体验英语3 1~5单元 passageA 9题答案(英译中)

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1. Look at the relationship between the tree and its environment and you will see the future of the tree 了解这棵树与其环境的关系,你就可以预见它的未来 2. These are two elements that are not inexhaustible.


3. Once we reach the point of no return, there will be nothing left for future generations


4. Can you please share your wisdom with our readers and tell us where you see the environmental crisis heading? 能否请您与我们的读者交流一下您的高见,告诉我们环境危机会朝什么方向发展呢? 5. Too many of us just sit back and say “I’ll let the experts deal with it.” 多数人习惯袖手旁观,还说“让专家们去处理这些问题吧!”

1. Quit smoking now and you will be healthier. 现在戒烟,你将会更健康。

2. Although the plan has been made, it is not unchangeable.


3. Once the situation reaches the point of no return, a crisis is inevitable in the near future 在不久的将来,一旦情况达到无可挽回的地步,危机是不可避免的

4. You should share your opinion with other students and listen to what they think about this issue 你应该分享你的看法与其他学生,听听他们怎么看待这个问题 5. We can’t just sit back and pretend it’s none of our business. 我们不能只是坐下来,假装这不关我们的事。


1. They might have thought him slow, but there was something else evident. 他们差点就误认为他是反应迟钝,但有一个明显的事实大小了他们的疑虑 2. All he could do was stare with questioning eyes.


3. Hermann Einstein brought Albert a device that did stir his intellect.


4. The invisible force was evidence to Albert that there was more to our world that meets the eye. 这种无形的力量,证明艾伯特有更多的世界,满足眼睛。 5. He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic. 他认为美在于简朴

1. You might have thought plastic bags convenient, but they can result in serious pollution. 你可能会认为塑料袋方便,但他们可能会导致严重的污染。

2. All the doctors could do is ease his pain, without an effective cure for his disease.


3. The Nobel Prize winner made a speech that did stir our students’ interest in science. 诺贝尔奖得主发表讲话,激发学生学习科学的兴趣。

4. The strange radio signals from space were evidence to scientists that life might exist in outer space 这个奇怪的无线电信号从空间传来的证据,证明了科学家在外层空间的生命是可能存在的 5. The judge was convinced that she had nothing to do with the murder. 法官确信她与这件谋杀案无关。


1. American mothers have long believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap


2. People were told that Ivory was “so pure that it floats,” and the notion took hold.


3. So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination. 使用象牙香皂给小孩子洗脸、洗手、洗屁股的人不计其数

4. The company’s big break came with the introduction of its floating soap.

漂浮肥皂的退出,使公司有了巨大的发展 5. Mothers tend to frown on the practice. 妈妈可不喜欢孩子们这样做

1. We all know when it comes to sending a message fast and at low cost, nothing beats e-mail


2. The products made in China used to be cheap toys, T-shirts, etc., and the impression took hold until Haier started to change it.

中国过去制造的产品知识便宜的玩具衣服等等,这个给别人留下的印象。一直维持着直到海尔改变了它。 3. The music band started only two years ago, but their popularity in Europe beats the imagination. 这个乐队开始仅仅两年前,但在欧洲喜欢他们的人已经不计其数了 4. The writer’s big break came with the publication of his third novel. 这个作者三本小说的出版是他重大的转折

5. Board members tend to frown on the cut of the annual bonus. 董事会成员反感削减年度奖金。


1. Severino Antinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name . 塞维利诺 安蒂诺里是一个富有的意大利医生,在他名下有一连串治疗不育症的私人诊所 2. Antinori shot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs 七年前,安蒂诺里由于使用捐赠的卵子帮助高龄妇女成功生育,顿时名声大噪 3. But right now there seems to be little anyone can do to keep the cloners at bay 然而,现阶段想要阻止生育克隆,似乎任何人对此都几乎无能为力 4. Like it or not , the research is going ahead.


5. In jumping the gun , Dr Miracle and his colleagues are taking one hell of a risk. 孤傲早的开始,神奇医生和他的同事们的确面临着极大的风险

1. Tom is a poor man with only a shabby bicycle to his name .


2. She shot to fame after she played the leading role in the movie Titanic . 她在当了电影泰坦尼克号的主演之后快速成名了

3. The efforts to keep terrorism at bay would be in vain without international cooperation. 没有国际合作,牵制恐慌的努力只是徒劳

4. Like it or not , English has become the “link language” for large parts of the world. 无论你喜不喜欢,英语已经变为了全世界大部分人沟通的语言了

5. The newspaper jumped the gun and published the news before it was sure of its reliability. 报纸过早行动,在没有确定事件的真实性之前就发表了


1. It's one thing to use a word, it's another to explain it. 会用一个词是一回事儿,会解释可是另外一回事儿

2. He looked confused, a reminder that clever's not clever if it doesn't communicate. 他却一脸的迷惑,这是在提示我,如果对方没有明白,这词儿就不能算用得妙

3. I went on talking, as if a thousand vague words would add up to one accurate definition. 我继续往下谈,仿佛一千模糊字眼会加起来就是一个准确的定义。

4. I had no idea because the longer I thought about idioms the less sure I was what they were. 我没有办法,因为我越想用关于,就越没有把握说清楚惯用语到底是什么。 5. I can only trust that someone as curious as he is also owns a dictionary


1. It's one thing to talk about reforms, it's another to carry them out for real. 谈论改革是一回事,把它付诸实践是另一回事

2. He tried to say something funny to break the ice, but soon realized that clever's not clever if no one laughed at it. 他试着说一些有趣的事情去打破尴尬的局面,但很快意识到如果没有人笑这个笑话就不能算用得妙 3. He has studied at college for 7 years as if more degrees would add up to his success 他已经在大学学了七年,仿佛更多的学位就意味着离成功近了一步 4. She felt the longer she practiced the piano the less skilled she became. 她感觉她练钢琴的时间越长,就越不熟练

5. I assume someone as ambitious as he is will become somebody sooner or later. 我猜想他这么雄心勃勃,成为一个有作为的人物是早晚的事情

