Dyned business english unit 5~6
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Sonia Scott Course: Dynamic Business English Unit 5
Decision Making
Sonia Scott
Sonia Scott is in charge of sales at Federal Motors. The company is going to open a branch office in Sydney Australia. The company has decided to open a branch office in Sydney because the auto mobile market there is getting bigger. As sales manager, Sonia has to make many decisions. When making a decision, she has to weigh one choice against another. The decision she has to make now is a difficult one.
Sonia must decide who is the best person to send to Australia to open the new office. The candidates she is considering are Bob Francis and Ed Smith; (Both Bob Francis and Ed Smith are being considered.) They are both responsible to her. Of the two, Bob is probably the better choice. (She thinks Bob is probably the best choice for the job.) He has been with the company for a long time and he has experience opening up new offices. She knows he can be relied on to do a good job. However, Bob had a wife and children. (He can always be counted on to do an excellent job. The problem is that Bob has a family and he doesn’t want to go without them.) According to company policy, no overseas housing will be provided for his family. The company doesn’t provide family support unless the move is for 2 years or more. If he goes, he will either have to sell his house or leave his family behind. If he leaves his family behind,
he’ll have to live by himself for a year. As a result, he may refuse to go to Australia. If Sonia insists that he go overseas, he might even leave the company. The other candidate she is considering is Ed Smith. Ed is younger than Bob and he is single. So it would easier for him to make the move. He doesn’t have as much experience as Bob does, but he has a lot of ability. This would be a good opportunity for him to prove himself. Sonia has discussed the situation with both candidates. She needs to make a decision as soon as possible. (The decision has to be made as soon as possible.)
Bob Francis
Miss Scott wants Bob to go to Australia for a year in order to open up a branch office in Sydney. Bob would enjoy the challenge but it would be difficult for his family. There are several possibilities. If he takes his family with him, he’ll have to sell his house, so that they can afford to live in Australia. If he has to leave his family behind, he’ll miss his wife and children and his marriage may suffer. If he refuses to go, it may hurt his career at Federal Motors. The assignment in Australia is a good opportunity. If he does well, there’s a good chance that he’ll be promoted. If he refuses to go, Sonia will have to send someone else, and he would even be fired. Bob wants the company to provide him with additional housing allowance if he accepts the job. In that case, he could
afford the keep his own house and take his family with him. He hopes the company will agree to his request. His boss Sonia has the authority to make the decision. If she won’t compromise, Bob may have to look for another job. Bob would like to help his company, so he hopes solution can be found.
Ed Smith Ed knows he is being considered for an overseas assignment. He has always wanted to get some International experience, but until now he hasn’t had the chance. He knows this could be an important step for his career. However, he has mixed feelings about being posted in Sydney. He wouldn’t mind living in Australia, but he would rather be sent to Europe or Japan. He thinks that experience in Europe or Japan would be better for his career. There have been many changed in Europe and the market there is going to become even more competitive. The situation in Far East and Japan is also changing fast. However, Ed is bad at learning languages and he has heard that Japanese takes a long time to learn. Whatever happens, he’ll do his best. Though he lacks experience, he is confident that he can do the job.
Dynamic Business English Unit 6
This airplane the X-2 is being developed by United Industries. If it’s successful, it will greatly reduce the costs of air travel. It’s made of light-weight materials and its engines are fuel efficient. Everything is computer controlled and its extremely reliable. An important feature of the X-2 is its automated landing system. This system is designed to land the plane automatically. This means that the plan can land even without a pilot. The X-2 is going to be tested tomorrow. The test is scheduled to begin at 10:15 tomorrow morning. Engineer will test its automated landing system. It will be the final test in a series of tests designed to check its performance in different situations. They want to confirm the reliability of some of its backup systems. These backup systems would be needed if any of the primary systems failed. In its previous tests, the X-2 has performed well. (Engineers estimate that there is a 99% chance of success.) According to the company, there is a high probability that the test will be a success. A successful test means that the X-2 stays on course and lands within a small target area. However they are a bit worried that there may be a bad weather. The system is supposed to work in all weather conditions, but a bad storm might cause a failure. If the weather is bad enough, it won’t be safe to land. Very strong winds can make it impossible to land safely. Depending on the weather, the test may be delayed. Bad weather can cause all sorts of problems. Dangerous
wind conditions could cause the test to be rescheduled. According to the latest weather information, a storm is on the way. Whether or not the storm arrives tomorrow depends on wind and other factors.(According to the weather forecast, a storm is moving in the direction of the test area.) The X-2 is scheduled to touch down on the runway ten times during the text. The purpose of tomorrow’s text is to check the reliability of backup system. A different combination of backup systems will be used for each landing. A group of demonstrators may also try to step tomorrow’s test. United sales its products to many different countries. Some of products are used for military purposes. The demonstrations are against companies like united. They would like to cut defense spending and put technology to work for peaceful purpose. A successful test means that the X-2 will follow the correct flight path and land right on target. A successful test is important for the company. A successful test will result in increased airplane sales. If the X-2 does well, several major buyers will order it. A number of orders have already been received, but they depend on the results of tomorrow’s test. As you can see, increased airplane sales will keep United ahead of its main competitor, Advanced Technologies. Another result of a successful test will be United’s development plans. If the test is a success, the R&D department will begin working or the next model, the X-3. The manager of the R&D department will also be give a raise and a bonus. A successful
test will also mean the production of the X-2 will begin as scheduled, in 3 months. The company’s present model, the X-1, will be phased out of production. The X-1 has been an excellent product for United. However, it is now out of date and can no longer compete successfully with other products.
The failure Suppose that the X-2 were to fail its test tomorrow. Now let’s look at what would happen. A test would mean that the X-2 hasn’t followed the correct flight path or has landed outside its target area. A test failure would be bad for sales. Purchase orders would be canceled, a and projected sales for the year would decline. As a result, customers would take their orders to Advanced Technology, United’s main competitor. If that happened, it would be bad for sales. United’s competitors would benefit from test failure. Airplane sales at Advanced would increase; and AT would become the industry leader. This would be a disaster for United Industries. In the R&D department, they would have to find out the cause of the failure. Instead of moving on to the next model, R&D would have to continue to work on the X-2. There would be no salaries increases and no bonuses. In fact, some people in the department could even lose their jobs. Production plans would also be affected. Instead of beginning production of the X-2 in three months, the company would have to continue with the X-1. There is even the
possibility that the assembly line might have to be shut down. A test failure would also hurt the company’s shareholders. Its stock price would go down. If that happened, its shareholders would lose money. (In terms of production, everything would have to be delayed.) United has invested a lot of money in their X-2 project, so tomorrow’s test is important. Whatever the outcome, tomorrow’s test will have an important effect on the future of United. In many countries, the defense issue is controversial. Some people think it’s important to invest more in a strong defense. Others think that defense spending is wasteful and dangerous. They think it is more important to invest in other areas, such as the environment, education, or energy conser vation. Finding a balance between these points of view is difficult, but important to us all.
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