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综合教程2 Unit4 Cloze

performance stardom parabolic relay initiate mascot

inhabit intertwine hoist heritage habitat ignite

The Olympic Movement uses symbols to represent the ideals embodied in the Olympic Charter. The Olympic symbol, better known as the Olympic rings consists of five (1) rings and represents the unity of the five (2) continents (considering North and South America as a single continent). The colored version of the rings,-blue, yellow, black, green, and red , over a white field forms the Olympic flag. These colors were chosen because every nation had at least one of them on its national flag. The flag was adopted in 1914 but fown for the first time only at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium. It has since been (3) during each celebration of the Games.

Months before each Games, the Olympic flame is lit in Olympia in a ceremony that reflects ancient Greek rituals. A female performer, acting as a priestess, (4) a torch, by placing it inside a(n) (5) mirror which focuses the sun's rays; she then lights the torch of the first relay bearer, thus (6) the Olympic torch, relay that will carry the flame to the host city's Olympic' stadium, where it plays an mportant role in the opening ceremony.AThough the flame has beeni an Olympic symbol since 1928, the torch (7) was introduced at the 1936 Summer Games, as part of the German government's attempt . to promote its National Socialist ideology.The Olympic (8), an animal or human figure representing the cultural (9) of the host country, was introduced in 1968. It has played an important part of the Games identity promotion since the 1980 Summer Olympics, when the Russian bear cub Misha reached international (10). The mascots of the most recent Summer Olympics, in Beijing, were the Fuwa, five creatures that represent the five fengshui elements important in Chinese culture.




Translation Part B

The Olympic flag has a plain white background with no border. In the centre are five rings forming two rows of three rings above and two below, The rings of the upper row are, from left to right, blue, black and red. The rings of the lower row are yellow and green. The rings are thought to symbolise the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa Australja and America. It is widely believed that the colors of the rings were chosen because at least one of them can be found in the flag of every nation, though this has never been confirmed as the intention of the designer.) The spirit of the Olympic Games goes beyond political systems, ideological . differences, cultural traditions and races, with strong compatibility and umiverSality accepted and respected by the whole world.(The competition to host the Games is one featuring comprehensive national strength, economic potentiat, technological power and cultural charm. It is a competition for national image and status. Winning the host right means winning the respect, trust and favor of the international community. 译文:



Unit 3 Cloze

clan anonymity except hearth maximum pull medieval icon homage wherever else excess

Good families have a sense of place, which these days is not achieved casiy.As Susanne Langer wrote in 1957, \even a definite memory of one place to serve that purpose... all the old symbols are gone.\Once I asked a roomful of supper guests who, if anyone, felt any strong (1) to any cértain spot on the face at the earth. Everyone was silent, (2) for a visitor from Bavaria. The rest of us seemed to know all too well what Walker Percy means in The Moviegoer when he tells of the \ (3) is not a place wherever you go, you must meet and mastered.\those of us whose habit and pleasure and doom is our tendency, as a.Georgia lady put it, to \ (4) here may be, as if we were going to belong here for the rest of our lives. Learn to hallow whatever ground we happen

to stand on or land on. Like (5) knights who took their tapestries along on Crusades, like modern Afghanis with their yurts, we must pack such totems and (6) as we can to make short-term quarters feel like home. Pillows, small rugs,Watercolors can dispel much of the chilling (7) of a sublet apartment or a motel room. When we can, we should live in rooms with stoves or fireplaces or anyway candlelight. The ancient saying still is true: Extinguished (8), extinguished family. Round tables help, too,and as a friend of mine once put it, so do \with surfaces to put feet on, arranged so as to encourage a (9) of eye contact.\Such rooms inspire good talk, of which good (10) can never have enough.


好家庭有一种地方感,而这些日子并没有达到卡西。正如Susanne Langer在1957年所写的,“大多数人没有家是他们童年的象征,甚至没有一个明确的记忆来为这个目的服务。”所有的旧符号都消失了。”有一次,我问了一屋子的晚餐客人,如果有的话,他们会感到有强烈的拉力(1)到地球上的任何一个地方。每个人都保持沉默,除了(2)对一个游客来说。我们其余的人似乎都很清楚,在观影者中,当他讲述“每个地方都有或其他地方(3)不是一个地方,你必须遇见并掌握的地方”时,他对电影观众的理解是什么。那么我们该怎么做呢,我们这些习惯,快乐和厄运的人,是我们的倾向。乔治亚州的女士说,“每隔一针就飞起来?”住在这里,无论在哪里(4),就好像我们要在这里度过余生一样。学会容忍我们所发生的任何事情,或者继续前进。就像中世纪的(5)骑士一样,他们带着他们的挂毯,像现代的阿富汗人一样,带着他们的夫人,我们必须带上这样的图腾和图标(6),这样我们就可以让短期的住处感觉像家一样。枕头,小地毯,颜色可以驱散许多令人毛骨悚然的匿名(7)的转租公寓或汽车旅馆的房间。当我们可以的时候,我们应该住在有火炉或壁炉的房间里,或者在烛光下。古老的谚语仍然是真的:熄灭的壁炉(8),熄灭的家庭。圆桌也有帮助,正如我的一个朋友曾经说过的那样,“太多舒适的椅子,有表面可以放脚,这样可以鼓励最大的(9)眼神交流。”这样的房间激发了良好的谈话,好家族(10)永远不会有足够的东西。

Translation Part B

In my family, success is weighed by a single standard: The ability to be first. It does not matter what you are first at as long as you are first at something. My relatives came from Europe at the height of the Machine Age. Every day, something else in America was new and first. My family got first fever. Recipes, bon mots and good ideas all counted. Styles, inventions, slogans, too. The sole criterion for being first at something was simply not having heard that someone else had done it. Then you earned the right to say the magic words: \the toodle: Reb .Sussel, my great-grandfather on my father's father's side, brought the pastrami sandwich to ' the New World; my paternal grandfather, Jacob Volk, took credit for the wrecking ball; my maternal grandmother invented the shoe pocket...Me, I have yet to make my mark. I am still waiting to find a first. Sometimes I think my life is too cosy. And I wonder why should.I mother an invention if all my necessities are met? But when you come from a family of firsts, whether you like it or not, you're thinking all the time. When you come from a family of firsts, you never forget the burden and the inspiration of your past.


在我家,是否成功只有一个衡量标准:成为第一的能力,不管是什么事,只要能成为第一就行,我的亲春们在机器时代的鼎盛时期从欧洲而来,每一天美国都,出现新的东西和很多个第一,我家掀起了追求第一的狂热,食谱,名言、好主意全都都算。款式、发明、标语也都算,评价是否是第一的惟一标准就是没有听说刚人做过这件事。然后,你就争取到了说出“我是第一个!”这个具有魔力的句子的权: ,利,我姥姥的曾祖父发明了\我爷答的曾祖父,把五春熏牛:肉三明治带到了新大陆;我的祖父, Jacob Volk,落锤破碎机要算是他的功劳;我,的外婆发明了鞋袋,至于我,我至今尚未成功。我还在等待发现一个第一,有的时候,我觉得我的生活太安退了,因此我想如果我的所有需要都满足了,我为什么还要发明创造呢?但是,当你出生在一个以第一著你的家庭时,不管你喜不喜欢,你都会时刻想着这件事,当你出生在以第一著称的家庭时,你永远不会忘记你身上的把子-也不会忘记过去的那些鼓舞人心的事。

Unit 2 Cloze:

appreciation move produce sight distinguish expectation typify being forming value constitute nurture

Few Americans stay put for a lifetime. We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement. With each (1) we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time.

For many of us the summer is a special time for (2) new friendships. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new (3) but also with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to (4) a close friend. But surely the beginning of a friendship is possible? Surely in every country people (5) friendship?They do. The difficulty when strangers from two countries me hot a lack of (6) of friendship, but different (7) about what (8) friendship and how it comes into (9). In those European countries that Americans are most likely to visit, friendship is quite sharply (10) from other, more casual relations, and is differently related family life. 译文:

很少有美国人会呆在原地不动。我们从一个城镇搬到另一个城市,从高中到大学,在一个不同的州,从一个地区的工作到另一个地方的更好的工作,从我们养育孩子的家到我们计划退休的家。每一次行动(1),我们将永远结交新朋友,成为我们新生活的一部分。 对我们许多人来说,夏天是形成(2)新友谊的特殊时期。今天,数以百万计的美国人出国度假,他们不仅去看新景点(3),而且还希望结识新朋友。没有人真的希望去度假旅行(4)一个亲密的朋友。但是,友谊的开始是可能的吗?在每个国家,人们都重视(5)友谊吗?他们做的事。困难当陌生人从两国我热缺乏升值(6)的友谊,但不同的期望(7)构成(8)友谊什么以及它如何形成(9)。在那些欧洲国家,美国人最可能的访问中,友谊是杰出的急剧(10)从其他,更随意的关系,家庭生活方式相关。

Translation Part B

English friendships follow still a different pattern. Their basis is shared activity.Activities at different stages of life may be of very different kinds—discovering a common interest in school, serving together in the armed forces, taking part in a foreign mission, staying in the same country house during a crisis. In the midst of the activity, whatever it may be, people fall into step-sometimes two men or two women, sometimes two couples, sometimes three people -and find that they walk or play a game or tell stories or serve on a tiresome and exacting committee with the same easy anticipation of what each will do day by day or in some critical situation. Americans who have made English friends comment that, even years later, \” Meeting after a long interval, friends are like a couple who begin to dance again when the orchestra strikes up after a pause. A break in an English friendship comes not necessarily as a result of some irreconcilable difference of viewpoint or feeling but . instead as a result of misjudgment, where one friend seriously misjudges how the other will think or feel or act, so that suddenly they are out of step. 译文:


Unit 1 Cloze

flexibility mentor cutting on-going generalist stability switching occupational qualification emphasize resume count on

The goal of today's and future workplaces will be employability security, not

employment security. You will need a bundle of skills that you can sell in the job market. Managennent consultants recommend you forget the old generalists. You need special skills and capabilities, and you will be expected to be a(n) (1) as well as an expert. Learn everything you can in all areas. (2) will be crucial, whether in the job or (3) to learn the skills you need. The 1990s has created the greatest job market in the history of the US. There are new rules for the job market now. I. Take responsibility for building your career. You can't (4) employers for training, employment opportunities or the (5) you need to advance. You need to be sure you're at your peak of capabilities, for jobs of today and tomorrow. II. You have to continue to develop commitment. The job market is more competitive, you need to

improve your (6) skills all the time. III. Your resume must be a \document\experiences on a(n) (7) basis, so your (8) is always current and complete. IV. Find the proper type of information to add. Employers are looking for people who are at the (9) edge in their profession, craft or trade. They are looking for highly-skilled employees, and constantly updating and expanding their (10).


Translation Part B

What a difference a bust makes. The employers are back in the driver's seat, and iob switchers have to learn to play the game anew. As an executive agent, I manage the careers of senior executives, and I'm often privy to their most trying professional

challenges. From my vantage point, the following new rules are helpful for job hunters.It's easier to be acquired than hired: The old wisdom is \even that's not easy now, since companies have the luxury of taking long, hard looks at candidates before hiring them. One solution: develop some kind of business relationship with the company. A client of mine developed a consulting agreement that would lead to an equity stake in the firm—and a permanent job -if he was successful. His plan worked.. Develop a taste for self-affirmation: A client became depressed during a job interview because the hiring executive he sat across from was a former subordinate of his. It's a common occurrence. After all, with the flight by entrepreneurial types from corporations during the height of the dot-com boom, those left behind were often promoted-largely because they stayed. Like the tortoise competing against the hare, they are plodding towards the finishing line with big smiles. In this job market, turn off arrogance or hubris; there's little time for gamesmanship. Position yourself positively; you may bypass them later on, but to get back in the race you must first get back inside.



