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A Course in English Language Teaching
主 讲:姚向礼
教 材:《英语教学法教程》 主 编:王蔷
绪论 外语教学法主要流派
Teaching approaches & Methods
Approaches & methods of Language Teaching
① 拉丁语教学法,指(15-16世纪)为欧洲语言的极盛 时期,学校里教授作为外语之拉丁语的直觉模仿法。它在(15——16世纪)为语法模仿法:16世纪末到17世纪,由于民族语渗入学校,拉丁语教学法主要为词汇模仿法。先后提出了自觉性原则和直观性原则。这一时期的两大代表人物①惜提哈(ratch1571-163500))②夸美纽斯教学法Conienius(1592_1670)
① 德国论点是通过经验与分析去学习一切。认为只从理论途径得到的记忆才是可靠的。词汇翻译法,自觉对比法,认真教学法。 二、联结性的教学法学派
自然教学法(绝对排斥本族语的教学法) 直接教学法(自然教学法发展起来的)(一种习惯) 听说教学法 视听教学法
功能教学法(又名意念法,交际法或意念——功能—交际法 三 、综合性的教学法学派 ,来源于直接法与翻译的综合
折衷法(又是极端) 分阶段教学法
一、语法翻译法(Translation Method)
The grammar translation Method(Reading Method ,classical Method ).In China, it is called old method and is probably the most widely known and has been the most widely used of all approaches to language teaching .Although there have been many developments in language teaching, especially in the teaching foreign language ,grammar-translation method in still used today in various forms .And the main drill in translation.
The mains features are as the followings.
1.Classes are taught in the mother tongue,with little active use of the target lauguage. 2.Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isofated words. 3.Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given. 4.Little attention explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.
5.Often the only drills are exercises in translation disconnecfecl sentences from the target language into the mother tongue.
6.little or no attention is given to pronunciation. 希腊文、拉丁文、通过翻译来学习外语。
2.在外语教学里利用文法、利用学生的理解力,以提高外语教学的效果; 3.着重阅读,着重学习原文或原文文学名著;
4.使用方便。只要教师掌握了外语的基本知识,就可以拿着外语课本教外语,不需要什么教具和设备。 Disadvanfudges:
1.忽视口语教学。在教学里没有抓住语言的本质; 2.忽视语音和语调的教学;
5.强调死记硬背,教学方法单一,气氛沉闷,不容易引起学生的兴趣。 二、直接法(Direct Method) 它也叫自然法(Natural Method ),心理法(Psychological Method),口语法(Oral Method ),改良法(Redormed Method),在中国最早叫直接法。它含三层意思:直接学习、直接理解、直接应用。
心理学家提出的态体、学习的学说,叫直接法的语法归纳教学法。 Advantages:
A.强调直接学习外语和直接应用外语,使学生能真正掌握外语工具; B.强调口语和语音教学,抓住了外语教学的实质; C.注重实践练习,培养语言习惯;
E.采用多种直观教具,广泛运用接近实际生活的教学方式和方法,较为生动的进行教学,大大的提高了外语教学的质量,丰富了外语教学法的内容; F.编选教材,注意教材的实用性与安排上的循序渐进。 三、循序直接法(Graded Direct method)
有两个特点:循序和直接,由Richards倡导的。 1.两步走的外语教学思想。
培养初步能力(听说读写)打好运用外语的坚实基础,然后在这个基础上进一步扩展词汇和语法,着重提高学生的阅读能力,使之全面掌握外语,(English through pictures)《英语图作》 2.直接学习英语
在使用本族语,不通过翻译,不用作解语法概念,使之直接整句的学英语,在大量的接触,直接操练中掌握英语,养成使用英语的习惯。 3.循序教学
有一定的顺序,由具体到抽象,由简单到复杂,由已知到未知,只有严格的、具体的按此顺序排教材进行教学,才能保证直接教学的顺利进行。另一顺序,由听到说到读,最后到写,四步训练。 4.句子情景法 通过简笔画。
四、听说法(Audio-Lingual Method or Aural-oral Method) 特点:1,语言是说的话,而不是写出来的文字。 2,语言是一套习惯。
4,语言是本族语使用者说话的,而不是某人认为应该说的话。 5,语言各不相同,依这样的基本观点,听说法遵循以下教学原则: A.重视听说,兼顾读写。 B.反复操练,形成习惯。 C.围绕句型,学习语言。 D.对此结构确定难点。
五、视听法或情景法(Audio-visual Method or Situational Method)
It's widely used at the time of writing aimed a very large number of text books are based on it. But also has important links with the Audio-lingual method , esp . as for as the way the language to be taught is organized.
To speak of the audio-visual method would be incorrect .Also in this case ,we are again dealing with a conglomeration of approaches which differ on from the other, and which have as their most important commons element that they all attend a great deal of important to the use of visual elements. As for as the objectives of FLT are concerned, these approaches also have a common interest. namely the fact that they reserve first place for oral skill .The audio-visual method as a group being largely to the category of the direct method ,not only from the point of view of objectives ,but also because of view they table of teaching procedure. They have come to be the foreground esp. in the last few decades ,mainly because of the improve facilities which the method technology of producing visual informal has made available .since the Audio-visual method were developed, It will come as no surprise that their psychological and linguistic principle show considerable resemblance to those of other direct method dating from this era ,the most important of which in the audio _lingual method.
Unit 1 Language and Learning
1.Teaching Aims:
To discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching, such as common views on language and language learning, qualities of a good language teacher.
2.Teaching Content:
1) How do we learn language? 2) Views on language 3) Views on language learning 4) What is good language teacher?
5) How can one become a good language teacher? 6) An overview of the book
3. Teaching Hours: 6 periods 4. Teaching materials: 1) Textbook 2) Handout 3) Vediotape 5.Teaching Methods:
1) Lecture ( Computer-aided Instruction) 2)Demonstration
6. Teaching Procedures:
1) Information about language and language learning
Three views about the nature of language: There are many possible theoretical positions about the nature of language. Here are three different views which explicitly or implicitly is reflected in current approaches to language learning. A. The structural view of language
The structural view of language is that language is a system of structurally related elements for the transmission of meaning.
a. These elements are usually described as phonological units (phonemes)
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grammatical units (phrases, clauses, sentences)
grammatical operations (adding, shifting, joining or transforming elements) lexical items (function words and structure words) b. Target of language learning
The target of language learning, in the structural view, is the mastery of elements of this system.
c. Methods based on this view
Some of the language learning methods based on this view of language are:
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the Audiolingual method Total Physical Response the Silent Way
B. The communicative view of language
The communicative, or functional view of language is the view that language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning. The semantic and communicative dimensions of language are more emphasized than the grammatical characteristics, although these are also included.
a. Here are some of the areas of research in this view of language: sociolinguistics ; pragmatics ; semantics
b. Target of language learning : The target of language learning is to learn to express communication functions and categories of meaning c. Approaches and methods based on this view
Some of the language learning approaches and methods based on this view of language are: communicative approaches
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functional-notional syllabuses The Natural Approach
C. The interactional view of language
The interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and for performing social transactions between individuals.
a. Here are some of the areas of research in this view of language:
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interactional analysis conversational analysis ethnomethodology
b. Target of language learning: The target of language learning in the interactional
view is learning to initiate and maintain conversations with other people. c. Approaches and methods based on this view
Some of the language learning approaches and methods based on this view of language are:
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Strategic interaction
communicative approaches2) Teaching Methods in the Language Classroom:
FL teachers must provide students with adequate teaching methodology and time, as well as appropriate vocabulary and learning activities that will allow for the development of verbal skills.
There is no single \methods are best employed during the different stages of the teaching and learning process and then design curriculum to meet their final objectives/goals. a. Grammar Translation:
The Grammar Translation method started around the time of Erasmus (1466-1536). Its primary focus is on memorization of verb paradigms, grammar rules, and vocabulary. Application of this knowledge was directed on translation of literary texts--focusing of developing students' appreciation of the target language's literature as well as teaching
the language. Activities utilized in today's classrooms include: questions that follow a reading passage; translating literary passages from one language to another; memorizing grammar rules; memorizing native-language equivalents of target language vocabulary. (Highly structured class work with the teacher controlling all activities.) b. Direct Method:
The Direct Method was introduced by the German educator Wilhelm Vi?tor in the early 1800's. Focusing on oral language, it requires that all instruction be conducted in the target language with no recourse to translation. Reading and writing are taught from the beginning, although speaking and listening skills are emphasized--grammar is learned inductively. It has a balanced, four-skill emphasis. c. The Silent Way:
The teacher is active in setting up classroom situations while the students do most of the talking and interaction among themselves. All four skills (listening, speaking, reading & writing) are taught from the beginning. Student errors are expected as a normal part of learning; the teacher's silence helps to foster self-reliance and student initiative.
d. Community Language Learning:
Teachers recognize that learning can be threatening and by understanding and accepting students' fears, they help their students feel secure and overcome their fears of language learning--ultimately providing students with positive energy directed at language learning. Students choose what they want to learn in the class and the syllabus is learner-generated. e. Natural Approach:
Introduced by Gottlieb Henese and Dr. L. Sauveur in Boston around 1866. The Natural Approach is similar to the Direct Method, concentrating on active demonstrations to convey meaning by associating words and phrases with objects and actions. Associations are achieved via mime, paraphrase and the use of manipulatives. Terrell (1977) focused on the principles of meaningful communication, comprehension before production, and indirect error correction. Krashen's (1980) input hypothesis is applied in the Natural e. Reading Method:
The reading method was prominent in the U.S. following the Committee of Twelve in
1900 and following the Modern Foreign Language Study in 1928. The earlier method was similar to the traditional Grammar/Translation method and emphasized the transference of linguistic understanding to English. Presently, the reading method focuses more on silent reading for comprehension purposes. f. ASTP and the Audiolingual Method:
This approach is based on the behaviorist belief that language learning is the acquisition of a set of correct language habits. The learner repeats patterns and phrases in the language laboratory until able to reproduce them spontaneously.
ASTP (Army Specialized Training Program) was an intensive, specialized approach to language instruction used in during the 1940's. In the postwar years, the civilian version of ASTP and the audiolingual method featured memorization of dialogues, pattern drills, and emphasis on pronunciation. g. Cognitive Methods:
Cognitive methods of language teaching are based on meaningful acquisition of grammar structures followed by meaningful practice. h. Communicative Methods:
The goal of communicative language approaches is to create a realistic context for language acquisition in the classroom. The focus is on functional language usage and the ability to learners to express their own ideas, feelings, attitudes, desires and needs. Open ended questioning and problem-solving activities and exchanges of personal information are utilized as the primary means of communication. Students usually work with authentic materials (authentic realia) in small groups on communication activities, during which they receive practice in negotiating meaning. i. Total Physical Response Method:
This approach to second language teaching is based on the belief that listening comprehension should be fully developed before any active oral
participation from students is expected (just as it is with children when they are learning their native language) . James Ashers' Total Physical Response:
1) Skills in second language acquisition can be more rapidly assimilated if the teacher appeals to the students' kinesthetic-sensory system. Asher believes that understanding of the spoken language must be developed in advance of speaking.
2) Understanding and retention is best achieved through movement (total movement of the student's bodies) in response to command sequences. Asher believes that the imperative form of language is a powerful tool that can be used to guide them to understanding as it manipulates their behavior--many of the gramatical structures of the target language can be learned through the use of the imperative.
3) Never force students to speak before they are ready. Asher believes that as the target language is internalized, speaking will automatically emerge (you must decide, as the teacher, when YOU will encourage your students to participate orally in the classroom).
1. What are difference between learning the first language and a foreign language? 2. What are the qualities of a good language teacher? To what extent have you got these qualities? What do you think you should do so as to become a good teacher in the future?
3. What are the qualities of good language learner? What do they suggest to language teaching?
Because students are not familiar with these theroy on the language and view of the language, it is very difficult to help Ss understand it. So it requires T explain it in details with the help of clare illustration and examples by using vediotapes. To get students read more on linguistics and schools of language methors is also necessary.
Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Activities
1.Teaching Aims:
To discuss one of the most important trends in second/ foreign language teaching in the past three decades, that is the practice of communicative language teaching
2.Teaching Content:
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