教师版牛津译林版8Bunit1 单元复习

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制作人:杨杨 审核人:葛娟


学生姓名 上课时间 授课标题 授课教师 班主任 主任审批 月 日 时— 时 8BUnit1 词汇复习及练习 1. 重点单词短语掌握 学习目标 2. 现在完成时学习 3. 注意练习中的易错点 重点难点 知识点的熟练运用 现在完成时中过去分词的准确变换


二.作业批改与讲解 三.知识点讲解与练习

1. Ago 与before的区别 【重点】:ago的时间着重点是现在或说话的当时,通常与一般过去时连用


【典例】We have studied English since five years ________. A. before B. ago C. on D. In My teacher left school 30 minutes ago. 翻译: 我的老师30分钟之前离开了学校。

2. 辨析just和just now的区别 词条 just Just now

3. past n. 过去 【考向】一词多义 词性 名词 介词 含义 过去,往事 示例 She was thinking of the past. 她正在回忆往事。 含义与用法 副词,意为“刚才”,常与完成时连用 “刚才,不久以前”,和一般过去时连用 示例 Eg. I have just finished my homework. 我刚刚完成家庭作业。 Eg. He was here just now. 他刚才在这里。 晚于,在……之后,过 It’s half past ten now. 现在10点半。 经过 Our car drove past the park. 我们的汽车驶过公园。 1


制作人:杨杨 审核人:葛娟 形容词 刚过去的 He has been ill in the past two weeks. 两周来他一直在生病。 4. present n. 现在,目前,其反义词为past 【考向】at present 目前,现在(相当于now);for the present 就目前来说 【拓展】present 的其他含义 词性 名词 形容词 含义 礼物,赠品 在场的,出席的 示例 I’m going to buy my mother a present for her birthday. 我要去给我母亲买份生日礼物。 Every member of the club was present. 俱乐部的成员都出席了。 5. since 自……以来


【考点二】作介词,可意为“自……以来”,常和现在完成时连用,since后常接时间点。 【考点三】构成短语ever since 自从;since then 从那时起 自从詹姆斯出去后,你就一直在给我念书。

【典例】The young man ________(live) alone since he graduated from college.

6. 【拓展】方位词归纳

west n. 西,西方 ----- western adj. 西方的,西部的 south n. 南,南方 -----southern adj. 南方的,南部的 east n. 东,东方 -----eastern adj. 东方的,东部的 north n. 北,北方 -----northern adj. 北方的,北部的

7. married adj. 已婚的,结婚的

Eg. They have been married for ten years. 他们已经结婚十年了。

【考点】married常与be,get等动词搭配,表示“和某人结婚”常用“be/get married to sb.”。注意,不用介词with。

get married to 意为“和某人结婚”,强调动作,不sb. 可以与一段时间连用 be married to 意为“和某人结婚”,表示状态,可sb. 以喝一段时间连用 Jim got married to Ella last month. 上个月吉姆和艾拉结婚了 Tom has been married to Ella for two months. 汤姆和艾拉已经结婚两年了 【典例】Mr. Brown and his wife have been married for 20 years. = Mr. Brown and his wife ________ 20 myears ago.

8. Wife n. 妻子

Eg. Does your wife work in a hospital? 你妻子在医院工作吗?

【考点】wife属于以f(e)结尾的词,此类词的复数形式是变f(e)为v,再加es,即wives。 【拓展】同类词总结:

Knife wolf shelf thief leaf 9. turn…into… 把……变成

Eg. She turned her old jeans into a miniskirt. 她把她的旧牛仔裤改成了超短裙。 【归纳】与turn有关的短语:turn off 关掉(电灯,收音机等);turn on 开,旋开(电灯,



制作人:杨杨 审核人:葛娟

电视,收音机等);turn up (把音量)调高;turn down (把音量)调低;in turn 依次,轮流;turn right/left 右转/左转

10. in some ways 在某种程度上

Eg. In some ways he is a naughty boy,and he sometimes plays tricks on others. 在某种程度上,他是个调皮的男孩,他有时会捉弄别人。

【拓展】与way的相关短语:on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上;all the way 一路上;by the way 顺便问一下;in the way 挡道;in no way 决不。

11.辨析a bit 和 a little 的区别。 相同点 A bit A little A bit 和a little都可以用来修饰形容词或副词的原级和比较级,也可修饰动词。 Eg. I felt a bit/little tired after a long walk. 走了很长一段路后,我感到有点累。 修饰不可数名词时用a bit of。 Eg. a bit of water 一点儿水 Eg. I’m not a bit angry. 我一点儿也不生气。 可直接修饰不可数名词。 Eg. Let’s have a little milk.咱们喝点牛奶。 Not a little 意为“十分,很”,相当于very。 Eg. I’m not a little angry. 我非常生气。 不同点 12.辨析lonely和alone 词条 lonely 含义和用法 形容词,意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独,寂寞,有较浓的感情色彩。在句中作表语或定语;作定语是,意为“荒凉的,偏僻的”,多修饰表示地点的词。 作形容词时,意为“单独的”,一般只作表语,不做定语。作副词时,意为“单独,独自”。 示例 He has no close friends. He always feels lonely. 他没有亲密的朋友,他总是感到孤独。 The old man lived in a lonely mountain village. 那个老人住在一个偏僻的山村里。 I like being alone in the house. 我喜欢独自一人呆在家里。 His house stands alone on a hill. 他的家孤立在一座山丘上。 alone 13. interview n. 采访,会见

Eg. I have an important interview this afternoon. 今天下午,我有一个重要的采访。 【考点】interview还可作动词,意为“采访,会见”。

Eg. We will interview a famous surgeon tomorrow. = We will have an interview with a famous surgeon tomorrow. 明天我们将采访一位著名的外科医生。 【拓展】have an interview with sb. = interview sb.

14. abroad adv. 在国外

Eg. His cousin will go abroad for further study in a month. 一个月后他的表哥将出国深造。



制作人:杨杨 审核人:葛娟

【考点】abroad为副词,其前面不需要介词。常用短语: study abroad 在国外留学 go abroad 出国

at home and abroad 在国内外 【典例】他在二十多岁时出国了。 He went _________ in his ________.

15. 辨析:used to / be used to doing / be used to do 词条 used to 用法 其后跟动词原形,表示过去的习惯、经常发生的动作或状态。 “习惯于做某事”,[难点] 其中to是介词,后接名词或动名词。 示例 I used to swim in the river when I was a child. 当我是小孩子的时候,我常常在河里游泳。 My grandpa has been used to living a simple life. 我的祖父已经习惯了过简朴的生活。 be used to doing be used to do sth 被动语态。意为“被用来做某This computer is used to control all the 事”。相当于:be used for machines.= This computer is used for doing sth. controlling all the machines. 这台电脑是用来控制所有机器的。



1. At ____________(现在,目前),we can fly to Seoul from Yancheng. 2. We can’t forget the poor life in the____________ (过去). 3. I’ve____________ (刚刚)known about it. Sorry to hear that.

4. He has changed. He____________(曾经)to be so kind to his wife.

5. In big cities, people often go to work by ____________(地铁). It’s fast and cheap. 6. We have lived here ____________ (自从)my father began to work in this city.

7. Tom and Linda have been ____________ (having a wife or husband)for ten years,but they’ve never quarreled.

8. Yancheng is in the ____________ (北部的)part of Jiangsu Province. 9. Now there are a number of ____________ (工厂)in our hometown.

10. ---How many ____________ (街区)are there in your hometown? ---About ten. 11.We must stop driving cars to reduce air____________ (污染)in the cities.

12.You will____________ (get to know)the mistake you made today in the future. 13.The woman’s ____________(丈夫)drives her to work every day.

14.Sally became a member of the company after the job____________ (面试). 15.Though he lives alone.he has a lot of friends and doesn’t feel__________(not happy because of being alone).

16.Finally, he ____________ (know or understand something that you didn’t know before)that he failed in the exam.

17.I always throw away the____________ (废品)after I finish doing the handcrafted models. 18.Their____________ (妻子)are standing there and chatting with each other.

19.There were not many________ (a place where things are made by machines)here until 2002. 20. I’ll try my best to ___________(make sth. better) my maths this term. 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空



制作人:杨杨 审核人:葛娟 north, pollute, recent, amaze, time 1.There’re different forms of transport at different____________.

1. The news about education has attracted the public attention __________.

4. There is less air ____________ in the small village. I like going there on vacation. 5. It often snows in winter in the____________ part of China.

5. Anyway,it’s good to see the____________changes in the town. marry, good, south, possible, wife 1. It’s____________ for you to live on the moon at present.

2. I'm sure you will be____________ at English if you work harder.

3.My aunt and uncle got____________ thirty years ago.Now they have two children. 4.I lived in the____________ part of the town with my parents two years ago.

5.Danny and Daniel are brothers,and their____________ are sisters.That’s interesting. 三、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空 be, go, chat, eat, change 1.Everything____________ a lot over the years in the modern city. 2. I want something ____________ because I am hungry.

3. 一Where is my book? 一It____________ on the desk five minutes ago. 4. I used to____________ school by bus, but now I ride a bike. 5. ---I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered it. ---Oh, sorry. I ___________with my friends on the Internet. wait, eat, live, teach, protect 1. Her mother____________ in the school for ten years. 2. He is used to____________ in a small town now.

3. We should take action____________ the animals in the world.

4. Helen with her classmates __________for their English teacher at the school gate at that time. 5. The bowl is empty. He____________ the food. go, move, finish, see, come 1. I __________ already __________ the film. I saw it last week. 2. __________ he __________ his work today? Not yet.

3. My father __________ just __________ back from work. He is tired now. 4. Where’s Li Ming ? He __________ to the teacher’s office.

5. I have worked here since I __________ here in 1999. take, make, stay, jog, come 6. So far I __________ quite a few friends here.

7. How long __________ the Wangs __________ here ? For two weeks. 8. Please stop talking before the teacher _________.

9. He met his old friend while he ____________in the street. 10. Great changes_____________place in those villages in the past ten years. lose, be, read, climb, change 11. If it __________ fine tomorrow, I'll go with you. 12. The students __________ English when the teacher came in.

13. Look! The monkey __________ the tree. 14. Tom can’t get into the room because he __________the key to the door. 15.一 There are great changes in your hometown. 一 Yes. It ________a lot in the past few years. rain, teach, tell, realize, wake 16.---Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping. ---There is no need. He ___________up. 17.---Shall I tell Tom the good news?

---No, you needn’t. I_____him already.

18. We the importance of low-carbon (低碳) life and will take action right now.

19. I hear you once studied in Sunshine Middle School. Who you English there?



