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2、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They' re???. Are

these / those …?

3、通过跟唱、分组唱、表演唱等方式,复习歌曲On the farm

4、通过朗读,复习辅音字母 m在单词中的读音。




TeaCh ing Key PointS

1、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They' re???. Are these / those …?



TeaCh ing DiffiCUIt Poi nts

1、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They' re???. Are these / those …?




TeaChi ng AidS



In depe ndent PreVieW Before ClaSS 1?读熟、会背本单元内容。

2. 会唱SOng time中的歌谣。

3. 会写以下单词: farm, they, those, apple, pear, Oran ge, who

教学过程TeaCh ing ProCedUreS

修改或反思AdjUStme nt or RefIeCti On

Step1: Warm UP

1.Greet ing

T: Good morning / after noon, class.

Ss: Good morning / after noon, MiSS ...

1. ASk and answer.

T: What is this?

S: It' S a/an …

T: What are these/those?

S: They re …

T: Are these / those??? ?

S: Yes, they are./ No, they areh t.

T: Good. Now, PIeaSe point to your things and ask.

Ss: ASk and an SWer in pairs.

SteP 2. ReViSiO n

1. ReVieW the words.

T: What are these?

Ss: They are??

T: Can you read these words now?

Ss: Look and read.

T: NiCe job. Look, some IetterS of the words are missing. Can you try to complete these words? Can you spell these words?

Ss: Look and spell.

2. 完成《课课练》40 Look and write.

T: Look at these PiCtUreS boys and girls. Can you complete these Senten ces?

Ss: DiSCUSs.

T: What is your idea?

Ss: Say the an swer.

T: Good. Now , PIeaSe Write the words on your exercise book.

Ss: Write and correct.

3. Show the PiCtUre of the farm.

T: What are these on the farm? Do you know the n ames of the thin gs? Can you Say the words? Can you spell them?

Ss: Read and spell.

T: Can you look at the PiCtUreS and Write the words? HaVe a try.

4. ShOW the PiCture Of CartoOn time.

T: What are they Say ing? Can you try to act this dialogue? Ss: Act.

5. Show the PiCtUre of Sound time.

T: Look at the boy from the farm. What is his n ame?

Ss: Tom.

T: What is the sound of the Ietter “ m” ?

Ss: /m/

T: Can you read these words now?

Ss: Read in groups.

T: Prefect!

6. Show the Sentences:

( )2??ι∏? exλjaι别人判我ιj?t?,

A. Welcome to OUr school, β


WeICOme to GUr home.

( )和刚人初次见mi应谀繼样仃招呼?

A- NlCe to meet VOU



HoW Oid are you ?

( )想知道远?t的哪些足什么*应谨怎f≠W?

A J What are these? ∣B. What are Those?

( )ffiMι≡近处的这些M不雄奶牛?应该加样问?

A. Are ∣tho?e cow&? Ek Are these tows?

Ss: DiSCUSS With group members.

T: Do you know the an SWer now? Who Can tell us?

Step3 Do the exercise


A LiSte n and CirCIe

T: What are they? PIeaSe point to the PiCtUreS and Say them in English.

Ss: Look and say.

T: Now, PIeaSe liste n to the dialogue and CirCIe the pictures.

Ss: LiSte n and circle.

T: Can you tran slate these Senten CeS into Chin ese?

Ss: Tran slate and CheCk the an swer.

B LiSte n and nu mber

T: Look , the girl and her father are on the farm , too. What are they talk ing about?

Let' S listen and number.

Ss: LiSte n and nu mber.

T: PIeaSe translate these SentenCeS into Chinese.

Ss: Tran slate and CheCk the an swer.

C Read and choose


TeaGh ing RefIeGti On After Class

