Unit 8 Economic Growth is a Patch to Perdition by HU Dan(1)

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Economic Growth is a Path to Perdition, Not Prosperity

Wayne Ellwood

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Part I: Words & ExpressionsWords Phrases Sentence Pattern

orthodox establish ment

sailing into choppy waters set (rigid) boundaries trapped in


Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Part I: Sentence Paraphrase But 150 years ago, Darwin was sailing into choppy waters. The Church of England had set rigid boundaries, and his thesis was clearly a challenge to the orthodox view that humans were a separate, unique part of God’s creation and that all life was divinely created and unchangeable.establish strict rules limiting your thinking or action

used figuratively here meaning entering a dangerous field where you can easily get into serious trouble

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Words & ExpressionsWords Phrases Sentence Pattern Grammar

sustaining feasible underline resurgence

drummed into a (recent) turn of events churn out prime the pump

Consider this:…

there are no limits to the wealth we can create… Growth equals progress. has only been around since

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Part II (Sec. 1): Sentence Paraphrase The equation has been drummed into us for so long that it’s received widsom. Growth equals prosperity and jobs. Growth equals progress..

become widely accepted

force sth to be learned by sb by repeating it over and over again

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Words & ExpressionsWords Phrases Sentence Pattern Grammar


untenable liquidate

putting a (heavy) strain on…; hit the nail on the head; tip the balance; Play out

The footprint approach does the reverse, comparing…

…contain about the same amount of energy as…

we are well past (the ecological limits to growth) … at a breakneck speed. This translates into…

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Words & ExpressionsWords Phrases Sentence Pattern Grammar

Ingenuity decouple Swamped

the lion’s share get by on the crumbs whistling in the dark ramping up

… …average improvements of 2% a year were eclipsed by growth rates of 3%

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Words & ExpressionsWords Phrases Sentence Pattern … producing more waste than the environment can absorb…; …where poverty is entrenched and living standards desperate Grammar

alluring entrenched

captured by ratchet back

we have been living beyond our ecological means… …

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Part III: Sentence Paraphrase Justice demands that we in the rich countries ratchet back our growth and clear some space for those who need it. The fate of planet Earth may depend on it.What does it mean?

throw up/vomit what you have eaten too much

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis A. Financial markets crash B. Property values plummet C. Bankruptcies pile up D. Unemployment soars E. Social pathologies multiply F. Tax breaks and fiscal stimulus will boost investment, production, and jobs.

Exercise 1.

资产价值狂跌 2.减税和货币刺激措施将 促进投资、提高生产、增 进就业。 3. 金融市场暴跌 4.大量公司破产 5.失业人数激增 6.社会病态现象增加

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis A. climate regulation B. water cycle C. natural waste treatment D. biocapacity E. deplete stocks of resources F. combustion of fossil fuels G.greenhouse gas emissions

Exercise 1. 水循环 2.自然界的废物处理 3. 温室气体排放 4.气候调节 5.化石燃料的燃烧 6.用尽大量资源 7.生物承载力

Warming up

Check-on Preview

Match the words with their correct meaning in the text.1. hone 2. proponent 3. (tax) breaks 4. foul 5. way (above the average) a. reductions or exemptions b. pollute; make dirty c. to a great distance or extent; very far d. to revise and polish until it is perfect e. advocate, supporter, defender



Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Part II (Sec. 2): Sentence Paraphrase Napoleon said that an army marches on its stomach; our modern globalized economy marches on oil. But it’s a Faustian bargain.

be willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy a limitless desire for…;also a deal with the devil or pact with the devil.

an army needs a regular supply of food in order to keep on fighting

Text Analysis

Detailed Analysis

Part II (Sec. 3): Sentence Paraphrase Even on its own terms, growth isn’t working.

in one’s own way; according to one’s own conditions; by its own

isn’t having the intended effect or result. Please elaborate

Warming up

Questions / Activities

How do you understand the cartoon below?



Warming up

Questions / Activities

Please answer the following questions 1. What is the author’s main argument? 2. If economic growth is a path to perdition, as claimed by the author, then in what way(s)? 3. Do you agree with the author? Why or why not?



Warming up


Understand the arguments and reasoning in the text Explore connections and possible conflicts between economic growth and environmental protection Explore connections and possible conflicts between economic growth and social equality (well-being)W T B R

Economic Growth is a Path to Perdition, Not Prosperity

Unit 8








Wayne Ellwood editorial and feature writer for New Internationalist magazine has been writing for the New Internationalist since 1979 this article, first published in Oct. 2010, is entitled Nature’s Bottom Line his other articles include: Redesigning the Global Economy, The World Trading System is Corrupt and Unjust, The No-nonsense Guide to Globalization, Life Beyond Growth, etc.W T B R

