大学英语 Unit 3 Road Signs and Commuting

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Unit | ThreeUnit | Three

Road Signs and Commuting

Unit Goals:What You Should Learn to Do1. Ask where a particular place is:in a city within a building

2. Show directions3. Talk about means of transport to take 4. Understand and write road and office signs

What You Should Know About1. Different feelings about traveling 2. Forming of plural nounsUnit | Three

ContentsTalking Face to FaceSection ⅠSection Ⅴ

Appreciating Culture TipsSection Ⅱ

Being All EarsSection Ⅲ

Section Ⅳ

Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Trying Your HandUnit | Three

Section Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-TalksSpeak and Recite

Acting out the TasksStudying Maps Following Sample Dialogues Putting Language to Use

Speak and Perform

Study and Imitate

Imitate and Perform Speak and Complete Speak and CommunicateUnit | Three

SECTION I Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-TalksSpeak and Recite 1 Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about giving directions. Window on Key Words 1) Asking How to Get to the Railway Station A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the railway station? 交通灯,红绿灯 B: Sure. Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. A: Right at the traffic lights. B: Yes. You'll see the railway station when you get there. 大街 2) Asking How to Get to West Avenue A: Excuse me. Do you know where West Avenue is? B: Well, you go down Market Road, pass the market, and turn left. West Avenue is the first turning on the right. A: Pass the market and turn left. First turning on the right. Thanks. Unit | Three B: You are welcome.

Window on Key Words 销售部经理 电梯3) Asking How to Get to the Sales Manager's Office A: Good morning. Can you tell me where the Sales Manager's office is? B: Sure. The Sales Manager's office is on the fifth floor, Room 512. A: Where is the lift, please? B: Over there. Take the lift to the fifth floor, and then turn left. It is the second room on the left.


4) Asking How to Get to the Meeting Room A: Hello, Miss. I'm looking for the meeting room. B: The meeting room is on the third floor. You can take the lift or just walk upstairs. A: When I walk out of the lift, how can I get there? B: Just go straight ahead. It's in front of you. You can't miss it.5) Asking How to Get to the City Center A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the city center? B: You know the school gate, don't you? There is a bus stop there. Back A: Oh, yes, the bus stop is in front of the gate. Unit | Three B: Take Bus No. 16 or Bus No. 19, and you'll get downtown.


Acting out the TasksSpeak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.

1 Task: Look at the street map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the bus stop at the corner of Hall Street and Wynn Street. Ask how to get to Low Street Underground Station.2 Task: Look at the street map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the bus stop at the corner of Hall Street and

Wynn Street. Ask how to get to the church. 3 Task: Look at the street map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the bus stop at the corner of Hall Street and Wynn Street. Ask how to get to the car park.

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Acting out the TasksSpeak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.

4 Task: Look at the building map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are just out of the stairs. Ask how to get to the Marketing Department.

5 Task: Look at the building map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are just out of the stairs. Ask how to get to Mr. Green's office.Back

Unit | Three

Studying MapsStudy and Imitate 3 Maps are very useful for giving and understanding directions. Read the following sample maps carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.

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Unit | Three

Following Sample DialoguesImitate and Perform 4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks. 1) Talking About How to Get to Work Peter: Mark, do you live far away from the museum where you work? Mark: Yes. You know I live in an apartment on Wynn Street and the museum is on Low Street. Peter: How do you usually get to work? Mark: I usually drive my car up Hall Street and park the car behind the church. Then I walk over to the museum. Peter: Oh. Then how about the winter time when it snows? Mark: Well, in winter when it snows, I'd rather not drive. I take the underground from Wynn Street to Low Street. Then I walk across from Low Street station to the museum. Peter: That's convenient, isn't it? Mark: Yes, it is. I can take Bus No. 16, too. The bus stop is just opposite my apartment. The bus turns from Hall Street into Church Street. I get off at the corner of Church Street and Low Street and walk to the museum. Unit | Three

2) Asking How to Get to the Manager's Office Bill: Excuse me, where is the manager's office? Clerk: The manager's office? It's not on this floor. It's on the fourth floor downstairs. You can just walk down the stairs there. Bill: Would you please tell me how I can find his office? Clerk: Sure. Go down the stairs to the fourth floor and turn left. At the end of the corridor, turn left again. Bill: Left, and left again. Clerk: It's the second door on the right next to the meeting room. Bill: Thank you very much.Back

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Putting Language to UseSpeak and Complete 5 Sally wants to go to Beach Hotel. She is asking a stranger for directions to get there. Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words. Sally: 1 _____________ me, can you help me? I'm going to Beach Hotel, but Excuse I've lost 2 _____________. my way

Stranger: Go 3 _____________ this street until you come to West Avenue. Turn left along There and go straight ahead about four blocks. The Beach Hotel is 4 _____________ on the corner of West Avenue and Main Street. Sally: I see. Thank you very much. 5 __________ the way, can I take a bus? By Stranger: Yes. If you go the

re by bus, 6 ____________ Bus No. 15 and get take 7 ____________ at the third stop. off Sally: Where can I take the bus, please? Stranger: The bus stop is over there in 8 _____________ of the supermarket. Back front Sally: 9 _____________ thanks. Many Unit | Three

Speak and Communicate6 Ken is looking for Mr. Anderson. He meets Jane and asks her for directions. Imagine you are Jane. Tell Ken how he might find Mr. Anderson. Fill in the blanks according to the clues given in brackets. Then act it out with your partner. Ken: Jane, where is Mr. Anderson's office? You: 1 (告诉他安德森先生的办公室在顶层,电梯旁边。)

_____________________________. It's on the top floor, next to the liftKen: Do you think he is in? You: No. I saw him just now on the second floor. 2 (说他可能在会议室。) _______________________________. He might be in the conference room Ken: The conference room? Where is it? You: 3 (告诉他在二楼206房间。) _______________________________. It is on the second floor, Room 206 Ken: Room 206. Thanks, Jane. You: 4 (礼貌回答肯的致谢。) ____________________. You are welcomeBack

Unit | Three

SECTION II Being All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationListen and Repeat Listen and Match Listen and Respond

Handling a Dialogue

Listen and Decode

Understanding a Short Speech / Talk

Listen and Complete Listen and Match

Unit | Three

SECTION II Being All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationListen and Repeat 1 Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations. 1) The Sales Department is next to the Human Resources Department. 1) 销售部在人力资源部的隔壁。

2) The reception desk is in the middle of the hall on the first floor. 3) Cross the bridge, and make a right turn. 4) You need to transfer at Fuxingmen.5) Just pass the tall building and turn to the right.

2) 接待前台在一楼大厅中间。 3) 过了桥向右拐。 4) 你得在复兴门转车。5) 走过高楼向右拐。Unit | Three

6) Drive back to the traffic lights and turn left. 7) Can you show me the way to the railway station? 8) Walk west for two blocks and you'll be there. 9) Sorry, I'm new around here.

6) 往回开到红绿灯,然后往左拐。 7) 请问去火车站怎么走? 8) 往西走两个街区就到了。 9) 对不起,这一带我不熟悉。

10) Take the No.19 bus and get off at 10) 坐19路公交车,在第五站下车。 the fifth stop. Window on Key Words human resources 人力资源 transfer 转乘 reception 接待 block 街区


Unit | Three

Listen and Match 2 Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B. Column A Column B

1) I think the best way is to take the subway.2) You will take less than 5 minutes to get there. 3) Keep going until you see a white building on your left. 4) Take the elevator to the sixth floor. 5

) Take the subway first, and then change to Bus No. 9.

a. 用不了5分钟你就走到了。b. 我想最好的办法是乘地铁。 c. 向前走直到看到左边有一栋白色大楼。 d. 先坐地铁, 然后换乘9路公交车。 e. 乘电梯到六楼。Unit | Three

Column A

Column B

6) Sorry, I'm a stranger here myself. 7) The subway station is just two blocks away.

f. 对不起,我也是外地人。 g. 你可以乘坐地铁二号线,在西直门下车。

8) Excuse me, can you tell me how to h. 化学楼在图书馆对面。 get to the computer center? 9) The chemistry building is opposite the library. 10) You can take Subway Line 2 and get off at Xizhimen. Key: 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-e, 5-d, 6-f, 7-j, 8-i, 9-h, 10-gBack

i. 打扰了,能告诉我去计算机中心怎么走吗? j. 地铁站离这里只有两个街区远。

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