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1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6.

( ) ( ) ( )

2、根据所听问句选择正确的答语。听两遍(10分) ( ) 7. A. At seven. B. In the C. On Sunday.

morning. ( ) 8. A. I am singing. B. I danced. C.I am going to football. ( ) 9. A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 10. A. Yes, he did B. Yes, she did.

C. Yes, they did.

( ) 11. A. My mother B. My mother C. My mother did.



3、 听录音,填上所缺的词,听三遍。(8分) 1. The tiger is , and the mouse is 2. The students are________ _________ in the playground 3. One day, my mother let me ________ her do housework.

4.Mike ________ to the teacher ________, and the teacher laughed ________.

play 笔试部分(66分)


( )1. sleepy slowly ( )2. short doctor ( )3.laughed walked ( )4.sad habit ( )5. tidy hit ( )6.pointed showed 二、中英文互译(10分)

1.Liu Tao is a good student and he ____________ (做得好)at school. 2.Reading in bed is _____________(一个坏习惯). 3.Look ! They are _______ ( 开心地笑). 4.His bedroom is ____________ (干净整洁).

5.Yang Ling usually __________ (完成她的作业)early. 6.Helen never _goes to school late_.( )

7.From then on ,they ___become good friends__ .( ) 8.Yang Ling often _ feels sleepy___ in the morning.( ) 9.I want to help you _one day__.( ) 三、单项选择。(10分)

( ) 1.My brother is tired and he is running _________. A. slowly B: loudly C: happily ( ) 2.This morning , Yang Ling _______a nice book . A. read B. reads C. reading ( )3.Mike usually ________. That is a good habit.

A. watches TV very late B.sleeps in class C. gets up early. ( ) 4.--- ________ Su Yang sing ________?--- Yes, she does. A.Does well B.Does good C.Do well ( ) 5.Wang Bing knows Liu Tao ________. A: good B: well C: nice ( ) 6.Mike has _______ meat every day . A: a little B: a few C: many ( ) 7_______ any rice in the fridge ?

A: Is there B: Are there C: Have ( )8. Wow! The frog ______ a smart prince.

A. turn into A. went

B. turns into B. to go

C. turns C.go

( )9.The tiger let the cat _____ on that day.

( )10.--- _____ you___ your homework last night? ---Yes .

A. Did, do

B. Do, do

C.Do, did


1.Mr Li always goes to work ___________ (well/early) in the morning.

2.Please keep your room _________ (tidy/big). 3.Look!The boys are running _________(late/fast). 4.My mother ________(wakes/woke) me up every morning. 5.You should put your things _________ (in order/in a mess). 6.Bobby and Sam are talking ___________(excited/excitedly) in the English lesson.

7.Miss Li asked Yang Ling to read it ________(loud/loudly). 8.Why is Bobby crying so ________ (sad/sadly). 9.Her mother was ill, she looked so ________(sad/sadly). 10.The boy found his ball, he became _______.(happily/happy)

五、句子配对 (10分)

( )1.Did Mike eat the fish last night?

A. It’s my brother’s

( )2.Whose bedroom is this ? B. Yes , she does . ( )3. What should I do? C. He’s in his room . ( )4. Where is Bobby ? D. You should put your things in order. ( ) 5. Does she get up late ? E. No,he didn’t. ( ) 6. Who helped you just now? F. I’m sorry. ( ) 7. Did you cry loudly in the morning? H. My sister did. ( ) 8. What was in the bag? I. Yes, I did.

( ) 9. Please don’t speak loudly here. J. There were some books.

( ) 10. What did you do yesterday? K. I watched a film.

