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Introduction of Human Anatomy& Osteology

Aihua Pan

Dept. of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Xiangya School of Medicine, CSU Email: panaihua@ QQ:1102975195




OUTLINEIntroduction of Human AnatomyI. What is Human Anatomy II. The classification of human anatomy III. The basic component of the human body IV. Aims of the study V. How to study VI. Anatomical terms

OsteologyI. General Description of Osteology II. The structure of bones III. Chemical composition IV. Development of the bones V. Functions of the bones

Introduction of Human AnatomyI. What is human anatomyHuman anatomy is the science which deals with the morphology and special

interrelations of the structure of thehuman body.

II. The basic component of the human bodyChemical level Cellular level Tissue level Organ level System level

Organismal level

Atoms Stomach Smooth muscle tissue

Molecule Digestive system Smooth muscle cell

Human body

Chemistry Biochemistry

Cell biology


Human anatomy

III. The classification of human anatomySystematic Anatomy Regional Anatomy Sectional Anatomy Digital Anatomy Functional Anatomy Macro-anatomy

HistologyCytology Embryology Micro-anatomy

1.Systematic anatomy① Locomotor ② Alimentary ③ Respiratory ④ Urinary ⑤ Genital ⑥ Circulatory ⑦ Sensory ⑧ Nervous ⑨ Endocrine

2. Regional anatomy① Head and Neck ② Thorax ③ Abdomen ④ Pelvis ⑤ Perineum ⑥ Limbs

⑦ Back and vertebral region

3. Sectional anatomy




4. Digital anatomy

中国男、女虚拟人(虚拟人Ⅰ, Ⅱ号 )

5. Functional anatomy

6. Histology

7. Cytology

8. Embryology

Varies Malformation

IV. Aims of the studyTo understand the normalmorphological structure, position and adjacency, growth and development pattern of human organs and systems, providing basic knowledge on learning pre-clinic and clinical medicine courses.


解剖学的地位孔子曰:“未知生,焉知死”。只有实现 生命价值的人,才能真正懂得死亡的意义。 生命现象的认识是循序渐进的,由整体到 部分,由宏观到微观,由个体到群体,由现象 到本质。医学教育关注“不知死,焉知 生”。 解剖学学习对于每个医学生而言,是窥探 并正式进入医学圣殿的第一步。

恩格斯:“没有解剖学就没有医学” 讨论:有人说中医无解剖,照此 推论,中医难道就不是医学?

V. How to studyHuman anatomy is

a practical science.We should attach great importance to the practice, as well as clinical correlation.Uppsala University (1477) Sweden

The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp ), 画家伦勃朗 (1606—1669 )

VI. Anatomical terms1. Anatomical Position

Erect position Face



2. Terms of the direction 上 superior 颅侧cranial 后Posterior 前anterior 腹侧ventral

背侧 dorsal

桡侧radial 尺侧ulnar

近侧Proximal 远侧distal


audal 下inferior

胫侧tibia 腓侧fibular

内Internal 外External

浅 superficial深profound

