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内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 晨背话题(九) 旅游与交通

已会词汇·一眼掠过(你会我熟快人一步) (一)熟记单词

1.journey n. 旅行 2.scenery n. 3.aboard adv. 4.passport n. 5.sight n. 6.tour n. 7.tourism n. 8.tourist n. 9.traffic n. 10.travel n.& vi. traveller n. 11.trip n. 12.crossing n. 13.crowd n.


crowded adj. 14.enjoy vt. 15.guide n. 16.pack v. 17.passenger n. 18.queue n. 19.schedule n.


20.bend n.

vt. vi.

21.view n.



在船(火车、飞机)上 护照;通行证 情景;风景;视力 观光;旅行 旅游业;观光 旅行者;观光者 交通;来往车辆 旅行 旅行者 旅行;旅程 十字路口;人行横道 人群 拥挤;群聚 拥挤的

欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢 向导;导游 打包(行李);包装 乘客 行列;长队 时间表;进度表 为某事安排时间 弯;拐角 使弯曲 弯身;弯腰

风景;视野;观点;见解 观看;注视;考虑


22.pace vi. 缓慢而行;踱步 一步;速度;步调 块,积木;街区 阻挡 速度 (使)加速 陷阱 使陷入困境 运输

事故,意外的事 路线,路程

斑点,污点;场所,地点 沾上污渍,弄脏 预订


23.block n.


24.speed n.


25.trap n.


26.transport n.& vt. 27.accident n. 28.route n. 29.spot n.


30.book v. (二)熟记短语 1.see off 2.cut down 3.put sb.up 4.on holiday 5.say goodbye to sb. 6.pack up 7.safe and sound 8.be struck by 9.have a good trip 10.hold up

11.tourist attraction 12.get close to nature

送行 减少;砍倒 留某人住宿 (在)度假 与某人道别 收拾行李 安然无恙 被……迷住 旅行顺利 阻塞 旅游景点 接近大自然

表达词汇·背练通过(你会我通胜人一手) (一)常用单词 1.equip vt. equipment n. 2.obey v. 3.recommend vt.

提供设备;装备;配备 装备;设备 遵守;服从 推荐;建议


4.behave v. behaviour n. 5.serious adj. 6.convenient adj. convenience n. 7.accommodation n. 8.depend vi. 9.return v. 10.change n.

行为 行为,举止 严重的 方便的;便利的 便利 住宿

依靠,依赖,指望;取决于 归还 零钱;找头

改变,变化;更换;兑换 易变的,变化无常的 王宫,宫殿 卡车,运货车 铁路;铁道

着陆,登岸(陆);降落 飞行员


changeable adj. 11.palace n. 12.truck n. 13.railway n. 14.land vi. 15.pilot n. (二)常用短语 1.take off 2.check in check out 3.set out/off 4.make a trip to 5.have a good view of 6.a place of interest 7.free of charge 8.be open to (三)记牢练通

起飞 登记入住 结账离开 出发 去……旅行 一览无余 名胜 免费 向……开放

1.When people have their own cars, they should pay more attention to the protection of the environment and obey_the_traffic_rules (遵守交通规则).

2.We'd like you to recommend_us_a_hotel_near_the_subway (为我们推荐一家地铁附近的宾馆) in order to get around New York easily.

3.The site being built now is a park, which will_be_open_to_the_public (将面向公众开放) at the end of this year.

4.It's_very_convenient_for_us_to_buy_train_tickets (我们买火车票非常方便)


now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet.

5.During your stay here, you will be offered accommodation, which_is_free_of_charge






show_you_around_some_places_of_interest (带领你参观一些名胜).

6.A great school with modern equipment was my dream school in my childhood, where I could equip myself with much knowledge.(equip)

阅读词汇·一站全过(你无我有多人一点) 1.visa n. 2.suitcase n. 3.reserve v. 4.reception n. 5.coach n. 6.vehicle n. 7.terminal n. 8.secure adj. security n. 9.signature n. 10.agent n. 11.insurance n. 12.aeroplane n. 13.aircraft n. 14.airplane n. 15.flight n. 16.subway n. 17.underground n. 18.souvenir n. 19.currency n. 20.routine n. 21.optional adj. 22.delay v.& n. 23.crash v.& n. 24.jam n. 25.parcel n.


小提箱;衣箱;行李箱 预订 接待

长途汽车;长途客车 交通工具;车辆

(火车、汽车、飞机)终点站; 末端;终点 安心的;有把握的 安全;平安 签名

代理人;经纪人 保险 (英)飞机 飞机 飞机 航班 地铁 地铁 纪念品 货币

常规;日常事务 可选择的;选修的

拖延,延误,延迟,延期;耽搁 碰撞 拥挤 包裹


26.freeway n. 27.highway n. 28.pavement n. 29.cycle vi. cyclist n. 30.helicopter n. 31.tram n. 32.cab n. 33.fare n. 34.altitude n.[C] 35.flame n. 36.ferry n. 37.pillow n. 38.departure n. 39.battery n. 40.minibus n.

高速公路 公路 人行道 骑自行车 骑自行车的人 直升机 有轨电车 (美)出租车

(乘车或船等的)费用,票(价) (海拔)高度;高处 火焰 渡船 枕头 离开,启程 电池 小型公共汽车

靓点词汇·佳句背过(你有我优高人一筹) 1.(2018·新疆第二次适应性检测书面表达)I'd appreciate it if you could speak English fluently and have the experience of travelling abroad, which will make our trip easier.

如果你能流利地说英语并且有出国的经历我将感激不尽,这将使我们的旅行更容易些。 2.(2018·安徽蚌埠检测书面表达)I'll take a two-week trip to New York with my parents in the summer holiday.I'm writing to ask you to do me a favour.


3.(2018·湖北武汉检测书面表达)In addition, please recommend a reasonable tour route so that we can save a lot of time.


4.Instead of having a travel agency arrange our accommodation, we booked the train tickets and hotel rooms on the Internet by ourselves.


5.As for the hotel, we hope that it's comfortable and provides some delicious local food.




