Differences between Chinese and American Cultures In Mulan and Mulan

更新时间:2023-09-07 05:35:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Differences between Chinese and American

Cultures in Mulan and MulanⅡ

Abstract: culture is the basis of intercultural communication. When Chinese come into contact with American, is easy to make cultural conflicts because of the behavior pattern, points of view and customs differences. Through analyzing the two Disney movies Mulan and MulanⅡ, we can know some cultural differences between these two countries.

Key words: cultural difference; Mulan and MulanⅡ; Values

1 Introduction

Mulan is the first time for Disney to make ancient costume animated film. As the cultural differences between China and the western countries, Disney Company has met great difficulties. However, the Chinese ancient character attracted a large amount of attentions from Chinese as well as western audiences.

2 Similarities and differences between Mulan and MulanⅡ

The first movie Mulan’s whole story is mainly from Chinese ancient story. Despite some of the American values we can see the Chinese traditional culture and Chinese values. By contrast, MulanⅡ was a movie that made up by American. Even though it was said to undertake the last one, the story line showed view of American values instead of traditional Chinese views. In the second movie, American fully expressed their values of individualism, freedom, equality and openness. As the hero General Shang stood for the traditional Chinese person and Mulan stood for the American, conflicts were shown through the movie.

However, both of the movies express the feeling of love and love is at the first rank, and then comes to nation, therefore what both movies emphasize is personal feelings. It fits the American individualism.

3 Collectivism VS. Individualism

China is a collective country. People closely tight with their family and expect their in-group to look after them. Chinese attach important to their family and always consider that filial piety is the best virtue. So according to the Chinese ancient story, Mulan was conscripted in

place of her father because of her filial piety. But in the movie, when Mulan was found to be a woman and left by the army, she expressed her feeling to her little family guardian Mushu that maybe she did not join the army for her father, but for proving that she can do it. She just wanted to fulfill her personal value. And it fits American individualism which is more emphasis independence.

4 Hierarchy VS. Feminism

Even though Mulan joined the army as a man, according to The Mulan Ballad of China, Mulan was not found by other soldiers that she was not a man. Otherwise, as women ranked the lower position and they were forbidden to join the army in the ancient China, Mulan’s action could have caused her being killed as the rule. On the opposite side, Mulan was found during the period of fighting in the movie, but she did not suffer any punishment. That is because in American, people stress freedom, even feminism, so they just set free Mulan. Then in the following parts of the film, Mulan played a vital role of the war. Disney used an exaggerate way to romance Mulan’s hero figure, showed the heroism and feminism of America.

5 Nation or Individual? Responsibility or Love?

In the movie MulanⅡ, General Shang and Mulan had to protect the princesses Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei to Qui Gong for the marriage in order to maintain the league between the two nationalities. As a matter of fact, the three princesses did not satisfy with the arrange marriage. They had not met the princes they were marriage to. But they had no choice; they were educated that to serve the empire was an honor. As princesses they had to do that. On the way of their journey, they all found their true love. They had to make decision to stop for their or keep going for the country. Mulan was a person that represented freedom and true love, she supported the lovers and felt happy to them, even though it mean going against the order. General Shang did not agree with her. He believed true love in his heart. However, as a general of the country, he had to finish his task and took responsibility to protect the country from invasion. At last, true love won; freedom won.

Through the movie, audience can see the western values everywhere. For example, the princesses would to be normal girls and have an ordinary life so that they had no need to be restricted by the rules of the empire. It showed the American freedom and individual. Another example, in the ancient China, soldiers were never permitted to approach the princess, they had to keep distance. Also, the princess would not break the rule easily as they were in higher rank. But in the movie, they just got together. It is easy to see American openness and equality.

6 Conclusions

From The Mulan Ballad to Disney cartoon movie Mulan, we can see the cultural differences, conflicts and communications. It is an intention of international culture that people cannot resist but to push it toward a good direction.

7 References

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[3]沈彦斌. 《木兰辞》与美国动画电影《木兰》所体现的中西文化差异[J]

