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学术英语口语测试技巧 Tips for Oral English Examination

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The whole process may be divided into three parts: 1. Lead-in(引入) 2.discussion(讨论) 3.couclution(总结)

Tip 1: Talk About Your Hobby or the Weather First

Okay you may start your topic with the weather or your hobby which related to the issue. Say:

Words to describe the weather

1. sunny ,mild, nice, amazing, great, awesome, wonderful,


2. Overcast, dull, gloomy, broken, not settled… 3. PM2.5, smog, haze

4. cold, chilly, freezing, piercing, biting,


1. I am interested in… 2. I am crazy about… 3. I enjoy doing… 4. … is my favorite 5. I prefer… to…

6. I would go for this one because… 7. I hate…

8. It?s annoying to do… 9. I can?t stand…

Tip 2:Ways to Put Forward Your Own Idea

(Are you still claiming your idea beginning like: I think blablabla… Try the following ways to start your topic.)

1. Personally, I think/feel/believe/suppose… 2. In my opinion/ in my eyes… 3. My view on…is that… 4. I?d like to point out that 5. As far as I?m concerned

6. To begin with, we may say that 7. In the first place, I want to say that

Tip 3: Ask for your partner’s idea when you have nothing to say to avoid silence and continue the discussion.

1. What do you think about…? 2. What would you say about…? 3. How do you feel about…? 4. Do you have an idea on…?

5. I was wondering what your opinion of…was…? Tip 3: Agreeing with an Opinion

1. 2. 3.

Topic 1: Do you prefer a fuel cell powered car, a traditional IC engine car, or a hybrid(混合动力) car? Why?

Part 1:Lead-in Have you ever notice the charging posts in the south part of our campus. Many electrical taxis are charging there. New energy cars are becoming more and more common in our daily life. They are designed to solve the energy shortage, and the pollution problems. So what kind of car do you prefer? The fuel cell car? The traditional IC engine cars? Or the hybrid cars?

Part 2: Ideas IC engine car: advantages and disadvantages Advantages:

1. cheaper than the new energy cars. 2. convenient to fill up.

3. More powerful than the new energy cars. 4. Travel a longer distance for one filling.

5. It is a mature technology which has been developed over one hundred years.

Thus it is more reliable.


1. I t pollutes the air;

2. emits carbon dioxide and other green house gas;

3. Gasoline is nonrenewable, and will be used up someday. Fuel cell powered car: advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

1. Produce only water, and have no emission, also environmentally friendly. 2. ……


1. Its power density is not as high as IC engine cars. 2. It is not convenient to get refueled.

3. The infrastructure is not yet completed, thus it will set many limitation to the fuel cell cars owners.

Hybrid car: advantages and disadvantages.

What is a hybrid car: A hybrid vehicle uses two or more distinct types of power, such

as internal combustion engine plus electric motor


1. The level of its emission of carbon dioxide is lower than the recommended level set by Environmental Protection Agency.

2. It has the capacity to store and reuse recaptured energy in the stop-and-go city traffic system, thus it reduce fuel.

3. It can be a great transition when we are not ready to abandon gasoline. Disadvantages:

1. The battery has a short life span, so it will cost a lot to replace the battery. 2. The battery can cause pollution. 3.……

Part3: conclusion We may prefer different kinds of cars. But one thing is for sure our vehicle for the future will be cheaper, faster and most importantly, cleaner.

Topic 2: What do you know about Mars? What is the importance of space exploration?

Part1:lead-in So have ever seen the science fiction “The Martian”? It is a film that talks about the survival story of an astronaut Mark Watney, who was left alone and presumed dead after a violent sandstorm. Life in Mars is really different from earth. It is really a miracle for Mark to return to earth safely. The film really arouses my curiosity about Mars and the whole universe. So how do you guys feel about that?

Part2: discussions

Characteristics of Mars:

1.Atmosphere: the atmosphere mainly consists of 98% carbon dioxide 2% argon(氩), %2 nitrogen(氮), and traces of oxide and water.

2. Climate and season: Mars has a wide range of temperature, due to its thin atmosphere; the season on Mars is earth-like, but it is twice of earth year.

3. Distance from earth and sun: the fourth planet from sun, and the second smallest planet in the solar system.

4. Red surface—caused by iron oxide

5. Comparison to earth in mass, gravity, volume…

The importance of space exploration:

Space exploration not just satisfies our curiosity it has some other meaning.

It boom technologies, help us understand the world, understand how it works. Most importantly when we look into the whole universe we will find who we are, we will get to know ourselves better. We will find our planet unique and beautiful thus we

may protect it better.

Topic 3: What types of energy source would you like to promote? Why? Part1:lead-in Every moment we are using energy. Now we are using air conditioner to get cool; we central heating to get warm; in ancient times people use fire to roast food... but now as we are developing our industry ,we consume more and more energy, as a result we are now facing serious environmental problem and energy crisis. Now we have got many kinds of energy to choose, like solar power, hydroelectricity, wind power, biofuels, nuclear power… so which one do you guys want to promote suppose we are now nation leaders~

Part2: discussions 1. Nuclear power:

It is efficient, cheap, but dangerous at the same time. There have been some disasters, like the Chernobyl disaster. It will take decades to clean up the effect. 2. Wind power:

Not efficient, expensive 3. Solar power:

Limitless recourse, but it cannot be widely used

The rate of transforming sun light to electricity is low.

But it is necessary in some cases, such as in distant island… Part3: conclusion …

Topic 4: Why do you think Darwin is so great? Or Lincoln? Or anybody else you consider great?


Darwin and Lincoln were born on the same day Feb. 12, 1809. Both of them have leaded a great revolution. One of them is a scientist the other one is a politician. And both of them have had a great impact on the world we live now. So how can we tell who is more important, who is greater than the other? What are your opinions?

Part2: discussion Darwin:

Supports: Darwin is greater, for he risked his health and reputation to put forward the idea that we human are just part of the nature, not over nature. He is brave. And his adventure the voyage on Her Majesty?s Ship Beagle was unique and irreplaceable, because no other scientist could have the experience, on other scientist could collect a great deal of sample as he did.

Objections: Darwin is not that great! Imagine Darwin was not born the theory of evolution will be come up by other scientist. He was not the only one who had the idea.


Supports: Lincoln ended the civil war which claimed thousands Americans? life. He was a political genius and he knew how to use language how to make a public speech to get people?s attention. He knew the art of language and at the same time he created his own style or rather the American style.

Objection: Lincoln is not as great as Darwin. Lincoln just made difference inside America. He stopped the civil war and made a revolution. But it cannot be compared to Darwin?s contribution, which had a great impact on everyone?s mind in the world. He challenged the religion and free people?s mind…

Part3: couclusion Yes when we think about who is greater, we must see their impact on the world, and we can try to imagine what our world will be like if they were not there. So now we find that it seems Darwin is more important for his theory has had a long lasting effect on the world we live now, till now many scientists are still study the evolution of species, and the history of human?s evolution.

Topic 5: What is happiness? And how can we make life happy?

Part1:lead-in Do you still remember the interview “are you happy”, made by CCTV during one national day years ago? A man said “my first name is ?Zeng?”. The man just misunderstands the journalist or he just says that deliberately. so if you are asked the same question what will you say, what is your understanding of happiness, and how will you make a happy life.

Part2: discussion 1. What is happiness?

It is not just a kind of emotion, it also contain the feeling of contentment, well-being, quality of life… 2. How to make a happy life?

Make friends, do sports to keep fit, help others, keep a positive mind. Do things you like…

Part3: conclusion Here I have got a chicken soup for the soul:

Happiness is no depending on how large your house is, it is how many laugh in the house that matters;

Happiness is not depending on how luxury your cars are; it is you that you arrive home safely that matters;

Happiness is not how beautiful your lover is; it is that your lover?s bright smile that matters.

Topic 6: Discuss how to tackle(处理) negative emotions in life such as

frustration, depression, anger, etc.

Part1: lead-in There are times when we are distressed by some negative mood. We all have the experience of quarreling with a friend or the experience of failing an exam, or having some inexplicable sadness caused by the bad weather or something else. Negative emotion really harms one, so is there any good ways to tackle it, and help one to lead a bright life?

Part2: discussion Ways to tackle bad mood:

1. Learn to talk out. When we are facing some depress we can always talk about it with our friends. In this way you can get advices from your friends, and release yourself.

2. Get a good sleep. After a good sleep, you can be more energetic and more relax. It is a good way to reduce pressure and get rid of bad mood.

3. Smile to yourself. According to some researches expression can change people?s mind. We all know that our expressions are reflections of our heart; also our heart will cooperate with our expression. For example when we feel sad a big smile will make you feel better.

4. Do sports. When you are doing sports you get motivated not only physically but also mentally. Part3: conclusion …

Topic 7: Discuss how automation would change our lives in the future.

Part1:lead-in Have you ever seen the American film “Surrogates”(未来战警)? In the film everyone has his surrogate robot to replace them in the real world, and they themselves just lay in bad, and control the robot with their brain waves. Maybe that is surreal, and just some kind of imagination, but one thing is for sure our life will be greatly changed by robot by automation.

Part2: discussion In home:

There may be household robot to make dinner, clean the floor, and even pick up children for us. And it may be possible that we all have our personal robot doctor like Baymax (大白)in the “Big Hero Six”, to take care for us. And we may also have a full-automatic car which can help us plan traffic route, help us drive the car like we are having a personal driver. In laboratory:

In laboratory we can have robot and automatic machines to help us deal with some experiments which is dangerous or which inquire high precision and high quality.

In factory:

In fact many factories are highly automated now. Automation can help factory to produce products with high equality. Maybe few workers will be needed in factory. And thus there will be job loss.

Part3: conclusion Our life in the future will surely be changed by automation and we will enjoy the convenience it brings with us. As more labor being released we can do something more creative and leave the hard work to our robots O(∩_∩)O~

Topic 8: Discuss potential hazard(风险) and consequences of people’s overreliance(过度依赖) on high-tech.

Part1: lead-in There is no doubt that high-tech make our life more convenient and easy. We are getting used to the convenience it brings us, but do you notice that high-tech gets involved too much and we over reliant on it. It is true that high-tech stops our evolving?

Part2: discussion Overreliance on computer:

Now many people are used to type words with computer, handwriting become rare. And character amnesia (also called take pens, forget character) become more and more common among many people. And when we are typing English words the computer can correct the wrong words automatically for us. Our overreliance on computer may weaken our ability to write. Overreliance on internet:

We are getting used to surf the internet to search for information, to search for ideas. There are a mass of information on line, and with easy approaches people become unwilling to think by themselves. Overreliance on internet may make us lose the ability to think deeply.

Overreliance on automation:

Machines help us too much. They help us clean the house, they help us wash clothes, and they lift us upstairs, even one just lives on the second floor he will not lose the opportunity to take a lift. Overreliance on automations has taken our chance to do things by ourselves. We lost the ability to tack care of ourselves without the help of machine.

Overreliance on smart phone:

Now we chat mostly through our mobile phone. We use QQ, We Chat to communicate with our friends and family. We are getting used to chatting on line. However we cannot communicate well when face to face.

Part3: conclusion OMG here we finally come to the final conclusion. High-tech makes our life easy but

we still have to pay attention to its bad affects. We cannot reliant too much on it. We have to find the balance, so that we can truly lead an easy life.


Whish you all have a good grade in the oral English exam.

