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- 房屋所有权证书编号推荐度:
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The People's Republic of China Ownership Card of the Building
Supervised by Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Registration Code :xxxxx
Ownership Card No.00XXX
It is issued and certificated in order to safeguard the owner’s rights and benefits according to Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and City Estate Management Law of the People’s Republic of China.Hereby Certificate.
Issued by: The Bureau of BeijingBuilding and Land Administration (Seal)
Owner Location Land Mark Building Number X Total Share Person Name Status of Building
XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX Room Number X Structure Brick and Cement Total Floor Six Classification Floor Six Private property Construction Area (sq.m.) XXX XXX Purpose of Building Residence Share Certificate Number from to Summary of Land Usage Land Number Right Type Useful-life Workable area (sq.m.) Y M D to Y M D Summary of Other Right Obligee Type Range Value (YUAN) Set Date Limit Period Logout Date
Issued by (seal): The Bureau of Haidian
Building and Land Administration Issued Date: 8 March 2009
Register Form of Beijing Real Estate
Page 2 of 2 Area Unit: Square Meter Location XXXX District XXXXX Purpose of Building Structure Residence Rooms X X Fill in by: Auditing by: (seal)
Classification Land Area (sq.m.) XXX Valid Temp Private Land Mark XXXXX Base area Remark Owner Name Bungalow Area (sq.m.) Building Number X Subtotal Total Total Floor XX Room Number XXX Building Area (sq.m.) Built Time Bungalow and Building Area (sq.m.) Invalid Base Area Workable (sq.m.) Area XXX XXX Construction Area (sq.m.) XXX Brick and XX Cement XXX Note: There are rooms constructionsq.m. shared with neighbor not include in above area.
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