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Unit 1

Exercise Vi 锻炼, 运动

1. How often _____you _______? Three times a week . p1 2. You?re getting fat. You should ___________.(多运动) n. 锻炼, 运动 U

1.The doctor advised him to ___________(多运动) 2.Jogging (慢跑) is a healthy form of ________. 练习, 训练 , C

1. You should do more ________ in math . 2. Please show me your ________book .

3. Doing morning _______ is good for your health. Hardly adv. 几乎不,几乎没有

1. I?m so tired that I ________(几乎不能) stay awake . 2. He hardly goes to bed before midnight, ________?

3. She hardly slept last night .=Hardly _____ she sleep last night . Ever adv 曾经

1. ______ you ever _______(be) to New York ?

2. It was ______________(最好的结果 ) they?ve ever made . 3. I ______________(live) in Shijiazhuang ever since I was born . Once adv 一次, 曾经, 从前


1. I shop _____________(一月一次). P2 2. I_________(meet) him once. 3. He once _______(live) in New York .

4. Once upon a time , there _______(be) an old man called Yugong . Conj 一旦

1. Once she _______(arrive) , we can start out .

2. Once you are sent there, there _______(be) no way for you to come back .

He will come back ________(立刻). Twice 两次, 两倍

1. She ________(see) me _______(two) in a day .

2. There are _______(两倍) as many girls as boys in the class. Time 时间, 时代,时期, 次, 钟点 1. It?s time ___________(go) to bed . 2. Time and tide______(wait) for no man .

3. We should be able to finish the work ____________(提前 ). 4. It?s good that you?ve got here _________(及时 ),I was thinking that I would have to be going all by myself. 5. We got to the meeting right ________( 准时). 6. My parents got home __________(同时 ). 7. It happens to everyone __________(有时 ).

8. “Time __________(change)”, the old man said happily .


9. My grandfather likes to talk about the old _______(time).

10. I have told you my name ______________(几千遍 ), and I won?t tell you once more .

11. What time is it _____( 填介词) your watch ? Internet 因特网

The boy ___________(上网 )twice a day . Program 节目,项目,程序

What?s your favorite ________(节目 )?p2

That was a United Nation?s _______(项目 ) _______(control) the spread of AIDS.

To be a good ___________(程序员 )requires a lot of technological knowledge and skills . Result 结果, 效果 C

1. Here are the_______(结果) of the student activity survey at Green High School .

2.Once you _______(work) hard, you _______(get) a good _____( 结果).

3. Have you got the _______(结果)of your exam? 4. As a result of the heavy rain, she didn?t come. Active adj 活跃的, 积极的

1. Some students are very _______(活跃的)and exercise every day .p3 2. Although he is over 80, he is still _______(活跃的).


3. This student is very active in class _________(活动 ).n 4. The boy prefers ________( 动作)movies .n

5. _______( 行动) speak louder than words.( 行动胜于空谈)n . 6. Think before you ______(行动 ). (三思而后行)v About adv.大约,到处, Prep 关于, 在各处, 四处 1. There are _______(大约)4,000 students in our school . 2. _________(四处找找)for the lost watch .

3. I hope I can travel __________( 周游世界)one day . 4. My father asked me _______( 关于)my exam .

5. What/How about ________(go) out for a walk after supper ? 6. I was about to leave when he came . Coffee 咖啡

Would you please give me __________(一杯咖啡 )? Chocolate n.巧克力

Eating too much _______(巧克力)________(be) not good for your teeth.

Drink v. 饮,喝 n 饮料 1.I love to _______(喝咖啡 ).p3

2.I don?t like soft _______(饮料 ). I?ll just _________(喝水 ). Health n 健康

1. So you see, I look after my _______(健康).


2. My_______(health) lifestyle helps me get good grades. 3. A lot of vegetables help you to ____________(保持健康 ) Habit n. 习惯

1. My eating _______(习惯 ) are pretty good . p5. 2. _______(习惯) are second nature . 习惯成自然 3. It?s a good _____(习惯 )_____(go) for a walk after supper. 4. Don?t get into the bad habit of sleeping late. Get into the habit of …养成....的习惯 Try v 试图,设法,努力

1. I try _________(eat) a lot of vegetables .p5 2. I _______(try) till I was tired.

3. ________(试一试 ).I think it will look perfect on you . 4. He?s _______(try) his best _____(learn) English . 5. Let?s ________(试验 )this new camera. 6. Can I __________(试一试 ). N Grade n 分数,成绩; 学年;

1. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good ______(成绩).p5 2. My sister is in the ________(五年级 ). 3. He always got high ______(成绩)in school . Better adj /adv更好的

1. Good food and exercise help me to ________(更好地学习 ) . 2. I didn?t feel well this morning, but I?m ________(好些 )now .


late adv.

1. I study ______(later) every night .p12

2. He left the company in _________(九月下旬 ). 3. She was ______(迟到 )school today . 4. She is in her late thirties .她快四十了. Until 直到

My friend waited for me ________(直到)5p.m He ______(not) leave until the rain _____(stop).

Unit 3

Plan n & v

1. Ask and answer questions and them write down your ____(plan).p14 2. Mary is busy ________(make plans) for her wedding .

3. I plan ______(work) until I have enough money to travel all over the world .

4. We are _____(plan) _______(visit) you this afternoon. Away adv.

1.I don?t like _______( go away) for too long. P15 2. Tibet is _______(遥远)from Beijing . 3. Call her _________(立刻,马上 ).

4. The village is only ________(一公里远 ) now . 5. The exams are still six weeks away.

6. I have______(be) away from my hometown for 10 years.


Send v.

1. ______(寄)me a postcard from Hong Kong ! p15 2. The company ______(send) him ____(work) in Xi?an. 3. My mother _________(派人去请 )a doctor .

4. China has successfully ________(发射 )many satellites. 5. The sun _____(发出 ) light and warmth . Postcard

1. Send me a _______(贺卡 )from Hong Kong ! p15 Ride n. 乘车旅行 v. 骑(马,自行车); 乘

1. The theater is not far from here. It?s just a five-minute bus ride . 2. Do you want to ______(搭车 )in my car?

3. Daddy, can you _______(扛我一会儿 ) on your shoulder? 4. Can I ______(骑你的自行车 )?

5. We went horseback _____(ride) the other day. Famous adj

1. The famous movie star is taking a vacation .p17

2. Xi?an is __________(以…..著名) the terra-cotta(陶瓦 ) warriors (战士,武士)兵马俑

3. Lu Xun is famous _____(作为 ) a writer. Europe n

1. I always take vacations in _______(Europe). P17 2. They are both _______(Europe) .


Something pron .

1. This time I want to do ________(一些不同的事情 ). P17 2. ______(可怕的事情 ) has happened . 3. I need something _______(drink). Lake

Ben is going to Canada?s Great ______(lake).p17 Leave v

1. He is _____(leave) the first week in June and staying until September. p17

2. Take it or _____( ) it . 要就要, 不要就算了. 3. I _____(leave) a note for him .

4. I?m going to _______(到…..去 )shanghai tonight . 5. Did you leave the water ___(run) the whole night? Countryside

1. I?m planning to spend time in the beautiful ______(农村 ). 2. Both of my parents grew up _______(在乡下 ). Nature n.

1. Is _____(natural) at its best in the spring ? 2. Try to look _____(nature) for your photograph . Forget v.

1. I hope I can _____( )all my problems! 2. He always forgets______(lock) the door.


3. I have _____(forget) the thing . Finish v.

1. I just finished ______(make) my last movie . p17 2. I had not finished _____(read) when the light went out. Tourist n

1. What should ______(tourist) take with them ? p18

2. Let?s go to Nandaihe . Nandaihe is less _______(tourist) than Beidaihe .

Unit 4 Take v 拿; 服用; 乘坐; 花费

1. Don?t forget to _________(带伞 )with you when you go out . 2. Have you ____(take) the cough medicine? 3. I will ______(乘地铁 ).

4. It ______(take ) four days ______(finish) the job. 5. Your son doesn?t ________(像某人 )you at all. 6. Let?s _________(散步 ) nearby .

7. You have been working since you got up . ______(休息 ) now. 8. Don?t _______(拿走 )your dictionary . I still need to use it . 9. Hey, come over here. _________(看一看)at this picture . 10. Go ______(洗澡). You’re covered in sweat .

11. I managed to ____(记下 )most of what the famous writer said in his speech .


12. ______(别紧张 ). We have enough time .

13. How much money do you want me to ______(取出)of the bank? 14. ______(脱掉 )your coat. It?s very hot inside .

15. The plane had already _____(起飞 ) when I arrived at the airport. 16. I enjoy _____(take) part in all kinds of activities organized by the Student Union .

Walk v 步行; 陪某人走; 遛

1. Let?s _______(走回家 ). It?s not far anyhow . 2. I?ll ________(陪你 )to the gate.

3. She ______(walk) her dog for an hour every morning . 4. Don?t try to run before you can _____(walk) . n.

Let?s __________(去散步 ). Train n 火车 v. 训练;培训 1. I enjoy traveling ________(坐火车 ).

2. He _______(train) his dog ______(help) the blind . 3. He was ______(train) to be a salesman . 4. passenger train 客车 goods –train 货车 5. express train 快车 stopping train 慢车 forty num

1. Life begins at ____(40) .人生始于四十.

2. The man began to learn to swim _______(在他四十多岁时).


1. I?m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money . p61

2. You?ve really _____(save) my life . 你真是帮了我的大忙. 3. John has decided ______(save) money for his old age. 存钱防老 4. She said that just to ______( 保全你的面子) . 5. Thank you for ____(save) my life . 6. You help _____(save) me a lot of time . Hold v

1. I?m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents . 2. He _____(hold) my hand tightly . 3. He was _____(hold) a book in one hand . 4. ____(坚持 )and you will make it . 坚持就会成功 5. He _____(hold) his breath and listened to her carefully . Rich adj

1. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 2. Iraq is rich in oil . Travel v & n

1. I also want to travel all over the world . p61

2. I wish I could ____(travel) around the world someday . 3. He likes to share his ______(travel) experiences with others . 4. The ____(travel) looked very tired .


Yet adv & conj 1. I?m not sure yet . p61 2. He is yet a child .

3. Beethoven lost his hearing, yet he continued to write great music . Over prep

1. We got over 1,ooo letters, faxes and e-mails from our readers about their New Year?s resolutions . 2. The news has spread ______(全国 ) . 3. I?ll ______(浏览 ) the newspaper .

4. ______(过来 ) and see our new house some day . 5. The little boy climbed over a wall . Fit adj & V

1. I think he is ______(适合 ) the job .

2. My grandfather is very ____(健康 ) for his age.

3. Many women choose to practice yoga to ____(保持健康 ) . 4. This hat doesn?t ____(适合 ) me . Foreign n

1. Look, there?s a ______(foreign) over there . 2. I want to learn several _____(foreign) languages . Teach v

1. He _____(teach) me English . 2. I ______(teach) myself English .


3. My sister is an excellent English _____(teach) . Build v

1. Her husband _____(build) up a large business during his lifetime . 2. The _____(build) are ______(build) a new house . 3. The new house ______(build) last year . Unit 11 Dish n

1. I do the dishes every day . p65

2. In my family my mom usually cooks for us, and my dad does the _____(dish) .

3. What?s your favorite _______(dish)?

4. Cold ____(dish) are usually served first in the West . Sweep v

1. Peter?s mother sweep the floor every day . p65 2. Who _____(sweep) the floor ? It?s very clean . 3. A new broom _____(sweep) clean . 新官上任三把火. 4. Please _______(sweep) away the garbage . Meeting n

1. I have to go to a meeting . p66 2. She is shy at the first _____(见面) .

3. Over a hundred people attended the ____(meet) . 4. Jim _____(meet) Peter in the street .


Hate v

1. Well, I hate some chores too , but I like other chores . p67 2. I hate _____(read) this novel .

3. I hate _____(go) out in such a cold weather . Borrow v

1. Teenagers ask their parents to borrow some money . p68 2. I _____(借) some books from the library . 3. My partner ____(借) some money to me . 4. Can I _____(借) the book for three days ? I’ll borrow an arrow to kill sorrow tomorrow . invite v

1. I would like to invite my friends to a party . p68

2. I said “Yes” to his ____(invite) to go to a concert with him . 3. I?d like ______(invite) you to dinner . Care v & n

1. Thanks for taking care of my dog . p69

2. Children need a lot of ____(care) and attention from parents .孩子需要父母很多的关心和照顾.

3. ______(当心 )that you don?t catch cold /not to catch cold . 4. _______(照顾好 ) yourself when I?m not with you . 5. Don?t worry about it . I?ll _____(处理 ) it .

6. I don?t ____(关心, 在乎) what he will do . That has nothing to do


with me .

7. I know you don?t _____(关心, 在乎 ) me at all . The only thing you _____(关心, 在乎 ) is money . 我知道你根本就不关心我, 你只关心钱.

8. He _____(care ) for sick animals when he worked in the zoo . 9. Be _____(care) not to fall .

10. He is walking on the ice ______(care) .

11. He is very ____(care) with his appearance . 他不修边幅. Feed v

1. Give him water and feed him . p69 2. He has five mouths ______(feed) .

3. The children _____(feed) grain to the chicken . 4. I?m ____(feed) up with typing all day long . 5. Pandas ____(feed) on bamboo leaves . Mine pron

1. Can I use your dictionary , please ? Mine is at home . p70 2. He is a friend of ______(I) . Unit 12 Radio n

1. What?s the best radio station ? p71 2. I don?t listen to ______( 广播) much . 3. They sent messages _______(介词 ) radio .


1. Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen . p55

2. China Daily is the first _____(国家的 ) English-language newspaper in China.

3. He has dual (双重的 ) ______(national) : Canadian and American . Han nationality 汉族 Gold n

1. Liu Xuan , the Chinese gymnast, won a gold medal at the World Championships when she was seventeen . p84

2. The 20 ______(金牌 ) winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14.

3. She got a ____(gold) necklace as her birthday gift. 4. She has a _____(gold) heart . 她有一颗美丽的心灵. The golden sunshine 金色阳光 Become v

1. When did she become a movie star? P55 2. He ______(become) a writer when he grew up . 3. She?s ______(become) more and more beautiful . Call v & n

1. It was a comedy called … p55

2. There is a ____(call) for you from London . 3. She is _____(call) Mary .


4. Please hang up . I will ________( 回电话).

5. If you need any help. Please _______(给我打电话 ) . 6. I _______(拜访 ) an old friend in my hometown . Kind adj

1. My grandfather is a _____(善良 ) old man. He often tells me stories . 2. Kind hearts are more than crowns . 善心胜于皇冠. Grandson n

He spends all his free time with his grandson. P56 Like father, like son . 有其父必有其子 Great men?s sons seldom do well . 富不过三代 Skate v

1. She started ice skating when she was four . p56

2. She became a ______(skate) champion when she was ten . p56 3. The ice is not strong enough ______(skate) on yet. Skate on thin ice 处在风险中 Tour v &n

1. She toured the U.S . when she was fourteen . p56 2. When did she ______(tour) the U.S ? p56 3. The ________(导游 ) is very friendly to us . Could modal v

1. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music . p57 .


2. He said that he ____(can) speak good English . 3. I wish I ____(can) fly . 4. _____(can) you do me a favor ? song n

1. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music . p57 .

2. The ______(song) are very popular at the moment . Person n

1. Is the person a man or woman ? p57 2. Anyway, that?s my ______(person) view. Alive adj 1. Is he alive ? p57

2. Look! The fish is still _____(live) .

3. It is the oldest tree _____(live) in the world .

4. The ____(live) are always considered more important than the dead .

A live talk show on the TV 现场电视访谈 “实况转播的” Asia n

1. The Chinese soccer team toured Asia last year . p58 2. China is an _____(Asia) country . University n

She goes to Tsinghua University , majors in English and management . p58


Number n

1. She becomes the number one women?s singles player in the ITIF. P58

2. ________(许多 ) people have heard about it .

3. Do you know _______ (数目 )the people who will go on the trip ? Unit 10 Grow v

1. What are you going to be when you grow up ? p59 2. The little dog ______(grow) a lot since I last saw it . 3. I plan _____(grow) some roses in my garden . 4. It is _____(grow) dark . Engineer n

His father is a software ______(engine) . Pilot n

He is a _____( ) with over twenty years? flying experience . Act v & n

1. It?s a kind ____(act) to help a blind man across the street . 2. He _____(act) a minor part in the play . 3. Think before you _____(act) 三思而后行

4. Jackie Chan is a great _____(act) , and Zhang Ziyi a good _____(act) . 5. You can take any necessary ______(act) . 6. I?m going to take ______(act) lessons . p60


Move v

1. He is going to move to New York . p60 2. I?m going to move somewhere interesting . p61 3. Please _____(move) the table over there .

4. I was deeply _____(move) by what you said the other day . 5. He was lying on the floor without _____(move) . Dream n & v

1. I had bad _____(dream) all night .

2. I have a dream of _____(travel) around the world . 3. I _____(dream) of you day and night .

4. I dreamed of /about ______(become) a singing star. Dream of the Red Mansion (豪宅) 红楼梦

a dream team 梦之队 a dream car 一辆梦寐以求的车 somewhere adv

1. I?m going to move somewhere interesting . p61 2. At last he found _____(somewhere ) to park the car . 3. Is there a post office _____(somewhere) near here? Artist n

1. I want to be an _____(art) .

2. I?m going to hold _____(art) exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents . Save v


