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请点击修改第I卷的文字说明 评卷人 得分 一、阅读理解

I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled(贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other. War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming, “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute without a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled(爬) under her covers, weeping. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart,

Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn’t noticed Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me. “Thanks.”

Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn’t always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on. 1.What made Kate angry one evening? A. She couldn’t find her books.

B. She heard the author shouting loud.

C. She got the news that her grandma was ill. D. She saw the author’s shoes beneath her bed.

2.The author tidied up the room most probably because______. A. she was scared by Kate’s anger B. she hated herself for being so messy



C. she wanted to show her care D. she was asked by Kate to do so

3.How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed? A. By analyzing causes. B. By showing differences. C. By describing a process. D. By following time order.

4.What might be the best title for the story? A. My Friend Kate B. Hard Work Pays Off C. How to Be Organized

???线????○???? D. Learning to Be Roommates

There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise. Some people believe that they can’t help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat. Here are some more myths:

I’ll never lose weight--I come from a fat family

Wrong! While we can't change the body type we are born with, we can't blame our genes for making us fat. There's plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habit of eating too much and exercise too little. I am fat because I burn calories slowly

Wrong! Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism(新陈代谢).In fact, although fat people consume more energy than slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake mom accurately. Exercise is boring

Wrong! Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively. The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that's fun as well as progressive. If you enjoy a Sunday walk, take a different mute. If you do yoga, try a Tai chi class. If you like swiping, set yourself a distance or time challenge. No pain, no gain

Wrong! Exercise is not meant to hurt. Indeed, pain is you body telling you something's wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury. You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this is your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly. If they don't, rest and seek medical advice.

5.What does the author think about being fat? A. It is the family genes that make people fat.

B. People are fat because they consume too little energy. C. A diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat. D. It is the consequence of people's unbalanced lifestyle.

6.According to the author, how can we make exercise mom interesting? A. By taking varied exercise. B. By choosing simple exercise. C. By doing regular exercise. D. By sticking to outdoor exercise. 7.What is the author's opinion about \ A. Keeping lit is essentially a painful experience.

B. Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt. C. Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.


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D. Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body. 8.What is the purpose of the passage? A. To declare the importance of keeping lit.

B. To clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise. C. To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.

D. To explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.

The idea of being able to walk on water has long interested humans greatly. Sadly, biological facts prevent us ever accomplishing such a thing without artificial aid---we simply weigh too much, and all our mass pushes down through our relatively small feet, resulting in a lot of pressure that makes us sink.

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But fortunately there is an alternative : cornflour. By adding enough of this common thickening agent to water (and it does take a lot), you can create a “non-Newtonian” liquid that doesn’t behave like normal water. Now, if the surface of the water is hit hard enough, particles(粒子)in the water group together for a moment to make the surface hard. Move quickly enough and put enough force into each step, and you really can walk across the surface of an adequately thick Liquid of cornflour.

Fun though all this may sound, it’s still rather messy and better read about in theory than carried out in practice. If you must do it, then keep the water wings handy in case you start to sink--and take a shower afterward!

9.Walking on water hasn’t become a reality mainly because humans______. A. are not interested in it B. have biological limitations C. have not invented proper tools D. are afraid to make an attempt

10.What do we know about Basilicus basilicus from the passage? A. It is light enough to walk on water.

B. Its huge feet enable it to stay above water. C. It can run across water at a certain speed.

D. Its unique skin keeps it from getting wet in water.

11.What is the function of the cornflour according to the passage? A. To create a thick liquid. B. To turn the water into solid.

C. To help the liquid behave normally. D. To enable the water to move rapidly.

12.What is the author’s attitude toward the idea of humans’ walking on water? A. It is risky but beneficial.

B. It is interesting and worth trying.

C. It is crazy and cannot become a reality.

D. It is impractical though theoretically possible.

One moment it was quiet and calm in the forest, the next, the air was charge with tension. The



elephant had heard the distant alarm calls of animals and her mood suddenly changed. I urged the elephant deeper into the forest. We sounded like a forest fire --- cracking, snapping, trailblazing. But through all the noise came a sharp warning cry. The elephant stopped and we heard it again --- the tell-tale call of a spotted deer.

I looked quickly around the shadows of the forest. Rays of sunlight shone through tree branches, beneath which the patchwork(交错)of green plants and shadows-within-shadows would make tiger stripes(条纹)look more attractive. Apart from an occasional noise from the elephant’s stomach, the forest was silent.

Gradually, the tension slipped from our bodies. The elephant seized a nearby branch and put it into its mouth. I reached forward and gently moved my hand over the elephant’s neck; there was a soft part, free of wrinkles and hairs, behind her ear.

???线????○???? This was my fourth time to sense the aura of the forest in Corbett, although I saw no tigers in the end. Located at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, Corbett is home to about 135 Bengal tigers, but the forest seemed to be guarding their whereabouts(出没处), a silent reminder of their secrecy and rarity. Still, I was happy enough touching the elephant behind the ear. If I had so desperately wanted to see a tiger, I could have gone to a zoo. After all, spotting tigers merely confirms their beauty; tracking them can make you aware of something more. 13.Which of the following was a clear signal of alarm? A. The elephant stopped. B. A spotted deer called.

C. The elephant seized a branch. D. The forest was silent for a while.

14.The author begins his account of the tour in the forest mainly by _______. A. describing various sounds B. comparing different animals C. listing different activities D. introducing various plants

15.What does the underlined part “to sense the aura” most probably mean? A. To see the diversity. B. To enjoy the scenery. C. To feel the atmosphere. D. To experience the freedom.

16.How does the author feel after several visits to Corbett? A. Seeing a Bengal tiger is quite thrilling.

B. It is very time-consuming to travel in Corbett.

C. It is really worthwhile to study the animals in Corbett. D. The process of finding Bengal tigers is most appealing.

India now leads the world in smartphone growth. It saw a 55% increase in the number of smartphone in 2014. The number of Web users increased by 37 %. Smartphones were the source of 65 % of its Internet traffic and 41 % of its e-commerce, according to a report by the analyst Mary Meeker, titled “Internet Trends 2015”.

India’s Internet boom has started. Within three or four years, almost every adult in India will own a smartphone. They will be used to order goods, read news, monitor crop growth and so on.

Indian adults will be very interested in these devices just as young Americans are. 87 % of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 who own smartphones say they never separate from these: “My smartphone never leaves my side.” Four out of five say that the first thing they do


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on waking is to reach for their smartphones. And three fifths believe that in the next five years everything will be done on mobile devices.

In the business world, the rise of mobile platforms is dramatically transforming many industries all over the world. What Indian software developers have to do is to start thinking about solutions to old problems by using all the features of these new devices. They need to take advantage of the unique properties of smartphones and tablets. As Indian software developers and enterprises master the smartphone, they will be able to export their solutions to the rest of the world.

This will make possible a new tech revolution that is greater than what created India’s IT industry in the 1980s and 1990s. We can expect the rapid transformation of India when a billion people become connected and have equal access to information and services. ??○ __○?___?_?___??__?:?号?订考_订_?___??___??___??:级?○班_○?___?_?__?_?___??:名?装姓装_?__?_?___??___??_:校?○学○????????外内????????○○????????17.Loads of numbers are used in Paragraph 1 to show _____________. A. India’s smartphones increase most rapidly in the world B. India has the most advanced IT industry in the world C. India will be a superpower pretty soon

D. India will export new smartphones to the rest of the world

18.What will most young Americans do first the moment they wake up? A. Read news. B. Shop online.

C. Get their smartphones. D. Check e-mails.

19.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. India is the largest mobile maker in the world.

B. Indian farmers use smartphones to monitor crop growth..

C. Indian software developers have made great profits by selling their products abroad. D. India saw a great boom in IT industry some 30 years ago. 20.Which can be the best title of the text? A. More people, more smartphones

B. No dream, every Indian owns a smartphone C. At hand, India’s next tech revolution D. A small smartphone, a big use 评卷人 得分 二、七选五

We all wish we had just a bit more time. Just think what you could do with an extra hour or two each day: you could finally stick to an exercise routine, or clean the house, or write your novel, or learn the guitar and so on.

21.But I can help you find more hours in your day for the things that really matter. Get Out of Bed Earlier

If you normally get up at 7; 30 am, try getting up at 7:00 am. That half-hour might not sound like much, but it could be time that you use to exercise, to read that book you've been meaning to finish. 22.

Do the Important Tasks First

Once you get to work, get the important ones done first (not the easy ones, or even the urgent ones).You can afford to spend at least an hour working on big, important tasks rather than on all those little urgent ones.

23.The urgent tasks will still get done, and you won't miss the important ones. Reduce Interruptions


