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Part IIListening Comprehension

1. W: When was the last time you dusted the apartment? M: When was the last time my mother came over? Q: What does the man imply?

[B]【解析】女士问男士上次打扫公寓是什么时候。男士反问女士自己的母亲上次来是何时。言外之意是,男士上次打扫公寓是他母亲来的时候,而在那之后就没再打扫过,因此选B。 【点睛】①根据选项关键词cleaned,clean,apartment,mother's visit等可推测对话内容涉及到打扫公寓和母亲来访等。②女士只是问男士上次打扫公寓是什么时候,没有更多信息表明女士对公寓的干净程度挑剔,A推理过度;C“他不记得母亲什么时候来的”利用男士反问女士的原话制造干扰,并非男士的话暗示的内容;D“他母亲经常帮助他打扫公寓”不对,男士是在母亲上次来的时候打扫了公寓,没有信息表明他的母亲经常帮他打扫公寓。 2.W:Hurry up.Mark.There’s a bus coming now.

M:Why run?There will be another one in two or three minutes. Q:What does the man mean?

[C]【解析】女士催男士快点赶车。男士说“跑什么啊?再过两三分钟又会来一辆”。也就是说男士认为他们不妨乘下 一趟车。C所述与此相符,故为答案。

【点睛】①根据选项关键词bus stop,runnin9,take the next bus等可推测对话内容与赶车有关。②对话并未提及公交车站的距离.A“公交车站只有两分钟步行距离”利用男士话中的two or three minutes制造干扰,缺乏对话依据:女士催男士赶车,男士反问为什么跑,也就是说男士没有跑,故8“奔跑让他上气不接下气”属于无中生有;D“女士迟到了几分钟”也缺乏对话依据。

3.M:Laura.it seems that you are up to your neck in work.How come you’ve been so busy?

W:Miss Smith has asked for a sick leave,and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.

Q:What do we learn about the woman?

[C]【解析】男士问女士为什么这么忙,女士说Smith小姐请病假了,自己得接管她的工作几天。C所述与此相符,其中的do extra work“做额外的工作”是对女士原话中的take over her work的同义改写,for a few days与对话中的for a couple of days同义。

【点睛】①根据选项关键词replace Miss Smith,do extra work,working overtime等可推测对话可能与工作内 容有关。②A“她脖子疼”和D“她非常讨厌加班”分别利用对话中的原词neck和sick制造干扰,缺乏对话依据;B “她有可能取代Smith小姐”中的replace“取代(某人的职位)”是对女士原话中的take over her work的曲解。 4.W:Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring. M:Why don't you quit and deliver flowers with me? Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?


【点睛】①选项均以动词原形开头,一般考查建议、命令或打算。②男士用了典型的表建议的句型Why don’tyou??这种建议句型常设考点。③由对话可知,女士在食堂工作,她是对洗盘子这个工作厌烦了,B“买洗碗机”这个建议不符合对话情景;C“开花店”和D“自己创业”均与男士建议女士一起送花这个信息不符。

5.W:Rod,you said you’d take this package to the post office yesterday. M:Oh,no,it must have slipped my mind.

Q:What do we learn about the man from the conversation? [D]【解析】女士责怪男士“你昨天说会把这个包裹送到邮局去的”,男士说“it must have shpped my mind”.意思是他忘了。也就是说他答应的事没做到,D所述与此相符,故为答案。

【点睛】①根据选项关键词post office,deriver the package等可推测对话与送包裹有关。②A“他忘记把包裹落在哪里了”、B“他在去邮局的路上滑到了”和C“他想亲自送包裹”均是利用少量对话原词package,slipped,post office等制造的干扰项,与对话内容不符。

6.M:I'm not surprised that you didn’t like that movie.I found it really scary myseff.

W:So did l.I don't care much for horror movies as a rule. Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

[B]【解析】男士说自己理解女士为什么不喜欢那部电影,因为他也觉得那部电影很恐怖。女士表示同意.并重复了一 遍“我不怎么喜欢恐怖电影”。因此选B“女士不喜欢恐怖电影”。 【点睛】①根据选项关键词do not agree with,does not like,horror films,tickets,cinema等可推测对话与电影或对电影的看法有关。②男士和女士看法一致,故A“说话人看法不统一”与事实相反;C“一贯是男士买票,,利用对话原词as a rule制造干扰,对话未提及买票的信息;对话中没有信息表明说话双方是否在电影院中偶遇。

7.M:My life experience tells me that love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too.

W:Your words remind me of this saving\. Q:What do we learn from the conversation?


【点睛】男士虽然对“爱情让人既幸福又痛苦”有亲身体会,女士也想到了类似的说法,但不能因此推断出男士和女士都不幸(A.或者他们的婚姻都不幸福(D),故A和D均应排除;男士和女士对爱情所持的观点类似,从对话语境中无法推断出B“女士比男士更敏感”。 8.M:How manv more chairs should I bring in for the forum,six or seven? W:Bring in all you can find.I'm expecting at least 20 participants. Q:What are the speakers tallking about?



Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One

M: Do you think there's discrimination against women in England today?

W: Certainly. And not just in education and work either, in many other fields as well. The tax situation for women is very unfair, for example. M: Are women better off in other countries then?

W: It depends on the country. [9]There's certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too.

M: Do you think the position of English women will improve?

W: In some ways it will, of course. [10]I'm sure more women will go out to work in the next 20 years.

But women have a much greater problem than this to solve. M: What's that?

W: The problem of men's attitudes. We can earn more money in the future, but I'm not sure we can change men's attitudes. You see, most men really think that women are inferior. Maybe we are physically weaker, but I don't think this means we are inferior. Then there's another problem. M: Yes?

W: The problem of women's attitudes. Lots of women are unhappy with their present situation, but most of them probably don't want to fight for change. It could be that [11]the women's liberation movement has to spend more time changing women's attitudes than it spends in changing men's.

M: One last question. Some supporters of the women's liberation movement believed that marriages should be abolished. You agree?

W: No, I don't. It can't happen. What may and should happen is that we teach men to spend more time looking after children and doing housework. 9.Where are women said to be less discriminated against?



10.What will happen in England in 20 years ac-cording to the conversation? [D]【解析】女士说她相信在接下来20年里会有更多女性外出工作。D中的More women will work outside the family与对话中女士所说的more women will go out to work同义,故为答案。


11.What does the woman think the women’s lib- eration movement should do? [D]【解析】题目问女士认为妇女解放运动应该做什么。D“花多点时间改变女性的态度”为对话中女士所说的话的原词复现。故为答案。

【点睛】①选项均以动词原形开头,一般考查建议、命令或打算。(弧“努力保护妇女的权益”和C“帮助妇女获得更多职业技能”对话未提及:B“教导男性更尊重妇女”中的educate与对话结尾处的teach意思相近.但该处女士说的是教导男性多花时间照顾孩子和做家务,而非教导他们尊重妇女,故B应排除。 Conversation Two M: Cheers, Shirley.

W: Cheers, Paul. [12]What a lovely place for a business lunch. I hope I can concentrate in this heat.

M: I'm sure you will when I tell you about my ideas.

W: You know, I must say I was pleased to hear from you. But from what you said on the phone, everything is so sudden.

M: Well,[13]my father-in-law, who is also the Managing Director of Jayal Motors, has given me two weeks to prepare a report on the possibility of moving into the export market.

W: Ah, now, just one thing, Paul. Have you really thought the whole idea through? M: Of course, I have.

W: [14]Now the key thing in the whole operation is to get a good import agent, and you say the bank will help? M: I'm almost sure of it.

W: Preliminary studies are all very good, Paul. But if the product can't sell, then there's little use in expanding the factory.

M: Yes, I realize that, Shirley. But we have a very good product. The chief designer has just completed a new improved model.

W: I know your bikes have a very good reputation here, but you have to build up a reputation and a market in Africa. M: Yes, of course. But the immediate problem is that my father-in-law wants a detailed report by next Monday. Two weeks isn't enough time to prepare a report, So I need your help.

W: OK, Paul. You've convinced me. I must say [15]I admire your determination. 12.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

[A]【解析】根据对话开头的Cheers“干杯”和place for a business lunch“商务午餐场所”,可判断对话发生的地点为A“一家餐厅”。

【点睛】①选项均是表地点的介词短语,可见题目问地点。②B“酒店大堂”、C“男士的办公室”和D“女士的地方”均与对话提及的地点信号词不符。 13.What do we learn about the man’s father.in. 1aw?

[C]【解析】本题问男士岳父的情况。根据对话可知,男士的岳父是Jayal Motors的总经理(Managing Director),C是该信息的原词复现,故为答案。


D“他(男士的岳父)刚去了一趟非洲回来”中的 Africa在对话尾部提及,但为女士在提醒男士要在非洲这个海外市场建立声誉和开创市场时提及,与男士的岳父无关。 14.What does the woman think is important in the whole operation?

[B]【解析】题目问女士认为什么是整个操作的关键。根据录音可知,女士认为整个操作的关键(the keything in the whole operation)是一个好的进口代理商(a good import agent)。B“找一个好的进口代理商”与录音所述相符,故为答案。 【点睛】A“挑选合适的车型”和C“说服董事会的成员”分别利用对话原词model和convince制造干扰,与录音内容不符,应排除;D“削减产品成本”在对话中未提及。 15.What does the woman admire in the man?

[D]【解析】D“他的决心”重现了对话结束前女士原话(I admire your determination)中的关键词.故为答案。 【点睛】A“他的灵活性”、B“他的远见卓识”和C“他的聪颖”均与对话结束前女士的原话不符。 Section B Passage One

Scientists understand how twins are born.[16]Now, though, they are trying to explain how being half of a biological pair influences a twin's identity. They want to know why many identical twins make similar choices even when they don't live near each other. For example, Jim Springer and Jim Louis are identical twins. They were separated when they were only four months old. [17]The two Jims grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. When they finally met, they discovered some surprising similarities between them. Both men were married twice. Their first wives were named Linda, and their second wives were both named Betty. Both twins named their first sons James Allan. Scientists want to know what influences our personality. [17]They study pairs of identical twins who grew up in different surroundings, like Jim Springer and Jim Louis. [18]These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology. Researchers at the University of Minnesota studied 350 sets of identi-cal twins who did not grow up together. They discovered many similarities in their personalities. Scien-tists believe that personality characteristics such as friendliness, shyness and fears are not a result of environment. These characteristics are probably inherited. Scientists continue to study identical twins be-cause they are uncertain about them and have many questions. For example, they want to know \speaking?Can one twin really feel another twin's pain?\Perhaps with more research scientists will find the answers.

16.What are scientists trying to explmn according to the passage?

[A]【解析】本题问科学家试图解释什么。根据短文开头提及的“他们试图解释作为同卵双胞胎之一的事实如何影响双胞胎的个性特征”,可知A为答案。其中的being an identical twin是短文中being half of a biological pair的同义改写。


17.What do we learn about the twin Jims? [B]【解析】本题问双胞胎Jims的情况。短文两次提到他们的成长环境,表述分别为grew up in differ- ent families“在不同家庭长大”和9rew up in different surroundings“在不同环境下长大”。B“他们在不同环境下长大”与短文表述相符,故为答案。

【点睛】双胞胎Jims的首任妻子叫Linda,第二任妻子叫Betty。A“他们的第二任妻子都叫Linda”张冠李戴:短文只提到两个Jims都为第一个儿子取名叫James Allan.至于他们各自的第一个孩子是不是都是女儿就未提及,故C应排除;短文说的是两个Jims在分别了39年后重逢.D说的是“他们都在39岁结婚”。

18. Why are scientists interested in studying iden- tical twins raised in different families?

[Al【解析】本题问科学家为什么对研究不同家庭环境下成长的同卵双胞胎感兴趣。联系短文可知。原因在于这些双胞胎可以帮助科学家弄清楚环境(en-vironment)和生物学(biology)之间的关系。A所述与此相符,其中的relationship between environ-ment and biology与短文中的connection be-tween environment and biology同义。


