体验商务英语3教案 unit 1 1st - 图文

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一、教案头 编号: 授课班级: 授课日期: 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 本次课标题:Unit 1 Globalization (Starting up/Listening/Reading1/Vocabulary) 能力(技能)目标 知识目标 1. Concepts of globalization. 2. For and against views on globalization. 3. Background information of Boeing company. 4. Vocabulary: Entering new markets. 教 学目标1. Use words to describe globalization. 2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. 3. Reading skills: read for information. 4. Use words to describe globalization methods. 参考资料 能 力训练任务及过程1. Greet the students and introduce the aims of this class 2. Leading-in questions 3. Listening: For and against globalization 4. Reading : Going global 5. Vocabulary: Entering new markets. Teacher’s Resource Book (高等教育出版社) 二、教学设计 步 骤 (教学教 学 内 容 1. Concepts of globalization. 告知 2. For and against globalization. 内容、3. Boeing: Becoming a global company. 目的) 4. Vocabulary: Entering new markets. Leading-in: discuss these questions: Q1: What do you think globalization means? 引入 Q2: Do you think globalization is a recent trend? (任务Q3: What global companies can you think of? What industries 项目) are they in? Q4: Do global companies do more harm than good? 教学方法 讲授 Activities (学生活动) Time (时间) 3min 提问 Answer the leading-in questions. 15 min Listening: 播放Stephen Haseler, Professor of Government at London 录 音 20 min 操练 Guildhall University, has written books on British and (掌握European politics, and on globalization. In this section he Students listen to Recording 初步或points out how globalization increases competition. He also 1.1 and finish the exercises. 基本能describes how it disempowers local governments and suggests 力) that large multinationals are now more powerful than some governments. 深化 (加深对基本能力的体会) Exercises pre-teach vocabulary from the interview and focus on listening for information and for understanding. 练习 Do the exercise 15min 1. Vocabulary: Entering new markets. Key words and vocabulary associated with companies joining forces. 归纳 Globalization, in one way or another, has been going on since (知识human beings started to travel and to go to war with their 和能neighbors. However, the modern form is highly dependent on 力) electronic communications and rapid international travel and freight, and has grown up with them. 总全化概及关词 5 min 结球的 念Keep the concept of 相globalization and associated 单vocabulary in mind. 训练 Reading: Going global This article talks about the attempt by Boeing to break down a (巩固 parochial company culture in favor of a more global view, 拓展 accompanied by a more international way of doing business. 检验) 阅读理解 1. Discuss the questions 2 .Read the article. 3. Answer the questions. 25min 2 min 1. Views on and examples of globalization. 总结 2. Vocabulary about entering new markets. 归纳讲述 Practice 5 min 作业 后记 The exercises on P7 C &P8 B.

Period I: Section I & Section IV Applied writing

Steps (步骤) Introduction Methods & Tasks(方法、任务) 1. Concepts of globalization. 2. For and against globalization. 3. Boeing: Becoming a global company. 4. Vocabulary: Entering new markets. Leading-in: ask students the following questions: Q1: What do you think globalization means? Q2: Do you think globalization is a recent trend? Q3: What global companies can you think of? What industries are they in? Q4: Do global companies do more harm than good? Listening: For and against globalization Stephen Haseler, Professor of Government at London Guildhall University, has written books on British and European politics, and on globalization. In this section he points out how globalization increases competition. He also describes how it disempowers local governments and suggests that large multinationals are now more powerful than some governments. Part A: Match the words below with their definitions. 1) Students work through the exercise individually, checking their answers in pairs. 2) Check the answers with the whole class. Answers: 1 c) 2 a) 3 e) 4 b) 5 d) Part B: Listen to the interview and answer these questions. 1) Tell students to read the two questions, then play the recording. 2) Divide the listening into two parts, pausing between the two main problem areas. 3) Go through the answers with the whole class. Answers: 1. Stephen Haseler is generally against globalization. He thinks that the advantages are outweighed by a large number of disadvantages. 2. Advantages: Globalization increases competition among companies. 3. Disadvantages: Globalization could lead to big employment problems in the West; Globalization prevents governments from controlling their welfare systems. Part C: Complete the text below with these phrases from the interview. 1) Write give-and-take, rule the roost and gather pace on the board. 2) Students guess what they mean. 3) Get students to work through the exercise in pairs. 4) Check the answers with the whole class. Step One Step Two Answers: 1 rule the roost 2 give-and-take 3 gather pace Reading : Going global This article talks about the attempt by Boeing to break down a parochial company culture in favor of a more global view, accompanied by a more international way of doing business. Part A: Discuss these questions. 1) What do you know about Boeing? 2) Where is its head office? 3) What do you think in-plant and out-plant mean? Part B: Go through the answers with the whole class. Step Three 1. Boeing is a US company which manufactures aeroplanes for civil aviation. 2. Seattle. 3. in-plant means in Seattle. Out-plant means everywhere. Part C: Which of these statements are true? 1) Tell students to answer as many of the true/false questions as they can from memory. 2) Students check or complete their answers by reading the text again and underlining the passages which support their answers. 3) Go through the answers with the whole class. Ask students to quote the relevant sections of the text to support their answers. Answers: 1 true 2 true 3 true 4 false 5 false Step Four Vocabulary: Entering new markets. In this section, students study key words and vocabulary associated with companies joining forces. Part A: Match the methods below to the definitions. 1) Ask the students to do this exercise individually. 2) Go through the answers with the whole class. Answers: a d) 2 f) 3 g) 4 b) 5 c) 6 e) 7 a) Part B: Complete these sentences with some of the methods listed above. 1) Tell students to do this exercise individually. 2) Go through the answers with the whole class. 1. joint venture 2 acquisition 3 local partner 4 licensing/franchising Conclusion Homework postscript 1. Views on and examples of globalization. 2. Vocabulary about entering new markets The exercises on P7 C &P8 B.

