富士通fmv15.4寸笔记本 A8260, A8270拆机教程 - 图文
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FMV-A6280 decomposition
I tried to disassemble the Fujitsu FMV-A6280.
The FMV-A series, specification and size of the liquid crystal depends on the model number. I think FMV-A6280, and housing FMV-A8280 and if they were not the same. LCD is 15.6 inches together. It is such as FMV-A6240, A6250, A6255, A6260, A6270, A8260, A8270, but in addition to these but 15.4 in the liquid crystal. A8290 is 15.6, but the liquid crystal is where subtle whether the same design as A6280.
Fujitsu FMV-A6280. Digestion will to descending into some memory. Place is not complete in to. In addition, I think that it is or would be helpful to some extent in the FMV-A series of other.
Red frame hard disk memory, and blue frame. I think to be able to use it comfortably and expansion up to the memory. Memory expansion to please reference the.
Remove the keyboard, this is possible by removing the cover on the keyboard.
You think that it is easy to take or when I put a flat screwdriver, from the end cover. Because broken and removed by force because nail rests,
while sliding to the left and right.
I turned over the keyboard.
I Disconnect the keyboard cable and touch panel cable.
I will continue to remove the screws on the bottom. I remove each mounter also hard disk. Of the same form is used the most part the size of the screw. Screws with different shape is this number. And so on, so that you later where you were used.
I'll remove the optical drive.
I remove the two screws on the external monitor port.
I will release the claw of LCD connection part.
I think that when you remove the cover, external monitor port is caught. In this case, I can use a flat-blade screwdriver.
Motherboard. I do not remember or were in what way, but you can easily remove the motherboard.
I think that it might be easy to remove it to 180 degrees and body, disconnect the cables, and remove the screws on the hinge LCD.
LCD you removed. You can be done in this decomposition method is also exchange of liquid crystal.
富士通fmv15.4寸笔记本 A8260, A8270拆机教程 - 图文09-23
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