
更新时间:2023-07-24 11:50:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


江西省鹰潭市余江实验初中 金光华

Did you eat your breakfast ??

go through the day without breakfast


Why kids should eat breakfast every day

Why do people go to work without breakfast?

More and more people, especially young kids, go through the day without having breakfast. They think it is unnecessary, or they say they don’t have time to eat, and they begin their day with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities.

Please read the article as quickly as you can and try to find answers to the following questions.

1.How many reasons does the writer give? 2.What are the reasons?

1. Is it healthy to let your stomach be empty all day? 2. What will happen if you don’t eat breakfast?

3. What if you do?

The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health. When you go to school without breakfast, you could possibly get sick. It’s not healthy to let your stomach be empty (空的) all day long. You will stay away(远离) from diseases if you eat breakfast in the morning.

Do you know??

after breakfast

before breakfast

1.If you don’t eat breakfast, your body can still work well. F 2. Eating breakfast will make you succeed in learning. 3. A full stomach is bad for classes.



Another reason for eating breakfast is that you need to have a full stomach to do well in your classes. Your body and your brain are not going to work as well as they can when you have no energy. When you try to learn something but have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have trouble succeeding.

What does the writer suggest ?

You have to know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is better to wake up early and have a good breakfast than run to school without eating anything.

Eating breakfast is the best way to start your day.

CFor your health Get sick Without breakfast Stay away from diseases With breakfast

an you?

Why kids should eat breakfast

Do well in classes

CFor your health Get sick Without breakfast Stay away from diseases With breakfast

an you?

Why kids should eat breakfast

Do well in classes

CFor your health Get sick Without breakfast Stay away from diseases With breakfast

an you?

Why kids should eat breakfast

Do well in classes

Body and brain will not work No energy

Have trouble succeeding Nothing in stomach

CFor your health Get sick Without breakfast Stay away from diseases With breakfast

an you summarize?

Why kids should eat breakfast

Do well in classes

Body and brain will not work No energy

Have trouble succeeding Nothing in stomach

without breakfast , get sick, eat, energy, health, have trouble succeeding, unnecessary, wake up

without breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, more people go to unnecessary work_________. They think it is ______ or they say they don’t have time ______.But I to eat think everyone should eat breakfast. First, it is

for your_______. Second, the reason health for eating breakfast is that you need to energy have _______to do well in classes. If you get sick don’t eat breakfast, you will _______or you will_________ when you want to learn something. So wake up _______and eat your breakfast! have trouble succeeding

What is healthy lifestyle?




What is healthy lifestyle?


good sleep

healthy food

Stay away from diseases

have energy to do well in classes

get good grades

Now please write an article about your healthy lifestyle using the instructions above.

