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程考研基础五套测试题(一) .................................................................................................. 2 2018年东北林业大学外国语学院860专业基础知识(语言学基础、英美概况、写作)之语言学教

程考研基础五套测试题(二) ................................................................................................ 11 2018年东北林业大学外国语学院860专业基础知识(语言学基础、英美概况、写作)之语言学教

程考研基础五套测试题(三) ................................................................................................ 21 2018年东北林业大学外国语学院860专业基础知识(语言学基础、英美概况、写作)之语言学教

程考研基础五套测试题(四) ................................................................................................ 33 2018年东北林业大学外国语学院860专业基础知识(语言学基础、英美概况、写作)之语言学教

程考研基础五套测试题(五) (42)

专注考研专业课13年,提供海量考研优质文档! 第 2 页,共 52 页 2018年东北林业大学外国语学院860专业基础知识(语言学基础、英美概况、写作)之


说明:根据本校该考试科目历年考研命题规律,结合出题侧重点和难度,精心整理编写。基础检测使用。共五套试题,均含有详细答案解析,也是众多专业课辅导机构参考借鉴资料,考研必备。 ——————————————————————————————————————————


1. Polysemy

【答案】 Polysemy means a single word having several or many meanings. According to Crystal : Polysemy is a term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings. Polysemic words are signs of an advanced culture. Polysemy is also an essential feature of a language?s economy and efficiency.

2. Contrastive analysis

【答案】 Contrastive analysis is an approach to analysis of second language acquisition , based on a belief that a more effective teaching pedagogy would come out when the similarities and differences between native language and target language are taken into consideration. By such an analysis , it is supposed that some leaning difficulties could be predicted in terms of language transfer.

3. Language acquisition

【答案】 It refers to the gradual development of ability in a language by using it naturally in communicative situations.

4. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

【答案】 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts : linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. Linguistic determinism refers to the notion that a language determines certain nonlinguistic cognitive processes. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing around , they think and speak differently. Linguistic relativity refers to the claim that the cognitive processes that are determined are different for different languages. Thus , speakers of different languages are said to think in different ways. The hypothesis is now interpreted mainly in two different ways : a strong version and a weak one. The strong version believes that the language patterns determine peopled thinking and behavior ; the weak one holds that the former influence the later. So far , many researches and experiments conducted provide support to the weak version.

5. Contextual meaning

【答案】 It is also called speaker?s meaning , or utterance meaning , which is more closely related to the context. For example , when a person says “My bag is heavy”,what he actually means may be asking the hearer to help him carry the bag.

6. Meaning shift


Meaning shift : In a narrow sense , meaning shift is used to refer to the change of meaning that has nothing to do with generalization or restriction such as broadening or narrowing of meaning.


第 3 页,共 52 页 7. IC analysis

【答案】 IC analysis : IC analysis (immediate constituent analysis ) refers to the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents---word groups (or phrases ) ,which are in turn analyzed into the immediate constituents of their own , and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached. In practice , for the sake of convenience , we usually stop at the level of word.

8. Metonymy

【答案】 Metonymy is a figure of speech used in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name , but by 也e name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept. For instance , “Washington ”,as the capital of the United States , can be used as a metonym (an instance of metonymy ) for the United States government.

9. CMC

【答案】 It is computer-mediated communication , distinguished by its focus on language and language use in computer networked environments , and by its use of methods of discourse analysis to address that focus.

10.Phatic function ( communion )

【答案】 Phatic function : The phatic function of language refers to the use of the language which often consists of small , seemingly meaningless expression for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts rather than for exchanging information or ideas. For example , greetings , farewells , and comments on the weather in English could serve this function.


11.How is the illocutionary act different from the perlocutionary act?

【答案】 An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker^ intention ; it is the act performed in saying something. Thus , if someone says “Morning”,we can a sk questions like “What did he mean?” and the answer could be “He offered a greeting.”

A perlocutionary act , however , is the effect of the utterance. By telling somebody something the speaker may change the opinion of the hearer on something , or mislead him , or surprise him , or induce him to do something , and so on. Therefore ,the perlocutionary act of the saying “Morning” could be to keep friendly relations with the hearer.

12.How do you understand syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations?

【答案】 In Saussure?s view , language is a system of signs , each of which consists of two parts : signified and signifier. And the relationships between these two parts are arbitrary. Syntagmatic relation is a relation between elements that form part of the same form , sequence , construction , etc. e.g. between s , p , and r in a form such as spring , or between a subject and a verb in constructions such as Bill hunts. The syntagmatic relation is also called horizontal relation or chain relation. Paradigmatic relation is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure. The paradigmatic relation is also called vertical relation or choice relation.


第 4 页,共 52 页 13.Explain three levels of categorization.

【答案】 Three levels of categorization

(1) Superordinate levels mean higher levels or more general levels. Furniture and animal are examples of superordinate category levels.

(2)Basic-level categories are more specific , but not too specific. Chair is an example of basic-level categories.

(3)Subordinate levels mean lower levels or more specific categories. Desk chair is an example of subordinate categories.

14.What does the concept morphophoneme mean? What is the relationship between phoneme and morphophoneme?

【答案】 Morphophoneme refers to the phoneme (or string of phonemes ) that constitutes the various allomorphs of a morpheme.

Relationship between phoneme and morphophoneme : Generally speaking , the concept of morphophoneme adds a grammatical meaning to the concept of phoneme. For example , as to the phoneme /s/, it is in fact a configuration of allomorphs of different morphemes , such as the plural morpheme and the 3rd person present simple morpheme. Therefore , we would regard this phoneme as a morphophoneme , represented as /s/.

15.What is the definition of cognitive linguistics?

【答案】 Cognitive linguistics is a newly established approach to the study of language that emerged in the 1970s as a reaction against the dominant generative paradigm which pursues an autonomous view of language. Cognitive linguistics is based on human experiences of the world and the way they perceive and conceptualize the world.

16.What is a syntactic category?

【答案】 A syntactic category is a set of words and/or phrases in a language which share a significant number of common characteristics. The classification is based on similar structure and sameness of distribution (the structural relationships between these elements and other items in a larger grammatical structure ) , and not on meaning. There are major and minor syntactic categories : major categories include all phrasal syntactic categories such as NP , VP , and PP , and word-level syntactic categories that serve as heads of phrasal syntactic categories such as N and V ; while minor categories are categories that do not project to a phrasal level such as the Yes-No question markers. More specifically , a syntactic category also refers to the defining properties of these general units : the categories of the noun , for example , include number , gender and case ; and the categories of the verb , for example , include tense , aspect and voice , etc.


17.Research has found that two-year-old English children produce negative sentences such as a ) tod ) , but note ):

a )He doesn?t like cabbage.

b )Doesn?t like cabbage.

