仁爱英语九年级Unit3 Topic2学案

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仁爱英语九年级Unit3 Topic2学案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1.(教师展示或在黑板上贴张有伦敦标志的图片,复习已学的问候语。) T: Nice to see you again. Today we’ll go to a new topic. First, let’s look at the beautiful pictures on the blackboard. We’re flying to some place to see our friends. Can you guess where we’re flying today? Ss: London. We can see Big Ben in the picture. T: That’s right. What should we say when we meet them there? Ss: Hello, nice to see you again. T: Yes. What should we say when we want to express that our friends did something well? Ss: Well done! (板书如下:) London Hello Well done 2. (教师呈现另一幅图,师生互动对话。) T: Look at this picture. What place is it? Ss: Sydney. T: Yes. Sydney is in Australia. As we know, Australia is also an English-speaking country. But Australian English isn’t the same as British English. For example, in Australia people say “g’day” instead of “hello”and“Good on ya, mate!”instead of“Well done!”

Ss: That’s really interesting.

T: Would you like to know more about that, class? Ss: Of course we’d love to.

3. (教师在黑板上贴上不同情景的简笔画,根据每幅简笔画分别讨论在不同的讲英语国家英语表达间的不同之处。)


hello——g’day Well done! ——Good on ya,


sheila——sheilas trunk——boot


For example:

S1: What should we say when we meet other people in Britain? S2:Hello.But what about in Australia? S1:G’day instead.

S2: What should we say when someone did something well in Britain? S1: Well done! And what about in Australia? S2: Good on ya, mate!


Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)

1. (教师让两名学生到台前即兴表演,复习原来的对话,从而引出对话1a。) S1: What should we say when we meet other people in Britain? S2: Hello. How about in Australia? S1: G’day instead. S2: What should we say when someone did something well in Britain? S1: Well done! And what about in Australia? S2: Good on ya, mate! 2. (设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音。) T: Jane, Kangkang and Wang Junfeng are talking about something interesting. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1) What are Jane, Kangkang and Wang Junfeng talking about? (2) Are there any differences in English among different English-eaking countries? (3) Could you tell us what the differences are? (教师尽可能多地找学生回答以上问题,调动全体学生的积极性。) 3. (在熟悉对话1a的基础上让学生在课本上划出重点词句并加以理解,教师补充解释。) For example: I can’t follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please? Is Australian English the same as British English? I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow. (板书并讲解以下内容:) follow, speak more slowly, the same as, fly to...

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)


T: Listen to the tape again. Don’t look at your text, but you can look at the key points on the blackboard.


T: OK. It’s time to make sentences. The first row, begin with “follow you”. Ready? Go!


3.(在前面操练的基础上,根据板书内容复述课文。本活动采取分组活动,全班按八人一组,每组选出一名学生针对1a的内容进行一分钟的简短演讲。) T: Now I think most of you have been very familiar with 1a. I’ll ask one student in each group to make a one-minute speech. The most exciting time is coming. Who can make it first? ... For example: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m very happy to speak here...

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)


T: Boys and girls, good on ya, mate! Everyone in each group has given us a wonderful speech. From 1a we know something different in English among different English-speaking countries. Now let’s do 1c and complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

(教师找学生说出答案,并板书:) used, same, change, differences, succeed,


2. (在完成1c的基础上,进行相关2 Work alone的听力训练。) T: Well, we’ve learned a lot about differences in English among different English-speaking countries. Here is a passage about the differences. (1)Listen to the tape with these questions and choose the right answers. (根据所听录音内容,让学生两人一组,询问结果并了解彼此做题的方法及录音对话中有关讲英语国家英语的不同表达方式,对有异议地方做好标记。)

(2)Check up



T: I’ll ask some students to act the dialog out in front of the class and teach them how to master the skills of listening.

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:15分钟)

1.(引入学生讨论在日常生活中常遇到的一些不同的表达方式。) T: OK, after learning this section we have been very familiar with the differences in English among different English-speaking countries. In order to express our meanings more quickly, we have different expressions in our everyday life. Here are some examples. Discuss with your partner and try to guess the meaning of the following e-mail English. E-mail English BTW F2F OIC CU How RU GR8 Normal English by the way (在学生讨论得出结果后和教师核对答案,教师点评此类e-mail英语表达的不同特点和方法,并要求学生分组讨论出尽可能多的e-mail英语,并做好记录向学生报告以求资源共享。) T:After discussing, you can check up the answers with me. You can give more e-mail English if possible and share them with your classmates. 2. (分组活动。把学生按自己习惯分成若干小组交流,然后做一个调查,把讨论结果列表加以记录。) T: Now discuss the differences in English among different English-speaking countries in groups. Then make a survey of your partners and fill in the chart. Then report it to your class. Situations British English Australian English Meet other people Do something well ... For example: Hello G’day S1: In Britain, we say “hello” to each other when we meet other people, but in Australia we say “G’day”. S2: Yeah. That’s really common in our everyday life. When people did something well, we say “Well done!” in Britain while we say“Good on ya, mate!”in Australia. S3: ... S4: ... 3. Homework: (1)(课后让学生根据收集课本以外有关讲英语国家不同英语表达的资料,比较他们之间的不同之处,制作一个表格加以区分以加深印象。) T: Today we’ve learned some differences in English among different English-speaking countries. After class, you can collect much more information about that. Make a form and compare the differences between them. (2)(根据自己收集的素材在理解的基础上写一篇小短文,培养学生的自主学习能力和自我构建能力,了解英语国家文化意识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。) Write a short passage. (about one hundred words) For example: As we know, English is widely used around the world. But there are differences in English among different English-speaking countries...

