. They are 67 fond of their TV programs that they often forget their meals and go to bed very late. This 68 their parents very much. Some

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D) war

parents keep 69 that their children spend too much time on TV. But, 70 , there is no need for them to worry about it. In spite of the fact that their children spend less time on their lessons, they are benefiting a lot from television indeed.

61. A) few 62. A) neither 63. A) informed 64. A) parts 65. A) for

B) a few B) weather B) noticed B) fields

C) little C) either C) performed C) aspects C) permanent C) very C) worries

D) a little D) whether D) acquired D) kinds D) with D) keen D) too D) influences D) however

B) in C) to

66. A) normal B) forever 67. A) such B) so 68. A) surprises 69. A) complain

B) amazes B) complaining

C) to complain D) complained

70. A) in fact B) as usual C) though

V. Reading Comprehension ( 30 points)

Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage.

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual in the sort of environment in which he is reared (养育). If an individual is handicapped (残疾的) environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the case in history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster (收养的) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor

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educational opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was reared as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intelligently. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark’s IQ was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested roughly the same level.

71. The best title of the passage could be___________. A) Measuring Your Intelligence B) Intelligence and Environment C) The Case of Peter and Mark

D) How the Brain Influences Intelligence

72. Which of the following can sum up the main idea of the passage? A) Environment is important in determining a person’s intelligence. B) Human brains differ considerably.

C) The brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligence. D) Persons having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence. 73. According to the passage, the average I.Q. is __________. A) 85

B) 125

C) 110

D) 100

74. The case in history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that __________. A) individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same level B) an individual’s intelligence is determined only by his environment C) lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence

D) changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain 75. This passage suggests that an individual’s I.Q.______. A) can be increased by education C) can be predicted at birth

Passage 2

Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:

The fact that blind people can “see” things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color. If they can sense color differences then perhaps we too, are affected by color unconsciously.

Manufacturers have discovered by trial and error that sugar sells badly in green wrappings,

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B) stays the same throughout his life D) is determined by his childhood

that blue foods are considered unpleasant, and the cosmetics (化妆品) should never be packaged in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole discipline of color psychology that now finds application in everything from fashion to interior decoration. Some of our preferences are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore associated with passivity and calm, while yellow is a day color with associations of energy and incentive (刺激). For primitive man, activity during the day meant hunting and attacking, while he soon saw as red, the color of blood and rage and the heat that came with effort. And green is associated with passive defense and self-preservation. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because of their physiological associations, also have a direct psychological effect. People exposed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat, and blood pressure. Red is exciting. Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite effect. It is a calming color. Because of its exciting connotations (涵义), red was chosen as the signal for danger, but closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alertness and alarm, so fire engines and ambulances in some advanced communities are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop the traffic dead.

76. Manufacturers found out that color affects sales . A) by training over a long period of time B) by experimenting with different colors C) by trying out color on blind people

D) by developing the discipline of color psychology 77. Our preferences for certain colors are . A) associated with the time of day B) dependent on our character C) linked with our primitive ancestors D) partly due to psychological factors

78. If people are exposed to bright red, which of the following things does NOT happen? A) They breathe faster.

B) They feel afraid. D) Their hearts beat faster.

C) Their blood pressure rises.

79. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A) Color probably has an effect on us which we are not conscious of. B) Yellow fire engines have caused many bad accidents in some advanced communities.

C) People exposed to pure blue start to breathe more slowly. D) The psychology of color is of some practical use.

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80. Which of the following could be the most suitable title?

A) The Discipline of Color Psychology. B) Color and Its Connotations. C) The Practical Use of Color.

Passage 3

Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:

Charles Steinmets, at the age of twenty-seven, was already famous as an electrical genius and was becoming known as a warm-hearted, unusual character. One bitter winter day, an electrical engineer entered Charles’ small laboratory to discuss a problem. He found the youthful scientist working in an overcoat, fur cap and boots, his hands blue with cold. The engineer could not resist asking Charles why he hadn’t built a fire. Charles replied that a mouse had babies in his stove and they were not old enough to move.

Born in Germany over a century ago, Charles specialized in mathematics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. In 1889 he emigrated to the United States and found work in a factory located in Yonkers, New York. Although he was offered an important job by the General Electric Company he decided not to accept it. Soon however, the General Electric Company purchased the company in Yonkers where Charles worked. He then moved to Schenectady, New York, and continued his experiments. Out of his laboratory came many experimental discoveries and over two hundred patents. Around that time electricity was used only as direct currents, flowing in one direction. It could not be sent more than several miles from the generator that supplied the power. The experiments that Charles conducted helped the electrical industry move forward in giant strides. One of his major contributions was the simplification of alternating current. In addition to his books on the theory of alternating current, he was also known for studies of lighting.

81. This passage is mostly about . A) the growth of the General Electric Company B) the character of the famous scientist C) working conditions for scientists D) a mechanical engineer

82. The passage refers to “direct current”, what does it mean in this story? A) the flow of an electrical charge B) a small factory C) an electrical cord

D) something that is happening right now

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D) Color and Feelings.

