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3. 英文段落首行空4格英文字符,中文空2个中文字符。全文两端对齐。

4. 正文(从 Introduction 开始到 Conclusion 结束)不少于4200词。每一章另起一页,各小节之间空1行,无需分页。


1. Title page (论文首页,具体要求见所附样稿,后同。)

2. 诚信声明

3. Contents (目录)

4. Acknowledgements(鸣谢)

5. 内容提要(中文摘要)

6. Abstract(英文摘要)

7. 正文(包括以下内容)

-- Introduction(简介:长度不超过A4纸2页)

-- Chapter One…(论文一般为3章,各章须分小节,多极标题格式见目录页;每章不少于A4纸3页) -- Chapter Two… -- Chapter Three…

-- Conclusion(结论:长度A4纸1 - 2页)

8. Bibliography(参考书目,至少5本,包括网址。参考书可均为英文书,也可中英文均有,但不可均为中文书)



Dream Shattered

-- A Tentative Analysis of Martin Eden


A Paper Presented to

Shanghai International Studies University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

By WANG Meiyuan


Under the Supervision of

Prof. SHI Zhikang 或 Ms. LI Xinya或 Ms. SUN Li



April, 2014 (论文定稿完成年月)













Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………… i 内容提要 ………………………………………………………………………… ii Abstract …………………………………………………………………………


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 1 Chapter One Pursuit of American Ideals ………………………………………… 2

1.1 Long Struggle for Success …………………………………………… 2 1.2 Changing for Love …………………………………………………… 5

Chapter Two The Inevitability of the Death of Martin Eden …………………… 8

2.1 The Bewilderment of Love ………………………………………… 2.2 The Bewilderment of Writing ……………………………………… 2.3 The Bewilderment of Secular People ………………………………

8 10 12

2.4 The Failure of Going Back to Working Class ………………………… 15

Chapter Three Disillusionment of American Dream …………………………… 17

3.1 The Conflict between Idealism and Realism ……………………… 3.2 The Determining Factor of the Social Environment ………………

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………

17 20 23

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………… 25





I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to … (如:Prof. SHI Zhikang 或 Ms. LI Xinya 或Ms. SUN Li), my supervisor, without whose help and guidance the completion of this present thesis would have been impossible.



(一级标题居中,加粗,小三号字,与下文之间空1行,其余部分字体小四) (本部分中请详细说明本论文的主题思想、各章节结构、内容和结论,字数大于300字;英文与之相应,至少达到90%一致;长度为1页)











Martin Eden is Jack London’s semi-autobiographical novel, which gives a very vivid and detailed portrait of the hero, from an impoverished and uneducated sailor to a successful writer, who was inspired by the elegance and knowledge of the upper class girl Ruth and thereafter kept toiling himself in learning and writing and eventually got acclamation but meanwhile lost his hope in life and drowned himself in the sea.

Martin Eden is considered to be the most remarkable work of Jack London’s representative works for two things. One is its autographic style that offers precious materials to study London of that time,the other is its great value in both mental and artistic fields.

By analyzing the characters and the theme, the paper mainly discusses the reasons for Martin Eden’s death, highlighting the role the social factors have played.Chapter One explains Martin’s long struggle for success. Chapter Two illustrates that Martin Eden’s death is inevitable. Because of his bewilderment in love and writing, the change in the attitudes of people around him and the failure of going back to the working class to which he belongs, he chooses to die. It is his only solution to the conflicts. Chapter Three focuses on Martin’s disillusionment due to the huge gap between idealism and reality. The so-called American dreams are not based on reality, but on beliefs; not on reason, but on ideals. The idea that individuals can change the society is deceptive, which will make people go astray and lead to ultimate destruction.

The present paper concerns itself with a detailed study of Martin Eden’s inevitable death from a relatively new perspective. It aims to emphasize the importance of two main conflicts, highlighting the gaps between individuals and the society, between idealism and reality.






Martin Eden was published in 1909, the first half of the novel with autobiography properties, on the author’s early life experiences and later fame. Jack London pioneered in literature of social protest and the pattern of his life was reflected in many of his novels, especially in Martin Eden.

The fate of Martin Eden is touching. His heart is full of passion and fortitude for its aspiration, yet his dream crumbles into dust the moment it has been realized. It is the hideous and despicable hypocrisy of society that destroys the young man’s ardent expectation, and plunges him into bewildering despair. …

The reason for my choosing this topic for my paper is that… (以至少半页篇幅说明自己写作本论文的原因和目的)


Chapter One Pursuit of American Ideals



Jack London was living at the period of the turning of the 20th century, which is the so called the “Gorky of the United States”…

1.1 Long Struggle for Success (小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行)

It is obvious that the entire portrait of Martin Eden’s story is not that intricate or complicated. Martin thrives to be a famous writer at the bottom of society. …

1.2 Changing for Love (小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行)

For the sake of getting affection of a young woman of middle class, Martin believes that he will make himself worthy of Ruth Morse’s love if he can educate himself and acquire the manners he has not learned as a seaman. …



Whereas, Ruth is loftiness, and she tries to use the decent words… “In fact, she is one of that upper-class society and she is as vulgar, narrow and selfish as the society she is living in” (Li Shangxin, 1991: 489). She is limited by the education she has, the manner she learns in her class makes her follow going beyond the rules.


What Ruth said could prove that Martin extremely depicted love beautifully. What Ruth said could give a blow to him:

As father and mother have contended, we were not made for each other, and we should both be happy because it was discovered not too late. There is no use trying to see me………………… (254) (如引用小说,注明页码;其余同上。)


Chapter Two The Inevitability of the Death of Martin Eden


2.1 The Bewilderment of Love (小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行)


Martin Eden considered love was pure, sane, beautiful, and no other things in the world could compare with love. He loved madly; from the first sight, he fell in love with Ruth, who was noble, sane not like the secular women. In fact, he neglected the issue, Ruth heard her parents’ advice and considered all the real aspects, she kept in mind that Martin was a sailor, no money and from the inner heart she thought Martin could not become a famous writer, even though he was intelligent and diligent. She always hoped that Martin took a job for money. …

2.2 …(小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行)

2.3 …(小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行)

2.4 The Failure of Going Back to Working Class(小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行) With the philosophy deeply planted in Martin’s heart, his class consciousness took form in his brain. He hated of bourgeois’ vulgar ideas. Martin was a victim of paradox, which had lead to his destination. …


Chapter Three Disillusionment of American Dream


3.1 The Conflicts between Idealism and Realism(小标题小四号,加粗,左对齐,与上文空1行) (英文每段首行空4格英文字符)

Through the analysis of the bewilderment above, it is obviously demonstrated that Martin Eden began to live for ideal, for belief. In his eyes, all things seemed to be beautiful, simple and pure. As for love, he felt Ruth was his angel; Ruth was a pure, beautiful, woman, different from those women who always show up around him. … …

3.2 The Determining Factor of the Social Environment

Realism is featured by its representation of a typical character in a typical Realists tend to aesthetically generalize the typical characters in writing, even by exaggeration. Naturalists agree with the accurate writing of realism, but are opposed to any exaggeration. …






It is not difficult to see that Martin Eden was the victim of the two pairs of conflicts discussed in previous parts. His personal tragedy was also that of his society and his time. It is well known that human beings are social beings. Hence no individual can isolate himself from the society in which he was born and brought up. This means that he can never get himself immune from the influence of his time. Furthermore, his thoughts will be definitely tinged by the society more or less. Martin was no exception. Destined to live in the then American society, he was likely to take in the prevailing philosophies of that time. These philosophies had their respective pros and cons and some of them were incompatible with each other.

… … …




1. 所有条目:按作者姓氏首字母顺序A-Z排列(中文按姓名拼音A-Z);先列英文书,再列中文书,最后列详细网址。各条目之间不空行。

2. 排版:悬挂缩进(在Word文件‘格式-段落’中找)。 3. 标点:英文用英文标点符号,中文用中文标点。



Abraham, H. Lass (ed). A Student’s Guide to 50 British Novels. New York: Washington Square Press, 1966.

Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist. London: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Guo Qunying. British Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001. London, Jack. Martin Eden. New York: Columbia University, 1969.

英文论文集:作者姓,作者名。文章名(英文双引号),书名(斜体)。出版城市名:出版社名,出版年份。 实词首字母大写。如:

Karl, Fredrick R. “The White Man’s Burden”. A Reader’s Guide to the Contemporary English Novel.

Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005.

Weisbuch, Robert: “Winterbourne and the Doom of Manhood in Daisy Miller”, New essays on Daisy

Miller and The Turn of the Screw. New York: Cambridge University Press 1993.

英文杂志:作者姓,名。文章名(英文双引号)。 杂志名(斜体),期刊号,年份: 页码。如:

Dillon, Steve. “Victorian Interior”. Modern Language Quarterly 2 (2001): 83 – 115.






中文杂志:作者姓名:文章名(书名号),杂志名及期刊号。如: 黄晓晨:《文化记忆》,载《国外理论动态》2006年第6期。


网址:须列详细信息,文章或作者名,均须按姓氏或文章字母顺序列出。如: Rampersad, Arnold. Book review about Multitudes.


“The Union Workhouse”. http://www.judandk.force9.co.uk/workhouse.html


SAMPLE 2 / 样稿2

Disillusionment of Humanism -- A Tentative Analysis of Hamlet

A Paper Presented to

Shanghai International Studies University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

By XXX Xxxx

Under the Supervision of Mr. / Ms. XXX Xxx

April, 2014



Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………..…..ii 内容摘要…………………………………………………………………………iii Abstract………………………………………………………………………….….iv Introduction……………………………………………………………….……......1 Chapter One Hamlet’s Character………………………………………………....3 1.1 The Humanity in Hamlet……………………...................................................3 1.2 The Melancholy of Hamlet…………………………………………………....5 Chapter Two Symbolism…………………………………………………………...9 2.1 Symbolism in Hamlet………………………………………...……………….9 2.2 Symbolism in the Lesser Characters……………………………….………..10 Chapter Three Failure of Humanism……………….…………………………...14 3.1 The Conflict between Humanism and Reality………………………………14 3.2 The Failure of Hamlet’s Revenge……………………………………………16 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………....18 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….20



I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. / Ms. Xxx, my supervisor, without whose unstinting help and unreserved guidance the completion of this present paper would have been impossible.







Shakespeare (1564-1616) lived in the transition of period from a feudal society to a capitalistic society. William Shakespeare belongs to one of those rare geniuses of the mankind who have become landmarks in the history of the world culture and whose works is a great landmark in the history of the world literature. Hamlet, one of the four great tragedies, is the most remarkable works of Shakespeare and also the mark of the maturity of his dramatic arts. With abundant connotation of the time, vivid characters, complicated conflicts and varied stories, Hamlet gives the reader a deep impression and impresses them to appreciate it.

By an analysis of the hero’s character, symbolism and conflicts in the play, this paper aims to reveal that it is destined to fail for humanists. There are five parts in the paper: The first part introduces the background of the author and the writing and summarizes the story. The second elaborates the hero’s characters. By the observation of the symbolism, the third part reflects that different individuals represent different moral positions and views of life, which lead to their destinies. The fourth chapter examines the conflict between Hamlet, a symbol of humanism and the reality, as well as the failure of his revenge. The last part is the conclusion. The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius represents that between the emerging capital humanists and feudal reactionary force, which reflects the conflict between the advanced people and evil force in Renaissance. Being a typical representative of humanism, Hamlet has a hope for mankind, and he believes in man’s wisdom, elegance and strength. But in the face of the reality, all of his humanism is destroyed. In the end, he has to exchange his life for the spiritual victory. As the epitome of the era, Hamlet reveals that humanism is destined to be disillusioned.



William Shakespeare was born probably on the April 23th, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. He is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever known. With his 38 plays, 2 long poems and 154 sonnets. He has established his giant position in world literature. He also been given the highest praises by various scholars and critics the world over.

Toward 1600, the co-operation between the Crown and the rising bourgeoisie, which was the basis of the Elizabeth’s regime, was over. The economic and social crises which began at the end of Elizabeth I’s reign continued right up to the English Revolution (1640). It was in this atmosphere of general unrest that Shakespeare created his great tragedies, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth, in which he exposes the social contradictions of the time with penetration. … … …


Chapter One Hamlet’s Character

1.1 The Humanity in Hamlet

Without knowledge of his character, Hamlet’s story would hardly be intelligible. Hamlet is neither a frail and weak-minded youth nor a thought-sick book-worm. The play itself does not bear out such ideas. In the play, nobody thinks of him in that way. Though a scholar, he is at the same time fearless and impetuous in action. We see him rushing after the Ghost, killing Polonius, dealing with Claudius’ agents on the ship, boarding the pirate, leaping into the grave and at last executing his revenge. A mere book-worm can never do any of these things. …

1.2 The Melancholy of Hamlet … …


Chapter Two Symbolism

2.1 Symbolism in Hamlet

Although Prince Hamlet is probably the most intriguing figure in the world’s literature, Shakespeare did not create him primarily as an individual case study, for he was concerned not so much with the problems of an individual as with the much more profound question of mankind in conflict with evil. In Hamlet Shakespeare endowed his hero with a universal symbolism, and he shape all of the elements of his play into a total complex which might provide the emotional equivalent of a Christian view of human life. Hamlet’s life-journey may be viewed as the affirmation of a purposive cosmic order. …

2.2 Symbolism in the Lesser Characters … …


Chapter Three Failure of Humanism

3.1 The Conflict between Humanism and Reality

The Renaissance reached its high tide in 16th century, so did the Humanism. As the fundamental key of Renaissance, the essence of humanism is that human have the right to seek for freedom to advocate the rationalism and to gain people’s position and development in the world. The elements of humanism are to establish the central status, of human beings, their dignity value, to advocate the spirit of rationalism and science, to protest the super role of God admired during the Middle Ages. In the literature of 16th in England, it was play got the best achievement, so there are so many good works. To some extent, a play is the reflection of the society. The history of 16th century is filled with struggle and conflict, which between the capitalism and feudalism. …

3.2 The Failure of Hamlet’s Revenge … …



With abundant and vivid plots, Hamlet reveals an important thought: in the later of Renaissance, the central state power was stable; the system of government was charged by the King. The King abandoned the capitalist class, arbitrarily and dictatorially, and enjoyed all the benefits. In politics, he went against the progressive measure, then the feudal force had the chance to state a comeback. The whole country was filled with foul, and each trying to cheat the other. Under this background, the capital humanists were angry.




Greenblatt, Stephen. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. (8th ed.) Volume 1. New York:

W. W. Norton & Company, 2007.

Guerin, L. Wilfred. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language

Teaching and Research Press & Pearson Education, 2004.

Kent, Cartwright. Remembering Hamlet. University Park, Penn: Pennsylvania State University

Press, 1991.

Mangan, Michael. A Preface to Shakespeare’s Tragedy. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2001. Selden, Raman. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Beijing: Foreign Language

Teaching and Research Press & Pearson Education, 2004.

Wells, Stanley. Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 艾弗?埃文斯:《英国文学简史》。北京:人民文学出版社,1984年。 黄必康:《莎士比亚名篇赏析》。北京:北京大学出版社,2005年。

王佩兰,马茜,黄际英:《英国文学史及作品选读》。长春:东北师范大学出版社,2004年。 王佐良、李赋宁等:《英国文学名著选注》。北京:商务印书馆,2006年。 杨周翰:《莎士比亚年评论汇篇》。北京:中社会科学出版社,1981年。 张冲:《莎士比亚专题研究》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004年。 张泗洋等:《莎士比亚引论》。北京:中国戏剧出版社,1989年。 http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/shakespeare/


