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the return of pearl 还珠格格 英文剧本 英语剧本 英文话剧 英语话剧 外教课 英语课 七人话剧 八人话剧

The return of pearl

Long long ago,there lived a beautiful and charming girl near Daming Lake named Xia Yuhe.She who is the Emperor of the dynasty now.Ziwei met Swallow in Beijing and they became


Location:Swallow and Ziwei’s home→Paddock

Character:Swallow,Ziwei,Emperor,Prince V (Yongqi),Erkang

[Swallow and Ziwei’s home]

S:Ziwei,I heard that the Emperor is going to hunt in the paddock today.It's an opportunity for you to find your father.You can't miss it!

Z:But I'm not able to climb that high hill!

S:I'll go there instead of you and tell the Emperor that you are his daughter.Give me your mother’s painting.

Z:Here you are.I trust you,Swallow.

[In the paddock]


Er:I saw a deer over there!Yongqi,it’s your turn!

P5:Show time!


Er:I heard a girl screaming!You must have shot a girl!

P5:Oh! How terrible ! Let me have a look!

S:My heart is shot!I'm bleeding!

P5:Oh My God,Don't be worried.I 'll rescue you!

mistakenly recognized Swallow as his daughter.At one chance,Ziwei began to live in the palace as with each other.Erkang and Ziwei came into being couple too.They wanted to show the true

Act 2

Location: Imperial Palace

Character:Emperor,Ziwei,Erkang,Prince V,Swallow,Emperess,Mama Rong

S:Your majesty,actually,I'm not your real daughter.Ziwei is.

Em:Don't talk nonsense! You can't joke like that!

Z:Your majesty,What she said is true.My mother is Xia Yuhe.And there is a poem that even Swallow doesn't know. My love to you is just like the mace will not break off .And will the rock stand permanently?[蒲草韧如丝,磐石无转移]My mother wanted me to ask you a

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question:Do you still remember the girl lived near Daming Lake?


Q:Hold it !Hold it! You can’t believe them!

Mama:Yes,your majesty.They are lying!They should be put in jail!

Em:Someone,come on!Put them in jail!

on them,forced them to tell the truth.

Act 3


Character:Ziwei,Swallow,Emperess,Mama Rong

Q:You two,pretended to be princesses live in the palace!How dare you[好大的胆子]!

Z:I’m the real princess!Why don’t you believe me?

S:Ziwei is innocent[无辜的]!You are a bad woman!All she said is true!

Q:Mama!Beat them!

Mama(上针):You’re gone too far[你们两个太过分了]!The Emperess doesn’t believe what you said!You asked for this[这都是你们自找的]!(扎紫薇小燕子)

Z(惨叫):You can’t do this to us!

S(惨叫,指着皇后和容麽麽):The Emperor will kill you!


Mama:You two shut up!Don't talk back to the Emperess[不要跟皇后顶嘴]]!You are liars!I warn you,You‘d better not be so arrogant[嚣张]!

Z:We just tell the truth!

S:We won’t yield[屈服] to anyone!

Mama:If you still lie to the Emperess,I will continue to torture[折磨] you!(继续扎)

Emperor got more angry than before,he decided to make the Swallow and Ziwei to die.


Location:imperial palace

Character:Emperor,Ziwei,Erkang,Prince V,Swallow,Emperess,Mama Rong


Em:I’ve been cheated by you[你们两个把朕耍的团团转]!You offended[冒犯] me!You will be die!



P5:I won’t let them die,we should go to save them.

Er:Of course,I will go with you!

Today is the day of execution[死刑].Many common people in Beijing didn’t want the Swallow

the return of pearl 还珠格格 英文剧本 英语剧本 英文话剧 英语话剧 外教课 英语课 七人话剧 八人话剧


Location:the way to execution ground[刑场]

Character:Ziwei,Erkang,Prince V,Swallow,Imperial bodyguard

People:They can’t be killed!They are our people's Princesses!

S:Oh my god,our way to the execution ground is stopped by the crowd.They don’t want us to die. Z:I didn’t expect that there are so many people come to help us.

[In the crowd]

P5:It is not the best time to act now.So many people are cutting their road to the execution ground,the soldiers are back to the palace to reflect this situation to the majesty,maybe the majesty would change his mind.[现在不是行动的最佳时机。这么多百姓阻断了她们去刑场的路,士兵已经返回皇宫向皇上反映情况,或许皇上会改变心意。]

Er:Waiting for the imperial edict is our last and only hope.[等待圣旨是我们现在最后也是唯一的希望。]

The bodyguard:Here comes the imperial edict[圣旨到]!(展开圣旨)ALL KILL[杀无赦]! P5(和尔康对视):Let’s do it!


Er(抓住紫薇):Let’s go!

P5(抓住小燕子):Let’s escape from this place!

