精读6 第四课 Nettles 讲解

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Unit Four Nettles

1. Notes on Guide to Reading 1) prolific (1.1) 多产的 prolific writer 多产作家

synonyms: fecund, fertile, fruitful, productive.

2)prestigious (1.3) esteemed 有名望的,著名的

Prestigious university 名牌大学;名校 Synonyms: celebrated, distinguished, eminent, illustrious, noted, preeminent, prominent, renowned

3)dilemma (2.2)进退两难;困境

To be, or not to be: that is the question (Shakespeare)

Synonyms: deep water, hot water,


4)be confronted with (2.3) face; meet with;

encounter 面对;遭遇


5)regardless of (2.3) irrespective of 不论;不管

6)Love that was not usable, that knew its place. Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, and underground resource. (Last line but one, Para. 2)



7)retrospection (3.2) 回顾,回忆

8)protagonist (3.2) The main performer in a theatrical production; : lead 主角 9)effortlessly (3.4) Effortless: easy

Easy as ABC, easy as falling off a log,

easy as one-two-three, easy as pie, like taking candy from a baby, nothing to it. 10)bridge the gap: 搭配


11)Thus the reader is apt to identify with the protagonist, feeling what she feels and worrying what worries her. (last line but one, Para. 3)

Identify with ?

12) address several essential problems (4.1) 搭配

13)Once again “Nettles” displays Munro’s lasting strength …and subtle meanings of life.

Lasting strength?

在“荨麻”中, Munro再次展示了其深厚功力,驭繁于简,情节虽然简单,却探索了复杂的人物感情和微妙的人生况味。

2.Text Analysis

From paragraph 1 to paragraph 49

A.必备语汇 (preparatory words and expressions)

见 词汇测试表 B. 逐段讲解



不交代是谁,留下悬念 (suspense) 词汇:

1)ketchup sandwich (1.2)


2. 数年之后,重寻故地,已物易人非。

去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。 今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。 不见去年人,泪湿春衫袖。

---生查子 去年元夜时 欧阳修

去年今日此门中 , 人面桃花相映红。 人面只今何处去? 桃花依旧笑春风

题都城南庄 崔护


场早恋(puppy love)。 词汇:


1)Well (line 1):水井

2)Penned (line 3):圈养的 Pig sty 猪圈 3)Mug (line 7) : 杯 其他词义:

(1) I got mugged/jumped on my way


(2) The suspect is not among the mug shots.

(3) Look at her ugly mug.

4.Mike McCallum 出场。交代打井人居无

定所的生活,为之后和童年伴侣小Mike McCallum的分离埋下伏笔。

5.小Mike McCallum出场。交代两人都是

8岁。 词汇:

1)boarding house (5.1)提供膳宿的地方

2)at hand (5.2)nearby 附近,手边 6. 回忆和小Mike两小无猜的情景之一:在Mike父亲的车里玩耍;给被臭鼬所伤的狗抹番茄汁治伤。



1)Cab (6.1):出租车;此处:驾驶室 2)Mucky (6.4): dirty 3) Sour-cheese boots (6.4): 袜子发此臭奶


4) Skunk (6.6): 臭鼬 5) Spray (6.6): 喷射 句子:

1) It looked as if we were washing him in blood. (last line)

好像用血给它洗澡一样。 7. 回忆农场的树木。 句子:

1)Each of the trees ?crabby. (7.2-4) 译:

这里每颗树都神气活现的。比如,榆树宁静安详,橡树则杀气腾腾,枫树慈祥可亲,而山楂树则老态龙钟、火气十足。 8.回忆一起过河情景。 词汇:

1) Scummy (8.3): 长满浮渣的

2) Scum:人渣 scum of the earth


scum of the nation? 句子:

1) The river in August was almost as much a stony road as it was a watercourse. (8.1) 译:8月的河是条水道,几乎也是一条石头路。

2)?plowing through mats of flat-leafed water lilies, trapping our legs in their snaky roots. (8.3-4)


9-11 讲述小孩们玩打仗游戏,我和Mike互生情愫。 词汇:

1) Harassment (9.4): 骚扰 Sex harassment 2) Dress (10.3):包扎

Administer:to give someone a medicine or

medical treatment

Painkillers were administered to the boy. 句子:

1) There was a keen alarm when the cry came,


a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion. (10.4-6)

Keen: keen interest/desire

The need for enlarging our vocabulary is not keenly felt yet.

Zing: to move quickly Wire:电线

Business wire? Fanatic:狂热的


2) The game disintegrated, after a long while, in arguments and mass resurrection. (11.1-2) Disintegrate: to break up 散


12-14 水井打好,Mike离去



1) One morning, of course, the job was all finished, the well capped, the pump reinstated, the fresh water marveled at. (12.1-2) Cap: (vt) 加盖子 Marvel at:惊叹


2) The laugh had a lonely boom in it, as if he were still down the well. (Last line, Para. 12) Boom:低沉而有回响的声音


3) He had other jobs lined up elsewhere… (13.2)

Line up: 排队 Line up please!


Line the kids up!


4) Future absence I accepted—it was just that I had no idea, until Mike disappeared, of what absence could be like. How my own territory would be altered, as if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike. (13. 5-8)


15 从细节描述对Mike的思念。 句子:

1) My heart was beating in big thumps, like

howls happening in my chest. Thump: 砰砰声

16-18 时间回到1979年,Sunny去接我。


