Dota2 英雄背景汇总(双语)-转

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Turstarkuri: 敌法师修行的寺院,星隐寺 Dead God: 死亡之神

Unliving Lord: 死亡之神军团所信奉的邪教中的神

Elze: 厄泽王庭,源自拉丁语aula caesaris,意为凯撒的法庭。痛苦女王降世之地 Ecclesiast-King: 厄泽王庭的教皇

Tower of Invocations: 祈灵塔,教皇所在地。

Misrule: 莉娜成长并学会龙破斩的地方,纷争之国 Selemene: 赛莉蒙妮,月之女神的称谓

Solar Throne: 太阳王座,米拉娜出生国的王权象征 Nightsilver Woods: 月神森林

Verodicia: 维萝迪西娅,树木之神

Tequoia: 特夸亚,先知的名字,来源于“红杉(sequoia)” Anti-Mage

The monks of Turstarkuri watched the rugged valleys below their mountain monastery as wave after wave of invaders swept through the lower kingdoms. Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic. Then came the Legion of the Dead God, crusaders with a sinister mandate to replace all local worship with their Unliving Lord's poisonous nihilosophy. From a landscape that had known nothing but blood and battle for a thousand years, they tore the souls and bones of countless fallen legions and pitched them against Turstarkuri. The monastery stood scarcely a fortnight against the assault, and the few monks who bothered to surface from their meditations believed the invaders were but demonic visions sent to distract them from meditation. They died where they sat on their silken cushions. Only one youth survived--a pilgrim who had come as an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had yet to be admitted to the monastery. He watched in horror as the monks to whom he had served tea and nettles were first slaughtered, then raised to join the ranks of the Dead God's priesthood. With nothing but a few of Turstarkuri's prized dogmatic scrolls, he crept away to the comparative safety of other lands, swearing to obliterate not only the Dead God's magic users--but to put an end to magic altogether. 敌法师


Queen of Pain

The Ecclesiast-King of Elze nursed a desire for pain--forbidden pain. In a less prominent political figure, such desires might be considered unwise, but in a monarch of his stature, to satisfy such thirsts would have threatened the virtue of the Divine Throne itself. Therefore he turned to his dungeon full of demonologists, promising freedom to whoever could summon a personal succubus of torment and bind it entirely to his service. The creature who arrived, Akasha by name, visited upon him such exquisite torments that he named her his Secret Queen, and he began to spend all his spare moments submitting to her clever torments--eventually abdicating all his responsibilities in his pursuit of the painful pleasures that only she could bring. Queen of Pain could bring him to the brink of death, but she was rune-bound to keep him alive. At last the King's neglect of state brought on an uprising. He was dragged from his chamber and hurled from the Tower of Invocations, and at the moment of death, Queen of Pain was let loose into the world, freed from servitude--freed to visit her sufferings on anyone she deigned to notice.


厄泽王庭的教皇有个隐秘的受虐癖——以品尝禁忌之痛为乐。即便是对那些普通政客而言这都是愚蠢至极的,而对于教皇而言,这种私欲已经威胁到了神权本身的纯洁和完整。于是他只好偷偷的去他的地牢里,求助于那一帮恶魔学识大师,承诺只要有人召唤一名完全为他服务的痛苦女妖,那就能获得自由。旋即魔女降世,名为阿卡莎,她给教皇带去了无与伦比的痛苦和刺激,教皇随即赐其隐秘皇后之位,并将所有闲暇时间用于享受她带来的花样百出的痛苦——最终,为了追求这种只有阿卡莎能带给他的痛苦,教皇放弃了他的所有职责。痛苦女王能让他体验濒死之欢愉,并因为受符文的限制而无法杀死他。终于,教皇的不理朝政引发了起义,他被愤怒的人们从密室里拖出来,然后从祈灵塔上扔了下去。然而,他的死亡却让痛苦女王获得了自由,不再被奴役,她将恣意的向世界挥洒她的痛苦。 Slayer

The sibling rivalries between Lina the Slayer, and her younger sister Rylai, the Crystal Maiden, were the stuff of legend in the temperate region where they spent their quarrelsome childhoods together. Lina always had the advantage, however, for while Crystal was guileless and naive, Lina's fiery ardor was tempered by cleverness and conniving. The exasperated parents of these incompatible offspring went through half a dozen homesteads, losing one to fire, the next to ice, before they realized life would be simpler if the children were separated. As the oldest, Lina was sent far south to live with a patient aunt in the blazing Desert of Misrule, a climate that proved more than comfortable for the fiery Slayer. Her arrival made quite an impression on the somnolent locals, and more than one would-be suitor scorched his fingers or went away with singed eyebrows, his advances spurned. Lina is proud and confident, and nothing can dampen her flame.


秀逗魔导士莉娜和她妹妹水晶室女莉莱从小就合不来,她们从童年开始就你来我往的争斗成为了当地人津津乐道的传奇故事。虽然莉娜总是占上风,然而水晶室女的纯良和诚实完美的中和了莉娜的火爆性子。在两人分别用冰和火毁掉了一大半房子以后,她们气急败坏的父母终于意识到两人必须分开。作为姐姐,莉娜被送到了遥远的南方,纷争之国的燃烧沙漠,和她有耐心的姑妈一起生活,这里的气候对这位火爆的魔导士来说其实更舒服。她的到来让一潭死水的当地泛起了不小的涟漪,许多男人试图追求她,最后却拖着烧焦的手指头或者只剩半边的眉毛以及被摧毁的自信心狼狈离开。莉娜非常自信且骄傲,没有任何事物能抑制她的火焰。 Priestess of the Moon

Born to a royal family, a blood princess next in line for the Solar Throne, Mirana willingly surrendered any claim to mundane land or titles when she dedicated herself completely to the service of Selemene, Goddess of the Moon. Known ever since as Princess of the Moon, Mirana prowls the sacred Nightsilver Woods searching for any who would dare poach the sacred luminous lotus from the silvery pools of the Goddess's preserve. Riding on her enormous feline familiar, she is poised, proud and fearless, attuned to the phases of the moon and the wheeling of the greater constellations. Her bow, tipped with sharp shards of lunar ore, draws on the moon's power to charge its arrows of light. 月之女祭司


就作为众所周知的月之公主,巡回在银夜森林,搜索那些从月之女神保护地中的银色水池偷取夜光莲花的大胆之徒。米拉娜骑着她庞大的猫科伙伴,沉着、自豪且无畏,调和于月相和星座旋转。她的弓上镶嵌的月之矿石吸收月光之力,为她的光之箭矢充入能量。 Nature Prophet

When Verodicia, Goddess of the Woods, had finished filling in the green places, having planted the coiled-up spirit in the seed, having lured the twining waters from deep within the rock, having sworn the sun its full attention to the growing things, she realized that her own time had reached its end, and like one of the leaves whose fate she had imprinted in the seed, she would fall without seeing the fruiting of her dream. It pained her to leave the world bereft, for the sprouts had not yet broken through the soil--and they would be tender and vulnerable to every sort of harm. She found in her seed pouch one last seed that she had missed in the sowing. She spoke a single word into the seed and swallowed it as she fell. Her vast body decomposed throughout the long winter, becoming the humus that would feed the seedlings in the spring. And on the morning of the vernal equinox, before the rest of the forest had begun to wake, that last seed ripened and burst in an instant. From it stepped Tequoia, Nature's Prophet, in full leaf, strong and wise, possessing Verodicia's power to foresee where he would be needed most in defense of the green places--and any who might be fortunate enough to call him an ally. 先知

在种子里埋入盘起的灵魂,从岩石深处引出缠绕的水流,起誓阳光会普照这生长的一切,当树木之神维萝迪希娅完成这一系列森林的创造后,她意识到自己的生命也到达终点,如一片命运已被她印在种子中的树叶一样飘落,无法看见自己的梦想结果。嫩芽尚未破土,即使破土,脆弱的嫩芽也很容易受到各种伤害,而她却即将辞世,无能为力,这让她无比痛心。然而她在种子袋中发现了一颗播种时漏掉的种子,在弥留之际,她将力量化作一字箴言,寄于此种,然后将其服下。在漫长的冬天,她巨大的身体逐渐分解,化为了幼苗来年春天的肥料。在春分的早晨,当其它种子还没有苏醒时,最后那颗种子在一瞬间成熟然后爆裂了。从中走出了特夸亚,自然的先知,他身披树叶,强壮且智慧,拥有树木之神维萝迪希娅的力量,能预见到森林最需要他的地方,同时他也很清楚,能作为他的盟友,是天赐的幸运。 Windrunner

The western forests guard their secrets well. One of these is Lyralei, master archer of the wood, and favored godchild of the wind. Known now as Windrunner, Lyralei's family was killed in a storm on the night of her birth—-their house blown down by the gale, contents scattered to the winds. Only the newborn survived among the debris field of death and destruction. In the quiet after the storm, the wind itself took notice of the lucky infant crying in the grass. The wind pitied the child and so lifted her into the sky and deposited her on a doorstep in a neighboring village. In the years that followed, the wind returned occasionally to the child’s life, watching from a distance while she honed her skills. Now, after many years of training, Windrunner fires her arrows true to their targets. She moves with blinding speed, as if hastened by a wind ever at her back. With a flurry of arrows, she slaughters her enemies, having become, nearly, a force of nature herself. 风行者

西部森林中隐藏了无数的秘密。其中之一就是受到风神眷顾的森林弓箭大师莱瑞蕾。风行者莱瑞蕾的家人在她出生那夜的暴风雨中全部去世了,狂风摧毁了他们的房屋,一切都化为乌有。只有还是婴儿的风行者在充满死亡和破坏的瓦屑中幸存了下来。暴风雨平静下来后,自然之风注意到了这个在草地中哭泣的幸运儿。风很怜悯这个孩子,便将她抬起,放到一户邻居的门前台阶上。之后的岁月里,风会时不时回来看下这个孩子的生活,从远处看着她磨练自己的技术。现在,经过多年的训练,风行者射出的箭矢百步穿杨。她迅捷的步伐让人难以看清,犹如背后有风在推动。风行者用飓风般的箭矢群杀戮敌人,她几乎已成为自然之力本身。 Demon Witch

Once a Grandmaster of the Demon Witch tradition of sorcery, Lion earned fame among his brethren for fighting on the side of light and righteousness. But adulation corrupts. With powers surpassed only by his ambition, the mage was seduced by a demon and turned to evil, trading his soul for prestige. After committing horrible crimes that marred his soul, he was abandoned. The demon betrayed him, striking better deals with his enemies. Such was Lion’s rage that he followed the demon back to hell and slew it, ripping it limb from limb, taking its demonic hand for his own. However, such demonoplasty comes at a cost. Lion was transfigured by the process, his body transformed into something

unrecognizable. He rose from hell, rage incarnate, slaying even those who had once called him master, and laying waste to the lands where he had once been so adored. He survives now as the sole practitioner of the Demon Witch tradition, and those who present themselves as acolytes or students are soon relieved of their mana and carried off by the faintest gust of wind.


莱恩曾经是个为光明和正义战斗的恶魔巫师,在同胞之间享有声望的传统巫术大师。但奉承和谄媚使他堕落了。莱恩产生了超过他力量所及的野心,他受到恶魔的引诱,变得邪恶,用自己的灵魂换取了声望。在做出了许多恐怖的罪恶行为后,莱恩的灵魂受到了损伤,恶魔因此抛弃了他。背叛了他的恶魔与他的敌人联手,用更强的手段对付他。莱恩对此变得狂怒,他追着恶魔一路跟到地狱,在地狱杀死了这个恶魔,把它一截一截地撕裂,最后莱恩取下恶魔那有魔力的手腕,装在自己的身体上。然而,与恶魔融合是要付出代价的。莱恩的身体变成了某种无法辨识的东西。他从地狱中出来时成为了狂怒的化身,不仅杀光了所有称他为怪物的人,还践踏了那片自己曾经受人崇拜的土地。他是唯一幸存的传统恶魔巫师,那些想来当他助手或学徒的人都被他抽光了魔法,然后轻松的夺走生命。 Vengeful Spirit

Even the most contented Skywrath is an ill-tempered creature, naturally inclined to seek revenge for the slightest insult. But Vengeful Spirit is the essence of vengeance. Once a proud and savage Skywrath scion, Shendelzare was first in succession for the Ghastly Eyrie until a sister's treachery robbed her of her birthright. Snared in an assassin's net, Shendelzare tore free only at the cost of her wings, limping away in the ultimate humiliation: On foot. With her wings broken, she knew the Skywrath would never accept her as ruler; and in the highest roost of the Eyrie, inaccessible except by winged flight, her sister was untouchable. Unwilling to live as a flightless cripple, and desiring revenge far more than earthly power, the fallen princess drove a bargain with the goddess Scree'auk: She surrendered her broken body for an imperishable form of spirit energy, driven by vengeance, capable of doing great damage in the material plane. She may spend eternity flightless, but she will have her revenge.


天怒一族这种生物,即使最满足最安心的时候脾气也很暴躁,他们天生就会为了最微不足道的侮辱寻求复仇。然而复仇本来就是复仇之魂的本质所在。曾经作为一个自傲而残暴的天怒之子,仙德尔莎是苍白之巢的第一继承人,直到一个姐妹背叛了她,夺走了她的继承权。被暗杀者的陷阱困住以后,仙德尔莎以双翼为代价,逃出生天。用对于这一族最丢脸的方式:步行,颠簸逃离了。仙德尔莎明白天怒一族再也不会接受失去翅膀的她作为统治者。而且对于处于最高处的苍白之巢,没有能够飞翔的翅膀是无法接近的,她将无法碰到她的姐妹。不甘作为一个无法飞翔的废物苟活,她对于复仇的渴望超越了所有的俗世欲望,堕落的公主向女神丝奎奥克乞求:放弃了她残破的身体,化为了一种靠复仇驱动,能够对物质世界做出巨大破坏的不朽精神能量。她或许永远都不能飞翔了,但她的复仇将永远持续下去。 Butcher

In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night--dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of the fallen that the battlefield might be clear by dawn. In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk. Flesh falls from the bone; tendons and ligaments part like wet paper. And while he always had a taste for the butchery, over the ages, Pudge has developed a taste for its byproduct as well. Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags. Even those who are beyond fearing the Reaper, fear the Butcher. 屠夫


是屠宰,但时间一长,他对食尸也产生了兴趣。刚开始时只是这里吃一小块肉,那里小嗫一口血...但很快他就开始了自己的饕餮盛举,即使是躯干上最硬的部位他也津津有味的品尝。就算是那些在面对掠夺者时都毫无惧色的人们,看到屠夫,也是异常恐惧。 Witch Doctor

A wiry silhouette hitches forward--uneven of feature and limb, bizarre of gait, relentlessly criss-crossing the battlefield in search of that vital weak point where his talents can do most good, and most harm. Whether broken or mismade it is not clear, but still, none can doubt the power carried in his twisted physique. A long staff thumps the earth as Zharvakko the Witch Doctor advances, deploying a terrifying arsenal of fetishes, hexes and spells. It is a body of magical knowledge learned and perfected over several lifetimes in the island highlands of Arktura, now wielded with precision accuracy against his enemies. Zharvakko can be your best friend or your worst enemy--healing allies and laying waste to all who oppose him.


一个轮廓不匀的瘦长身影迈着怪异的步伐纵横在战场上,寻找着敌人的致命弱点,用他可怕的才能造成严重的伤害。无论他那扭曲的身体是被打断的还是先天的,没有人可以质疑其中的力量。巫医扎瓦克用他的长杖猛击地面前进,他是一个迷信、巫术和咒语的恐怖聚合体。这个身体在阿克图拉岛的高原地带学习了魔法知识并磨练娴熟,现在精确的用在他的敌人身上。治疗友军,践踏敌人,扎瓦克可以成为你的好战友,或者最糟糕的敌人. Tormented Soul

Leshrac, Tormented Soul, is an entity torn from the heart of nature, a liminal being that exists half in one plane of existence, half in another. His penetrating intelligence is such that he can never ignore for a moment the agonizing horror at the heart of all creation. Once a great philosopher who sought the meaning of existence, he plumbed the depths of nature with the haunted Chronoptic Crystals, and was forever altered by the hideous mysteries thereby revealed to him. Now the darkest depths of his enlightenment are illumined only by the fitful glare of his arrogance. Like other elemental characters, he is completely at one with nature, but in his case it is a nature lurid and vile. He alone sees the evil truth of reality, and has no use for those who believe the cosmos reserves a special reward for those who practice benevolence. 受折磨的灵魂

拉席克,受折磨的灵魂,是一个从人性之中被撕裂出来的存在,他身体的一半存在于物质面,另外一半存在于非物质面。他敏锐的智慧使他能觉察到任何生物心中的最细微的恐惧。作为一个曾经毕生寻求存在意义的伟大哲学家,他用时光水晶探视了人性的最深处,在那里,他被展示在他面前的神秘的丑恶永远地改变了。傲慢与自负点燃了他内心最黑暗的深渊。和其他元素生命一样,他也是个完全随天性而行的人,但他的天性中只有邪恶和恐怖。他是唯一一个看到现实世界邪恶真理的存在,对那些相信上苍会对善举做出回馈的人,拉席克无疑是最大的反面例子。 Sand King

The sands of the Scintillant Waste are alive and sentient--the whole vast desert speaks to itself, thinking thoughts only such a vastness can conceive. But when it needs must find a form to communicate with those of more limited scope, it frees a fragment of itself, and fills a carapace of magic armor formed by the cunning Djinn of Qaldin. This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning 'Soul of the Sand,' but others know it as Sandking. Sandking takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature. Guardian, warrior, ambassador--Sandking is all of these things, inseparable from the endless desert that gave him life. 沙王



Like a golem or gargoyle, Earthshaker was one with the earth but now walks freely upon it. Unlike those other entities, he created himself through an act of will, and serves no other master. In restless slumbers, encased in a deep seam of stone, he became aware of the life drifting freely above him. He grew curious. During a season of tremors, the peaks of Nishai shook themselves loose of avalanches, shifting the course of rivers and turning shallow valleys into bottomless chasms. When the land finally ceased quaking, Earthshaker stepped from the settling dust, tossing aside massive boulders as if throwing off a light blanket. He had shaped himself in the image of a mortal beast, and named himself Raigor Stonehoof. He bleeds now, and breathes, and therefore he can die. But his spirit is still that of the earth; he carries its power in the magical totem that never leaves him. And on the day he returns to dust, the earth will greet him as a prodigal son.


和傀儡以及石像鬼类似,撼地者也曾经是大地的一部分,但现在他自由地行走在地面上。不同于那些存在,撼地者自身的意志创造了他,他不需要服从于任何主人。在岩石深处不安宁的沉睡中,他感到了上方世界自由自在的生命的存在。他对此产生了好奇心。在一个地震多发的时期,尼西埃雪山摇动的山顶发生了雪崩,河流的流径改变了,浅浅的山谷变成了深不可测的深渊。大地停止震动后,撼地者从沉淀的灰土中走了出来,像脱下毯子一样抖落无数岩石。他幻化成他想象中的野兽的外形,并自称雷格石蹄。他现在流动着血液、呼吸着空气、也会死亡。但他的精神仍然与大地同在,他的力量在那根永不离身的魔力图腾中。当他回归尘土的那天,大地仍会欢迎这个浪子回家。 Shadow Fiend

It is said that Nevermore the Shadow Fiend has the soul of a poet, and in fact he has thousands of them. Over the ages he has claimed the souls of poets, priests, emperors, beggars, slaves, philosophers, criminals and (naturally) heroes; no sort of soul escapes him. What he does with them is unknown. No one has ever peered into the Abysm whence Nevermore reaches out like an eel from among astral rocks. Does he devour them one after another? Does he mount them along the halls of an eldritch temple, or pickle the souls in necromantic brine? Is he merely a puppet, pushed through the dimensional rift by a demonic puppeteer? Such is his evil, so intense his aura of darkness, that no rational mind may penetrate it. Of course, if you really want to know where the stolen souls go, there's one sure way to find out: Add your soul to his collection. Or just wait for Nevermore. 影魔

据说影魔奈文摩尔有着一个诗人的灵魂,事实上,他吞噬的诗人灵魂早已成千上万。千百年来,他收集了各式各样的灵魂,包括诗人,牧师,帝王,乞丐,奴隶,哲人,罪犯,当然,还有英雄。他拥有着世间所有种类的灵魂。然而没人知道他收集这些灵魂作何之用。从来没有人得以窥视影魔的魂渊之秘,他从魂渊中伸出灵魂触须,蔓延在精神位面。他是把灵魂一个个吞噬了?还是把灵魂堆积在他的影惧神殿里?又或是将灵魂浸在死灵之池中?难道他仅仅是一个被恶魔傀儡大师操纵着,通过位面裂口进入世界的傀儡?尽管众说纷纭,但根本没有人能看透他那黑暗光环下的层层邪恶。然而,如果你实在是很想知道那些灵魂的归宿,有个办法能帮你达成心愿:凡人,将你的灵魂奉献给影魔,或者等待魔王的收割! Bane Elemental

When the gods have nightmares, it is Bane Elemental who brings them. Also known as Atropos, Bane was born from the midnight terrors of the goddess Nyctasha. A force of terror too powerful to be contained by sleep, he surfaced from her slumbers, fed upon her immortality, and stole his vaporous form from her inky blood. He is the essence of fear. Mortals who hear his voice hear their darkest secrets whispered in their ear. He calls to the hidden fear in every Hero's heart. Wakefulness is no protection, for Bane's black blood, continuously dripping, is a tar that traps his enemies in nightmare. In the presence of Bane, every Hero remembers to fear the dark. 痛苦之源


密在耳边低语。他呼唤着所有英雄内心隐藏的恐惧。就算不眠亦无济于事,因为痛苦之源会用它不停滴落的黑色血液把敌人困在噩梦中。只要痛苦之源一出现,所有英雄心中都会想那可怖的黑暗。 Juggernaut

No one has ever seen the face hidden beneath the mask of Yurnero the Juggernaut. It is only speculation that he even has one. For defying a corrupt lord, Yurnero was exiled from the ancient Isle of Masks--a punishment that saved his life. The isle soon after vanished beneath the waves in a night of vengeful magic. He alone remains to carry on the Isle's long Juggernaut tradition, one of ritual and swordplay. The last practitioner of the art, Yurnero's confidence and courage are the result of endless practice; his inventive bladework proves that he has never stopped challenging himself. Still, his motives are as unreadable as his expression. For a hero who has lost everything twice over, he fights as if victory is a foregone conclusion.


没有人见过主宰尤涅若面具下的真面目。甚至有人认为他没有脸部。作为公然反抗腐败领主的惩罚,主宰被古老的遮面之岛流放了,这反而救了他的性命。他的岛屿在一个充斥着复仇魔法的夜晚被海浪彻底毁灭了。他成了岛屿上古老主宰传统中礼仪和剑术的唯一传承者。作为这项传统最后的开拓者,尤涅若的自信和勇气来自他坚持不懈的锻炼,他独创的剑术证明他从未停止挑战自我。一如既往的,他的内心和他的表情一样难以理解。对于一位曾两度失去一切的英雄,主宰永远不知疲倦的战斗着,他相信,胜利必将到来。 Drow Ranger

Drow Ranger's given name is Traxex--a name well suited to the short, trollish, rather repulsive Drow people. But Traxex herself is not a Drow. Her parents were travelers in a caravan set upon by bandits, whose noisy slaughter of innocents roused the ire of the quiet Drow people. After the battle settled, the Drow discovered a small girl-child hiding in the ruined wagons, and agreed she could not be abandoned. Even as child, Traxex showed herself naturally adept at the arts they prized: Stealth, silence, subtlety. In spirit, if not in physique, she might have been a Drow changeling, returned to her proper home. But as she grew, she towered above her family and came to think of herself as ugly. After all, her features were smooth and symmetrical, entirely devoid of warts and coarse whiskers. Estranged from her adopted tribe, she withdrew to live alone in the woods. Lost travelers who find their way from the forest sometimes speak of an impossibly beautiful Ranger who peered at them from deep among the trees, then vanished like a dream before they could approach. Lithe and stealthy, icy hot, she moves like mist in silence. That whispering you hear is her frozen arrows finding an enemy's heart.


卓尔游侠名叫崔希丝,这个名字很适合矮小、有点像侏儒、令人生厌的卓尔人。但崔希丝并不是卓尔人。她的双亲在坐大篷车旅行时受到土匪的袭击,滥杀无辜的土匪激怒了附近爱好和平的卓尔人。战斗结束后,卓尔人发现了一个藏在马车残骸中的小女孩,他们一致同意不能让这个失去父母的孩子被抛弃。还是孩童时,崔希丝就展现出了她对那些卓尔人引以为傲的技术的天赋:隐秘、沉默、敏锐。如果不看身体,在精神上她就像一个被拐走后又回到自己真正家中的卓尔人孩童。但随着她的成长,她的个头比她的家人高了不少,她因此认为自己是个丑陋的卓尔人。即使她皮肤光滑且长的匀称,完全没有卓尔人的肉疣和粗糙的髯须。与收养她的部族疏远后,她独自居住在森林中。许多在森林中寻路的旅行者都说他们见过一个美丽得难以置信的游侠在树林深处凝视他们,而当他们试图接近时,她又消失的无影无踪。轻盈、隐秘的冷美人,她像无声的迷雾般移动。你听到的森林低语,其实是她命中敌人心脏的霜冻箭矢的破空之声。 Rogue Knight

Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order--but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father's school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil's Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep,

forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes...but a Rogue Knight.


斯温是一名守夜骑士的私生子,出生于苍白林地,成长于影承废墟。他父亲因为违背了守夜人法典而被处决,母亲又因为她的种族而被驱逐,这一切让斯温坚信所谓的社会法则中毫无荣誉可言——荣誉只存在于他心中。在照顾母亲走过弥留之际以后,他以新人的身份参加了守夜骑士团,并对自己的身份绝对保密。十三年来,他一直在他父亲当年的学校里学习,掌握那些仇视他出身的人所撰写的法则。接着,在他本该立誓成为守夜骑士的那天,他手持弃誓之刃,击碎神圣之盔,用守夜圣火烧毁了那所谓的法则。他大步流星的从守夜堡离开,注定了永世孤独,并向圣符起誓,只遵循他自己心中的法则。是的,他仍然是一名骑士,不过是只效忠于自己心中正义的...流浪剑客。 Phantom Assassin

Through a process of divination, children are selected for upbringing by the Sisters of the Veil, an order that considers assassination a sacred part of the natural order. The Veiled Sisters identify targets through meditation and oracular utterances. They accept no contracts, and never seem to pursue targets for political or mercenary reasons. Their killings bear no relation to any recognizable agenda, and can seem to be completely random: A figure of great power is no more likely to be eliminated than a peasant or a well digger. Whatever pattern the killings may contain, it is known only to them. They treat their victims as sacrifices, and death at their hand is considered an honor. Raised with no identity except that of their order, any Phantom Assassin can take the place of any other; their number is not known. Perhaps there are many, perhaps there are few. Nothing is known of what lies under the Phantom Veil. Except that this one, from time to time, when none are near enough to hear, is known to stir her veils with the forbidden whisper of her own name: Mortred. 幻影刺客

通过占卜和预见,魅影之纱一直严格的甄选一些婴儿来抚养成人,成为她们的刺客。这是一个将刺杀视作神圣的自然法则的女刺客同盟。魅影之纱通过冥想和神谕来确定他们的暗杀目标。她们不被任何条款所束缚,也从不因为政治斗争或者金钱利益刺杀。她们的刺杀完全没有时间规律,似乎是随性为之:不管你是手握大权,还是平凡农夫,对她们来说,你的死法都是一样的。即使这些刺杀行为有一个固定的套路,那也是只有组织成员才知道。她们把目标看做必要的牺牲品,而死亡则是荣耀加身。作为幻影刺客,她们的身份从小就只有组织内的人才知道,而任何一个幻影刺客都能填补另一个的空缺;她们甚至连代号都不为人知。也许成员有很多,也许只有几个。那谜样面纱之下的真相无人知晓。只有一个,在四下无人之时,那面纱会时不时的被隐秘低语所拂动,低语中,是她自己的名字:茉崔蒂。 Skeleton King

The victim of a longevity spell that backfired, the Skeleton King Ostarion, has built an empire from the bones of his enemies. He lives only to extend his reach, for as long as he is perpetually building and adding to his domain he cannot die. The walls of his palace are formed of fired bone; the streets are paved with bones of every sort of creature and every enemy; and even the wood and other natural features of his land have been swept away and replaced with replicas formed of bone. From the Ivory Forest to the Ostarion's towering Throne of Bone, nothing happens in the Empire of Bones without the full of knowledge of its Skeleton King. 骷髅王

事与愿违的长生咒语的受害者,骷髅王奥斯塔里昂,用他敌人的尸骨建立了一个帝国。他活着只为扩大他可触及的范围,永生的他一直都在建造增加他的领域。他用加工过的灼烧的焦骨为他的宫殿砌墙,用各种生物和敌人的骨头铺路,甚至连树木和其它自然景色都被移去,用骨头做的仿制品替代。从骨牙森林到奥斯塔里昂那高耸的白骨王座,骷髅王洞悉他庞大帝国中的任何事情。 Morphling

Morphling is an elemental power at one with the tides of the ocean, the capricious yet constrained rush of rivers, the placid calm of standing water. Neither male nor female, Morphling can take on any form, and from this innate capacity it has gained deep understanding of all the Heroes. 变体精灵

既是海洋的潮汐,又是奔流的河水,也是平静的死水,变体精灵就是这样一个元素之力的集合。没有性别的概念,变体精灵可以化为任何形态,这种天赋的能力使它对所有英雄都有深入的了解。 Storm Spirit

Storm Spirit is literally a force of nature--the wild power of wind and weather, bottled in human form. And a boisterous, jovial, irrepressible form it is! As jolly as a favorite uncle, he injects every scene with crackling energy. But it was not always thus, and there was tragedy in his creation. Generations ago, in the plains beyond the Wailing Mountains, a good people lay starving in drought and famine. A simple elementalist, Thunderkeg by name, used a forbidden spell to summon the spirit of the storm, asking for rain. Enraged at this mortal’s presumption, the Storm Celestial known as Raijin lay waste to the land, scouring it bare with winds and flood. Thunderkeg was no match for the Celestial--at least until he cast a suicidal spell that forged their fates into one: he captured the Celestial in the cage of his own body. Trapped together, Thunderkeg's boundless good humor fused with Raijin's crazed energy, creating the jovial Raijin Thunderkeg, a Celestial who walks the world in physical form.


风暴之灵,正如其名,是狂风和暴雨的野性凝成人形的自然之力。他狂放,乐天,恣意挥洒!就像个受人喜爱的大叔一样,他给所到之处充满欢乐的能量。但事实上,创造出他的是一起灾难。几个世代前,在悲叹山脉远处的平原上,很多人正因干旱和饥荒而挨饿。一个名叫风暴烈酒的元素使,使用禁忌的咒语召唤了风暴之灵,天真的向他祈求雨水。被称为雷神的暴风雨天神对这个凡人的放肆感到愤怒,打算用狂风和洪水把这片土地化为荒地。风暴烈酒完全不是天神的对手,直到最后他用了一个自杀性的咒语,将他和雷神的命运融在了一起,他用自己的身体作为牢笼捕获了雷神。被困在一起后,风暴烈酒那无限的幽默感与雷神疯狂的能量融合了,创造了乐天的雷神·风暴烈酒,一个以物质形态行于世间的天神。 Crystal Maiden

Born in a temperate realm, raised with her fiery older sister Lina, Rylai the Crystal Maiden soon found that her innate elemental affinity to ice created trouble for all those around her. Wellsprings and mountain rivers froze in moments if she stopped to rest nearby; ripening crops were bitten by frost, and fruiting orchards turned to mazes of ice and came crashing down, spoiled. When their exasperated parents packed Lina off to the equator, Rylai found herself banished to the cold northern realm of Icewrack, where she was taken in by an Ice Wizard who had carved himself a hermitage at the crown of the Blueheart Glacier. After long study, the wizard pronounced her ready for solitary practice and left her to take his place, descending into the glacier to hibernate for a thousand years. Her mastery of the Frozen Arts has only deepened since that time, and now her skills are unmatched. 水晶室女

水晶室女莉莱出生在一个气候温和的地区,与性子火爆的姐姐莉娜一起长大,她很快就发现她天生对冰元素的吸引力给周围所有人制造了麻烦。只要她在附近坐下休息,井水和山泉瞬间就会被冻住;成熟的庄稼被寒霜冻伤,果园变成了冰的迷宫,然后垮塌损毁。当他们无奈的父母把莉娜送到南方后,又把莉莱流放到了寒冷北方的冰川残骸,一个隐居在蓝心冰川顶峰的寒冰巫师收留了她。经过长期的学习后,巫师认为莉莱已经能够独立的修习冰冻魔法了,于是他便降入冰川内开始千年的冬眠。从那以后,莉莱的冰冻法术变的愈发精湛,而现在,她的魔法已无可匹敌。 Admiral

As The Admiral of the mighty Claddish Navy, Kunkka was charged with protecting the isles of his homeland when the demons of the Cataract made a concerted grab at the lands of men. After years of small sorties, and increasingly bold and devastating attacks, the demon fleet flung all its carnivorous ships at the Trembling Isle. Desperate, the Suicide-Mages of Cladd committed their ultimate rite, summoning a host of ancestral spirits to protect the fleet. Against the demons, this was just barely enough to turn the tide. As Kunkka watched the demons take his ships down one by one, he had the satisfaction of wearing away their fleet with his ancestral magic. But at the battle's peak, something in the clash of demons, men and atavistic spirits must have stirred a fourth power that had been slumbering in the depths. The waves rose up in towering spouts around the few remaining ships,

and Maelrawn the Tentacular appeared amid the fray. His tendrils wove among the ships, drawing demon and human craft together, churning the water and wind into a raging chaos. What happened in the crucible of that storm, none may truly say. The Cataract roars off into the void, deserted by its former denizens. Kunkka is now The Admiral of but one ship, a ghostly rig which endlessly replays the final seconds of its destruction. Whether he died in that crash is anyone's guess. Not even Tidehunter, who summoned Maelrawn, knows for sure.


洪流恶魔一直都在计划抢夺人类的土地,而作为强大的铁帆海军的舰队指挥官,昆卡则担负着守卫他祖国小岛的使命。在恶魔多年的小规模突击和越来越大胆的毁灭性攻击后,恶魔的舰队终于包围了战栗之岛。绝望之下,铁帆舰队的魔法师使用了自杀性的终极杀招,召唤了一群不分敌我的先祖灵魂来保护舰队。这刚好能够扭转与恶魔对峙的局势。昆卡看着他的战舰一艘接一艘被击沉的同时,先祖也在慢慢消耗掉恶魔的舰队,这让他感到很满意。但在战斗最激烈的时候,人类、恶魔、先祖灵魂的冲突惹恼了沉睡在深海的第四股势力。残留不多的舰队旁喷出了高耸的海浪,深渊触手——毁灭漩涡在战场中出现了。他的触须在船只间移动,把人类和恶魔的舰船拖卷在一起,水和风被搅动成狂怒的混沌。没有人能说清那场严酷的风暴中到底发生了什么。洪流恶魔放弃了进攻,怒吼着逃入了虚空。昆卡则晋升为海军上将,但他只有一艘船,一艘不断重演它最终毁灭场面的幽灵船。然而谁都说不准他是否还活着。即使是毁灭漩涡的召唤者潮汐猎人,也不能确定。 Warlock

As Chief Curator and Head of Acquisitions for the Arcane Archives of the Ultimyr Academy, Demnok Lannik was tireless in his pursuit of lost, rare and forbidden tomes. No cursed temple was so foreboding, no cavern path so treacherous, that any concern for his own survival could dissuade him from entering if rumors hinted that some pamphlet of primordial lore might still survive in its depths. However, so often did his investigations trigger the wrath of protector entities, that he finally found it necessary to master the arts of magic. He bent himself to learning sorcery with the same thorough obsessiveness that marked his quest for incunabula, becoming the most powerful Warlock of the Academy in less time than most practitioners required to complete a course of undergraduate work. Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells. And anticipating the day when he will have recovered every last lost spellbook, he has commenced writing his own Black Grimoire. It will undoubtedly be instructive.


作为秘湮学院禁断圣所的首席馆长和馆藏物主管,戴蒙·拉尼克不知疲倦地追求着那些罕见的失落的禁忌卷轴。无论被诅咒的寺庙有多禁忌,无论隐藏的洞穴路途有多危险,只要有谣传说那里藏着传说学识的原典,他就会不顾自己的安危进入这些危险的场所。然而,他经常在调查中惹怒各种守护者,这使他感到有必要掌握魔法。他将追寻古物时的执念用在了逼迫自己学习魔法上,最终他比大多数学徒都要快地完成了整个学业,在最短时间内成为了学院最强大的术士。后来他用恐惧之木雕刻了一根法杖,并在其中注入了一个他从异界之狱俘获的灵魂。因为期待着有一天能够复原所有的失落魔法书,他开始撰写自己的黑暗魔典。毫无疑问,这对他的黑暗魔法来说,意义非凡。 Lord of Olympus

Lord of Heaven, father of gods, Zeus treats all the Heroes as if they are his rambunctious, rebellious children. After being caught unnumbered times in the midst of trysts with countless mortal women, his divine wife finally gave him an ultimatum: 'If you love mortals so much, go and become one. If you can prove yourself faithful, then return to me as my immortal husband. Otherwise, go and die among your creatures.' Zeus found her logic (and her magic) irrefutable, and agreed to her plan. He has been on his best behavior ever since, being somewhat fonder of immortality than he is of mortals. But to prove himself worthy of his eternal spouse, he must continue to pursue victory on the field of battle. 奥林匹斯之王


去做。从那以后宙斯洗心革面,在凡人面前不再多情,将爱留给他永生的女神。但为了证明他配得上他那永恒的爱人,他还必须在战场上继续追寻胜利。 Lightning Revenant

Among the emblematic powers that populate the Underscape, Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the most feared. With his whip of lightning, he patrols the Narrow Maze, that treacherous webwork of passages by which the souls of the dead are sorted according to their own innate intelligence, cunning and persistence. Drifting above the Maze, Razor looks down on the baffled souls below, and delivers jolts of scalding electricity that both punish and quicken the souls as they decide their own fates, hurrying on toward luminous exits or endlessly dark pits. Razor is the eternal embodiment of a dominating power, abstract and almost clinical in his application of power. Yet he has a lordly air that suggests he takes a sardonic satisfaction in his work.


闪电幽魂-剃刀,是永劫之墟中最有代表性的可怕力量。他鞭打着闪电巡回在狭窄迷宫中,这是一个区分死者灵魂的迷宫,他们要靠生前的智慧、精明和毅力来通过其中变化莫测的网络通道。剃刀飘浮于迷宫上方,俯视着那些迷茫不前的灵魂,用闪电鞭打他们赶快前进去决定他们的命运,朝向光明的出口或者黑暗的地狱。剃刀是支配力量的永恒化身,他使用力量时残忍而客观。但他贵族般的气势暗示了他对工作那讽刺的满足。 Faerie Dragon

While Puck seems at first glance a mischievous, childish character, this quality masks an alien personality. The juvenile form of a Faerie Dragon, a creature that lives for eons, Puck spends countless millennia in its childish form. So while it is technically true that Puck is juvenile, it will continue to be so when the cities of the present age have sloughed away into dust. Its motives are therefore inscrutable, and what appears to be play may in fact hide a darker purpose. Its endless fondness for mischief is the true indicator of Puck's true nature.


当别人第一眼看到帕克的时候,都会觉得它十分淘气,是小孩子性格。然而正是这种错觉让帕克的真实个性得以隐藏。仙女龙一族的寿命趋于无限,帕克则还处于仙女龙的幼年形态,然而它在这一形态也已经过了上千年了。因此即使从某种意义上来说,帕克还算是幼年,但它的幼年期将会一直持续到现在的城市归于尘土。帕克的真实动机是什么,旁人完全无法捉摸,而在那嬉戏的外表下也有可能隐藏着更隐秘的目的。而唯一能让人体会到帕克真实个性的,是它对顽皮捣乱的无尽热衷。 Shadow Priest

Each young acolyte to the Dezun order must complete a series of rites before becoming a shadow priest. The final rite, the rite of shades, is a harrowing spiritual journey through the Nothl Realm, an upredictable domain from which not all visitants return. Of those who do, some return mad. Others return with strange aptitudes. But all who go there are changed by their experiences. Driven by the need for enlightenment, Dazzle was the youngest of his tribe to ever request the sacred ritual. At first the order refused him, saying he was too young. But Dazzle was not to be dissuaded. Sensing something special in the headstrong young acolyte, the elders relented. Dazzle drank down the sacred potion and sat by the fire while the rest of his tribe danced through the night. In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted. Thus his brilliant healing light, beautiful to our eye, is actually a sinister kind of evil; and the darkest deeds are done in a dazzling glow. The elders intuition was prophetic: Dazzle returned to his people as a Shadow Priest like none seen before. With the power to heal as well as to destroy. Now he uses his power to cut down his enemies and mend his friends.



转了。导致戴泽原本灿烂夺目的治疗之光演变成了包藏凶险的邪恶力量,在那夺目的光辉中隐藏的则是黑暗的行径。不出长老所料:戴泽回来了,成为了一名不世出的暗影牧师。他的能力可以用来治疗也可以进行破坏。现在,他用他的力量消灭敌人,治愈同伴。 Clockwerk

Rattletrap belongs to the same race as Sniper and Tinker, and in much the same manner he has offset his diminutive stature by beefing himself up with a suit of powered Clockwerk armor that makes the knights of other lands look like tin cans by comparison. Rattletrap is alive with devices that not only protect him from harm, but allow him to rappel from point to point while firing rockets and strewing the terrain with traps. What time is it? It's Clockwerk time! 发条技师

瑞托崔普和狙击手以及修补匠属于同一种族,他也有弥补自己矮小体型的方法,一套强大的动力重装甲,这使其它大陆的骑士在他面前就像易拉罐般渺小。瑞托崔普的装甲不仅可以抵挡伤害,还能让他边发射火箭边利用绳索牵引移动,以及散布陷阱。是时候让你们见识见识发条技师的厉害了! Bloodseeker

Strygwyr the Bloodseeker is a ritually sanctioned hunter, Hound of the Flayed Twins, sent down from the mist-shrouded peaks of Xhacatocatl in search of blood. The Flayed Ones require oceanic amounts of blood to keep them sated and placated, and would soon drain their mountain empire of its populace if the priests of the high plateaus did not appease them. Strygwyr therefore goes out in search of carnage. The vital energy of any blood he lets, flows immediately to the Twins through the sacred markings on his weapons and armor. Over the years, he has come to embody the energy of a vicious hound; in battle he is savage as a jackal. Beneath the Mask of the Bloodseeker, in the rush of bloody quenching, it is said that you can sometime see the features of the Flayers taking direct possession of their Hound.


血魔史德利古尔是通过仪式严格甄选出的猎手,更准确的说,他是剥皮双子忠实的走狗,他从常年云雾缭绕的噬血之峰被派下去搜寻鲜血。剥皮双子需要海量的鲜血来获得满足和安抚,而如果当地的祭祀没能满足他们,他们就会抽干这个高原王国所有人民的鲜血。因此史德利古尔总是外出进行屠戮。他能榨取出血液之中的生命之力,然后这些能量通过他武器和护甲上的附魔标记立刻流向双子。多年以来,他一直是一条得力的走狗,在战斗时他像豺狼一样残暴。据说,在血魔那涌动着对鲜血的渴望的面具之下,能够直视剥皮双子那可怖的嘴脸。 Stone Giant

Coming to life as a chunk of stone, Tiny's origins are a mystery on which he continually speculates. He is a Stone Giant now, but what did he used to be? A splinter broken from a Golem's heel? A shard swept from a gargoyle-sculptor's workshop? A fragment of the Oracular Visage of Garthos? A deep curiosity drives him, and he travels the world tirelessly seeking his origins, his parentage, his people. As he roams, he gathers weight and size; the forces that weather lesser rocks, instead cause Tiny to grow and ever grow.


以一团石头的形式出现的生命体,小小不断思索他的起源,但这始终是个谜。现在的他是个石巨人,但过去是什么呢?从土傀儡的脚后跟掉落的碎片?从制造石像鬼的工房被打扫出来的碎屑?神圣预言石的表层之砂?受到强烈的好奇心驱使,他不知疲倦的环游世界,寻找着他的起源,他的出身,和他的种族。在旅途中,他变得越来越庞大,不过路上的风雨吹打掉了他身上的石头,所以他不停的吸收新的岩石,永远在长大。 Lich

In life, the frost-mage Ethreain (not yet a Lich) had used the threat of destructive ice to enslave entire kingdoms. His subjects, aided by a few desperate magicians, eventually grew bold enough to ambush him. Armed with enough charmed rope to bind him forever, they tied the frost mage to adamant weights and dropped him in a pool known chiefly for being bottomless. It wasn't. He only fell for a year or so before an outcrop snagged him. There he rested, dead but undecaying, until the geomancer Anhil thought to verify the legend of the supposedly bottomless Black Pool. Anhil's plumbline snarled with the ropes that bound the drowned magician, and up he hauled an unexpected prize. Thinking that by

rendering the dead undead, he could question the Lich about the properties of the pool, he removed the bindings and commenced a simple rite of resurrection. Even the descendants of Ethreain's enemies were long forgotten by time, so there were none to warn Anhil against imprudence. But he learned the error of his judgment almost immediately, as Lich threw off the shackles and consumed him.


巫妖生前是一位叫艾斯瑞安的冰霜法师,他曾经威胁要带来毁灭性的冰霜,企图征服整个王国。终于,那些平民在几个绝望的魔法师的帮助下,终于鼓起了勇气去暗算他。他们用一些具有足够魔力的绳索把他永远束缚住了,被绑上了厚重的石头后,这个冰霜巫师被扔进了一个据说深不见底的湖泊。但其实不然。他只下沉了一年左右,绳索挂在了一个石头上。在那里他平静地死去,虽然死了但并没有腐烂,直到风水师安希尔前来核查被认为是无底湖的黑暗之湖的传说。安希尔放下的铅垂线与绑住被淹死的巫师的绳索缠在了一起,于是他拉上了意外的收获。他认为将死者转变为不死族后,便可以向巫妖询问这个湖的情况,他移除了捆绑巫妖的绳索并进行了简单的转生仪式。由于艾斯瑞安的故事已经被时间所抹去,就算是当年杀死他的人的后代也不再记得,所以当时没有人能对安希尔的鲁莽行为做出警告。不过紧接着,安希尔就尝到了苦果,巫妖一摆脱绳索的束缚,就将他吞噬。 Oblivion

In the realm of Pugna's birth, near the vents of the Nether Reaches, there stood a lamasery devoted to the Arts of Oblivion, which drew its power from the nether energies. The Grandmaster of the temple compound had himself passed into Oblivion several years prior, leaving his academy without a leader. From the moment of their master's death, the regents of the temple began rites of divination to identify their master's reincarnation, and eventually all signs converged on the immediate neighborhood. Several villages squatted in the shadow of the temple, their alleys and plazas full of the laughter of squalling children. Pugna, a mere thirteen months of age, was but one candidate among the local brats, and on the appointed day he was presented at the temple alongside two other promising tots. The lamas offered a jumble of worn relics to the children, treasured possessions of their former grandmaster. One boy reached for a porphyry wand that had belonged to the lama...and put it in his nostril. An impish girl pulled out an amulet that had also been the lama's, and immediately swallowed it. Pugna regarded the other two coolly, gave a merry laugh, and blasted them with gouts of emerald flame, reducing them to ashes in an instant. He then snatched up the wand and amulet, saying 'Mine!' The regents hoisted the beaming Pugna on their shoulders, wrapped him in their grandmaster's vestments, and rushed him to the throne before his mood could change. Within five years, the temple itself was another pile of ash, which pleased Pugna to no end.


在帕格纳的出生之境,三途川的发源地附近耸立着一座专门研究湮灭术的喇嘛寺,这座寺庙直接从河中汲取冥界的能量。寺庙的上师几年之前将自己湮灭撒手归西,留下一个无人管理的学院。在上师归西的同时,寺庙摄政者们就开始举行一个占卜仪式,来确定他们师傅的转世投胎,最终,所有标记都指向了紧挨他们的邻居。数个村庄坐落在寺庙的影子下,小巷与广场充满了孩童们的笑骂声。帕格纳,一个仅仅13个月大的幼儿,成为了当地的候选者之一,并且在提名日,他与另外两名有前途的幼儿被寺庙选中。喇嘛们给了他们一大杂用过的、属于前任上师的珍贵宝物。一个男孩伸手抓出一根原本属于喇嘛的斑岩手杖??然后把它插到他鼻孔里。一个调皮的女孩拉出一个原本也属于喇嘛的护符,然后立刻吞掉了。帕格纳冷静地注视着另外两人,愉快地笑了一下,接着用一团翠绿的火焰把他们烧成了灰。然后他从灰烬中夺回了手杖和护符,说到:“这些是我的!”摄政者们立刻将喜气洋洋的帕格纳架在肩上,给他套上了上师的法衣,在他心情变化前急忙把他抬上了宝座。五年内,这座庙宇本身成为了另一堆灰烬,让帕格纳愉悦不止。 Faceless Void

Darkterror the Faceless Void is a visitor from Claszureme, a realm outside of time. It remains a mystery why this being from another dimension believes the struggle for the Nemesis Stones is worth entering our physical plane, but apparently an upset in the balance of power in this world has repercussions in adjacent dimensions. Time means nothing to Darkterror, except as a way to thwart his foes and aid his allies. His long-view of the cosmos has given him a remote, disconnected quality, although in battle he is quite capable of making it personal.


暗惧者虚空假面是来自超维视界的一名访客,一个时间之外的境域。这个来自其他维度的存在,坚信为复仇之石的争斗值得它降临我们物质位面的原因,依然是个迷,但显然它对这个世界平衡力扰乱的后果已经反映到了相邻的维度。时间对暗惧者毫无意义,除了作为一种阻挠敌人并帮助盟友的手段。它那长远的宇宙视角赐予它悠久却不相关的特技,但没关系,在战场上它完全能随心施展这些能力。 Tide Hunter

The Tidehunter known as Leviathan was once the champion of the Sunken Isles, but his motives are as mysterious as those of his people. We all know the importance of the Drylanders' shipping lanes, how empires may rise and fall according to who controls the open water. Far less is known of the submarine lanes, and how the warring tribes of the Meranthic Disapora have carved out habitations through endless undersea skirmishes. In the fragile treaties between the Mer and Men, we can glimpse the extent of the drowned empires, but their politics appear complex and opaque. It would seem that Leviathan tired of such petty strife, and set off on his own, loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular. He stalks the shallows now in search of men or meranths who stray into his path, and with a particular loathing for Admiral Kunkka, who has long been his nemesis for reasons lost in the deepest trenches of the sea.



Stealth Assassin

Riki was born middle child to the great dynasty of Tahlin. With an older brother groomed for the throne, and a younger brother coddled and kept, Riki, the small middle son, seemed born for the art of invisibility. It was an art he cultivated, and one which ultimately saved his life on the night that his people were betrayed and his family slaughtered. Of all the royal line, he alone escaped--small and agile, unassuming, using smoke as cover. He cut his way out of the royal grounds, using the advantage of surprise, quietly slitting the throats of one enemy warrior after another. Now free of his royal responsibilities, Riki uses his talents in service to a new trade: Stealth Assassin. He silences his enemies, sharpening his skills, hoping to one day take revenge on those who killed his family and robbed him of his birthright. 隐形刺客

里基是伟大的塔林王朝的二皇子。他有一个将会继承王位的兄长,还有一个受到百般照顾的弟弟,而作为二子的里基,则似乎生来就是隐形人。他自己很注意培养这一项特殊才能,在一个晚上,国家被叛徒所颠覆,他的家人被屠杀,只有里基因为隐身技能活了下来。矮小而敏捷的里基用烟雾做掩护,无比谨慎的逃离了,他也是唯一逃脱的皇族。善于突袭的他杀出了皇家庭院,无声地切开一个又一个敌人的喉咙。不再背负皇室治国之责以后,里基开始运用他的天赋以谋生,他成为了一名隐形刺客。现在他于无声中将敌人杀死,不断精进自己的技术,期望有一天可以能够手刃那些杀死他家人,夺走他国家的叛徒。 Enigma

Nothing is known of Enigma’s background. There are only stories and legends, most of them apocryphal, passed down through the ages. In truth, Enigma is a mystery for whom the only true biography is description: he is a universal force, a consumer of worlds. He is a being of the void, at times corporeal, other times ethereal. A beast between the planes. There are stories that say he was once a great alchemist who tried to unlock the secrets of the universe and was cursed for his arrogance. Other legends tell that he is an ancient being of strange gravity, the abyss personified—a twisted voice from out the original darkness, before the first light in the universe. And there are older legends that say he is the

first collapsed star, a black hole grown complicated and sentient—his motivations unknowable, his power inexorable, a force of destruction unleashed upon existence itself. 谜团

谜团的背景正如同其名字一样,无人知晓。只有一些流传下来的故事和传说,但大多数都不可信。事实上,关于谜团的各种故事,都只是寥寥的描述,神秘无比:他是宇宙之力,世界的吞噬者。他是虚空中的存在,有时会以物质形态出现,其它时候则以非物质形态存在。他是同时存在于多个位面的生物。在有的传说中,他曾经是一个试图解开宇宙之谜的伟大炼金术士,但最后却因为自己的傲慢而受到诅咒。在其它传说中,他来自远古,是一种不可思议的重力生命体,是来自原始黑暗的扭曲声音,在宇宙中的第一丝光线诞生前就存在的深渊化身。还有更古老的传说,说他是第一颗崩塌的恒星,产生的黑洞变成了有知觉的复杂存在,他的动机无从得知,他的力量无法阻挡,他的存在就是毁灭之力本身。 Tinker

Boush the Tinker's diminutive race is known for its intelligence, its cunning, and its prickly relationship with magic. As a matter of pride, they survive by their wits, and use only those powers of nature that may be unlocked through rational methodologies. Even this forbearance has led to a great deal of trouble, as Boush can attest. Once a key investigator of natural law, Boush the Tinker led a vast intellectual investigation into the workings of nature, founding a subterranean laboratory in the rumored, mist-wreathed wastes of the Violet Plateau. While scorning mages for the dangers they visit upon the world, Boush and his Tinker associates haughtily wrenched open a portal to some realm beyond comprehension and ushered in some nightmares of their own. A black mist rose from the cavernous interior of the Violet Plateau, shrouding it in permanent darkness from which sounds of horror perpetually emanate. Boush escaped with only his wits and the contraptions he carried, the sole Tinker to survive the Violet Plateau Incident.


修补匠鲍什的矮小种族以他们独有的智慧、狡猾以及敌视魔法而闻名。出于自傲,他们完全凭借自己的智慧生存,只通过理性的科学方法来合理利用自然的力量。然而,即使是对魔法如此严令禁止,也给他们带来了很多麻烦,这一点鲍什深有体会。作为曾经的自然法则首席研究员,修补匠鲍什在传说中薄雾缭绕的紫罗兰高原建立了一座地下实验室,在那里领导了大量对自然运作规律的研究。出于对魔法师们给世界带来的伤害的鄙夷,鲍什和他的修补匠助手带着高傲,打开了一扇传送门,门的另一端是一个超越了凡人认知能力的国度,于是他们自食恶果。黑色的薄雾从紫罗兰高原的洞穴内升起,将高原覆盖在不断散发出恐怖声音的永恒黑暗中。机智的鲍什带着他的机关装置逃了出来,成了紫罗兰高原事故中唯一生还的修补匠。 Medusa

Beauty is power. This thought comforted Medusa–the youngest and loveliest of three beautiful Gorgon sisters, born to a sea goddess–because she alone of the sisters was mortal. It comforted her, that is, until the day masked assailants invaded the Gorgon realm and tore the two immortal sisters from their home, unmoved by their beauty or by their tears. One of the invaders seized Medusa as well, but then cast her aside with a disgusted look: 'This one has the mortal stink upon her. We have no use for that which dies.' Humiliated, enraged, Medusa fled to the temple of her mother and cast herself before the goddess, crying, 'You denied me eternal life–therefore I beg you, give me power! Power, so I can dedicate what life I have to rescuing my sisters and avenging this injustice!' After long thought, the goddess granted her daughter's request, allowing Medusa to trade her legendary beauty for a face and form of terrifying strength. Never for a moment has Medusa regretted her choice. She understands that power is the only beauty worth possessing–for only power can change the world. 美杜莎


虑,女神接受了她女儿的请求,美杜莎无与伦比的娇美相貌变成了象征着可怕力量的脸孔。但是她一刻也没有对自己的抉择后悔。她明白,睥睨万物才是值得拥有的美貌--这才是能够改变世界的力量。 Timbersaw

Rizzrack could still hear the screams in his mind. He worked, frantically turning wrenches, twisting screws, building and carving and forging. Sleep eluded him; he only built. Months had passed since he had shut himself in his uncle's workshop, and his deliverance was nearly complete. He rubbed his back as his eyes drifted shut, and saw a blanket of flowers floating on the placid waves of Augury Bay before exploding into a cloud of pollen that silenced lives as it seized the lungs. He woke with a choking start. For hours the rhythmic sound of a whetstone filled the shop as he sharpened a set of massive blades, his mind filled with images of strangling vines garroting neighbors, enwrapping homes. The flooding of Augury Bay had been nothing compared to the violent horrors the waters left to take root beyond the city walls. But the saw-suit would make him strong and safe he thought, allowing himself this sliver of hope before the full might of his fear crashed into his fading mind. Branches and bark and blood. When the city fell, Rizzrack fled trees that walked, and fought, and killed. Trees had shattered the gates and swarmed into the city. Trees had crushed and thrashed and stomped the last that Augury Bay could muster in defense, and stalked the few fleeing refugees. In addled silence Rizzrack unspooled the thick chain from the suit's arm, his hands quaking as he inspected each link and ran a trembling finger along the claw attached at its end. The saw-suit was ready.

With his hand trembling he sparked the bladed machine to life. Terror drove him, terror of what awaited him and of what he would have to face to have any hope of calming his mind. As the saw-suit shuddered to life he knew he must face this fear, and he knew he wouldn't like it one bit.



他颤颤巍巍地用双手将这浑身带着刀刃的机器启动。恐惧,无论是萦绕已久的恐惧还是他接下来要面对的恐惧都在驱使着他,他还怀有让自己头脑冷静的希望。随着机器的震动开始运转,他知道他必须面对这恐惧,他也知道这恐惧他一点也不想要。 Slark

Little known to the inhabitants of the dry world, Dark Reef is a sunken prison where the worst of the sea-bred are sent for crimes against their fellows. It is a razor barbed warren full of murderous slithereen, treacherous Deep Ones, sociopathic meranths. In this dim labyrinth, patrolled by eels and guarded by enormous anemones, only the vicious survive. Pitched into Dark Reef for crimes unknown, Slark spent half a lifetime without kin or kindness, trusting no one, surviving through a combination of stealth and ruthlessness, keeping his thoughts and his plans to himself. When the infamous Dark Reef Dozen plotted their ill-fated breakout, they kept their plans a perfect secret, murdering anyone who could have put the pieces together--but somehow Slark discovered their scheme and made a place for himself in it. Ten of the Dozen died in the escape attempt, and two were captured, hauled back to Dark Reef, then executed for the entertainment of their fellow inmates. But Slark, the unsung thirteenth, used the commotion as cover and slipped away, never to be caught. Now a furtive resident of the carnivorous mangrove scrub that grips the southern reach of Shadeshore, Slark remains the only successful escapee from Dark



除了水下住民,暗黑之礁很少为世人所知晓,这是座沉没之牢,关押的都是犯下滔天罪行的海洋生物。这座监牢外围装满了倒钩,里面充斥着心狠手辣的鱼人,狡猾歹毒的深海住民还有嗜杀同类的南海人。在这阴暗的迷宫中,鳗鱼四处巡逻,巨大的海葵担任着守卫的工作,在里面想不死就只能为恶。斯拉克被投入暗黑之礁的罪名已经不得而知,他在里面待的半生泯灭了亲情和良知,信任的只有自己,信奉的生存之道是鬼祟的行动和冷酷的心肠,他的脑海中不断酝酿自己的想法和计划。当臭名昭著的暗黑之礁十二恶棍密谋着越狱时,他们完美地将计划保密,发现蛛丝马迹的人都被他们杀害-但是他们的阴谋不知怎么的被斯拉克发现了,他在这计划中给自己找到了容身之地。越狱过程中十个恶棍遭到击毙,剩下两个被擒获,押回了暗黑之礁,作为那里犯人们的消遣活动被处以极刑。但是斯拉克,无名的第十三个越狱犯,利用暴乱作掩护逃之夭夭;永获自由。现在斯拉克隐居在紧靠影承废墟南部的食肉红树林灌丛中,迄今为止,他仍是唯一成功从暗黑之礁越狱的逃犯。 Centaur Warrunner

It's said that a centaur's road is paved with the corpses of the fallen. For the one called Warrunner, it has been a long road indeed. To outsiders, the four-legged clans of Druud are often mistaken for simple, brutish creatures. Their language has no written form; their culture lacks pictographic traditions, structured music, formalized religion. For centaurs, combat is the perfect articulation of thought, the highest expression of self. If killing is an art among centaurs, then Bradwarden the Warrunner is their greatest artist. He rose to dominance on the proving grounds of Omexe, an ancient arena where centaur clans have for millennia gathered to perform their gladiatorial rights. As his fame spread, spectators came from far and wide to see the great centaur in action. Always the first to step into the arena, and the last to leave, he composes a masterpiece in each guttering spray, each thrust of blood-slickened blade-length. It is the poetry of blood on steel, flung in complex patterns across the pale sands of the killing floor. Warrunner defeated warrior after warrior, until the arena boomed with the cheering of his name, and he found himself alone, the uncontested champion of his kind. The great belt of Omexe was bestowed, wrapped around his broad torso, but in his victory, the death-artist found only emptiness. For what is a warrior without a challenge? The great centaur galloped out of Omexe that day with a new goal. To his people, Warrunner is the greatest warrior to ever step into the arena. Now he has set out to prove he is the greatest fighter who has ever lived. 半人马战行者

相传半人马所到之处,尸横遍野。对于名为战行者的半人马,这场面的确相当壮观。外界谣传,这杜鲁德大草原的四足部落里都是头脑简单,性格残暴的生物。他们虽有语言,但无文字;他们的文化没有图画记录,成型音乐,或是正式宗教。半人马认为,战斗是思想的完美阐释,自身实力的最高体现。如果杀戮是半人马部落中的艺术,那么战行者布拉德瓦登就是其中最伟大的艺术家。他获得主宰部落的地位是在古老的欧梅克斯竞技场,半人马部族千年以来聚集于此,行使他们格斗的权利。随着他声名远扬,不少观众都是不远千里前来目睹这名半人马的雄伟风姿。他总是第一个踏入竞技场,最后一个离开,在血肉横飞、刀光剑影中谱写着战斗的巨著。这是鲜血与钢铁织就的诗篇,赛上暗淡的沙尘间看到的只有挥舞得眼花缭乱的兵器。战行者将挑战者一个接一个地击败,直到竞技场里欢腾着他的名字,作为部族里无与匹敌的冠军,他感到异常孤独。他被授予竞技场的巨大腰带,系在他伟岸的身躯上。但是这死亡艺术家在他的胜利中只感到空虚。没有挑战的战士还有什么意义?那天强大的半人马就这样带着全新的目标奔出了欧梅克斯竞技场。在他的族人中,战行者是踏入竞技场中最为强大的战士。现在他要证明,自己是有史以来最为强大的斗士。 Magnus

The master-smiths of Mt. Joerlak agree on only a single point: that the horn of a magnoceros is more precious than any alloy. And of all such horns, the largest and sharpest belongs to the beast they call Magnus. For half a generation, Magnus took easy sport goring hunters come to claim the treasures of his kin. Each time he would return to his cave with hooves and horns stained red, until his Matriarch urged him and all their kin to seek refuge to the north beyond the shadow of the mountain. But Magnus scoffed, having never failed to defend his people. The magnoceroi would stay, he decided, for a magnoceros does not believe in chance? nor does it ever change its mind. But when Mt. Joerlak erupted without warning, and half his kin perished in the fire and ash, Magnus changed his mind after all. The survivors pushed north, until they reached a blockade watched over by a hundred hunters armed with bow and steel. Magnus expected no less. He led his fiercest brothers and sisters in a charge against their enemies, and fought with a ferocity matched

only by the fire-spewing mountain at his back. Meanwhile the magnoceros elders, mothers, and calves vanished into the drifts. The master-smiths are divided about what happened next. Some say Magnus reunited with his kin, while others claim he suffered mortal injuries and expired alongside the body of his Matriarch. Neither theory is correct. Magnus did vow to rejoin his kin?but only after seeking out those responsible for the eruption of Mt. Joerlak and watching them die upon his horn, for a magnoceros does not believe in chance.


杰尔拉克山的铸造大师们只对一件事达成了共识:半人猛犸的角比任何合金都要珍贵。而这些角中,形状最大、最为锋利的角属于被称作马格纳斯的野兽。在半个世代以来,马格纳斯的运动就是用角冲撞那些前来猎取他同胞的猎人。每次他回到洞穴,蹄上和角上都是血迹斑斑,直到族里的女族长要求他和他的族人在山脉阴影之外的北边寻找避难的居所,但是马格纳斯对此嗤之以鼻,他从未在守卫族人时倒下。他决定,半人猛犸将留在这个地方,因为他们从不相信侥幸?抑或是改变自己的主意。但是在杰尔拉克山毫无预兆地喷发时,他一半的族人都消失在烈火和烟尘中,马格纳斯终究还是改变了想法。幸存的族人开始向北边进发,结果遇到了由上百名装备着铁甲和弓箭的猎人组成的封锁线。马格纳斯不希望族人有伤亡,他率领着最为勇猛的兄弟姐妹向敌人发起冲锋,战斗中透着的那股狠劲儿只有他身后冒着熊熊烈火的火山才能相提并论。与此同时族里的老弱妇孺纷纷消失在战场的沙尘中。对于之后发生的故事铸造大师们众说纷纭。有人说他统一了他的族人,而其他人则 声称他受了致命伤,倒在了女族长的身旁憾然离世。这些说法都不正确。他的确发誓要使族人重聚?但是要在找到使杰尔拉克山喷发的罪魁祸首,看着他们在自己的角上死去之后,因为半人猛犸从不相信侥幸或偶然。 Meepo

\need to scrounge, you need to know your strengths. Some of the beasts up there can kill you, so you need a way to trap the weak and duck the strong. On the upside, the ruins have history, and history is worth a lot to some people. There used to be a palace there, where they had all these dark rituals. Bad stuff. If you survived the ceremony, they would shatter a crystal and split your soul into pieces. They made great art though! Sculptures and such. Let me tell you: sometimes you stumble onto some of those old carvings. Take a pack full of those to town and sell them, then get yourself food for a few weeks. If luck is really on your side, you might find a Riftshadow crystal. Get it appraised and start asking around. Someone always knows some crazy fool looking for this kind of thing. If all else fails, sell it to a Magus the next time one's in town. They love that stuff. Still, whatever you do, be careful handling those crystals. You do not want one to go off on you. It really hurts.\


“对我而言,生活就是你所知和所能发现的一切。当你住在裂影荒墟时,想要找到食物并不是一件容易的事。因此,你需要走捷径,你需要会忽悠,你需要对自己的能力充分了解。有些野兽能够杀掉你,那么你就需要躲开强壮的,捕杀弱小的。在荒墟之上,有过一段往事,一段对某些人意义重大的往事。曾经那里有个宫殿,他们在宫殿里面举行黑暗的仪式,非常邪恶。如果你从仪式中幸存下来,他们还会以击碎水晶的方式将你的灵魂撕裂成碎片。不过他们的艺术成就也很高,比如雕塑之类的。记住这点:如果你在某个时候发现了这些雕塑,一定把他们全拿到市场上去卖掉,然后你接下来的一周都不会饿肚子。如果你走运的话,你可能会发现影墟水晶,那赶紧找人帮你估价,多问问,总有人能帮你找到需要这玩意的疯子买主的。就算别人都不要,你也可以卖给城里的魔导师,他们喜欢这玩意。不过,不管你怎么做,一定要小心这些水晶,这玩意要是在你身上炸开,可是很疼的。 Nyx Assassin

Deep in the Archive of Ultimyr, shelved between scholarly treatises on dragon cladistics and books of untranslatable spells, there is an ancient tome of entomological curiosities. Compiled by scholars, the book describes the telepathic talents of the zealot scarab, a strange species of social insect with abilities unique to all the seven planes.

Unlike most grubs of his colony, Nyx Assassin did not arise from metamorphosis with the plodding thoughts and blunted appendages common to the worker caste of his kind. For his was a special transformation, guided by the grace of Nyx. He was the chosen one, selected from the many and anointed with an extract of the queen goddess herself. Not all

survive the dark blessing of the queen’s chamber, but he emerged with a penetrating mind, and dagger-like claws–his razor sharp mandibles raking the air while his thoughts projected directly into the minds of those around him. Of all zealot scarabs, he alone was selected for the highest calling. After his metamorphosis, he was reborn, by grace of Nyx, with abilities which shaped him for one thing and one thing only: to kill in the name of his goddess.



和他领地中的其他幼虫不一样的是,司夜刺客的变形并不是被那种工兵般无聊乏味的思想所引领的。他的变化很特别,受到了夜神妮克丝的恩赐。他是天选者,被女神从万千族人中挑选出来并赐予了女神精华。他的族人大多都在虫后密室的黑暗祝福下死去,而后他出现了,有着犀利的读心术,尖刀般锋利的爪子和剃刀一样的下颚,通过空气感知着他身边的那些同类的想法。在所有的狂热圣甲虫中,只有他被最高存在召唤。在妮克丝的恩惠下,他变体了,重生了,被赋予了各种能力,去完成他的创造者唯一的要求:以女神之名杀戮。 Visage

Perched atop the entrance to the Narrow Maze sit the looming shapes of sneering gargoyles, the paths into the hereafter forever in their gaze. Beasts and birds, men and monsters, all creatures that die and choose to travel beyond must someday pass beneath their sight. For an untethered spirit, the decision to journey through the veil of death is irrevocable. When chance comes, and by craft or cunning some restless soul escapes their hells and heavens, it is the dreaded gargoyle Visage, the bound form of the eternal spirit Necro??lic, who is dispatched to reclaim them. Ruthless and efficient, unhindered by the principles of death and fatigue, Visage stalks its prey without mercy or end, willingly destroying all which may give shelter to the fugitive essence. That which flaunts the laws of the afterlife may never rest, for while it is true that the dead may be revived, it is only a matter of time before Visage finds and returns them to their proper place.


面目狰狞的石像鬼庞大的身影蹲坐在狭窄迷宫的入口,永恒地凝视着通往往生之境的路径。无论走兽还是飞鸟,人类还是怪物,一切服从生老病死并选择进入冥府的生物终有一天会经过它们的面前。对于一个离开肉体的灵魂而言,一旦做出了穿过死亡幕帘的决定就再无回头之路。不过总有一些不安分的灵魂凭着智力或机巧,借着偶然的契机得以从天国或是地狱逃离。这时候,令人胆寒的石像鬼维萨吉,承载死灵飞龙不朽灵魂的形体,就会被派遣出去寻回他们。维萨吉精明强干又冷酷无情,不受死亡或是疲倦的支配。它无休无止、毫不留情地追踪它的猎物,一心只想摧毁一切逃亡灵魂的藏身之处。谁敢嘲笑冥界的法则,谁就永远不得安宁。虽然亡者的确可以被复活,但他们迟早会被维萨吉找到,并且遣送回他们本来该在的地方。 KotL

Upon a pale horse he rides, this spark of endless suns, this Keeper of the Light. Ezalor long ago escaped the Fundamental plane, separating from the other ancient forces to which he was bound within the great Primordial harmony. He is a power grown sentient in the dawn of the universe, and now rides forth in all planes at once, one step ahead of pursuing chaos, bearing his gift with him at the end of a radiant staff. His majestic truth lies hidden beneath the outward appearance of a slightly doddering old man who barely stays in the saddle. However, when faced with the challenge of chaos, or the forces of darkness, his primordial light bursts forth, and his full power is revealed, transforming him once again into a force to be reckoned with. 光之守卫


而出的一刻,他也将再次化身为璀璨的力量之芒。 Naga Siren

Among the high-sworn of the Slitherene Guard there is a solemn vow often repeated before battle: No Slitherene may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slitherene.Once most highly esteemed of her race, Slithice for many years commanded a battalion of her fellows, using her formidable voice as her greatest weapon. Powerful, sinuous, serpentine, she led her deadly Guard in defense of the Deep Ones, and the great wealth of the sunken cities. But in the final battle of Crey, her forces were driven back by a marauding army of leviathans intent on finding tribute for their god Maelrawn. After the long and bloody onslaught, as the bodies were cleared from the sunken halls, a single jeweled chalice was found missing from the trove. Of her hundred Guard, only a handful survived, but their bravery and sacrifice were of little consequence. What mattered was that treasure was taken. Honor destroyed. And so Naga Siren was cast out. Banished to search for the stolen chalice. Though she might add a hundred times her weight to the golden trove, she is doomed to live apart until that day she returns that which was taken. For no amount of gold is equal in honor to the honor she lost. 娜迦海妖

在鱼人卫士团的誓言中,有一句誓词最广为流传:鱼人不能失败。事实上,这句话既是誓词,又是命令,所有失败的人都已经被放逐。鱼人族内不容败者。司里希丝曾经是她族群内最受尊敬的战士,多年来她一直指挥着一支军队,她最强力的武器就是她那让人畏惧的声音。强大,婉转,难以捉摸,她一直用她这一致命武器守卫着深海住民以及沉没之城中的财富。然而在克雷之役的最后一战中,在面对一帮想给他们的深渊之神献上财宝的狂热深海巨怪时,她的军队节节败退。在他们将敌人猛烈的攻击抵御下以后,开始清理战场,却发现宝藏中的镶嵌着珠宝的圣杯不见了。她的百人队中只有寥寥数人活了下来,然而同胞们的勇敢和牺牲却无关紧要了。重要的是他们的珍宝被那走了。他们的荣誉被毁掉了。娜迦海妖被驱逐了,她被放逐去寻回失窃的圣杯。不管她能够做出多少倍的补偿,她也注定不会被原谅,除非她带回了失窃的宝藏。她所失去的荣誉,千金难抵。 Gyrocopter

After serving through a lifetime of wars, upheaval, riots, and revolutions, the brass figured Aurel had seen enough. But in addition to a few trinkets and his considerable pension, the erstwhile engineer left with something far more interesting: a long-forgotten, incomplete schematic for a Gyrocopter, the world’s first manned, non-magical flying device. Retiring to the tropical obscurity of the Ash Archipelago with little else but time and money, he set to work building the device. As the years wore on and the remains of failed prototypes began to pile up, he began to wonder if mechanical flight was even possible. A decade and a day after his retirement, on a sunny afternoon with a southerly breeze, Aurel sat in his latest attempt bristling with indignation and expectant failure. With a grunt of effort he pulled the ignition cord and covered his head, waiting for the inevitable explosion. However to his great surprise he began to lift and, following a few panicked adjustments, stabilize. Within an hour, he was ducking and weaving with the breeze, level with the gulls, and Aurel found himself filled with the breathless wonder of flight. As dusk settled in he set a course back to his workshop, but no sooner had he turned his craft when a cannonball tore through his tailfin. Disentangling himself from the wreckage, he swam toward the nearest piece of land in sight, and cursed to see the ship responsible for the cannonball collecting the debris. Days later, when Aurel returned to his workshop, he set to work on yet another gyrocopter, this one capable of carrying a much heavier, more dangerous payload.



等着和以往一样不可避免的爆炸。然而这次大大出乎他的意料,他开始升空了,经过一阵慌乱的调整和稳定操作。不到一个小时,他就乘着微风,与海鸥结伴同行,飞行的体验让奥雷尔惊讶得近乎窒息。黄昏临近,他设置了返回工作间的路线,但就在这时,他的旋翼机被一发飞来的炮弹击穿了尾翼。从坠毁的残骸中解脱后,他游向眼前最近的岛屿,咒骂着射出那发炮弹的船只要为此付出代价。几天后,奥雷尔回到了工作间,开始制造他的新飞行器,一种能装载许多危险的火箭和导弹的新型旋翼机。 Undying

How long has it been since he lost his name? The torn ruin of his mind no longer knows.Dimly he recalls armor and banners and grim-faced kin riding at his side. He remembers a battle: pain and fear as pale hands ripped him from his saddle. He remembers terror as they threw him into the yawning pit of the Dead God alongside his brothers, to hear the Dirge and be consumed into nothingness. In the darkness below, time left them. Thought left them. Sanity left them. Hunger, however, did not. They turned on each other with split fingernails and shattered teeth. Then it came: distant at first, a fragile note at the edge of perception, joined by another, then another, inescapable and unending. The chorus grew into a living wall of sound pulsing in his mind until no other thought survived. With the Dirge consuming him, he opened his arms to the Dead God and welcomed his obliteration. Yet destruction was not what he'd been chosen for. The Dead God demanded war. In the belly of the great nothing, he was granted a new purpose: to spread the Dirge across the land, to rally the sleepless dead against the living. He was to become the Undying, the herald of the Dead God, to rise and fall and rise again whenever his body failed him. To trudge on through death unending, that the Dirge might never end. 不朽尸王

他残破的心,已经不再记得自己的名,也不记得已经过了多久。还依稀记得的,是盔甲,是战旗,是身边死去的兄弟。他还记得那场战役:一双给他带去痛苦和恐惧的苍白的手,将他从马上扯下。他还记得自己和兄弟们一起被扔进死亡之神那漆黑的深坑,还记得他被虚无吞噬时耳畔的挽歌。在深渊下的黑暗中,他们被时间遗弃,抛弃了思想,抛弃了理智,唯一尚存的,只有饥饿。他们以彼此残留的指甲和牙齿为食,唤醒了身体。这时挽歌传来,一开始很遥远,只是最轻微的感官体验,然后声音逐渐汇集,似乎铺天盖地永无止境,歌声似乎形成了一堵音墙,将他意识中所有想法都清除。随着自己被挽歌吞噬,他也向死亡之神张开了双臂,迎接自己的陨灭。然而死亡之神并没有选择毁掉他,而是让他投入战争,在一片惨然的虚无中,他被赋予了新的使命:让世界遍地哀鸿,让死者吞噬生命。他成为了不朽尸王,死亡之神的先驱,他的躯体永生不灭。在你的往生路上,会奏响他永恒的挽歌。 Wisp

Wisp is everywhere, and in all things. Denounced by enemies as the great unmaker, worshiped by scholars as the twinkling of a divine eye, Wisp occupies all planes at once, the merest fraction of its being crossing into physical existence at any one moment. Like the great twin riders Dark and Light, and yet another ancient traveler whose true history is lost to the ages, Io the Wisp is a Fundamental of the universe—a force older than time, a wanderer from realms far beyond mortal understanding. Wisp is nothing less than the sum of all attractive and repulsive forces within matter, a sentient manifestation of the charge that bind particles together. It is only in the controlled warping of these forces that Wisp’s presence can be experienced on the physical plane. A benevolent, cooperative force, Wisp bonds its strength to others so that the power of allies might be enhanced. Its motives inscrutable, its strength unimaginable, Wisp moves through the physical plane, the perfect expression of the mysteries of the universe. 精灵守卫

精灵守卫存在于所有地方和世间万物之内。敌人们诋毁它为灭绝者,学者们则尊崇它为闪动的神圣之眼,精灵守卫同时在所有位面存在着,它们可以在任何时候将自己身体的一小部分转化为物理存在。 就像伟大的双子骑士“暗”与“光”一样,精灵守卫艾欧也是来自远古的旅者,它真正的来历已经淹没在时间中。它是比时间还要古老的宇宙法则,来自凡人无法理解的领域。精灵守卫不仅仅是物质内部的吸引力和排斥力的结合,它是将物质粒子连接在一起的电荷的直观体现。只有将这些力量进行可控的扭曲,精灵守卫才能在物理位面被人感受到。作为一股善意、乐于合作的力量,精灵守卫将它的力量与其它人绑在一起,让盟友的力量得到强化。它的心思深不可测,它的力量无法想象,精灵守卫在物理位面穿梭着,是神秘宇宙的完美体现。


How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or turned to worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature’s trail was easy to follow. Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast’s massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods. She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods. 月之骑士

她曾经是被称为平原之灾的残酷领导者,率领着众多爪牙和野兽,敢于在任何地方肆虐。但不知为何沦落为现在这副样子。远离故土,饥饿至半疯状态流浪了好几个月,她的军队早已成为了尸体,甚至某些更糟的东西。当她站在一片古老森林的边缘时,那古老的树枝之间有一双灼热的眼睛正在暗中监视她。在这落幕的黄昏中,某种美丽但致命的野兽正在寻找一顿美餐。它悄无声息的转身离开了。愤怒占据了她的大脑。她紧紧抓住手中生锈的匕首,冲向那只野兽,只为寻回一丝曾经的荣誉。但这只猎物却无法被抓住。她三次将它逼进岩石和树木的死角,但每次她要扑上去抓住它时,都只能看见一丝褐色残影冲进森林的深处。不过由于满月的月光十分明亮,这头野兽的足迹很容易追踪。当一路追到一座高山开阔的山顶上时,这头体型巨大的野兽就那么坐在那里,专注地等待着她。当她挥起匕首刺过去时,野兽后退了一下,然后咆哮着冲向她。在坚持了这么久之后,在这片陌生的土地上,她似乎感到了自己的死期终于到来了。她平静的站在那里,准备接受结局。但在这一瞬间,野兽夺下了她手中的匕首,然后消失进了树林中。此时万物归于平静,几个戴头巾的身影靠近了她。她们用虔诚的语气告诉她,月之女神赛莉蒙妮选择了她,并指引了她,也测试了她。在不知不觉中,她已经通过了银夜森林的守卫者-暗月骑士的神圣仪式。 现在她有两个选择:加入暗月骑士,宣誓侍奉赛莉蒙妮,或者离开此处并永远不再回来。为了给自己赎罪,她抛弃了血腥的过去,毫不犹豫地接受了新身份:月之骑士-露娜·暗月,成为了银夜森林永远忠诚且冷峻的守卫。 Rubick

Any mage can cast a spell or two, and a few may even study long enough to become a wizard, but only the most talented are allowed to be recognized as a Magus. Yet as with any sorcerer’s circle, a sense of community has never guaranteed competitive courtesy. Already a renowned duelist and scholar of the grander world of sorcery, it had never occurred to Rubick that he might perhaps be Magus material until he was in the midst of his seventh assassination attempt. As he casually tossed the twelfth of a string of would-be killers from a high balcony, it dawned on him how utterly unimaginative the attempts on his life had become. Where once the interruption of a fingersnap or firehand might have put a cheerful spring in his step, it had all become so very predictable. He craved greater competition. Therefore, donning his combat mask, he did what any wizard seeking to ascend the ranks would do: he announced his intention kill a Magus. Rubick quickly discovered that to threaten one Magus is to threaten them all, and they fell upon him in force. Each antagonist's spell was an unstoppable torrent of energy, and every attack a calculated killing blow. But very soon something occurred that Rubick's foes found unexpected: their arts appeared to turn against them. Inside the magic maelstrom, Rubick chuckled, subtly reading and replicating the powers of one in order to cast it against another, sowing chaos among those who had allied against him. Accusations of betrayal began to fly, and soon the sorcerers turned one upon another without suspecting who was behind their undoing. When the battle finally drew to a close, all were singed and frozen, soaked and cut and pierced. More than one lay dead by an ally’s craft. Rubick stood apart, sore but delighted in

the week’s festivities. None had the strength to argue when he presented his petition of assumption to the Hidden Council, and the Insubstantial Eleven agreed as one to grant him the title of Grand Magus.


所有法师都会点魔法,其中一部分通过长时间的学习应该也能成为巫师,然而只有其中最有天赋的,才有资格成为魔导师。法师们都是一样,虽然相互认识,但却并不相互尊重。在整个魔法界,拉比克已经算是著名的斗士和学者,不过他自己也没想过自己是当魔导师的料,直到他第17次外出刺杀。他和往常一样将那些失败者从高台上抛下,轮到第12个人时,他猛然的发现自己的生命是如此的无趣。曾经很简单的短暂法术干扰或者空手召唤火焰都能让他兴奋不已,而现在对他来说已经是意料之中的事情。他渴求更大的挑战。于是,他戴上了战斗面具,做了每个试图超越的巫师都会做的事:扬言要杀死一名魔导师。拉比克很快就发现对一个魔导师宣战的后果就是对整个魔导师群体宣战,他们将愤怒倾泻在他身上。每个魔导师的咒语都是势不可挡的能量洪流,每次攻击都是精确的杀招。然而很快魔导师们就发现了一些诡异的事情:他们好像在被自己的法术攻击。魔法漩涡中隐约传来拉比克的轻笑,他隐秘的解读着魔导师们的法术,复制其中之一,然后用这个法术攻击另外一人,在魔导师之间制造着他精心编制的混乱。被背叛的愤怒开始在魔导师们中滋生,很快他们就开始相互攻击,因为他们也不确定究竟是谁攻击了自己。战斗终于停止,所有的魔导师都被他人的魔法灼烧,冻僵,甚至切成碎片,死伤惨重。拉比克则独自站在一旁,疲惫却欣喜,这次战斗让他获益颇丰。当他向隐修议会提出晋升的要求时,没有人敢置喙一句,议会中的幻寂十一长者一致同意,承认他为大魔导师。 Disruptor

High on the wind-ravaged steppes of Druud, a gifted young stormcrafter called Disruptor was the first to unlock the secrets of the summer squalls. Constantly under assault from both seasonal storms and encroachment from civilized kingdoms to the South, the upland Oglodi have for centuries struggled to subsist atop the endless tablelands. They are the fractured remnant of a once-great civilization—a fallen tribe, their stormcraft strange and inscrutable, cobbled together from scraps of lost knowledge which even they no longer fully understand. For those on the high plain, weather has become a kind of religion, worshiped as both the giver and taker of life. But the electrical storms that bring life-sustaining rains arrive at a cost, and many are the charred and smoking corpses left in their wake. Although small for his kind, Disruptor was fearless, and driven by an insatiable curiosity. While still unblooded and without a stryder, he explored the ruins of the ancestral cities—searching through collapsed and long-moldered libraries, rummaging through rusting manufactories. He took what he needed and returned to his tribe. Adapting a coil of ancient design, he harnessed the power of electrical differential and now calls down the thunder whenever he wishes. Part magic, part craftsmanship, his coils hold in their glowing plates the power of life and death—a power wielded with precision against the landed castes to the South, and any interlopers who cross into ancient Oglodi lands. 干扰者

在狂风肆虐的杜鲁德大草原高处,有一位年轻且富有天赋的风暴术师,他被人称作干扰者,并第一个参透了夏日风暴的秘密。由于经常受到季节性的暴风袭击和南方文明王国的侵略,几个世纪以来,高地人一直都在这片无尽的高原上为生存而挣扎。他们是一个伟大的文明破碎后遗留下来的堕落部族,他们那奇特而神秘的控制风暴的技术,拼凑自那些支离破碎的连他们自己都不能完全理解的失落知识。对于居住在高原地区的人们,气候已经成为了一种信仰,被作为生命的授予者和终结者而崇拜。雷电风暴所带来的大雨是维持生命所必需的,但这是有代价的,每次雷电风暴结束时,总会留下一些烤焦冒烟的尸体。尽管在他的族群中还很卑微,但干扰者无所畏惧,永不满足的好奇心是他的动力。尽管还对风暴技术一窍不通也没有自己的坐骑,但他还是去探索了祖先城市的遗迹,在崩塌的建筑和早已腐朽的图书馆中搜索着,在生锈的制造车间中到处翻寻。他找到了需要的东西,然后返回了部族。将古时设计的线圈重新改编后,他获得了操纵电荷的能力,现在可以在任何他想要的地方召唤雷电。部分依靠魔法,部分依靠工艺技术,他的能量圈内束缚着能掌控生与死的力量,用来精确打击南方王国的侵略者和任何闯入这片古老高地之人。 Lanaya

Lanaya, the Templar Assassin, came to her calling by a path of curious inquiry. Possessed of a scientific bent, she spent her early years engaged in meticulous study of nature's laws--peering into grimoires of magic and alchemy, recreating experiments from charred fragments of the Violet Archives, and memorizing observations of the Keen recordkeepers.

Already quiet and secretive by nature, the difficulty of acquiring these objects further reinforced her skills of stealth. Had she been less retiring, she might have become notorious among the guilds as a thief-scholar. Instead her investigations led her into far more obscure corners. As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed. 拉娜娅

拉娜娅,圣堂刺客,一直行走在对万物的探求之路上。她有一颗渴求知识的心,早年就非常专注于研究自然法则——对魔法和炼金术有关的书非常入迷,试图重现她在紫罗兰档案馆找到的吉光片羽中记载的实验,并且背下了档案保管者对实验的观察记录。由于她天性安静且诡秘,再加上获得这些东西的高难度,拉娜娅的隐秘行动技巧得到了进一步的强化。假如她稍微不低调一点,她就可能成为盗贼公会里面人人敬仰的盗贼大师了。不过她的研究一步步的将她带进了更为诡异的死角。就在她将自己的隐秘天赋完全奉献给探索宇宙秘密的时候,却无意中打开了另外一扇门:隐之圣堂的入口。入口另一边的智慧生命早已在等着她了,他们告诉了拉娜娅许多他们发现的秘密,然而当他们告诉拉娜娅她可以为圣堂服务时,这些秘密都算不得什么了。她立誓守护这些秘密,然而更重要的是,为圣堂服务能够满足她那对知识无尽的渴求。在她杀死的敌人的眼中,她逐渐看到了一直在追寻的秘密。 Chaos Knight

The veteran of countless battles on a thousand worlds, Chaos Knight hails from a far upstream plane where the fundamental laws of the universe have found sentient expression. Of all the ancient Fundamentals, he is the oldest and most tireless—endlessly searching out a being he knows only as “The Light.” Long ago the Light ventured out from the progenitor realm, in defiance of the first covenant. Now Chaos Knight shifts from plane to plane, always on the hunt to extinguish the Light wherever he finds it. A thousand times he has snuffed out the source, and always he slides into another plane to continue his search anew. Upon his steed Armageddon he rides, wading into battle with maniacal frenzy, drawing strength from the disorder of the universe. A physical manifestation of chaos itself, in times of need he calls upon other versions of himself from other planes, and together these dark horsemen ride into battle, as unstoppable as any force of nature. Only when the last Light of the world is scoured from existence will the search be ended. Where rides the Chaos Knight, death soon follows.


作为一名被上千个世界中无数战斗洗礼过的战斗大师,混沌骑士来自一个遥远的上层位面,在那里,宇宙的基本法则都能被直接感知到。在所有的法则中,混沌是最古老且最不知疲倦的——永无休止的搜寻着被他称为“光”的存在。很久以前,“光”违抗初始之契约离开了起源的世界,在其他世界开始了他的旅途。现在混沌骑士在一个个位面之间穿梭,无论到哪里,他永远都在搜寻然后抹杀“光”的存在 ,将其无数次的抹杀,然后进入下一个位面继续他的搜索。带着自己的铁甲战马“天劫”,带着疯狂的暴怒冲进战场,从宇宙的混乱中吸取力量。他就是混沌在物理位面的化身,并在有需要的时候他会召唤其他位面的自己,这群黑暗骑兵的齐冲如同自然之力一般无法阻挡。只有当一个世界中所有“光”的存在都被彻底消灭,他的搜寻才会结束。混沌骑士的铁蹄所到之处,死亡随之同行。 Ogre Magi

He ordinary ogre is the creature for whom the phrase 'As dumb as a bag of rock hammers' was coined. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of doing or deciding anything. Clothed in dirt, he sometimes finds himself accidentally draped in animal skins after eating lanekill. Not an especially social creature, he is most often found affectionately consorting with the boulders or tree-stumps he has mistaken for kin (a factor that may explain the ogre's low rate of reproduction)。 However, once every generation or so, the ogre race is blessed with the birth of a two-headed Ogre Magi, who is immediately given the traditional name of Aggron Stonebreak, the name of the first and perhaps only wise ogre in their line's history. With two heads, Ogre Magi finds it possible to function at a level most other creatures manage with one. And while the Ogre Magi will win no debates

(even with itself), it is graced with a divine quality known as Dumb Luck--a propensity for serendipitous strokes of fortune which have allowed the ogre race to flourish in spite of enemies, harsh weather, and an inability to feed itself. It's as if the Goddess of Luck, filled with pity for the sadly inept species, has taken Ogre Magi under her wing. And who could blame her? Poor things.


普通食人魔的愚蠢正是一句俗话“蠢的像一袋石头一样”所形容的。在自然状况下,一只食人魔完全没有能力做任何事或下决定。他们不仅邋遢至极,有时一只食人魔还会发现自己吃完一头动物后居然被困在它的皮囊里。食人魔并非社会性生物,经常有人发现他们大岩石或者树桩亲昵的依偎在一起,显然是将这些东西错认成了他们的同类(这也许可以解释食人魔的低繁殖率)。然而,每一世代的食人魔中,都会诞生一只双头的食人魔魔法师,一出生就会立刻被授予传统名字:阿格隆·碎石者,这个名字属于它们种族历史上第一个以及或许是每一世代中唯一有智慧的食人魔。有两个脑袋的食人魔魔法师发现他可以比其他只有一个脑袋的生物更高效的行事。尽管食人魔魔法师无法赢得任何辩论(即使和它自己),但它天生就属于傻人有傻福,这命运中的意外收获让这个无法供养自己的种族在敌人的威胁和恶劣的天气下能繁荣起来。就好像是幸运女神对这个平均智商低下的种族的特别眷顾一样,她赐予了他们食人魔法师。她还能怎样呢?真是可怜的家伙们。 Treant Protectors

Far to the west, in the mountains beyond the Vale of Augury, lie the remains of an ancient power, a fount of eldritch energy nestled deep in the high woods. It is said that the things that grow here, grow strangely. To the forces of nature this is a sacred place, made to stay hidden and unknown. Many are the traps and dangers of this land--all-consuming grasses and crossbred fauna and poisonous flowers--but none are so fierce as the mighty Treant Protectors. These ageless, titanic beings, charged with keeping the peace in this dangerous land, ensure that none within encroach without reason, and none without poach their secrets. For time untold they tended to their holy ground, uninterrupted, only dimly aware of the changing world beyond. Yet inevitably the wider world grew aware of this untamed land, and with each passing winter the outsiders grew bolder. Soon they arrived with tools to cut and with flames to burn, and often the Treants would ponder: who are these fragile, industrious creatures? What now had become of the wild, green world? There came and went an age of questions and of doubts, a thousand summers of long traditions set to scrutiny, while more and more the outsiders died and fed their earth. When all that bloomed had finally finished their say, curiosity had overcome caution. It was decided: a lone Protector would be sent into the wider world, and instructed to wander until the glaciers arose once more, to observe the changing land and its creatures, and to discover what unknown dangers could threaten their sacred ground.


在遥远的西方之外,在预兆之谷远方的群山中,蕴藏着一股强大的古老力量,一股隐藏在树木中,令人敬畏的力量之源。据说生长在这片区域的物种都很奇特。对于自然之力而言,这是一片神圣的土地,不为世人所知。这片土地上有着各种致命的陷阱和危险——吞噬一切的杂草,各式杂交的动物以及充满剧毒的花——不过这些都远远比不上强大的树精卫士。这些长生不老,体型巨大的生物终其一生都在维护这片土地的安静,保证没人能够侵犯这里,没人能够知道他们的秘密。他们已经守护这片圣地长达千万年,与外界秋毫无犯,对世界的变迁也不甚了了。然而不可避免的,外界逐渐的注意到了这片未开化的土地,随着时间的推移,外面世界的入侵者也愈发大胆。他们很快就带着工具来砍伐焚烧这片土地,而树精卫士们则在思考,这些脆弱却勤劳的生物到底是什么?那原本绿色的原野现在变成了什么样?数万年的疑问和怀疑通通浮现,从上古时期流传下来的传统开始被他们重新审视,同时,越来越多外面世界的人死在了这片土地上,成为了花草的养分。当所有的生物都商议完毕以后,他们达成了一致,对外界的好奇终究战胜了保守和审慎。他们决定:向外界派出一名树精卫士,肩负着将外界情况传达给他们的使命,观察外面那个变化的世界以及其中的生命,最重要的是,监视那些有可能威胁到他们神圣领地的一切危险。 Phantom

The remote village of Pole had no knowledge of the wars raging in the heart of the kingdom. For them, the quiet of spear fishing, and a family meal were all that a full life required. Yet war came for them nonetheless. Joining the able-bodied conscripts as they filed past their homes, the humble lancer Azwraith vowed to bring peace to his kingdom, and in so doing, his people. Placed with his kin in the vanguard of the final assault against the Dread Magus Vorn, the cost to his fellows was absolute. As the charging force battled

toward the fortress, Azwraith alone among his kind remained standing, and he alone was able to infiltrate the keep. Focused and infuriated by the slaughter of his brothers, Azwraith bested each of the wizard's deadly traps and conjured guardians. Soon the simple fisherman arrived at Vorn's tower sanctum. The pair dueled through the night, pike to staff, as chaos raged below, and with a deafening cry Azwraith pierced his enemy. But the wizard did not simply expire; he exploded into uncountable shards of light, penetrating his killer with power. As the dust settled and the smoke of combat began to clear, Azwraith found himself standing among a throng of his kin. Each seemed to be dressed as he was, each seemed armed as he was, and he could sense that each thought as he did. Aware that his allies were approaching, he willed these phantoms to hide themselves, and one by one they began to vanish into nothingness. As the soldiers came upon the sanctum, they found the warrior that had bested the wizard. When they approached their champion, the lancer vanished. The pikeman who had stood before them was no more than another phantom. The real Azwraith had fled the field, ashamed of his anger, heartbroken at his loss, and all the more determined to ensure peace for his people through the wars to come.


在战火烧遍整个国家的时候,偏远的迫厄村的村民们还对此一无所知。对于他们来说,生活的全部就是捕鱼养家。然而战争仍然波及村庄。阿兹瑞斯,一名普通的长矛手,应征入伍,誓死保卫国家和他的人民。他的队伍被布置于抵抗恐惧法师沃恩的前线,伤亡可想而知。几次冲锋以后,只有阿兹瑞斯一人存活下来,他独自渗透进了敌人的堡垒。手足被屠戮的愤怒让他愈发的专注,躲过了法师一个个致命的陷阱和召唤出的守卫。不一会儿,这个普通的渔夫就抵达了沃恩的密室。他们斗至深夜,密室下的高塔早已陷入混乱。伴随着一声凄烈的嚎叫,阿兹瑞斯的长矛穿透了敌人。然而法师并没有就此消失,他浑身化为无数光束,刺入了阿兹瑞斯的身体。尘埃落定后,阿兹瑞斯发现自己身边有着无数个同胞,然而每个人都和他同样装束,他能感知到每个人的思想。他发现盟军已经赶到,于是将这些幻影隐匿起来,一个接一个的,化为无形。当士兵们到达密室的时候,他们发现了阿兹瑞斯。然而就当他们涌向英雄的时候,幻影长矛手消失了,他们看见的也只是幻象。真正的他已经逃至荒野。他因自己的愤怒而羞愧,因逝去的同胞而神伤,对保护人民和平,坚定不移。 酒仙-曼吉克斯

Deep in the Wailing Mountains, in a valley beneath the Ruined City, the ancient Order of the Oyo has for centuries practiced its rights of holy reverie, communing with the spirit realm in grand festivals of drink. Born to a mother’s flesh by a Celestial father, the youth known as Mangix was the first to grow up with the talents of both lineages. He trained with the greatest aesthetes of the Order, eventually earning, through diligent drunkenness, the right to challenge for the title of Brewmaster—that appellation most honored among the contemplative malt-brewing sect.

As much drinking competition as mortal combat, Mangix for nine days drank and fought the elder master. For nine nights they stumbled and whirled, chugged and struck, until at last the elder warrior collapsed into a drunken stupor, and a new Brewmaster was named. Now the new, young Brewmaster calls upon the strength of his Oyo forebears to speed his staff. When using magic, it is to his spirit ancestors that he turns. Like all Brewmasters before him, he was sent out from his people with a single mission. He wanders the land, striving toward enlightenment through drink, searching for the answer to the ancient spiritual schism—hoping to think the single thought that will unite the spirit and physical planes again.



Lone Druid

Long before the first words of the first histories there rose the druidic Bear Clan. Wise and just they were, and focused in their ways to seek an understanding of the natural order. The arch forces of nature saw this, and so sought the most learned among them. Wise old Sylla, clan justiciar and seer, stepped forward for his kin, and to him was given the Seed with these words: 'When all of the world has dimmed, when civilization has left these lands, when the world is slain and wracked by the endless deserts at the end of ages, plant the Seed.' As he grasped his trust, Sylla felt his years recede and his vitality returned. Vast knowledge burst into his mind.

He found himself able to project his very will into reality and, with some concentration, alter his own physical form as well. Yet subtle whispers and cruel ears brought word of the Seed and its power to other peoples, and a terrible war crashed upon the Bear Clan. As his ancestral home burned, Sylla took his burden and fled to the wild places. Ages passed, and time and myth forgot the Bear Clan, forgot Sylla and the Seed, forgot wondrous civilizations that rose and fell in Bear Clan’s wake. Through the eons, Sylla has waited, waited for word from his deities, waited for peace to come to the ever warring realms, waited in exile and in secret for the end of all things and for the conclusion of his sacred commitment, preparing himself always to face and destroy whatever would dare threaten his purpose. 德鲁伊

早在有史可考的年代之前,德鲁伊巨熊部落就已经形成了。他们天生就是智者,专注于探索和理解自然秩序。自然之力注意到了他们,并找到了他们中最有学识的一位,睿智的老悉拉,巨熊部落的先知 和仲裁者,脱颖而出。它走到悉拉面前,将生命之种交给了他,并且告诉他:“当世界变得昏暗,当文明不再繁荣,当荒漠延伸到世界的尽头,那就种下这粒种子。”获得了自然之力的信任以后,悉拉 感到自己的活力又回来了,岁月的痕迹也消失无踪,他原本渊博的学识更加广袤。

同时,他发现自己能够将自己的意愿变成现实,甚至,在专注的情况下,能够改变自己的物质形态。然而,关于生命之 种的谣言却给他的部落和人民带来了灾难,恐怖的战争席卷了整个部落,将其毁于一旦。家园被毁,悉拉带着自己的责任,逃到了荒野。随着时间的流逝,巨熊部落以及生命之种的故事已经在岁月长河 中被人遗忘。几万年来,悉拉一直在等待,等待神谕,等待永世争斗的结束,等待他流浪宿命的终结,等待他神圣使命的实现,同时准备着消灭那些敢于阻挠他的事物。 Lycanthrope

Banehallow was noble-born to the house of Ambry, the greatest of the landed castes in the old kingdom of Slom. Before the Fall, as the King’s wants grew strange, and his court grew crowded with sorcerers and charlatans, the house of Ambry was the first to rise against the avarice of the throne. No longer willing to pay homage and fealty, they instead sent six-thousand swords into the capital, where they were wiped out in the Massacre of the Apostates. And then came the teeth behind the old truth: When you strike a king’s neck, you had better take his head. Enraged by the betrayal, the king exterminated the vast Ambry bloodline, sparing only the lord of the house and his youngest son, Banehallow. Before all the royal court, with the disgraced lord chained to the ornate marble floor, the King bade his magicians transform the boy into a wolf so that he might tear out his own father’s throat. “Do this,” the king said, “so that Lord Ambry will understand the bite of betrayal.” Powerful magic was invoked, and the child was transformed. But though his body was changed, his spirit remained intact, and instead of biting the exposed neck of his father, he attacked his handlers, tearing them to pieces. A dozen of the King’s knights perished under the wolf’s teeth before they managed to drive it off into the night. Lord Ambry laughed from his chains even as the King ran him through with a sword. Now the heir to the lost house of Ambry, Banehallow wanders the trail as the Lycan, part warrior, part wolf, in search of justice for all that he lost. 狼人


只猛兽赶走,国王付出了一队骑士的生命。安布里领主在加锁中大笑着,甚至当国王将剑刺入其身体后仍狂笑不止。现在,安布里家族唯一的子嗣,贝恩霍勒,以狼人的形态游荡着,半狼半人,追寻着,他所失去的公义。 Shadow Demon

Among the sovereign Demons with explicit access to this world, Doom Bringer scarcely bothers with the affairs of Noninfernals and Lesser Spectral Consorts, while Shadow Fiend passes through almost exclusively on collecting expeditions. The Shadow Demon, however, has always taken a deep and abiding interest in the material plane, as if sensing that mastery of this gritty dimensional nexus might be the key to total domination of all realities. Summoned first by minor wizards, the Shadow Demon granted every wish and put on increasingly impressive displays of power until he had the full attention of the greatest demonologists, and through them the various lords, tyrants, autarchs and heirophants who depended on sorcery to buttress their mundane power. So great was his deception that all his summoners considered themselves the master and Shadow Demon the servant; meanwhile, he eroded their identities and made their minds his own. In the end, most members of the cult were hollow puppets, extensions of his evil will. What Shadow Demon's next step would have been remains open to speculation, for around this time, Nevermore the Shadow Fiend bit into a particularly nasty-tasting soul and discovered that it held nothing but a foul nougat of Shadow Demon's essence. Alerted that a coup was underway, and that the ancient equilibrium of the Umbral Pact was about to be destabilized, Doom Bringer and Shadow Fiend briefly joined forces to destroy the burgeoning cult. Combining spells of incredible force, they undid Shadow Demon's centuries of patient work, reducing his cult to smithereens--and all its members to a bloody splatter. Nothing remained except a tiny speck of demon shadow. Immortal and irreducible, this mote of evil was enough to seed the Shadow Demon's next scheme, and in fits and starts, over further centuries, he began to regroup. Whatever that speck of shadow touched, it tainted, and its influence gradually grew. A chaos of damaged parts pulled together, reknit, and combined to give Shadow Demon a form even stronger than his former. He is all but complete now, and his plan for infinite dominion lacks all of its former weaknesses. It would seem that such a being of pure malice and malevolence, a threat to all creation, would be forever out of place in our world...yet Shadow Demon does not lack for followers.


在那些能够直接进入现实世界肆虐的强大恶魔中,末日使者几乎不理会那些低等物种的琐事,影魔来到世间只是为了他的灵魂收集。而暗影恶魔则一向对这个世界有着浓厚的兴趣,他似乎觉察到对两个世界之间坚定联系的掌握可能是统治整个物质世界的关键所在。一开始,暗影恶魔是被一些低级巫师召唤的,他满足了他们所有的愿望,展现出惊人的法力,直到一些高级恶魔学家注意到他的存在,进而一些试图通过巫术来维持他们世俗统治的暴君、独裁者们也开始利用他的恶魔之力。暗影恶魔的欺诈之术高明至极,以至于那些召唤他的人都认为自己是主人,暗影恶魔只是他们的奴仆;而就在同时,暗影恶魔不停地吞噬着他们的神智,并为己所用。到了最后,那些召唤过他的人,都成了他的傀儡,为他那邪恶的意志卖命。没人能猜到暗影恶魔下一步究竟想要做什么,然而就在那时,影魔偶然间吞噬了一个充满着恶臭的灵魂,发现里面竟然有着暗影恶魔的痕迹。在意识到暗影恶魔即将对他们的统治造成威胁,依靠阴影契约维持的古老的平衡已经不复存在以后,末日使者和影魔立刻加入到摧毁暗影恶魔傀儡大军的力量中。在他们那不可思议的力量面前,暗影恶魔几百年的精心谋划毁于一旦,他的傀儡大军也遭到瓦解——所有人都被杀死了。到最后,只有他自己的一点碎片残留了下来。然而,即使是一点碎片,也足以让他卷土重来。在接下来的几百年里,他开始缓慢的重新凝聚。他的碎片将触碰到的一切事物感染,而这种感染则逐渐滋生壮大。那些以前被撕裂的,现在被感染的部分通过一片混沌结合在一起,重新连接,给予了暗影恶魔一个比以前更加强大的形态。他几乎已经凝聚完成,而他那永久统治世界的计划也更加的周密。虽然我们的世界似乎不可能出现一个如此邪恶和恶毒的存在,这将是对所有生命的巨大威胁??然而,暗影恶魔的信徒,依然众多。 Outworld Destroyer

One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From this jagged crystalline Outworld, forever on guard, he has gazed for eternities into the heavens, alert for any stirring in the bottomless night beyond the stars. Imprinted deep in the shining lattices of his intellect lies a resonant pattern akin to prophecy, a dark music implying that eventually some evil will wake out there, beyond the edges of creation, and turn its attention to our

world. With his whole being focused on his vigil, Outworld Destroyer paid little attention to events closer in to the sun. But at last the clamor of the Ancients, and a sense of growing threat from within as well as without, sent him winging sunward to visit the plains of war. Harbinger's place in our own prophecies is unambiguous: he must be considered an omen of worse things to come. But his arrival in itself is bad enough.


一个高傲且强横的种族中的一员,先兆者,徘徊于虚空裂隙,他是整个世界与创世深渊之间唯一的守卫。在这充斥着星体残片的殁境中,他凝视着天穹,警觉的提防着繁星之外那无底深渊中的任何骚动。在他非凡的智慧中,深藏着对先兆的敏锐洞察力和强烈共鸣,他心中那首黑暗协奏曲暗示着:总有一天,在这深渊之中,在那造化之外,会有某种东西醒来,并且注意到我们的世界。由于太专注于凝视星体,殁境毁灭者对太阳附近的事件并不关心。然而,随着遗迹发出战争的召唤,随着心中那潜在的危机感不断扩大,殁境毁灭者展开双翼,向着我们的世界飞来。在预言中,先兆者的地位不言而喻:他的出现即是灾厄的征兆。何况,他已然亲临。 Bone Fletcher

At the base of the Bleeding Hills stretches a thousand-league wood—a place called The Hoven, where black pools gather the tarry blood of the uplands, and the king-mage Sutherex sits in benevolent rule. Once a sworn protector of the Hoven lands, Clinkz earned a reputation for his skill with a bow. In the three-hundredth year of the king-mage, the demon Maraxiform rose from sixth hell to lay claim to the forest. In response, the king-mage decried an unbreakable spell: to any who slew the demon would be granted Life Without End. Unaware of the spell, Clinkz waded into battle, defending his lands against the demon’s fiery onslaught. Clinkz drove Maraxiform back to the gates of sixth-hell itself, where on that fiery threshold the two locked in a mortal conflict. Grievously wounded, the demon let out a blast of hellfire as Clinkz loosed his final arrow. The arrow struck the demon true as hellfire poured out across the land, lighting the black pools and burning Clinkz alive at the instant of the demon’s death. Thus, the mage’s spell took effect at the very moment of the archer’s conflagration, preserving him in this unholy state, leaving him a being of bones and rage, caught in the very act of dying, carrying hell’s breathe with him on his journey into eternity


在流血丘陵的底部,蔓延着一片庞大的森林——霍文林地,在那里,有着数个幽暗的湖泊,汇集着丘陵上渗透下来的死血。萨瑟雷克斯,王之魔法师,用他的仁慈统治着这片土地。他手下最为忠心的,霍文林地的誓约守护者,克林克兹,是一名技艺精湛的弓箭手。在王之魔法师统治的第三百年,来自第六狱的恶魔莫拉格斯出现了,声称要占领这片森林。作为反击,王之魔法师降下了一个牢不可破的咒语:任何打败恶魔的人,都能获得无尽的生命。克林克兹在对咒语一无所知的情况下,毅然加入到了对莫拉格斯的战斗中,保护他的土地免遭恶魔的屠戮。逐渐的,克林克兹将莫拉格斯驱逐到了第六狱的传送门前,在那里与其进行了殊死的决斗。双双重伤的情况下,恶魔竭尽生命之力放出了地狱之火,而克林克兹也射出了自己的最后一箭。在箭矢射中恶魔并将其杀死的同时,地狱之火也在大地上蔓延开来,眼看克林克兹就要被活活烧死。然而,就在弓箭手燃烧的时候,王之魔法师的咒语生效了,让他以这种邪恶的形态活了下来。现在,克林克兹肉体已失,生命被禁锢在死亡的契约之中,只留下灼热的骷髅和无尽的怒气。他永不停止的呼吸中,充斥着地狱的灼热。 Silencer

Part of the seventh and final generation of a careful designed pedigree, Nortrom was bred by the ancient order of the Aeol Drias to be the greatest magic user the world had ever seen. He was the prophesied one, the culmination of two-hundred years of careful pairings, a war-mage who would bring glory to the order, and destruction to their sworn enemies, The Knights of the Fold.

Raised with other young mages in a hidden cantonment within the hills overlooking the Hazhadal barrens, the order’s preceptors waited for Nortrom’s abilities to manifest. While the other students honed their talents with fire, or ice, or incantatory spells, Nortrom sat silent and talentless, unable to cast so much as a hex. As the day of final testing approached, he still hadn’t found his magic. In disgust, the preceptors berated him, while the other children laughed. “You are no mage,” the head of the order declared. Still, Nortrom did not slink away. He entered the day of testing and faced down the order young mages who had mocked him. And then his preceptors learned a valuable lesson: a lack of

magic can be the greatest magic of all. Nortrom silenced the other talented young mages one by one and submitted them in single combat, until he alone stood as champion of the Aeol Drias, in fulfillment of the prophesy. Afterward, Nortrom set out into the world with a new name, Silencer, on a mission to silence magic wherever he encountered it.



组织在哈扎达尔废墟旁的山上的一个隐秘营地中抚养着一群和诺崇一样年轻的法师,导师们一直在等着诺崇展现自己独特的天赋。然而,就当其他学徒都开始施展并提升自己的火系、冰系、变形系魔法的时候,诺崇仍然是沉默的坐在那里,其貌不扬,连变形术都不会。随着最终考核日的临近,他身上仍然一点魔力都没有。导师们厌恶地斥责了他,其他人则大声的嘲笑着。“你根本不是法师。”组织的领袖大声的宣布。然而,诺崇并没有灰溜溜的走掉。他进入了比赛场,俯视着那些嘲笑他的年轻法师们,随后,他让这些人以及他们的导师们明白了一个重要的道理:魔法之极,唯寂方至。诺崇将那些所谓的天才法师们一个接一个的沉默,让他们不得不和他近身搏斗,直到最后,赛场中站着的只有他一个人,正如预言所说,他是风蚀之寒的首席法师。随后,他走出群山,走进大陆,现在的他有一个全新的名字:沉默术士,一切魔法,遭遇了他,都将归于寂静。 Spiritbreaker

Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. His physical form borrows from the strengths of this world, blending features both bovine and simian--horns, hooves and hands--as outward emblems of his inner qualities of strength, speed and cunning. He wears a ring in his nose, as a reminder that he serves a hidden master, and that this world in which he works is but a shadow of the real one.


裂魂人巴拉森来自元素领域,他高傲、强大、凶猛且精通元素之力,来到物质世界参与那些会影响到元素世界的事件。为此他准备了一个能派上用处的形态,既存在于我们的物质世界,又存在于物质世界之外。他的物理形态来自于我们的物质世界,又像牛又像人,有蹄和手,这个外表象征着他的力量、速度与狡猾。他戴着的鼻环则暗示了他侍奉于一位藏在幕后的主人,而这个世界对他来说不过是元素世界的影子。 Shadow Shaman

Born in the Bleeding Hills, Rhasta was just a starving youngling when picked up by a travelling con-man. For two pins of copper, the old con-man would tell your fortune. For three, he’d castrate your pig, for five, he’d circumcise your sons. For a good meal, he’d don his shaman garb, read from his ancient books, and lay a curse upon your enemies. His strange new youngling, part hill trowle, part?something else, worked as assistant and lent an air of the exotic to the con-man’s trade. Always one step ahead of cheated customers, one town ahead of a pursuing patronage, the two trekked across the blighted lands until one day the con-man realized that the little youngling could actually do what he only pretended at. His ward had a gift—a gift that customers valued. And so the youngling Rhasta was thrust before the crowds, and the trade-name Shadow Shaman was born. The two continued from town to town, conjuring for money as Shadow Shaman’s reputation grew. Eventually, the pair’s duplicitous past caught up with them, and they were ambushed by a mob of swindled ex-clients. The con-man was slain, and for the first time, Rhasta used his powers for darkness, massacring the attackers. He buried his beloved master, and now uses his powers to destroy any who would seek to do him harm. 暗影萨满


他的助手,为他的把戏增添了一丝异国情调。总是在受骗的客人发现前开溜,总是甩开追捕他们的客人一座城镇的距离,两人艰苦跋涉穿越毁灭的大陆,直到有一天,骗子发现这个年轻人可以真的做出那些他一直假装在做的事情。他的守卫具有一种能力,一种会吸引客人的能力。于是年轻的罗斯塔就被推上了场,暗影萨满的艺名诞生了。两人继续在城镇之间旅行,用魔术赚钱的同时,暗影萨满的名声也越来越响亮。最终,两人行骗的过去暴露了,中了一群从前被他们诈骗的客人所设下的埋伏。老骗子被杀死了,罗斯塔第一次使用了他的黑暗力量,屠杀了攻击者。罗斯塔埋葬了他挚爱的主人,现在他用他的力量消灭任何企图伤害他的人。 Ursa Warrior

Ulfsaar the Warrior is the fiercest member of an ursine tribe, protective of his land and his people. During the long winters, while the mothers sleep and nurse their cubs, the males patrol the lands above--tireless, vigilant defenders of their ancient ways. Hearing dim but growing rumors of a spreading evil, Ulfsaar headed out beyond the boundaries of his wild wooded homeland, intending to track down and destroy the threat at its source, before it could endanger his people. He is a proud creature with a bright strong spirit, utterly trustworthy, a staunch ally and defender.


战士乌尔萨是熊怪部落最强大的一员,保护着他的家园和人民。在漫长的冬季,当女性族人在睡觉和照料后代时,男性则外出巡逻,他们不知疲倦、保持警惕,按自古以来的传统守卫着部落。乌尔萨听见一些模糊但在增加的传言说有一股邪恶势力正在扩散,他便跑出了这个野性部族的边界线,希望追踪到这个邪恶势力并在它能危害到他的人民之前,就将其在源头摧毁。自豪的乌尔萨有着明亮而强大的灵魂,他是个绝对值得信任的忠实战友和守卫者。 Bounty Hunter

When the huntedtell tales of Gondar the Bounty Hunter, none are sure of which are true. Inwhispered tones they say he was abandoned as a kit, learning his skill intracking as a matter of simple survival. Others hear he was an orphan of war,taken in by the great Soruq the Hunter to learn themaster’s skill with a blade as they plumbed the dark forests for big game.Still others believe he was a lowly street urchin raised among a guild ofcutpurses and thieves, trained in the arts of stealth and misdirection. Aroundcampfires in the wild countryside his quarry speaks the rumors of Gondar’swork, growing ever more fearful: they say it was he who tracked down the tyrantKing Goff years after the mad regent went into hiding, delivering his head andscepter as proof. That it was he who infiltrated the rebel camps at Highseat,finally bringing the legendary thief White Cape to be judged for his crimes.And that it was he who ended the career of Soruq the Hunter, condemned as acriminal for killing the Prince’s prized hellkite. The tales of Gondar’sincredible skill stretch on, with each daring feat more unbelievable than thelast, each target more elusive. For the right price, the hunted know, anyonecan be found. For the right price, even the mightiest may find fear in theshadows. 赏金猎人

关于赏金猎人刚铎,有很多真假难分的故事,唯一的共同点是,讲述这些故事的人都死了。在那些低语中,有的说他是被遗弃的杀人工具,只是为了生存而学习追踪术。另一种说法是他是战争中幸存的弃儿,被伟大的猎手索鲁克带走,并在阴暗的森林中教会他高超的猎人技巧。然而,另外一些人则相信他是贫民窟的捣蛋鬼,在一帮小偷扒手中混迹成人,擅长偷盗和误导。被刚铎追杀的人每次一提起他,恐惧就会剧增:他们说,那个追踪暴君伽夫多年,最后将其逼疯并杀死,割下其头颅拿走其权杖的人,就是刚铎。就是他,渗透进海西特反叛军营地,将传奇盗贼“白色海角”带回去接受审判。就是他,终结了猎手索鲁克的神话,让其为杀死王子的得力助手付出了代价。刚铎的传奇还在继续,每一个故事都比之前的更加不可思议,每一个猎物都比以前的更加难以捕杀。然而,只要出价够高,谁都无法躲开他;只要出价够高,即使是最强大的战士,想到刚铎,都会在阴影中颤抖。 Death Prophet

Krobelus was a Death Prophet--which is one way of saying she told fortunes for a price, but only for the noblest and wealthiest of those who wished to look beyond the veil. After years of inquiring on behalf of others, she began to seek her own fortune. More and more often she gazed into the face of death to see if it knew her, and what it might have in mind. For her clients, who wished to know not only their living fate but what awaited them beyond life's exit, no price was too great to pay, and she passed along to them the cost of

her investigations. But the ultimate price, her life, proved insufficient. Death disgorged her again and again, always holding back its deepest mysteries; and in her soul the greatest of jealousies grew. Others could die for eternity--why not she? Why must she be cast back on the shores of life with such tiresome regularity? What was it that haunted the realm of death, unknowable, yet so set against Krobelus that she could not prove herself worthy of the one thing all other living creatures took for granted? Still, she would not be discouraged. After flinging herself into the abyss times beyond counting, she began to make some headway. A minuscule shred of her substance, she believed, was lost to the grave and replaced with the faintest whiff of ectoplasm. She gave a little of her life with every demise. Did this mean that the end was in sight? Could Krobelus win this war of self-attrition? With her dedication to death redoubled, and no client other than herself, she threw herself ever more fervently through death's doors, intent on fulfilling the one prophecy that eluded her: That someday Death Prophet too would be no more.


克萝贝露丝是一名死亡先知——当然这只是她收费占卜的一种名头,她只为那些希望透过迷雾看清命运的人中最高尚或者最有钱的占卜。在为他人占卜多年以后,她开始占卜自己的命运。她频繁的注视着死亡,试图得知自己的死亡将会怎样。对她的客户而言,既然想知道自己或者的命运,又想知道自己死后的境地,那么代价再高也是值得的,所以她很自然的将自己占卜所花的代价转移到了她客户的身上。然而即使是最高昂的代价,即她的生命,也不够她完成自己的占卜。死亡一次又一次的将她拒绝,总是将最深的秘密隐藏起来;在她的灵魂深处,嫉妒疯狂的滋生着。其他人能够通过死亡来获得永恒——凭什么她不行?凭什么她必须不厌其烦的在生与死之间徘徊?究竟是什么未知的事物在阻止克萝贝露丝去证明她自己也能获得那些其他生物心安理得的得到的东西?即使是这样,她也并不灰心。在无数次跳进深渊之后,她终于有所进展。她相信自己身体的一部分已经缺失了,取而代之的是另外一种物质。每一次死亡,她都将自己生命的一部分交出。这是否意味着她的目标达成在即了呢?克萝贝露丝能获得这场消耗战的胜利吗?随着她的求死之心愈发坚定,坚决的用自己而不是客户来作牺牲,她更为狂热的将自己一次又一次的推向死亡的大门,去追求那回避她已久的预言:有一天,死亡先知也将不复存在。 Invoker

In its earliest, and some would say most potent form, magic was primarily the art of memory. It required no technology, no wands or appurtenances other than the mind of the magician. All the trappings of ritual were merely mnemonic devices, meant to allow the practitioner to recall in rich detail the specific mental formulae that unlocked a spell's power. The greatest mages in those days were the ones blessed with the greatest memories, and yet so complex were the invocations that all wizards were forced to specialize. The most devoted might hope in a lifetime to have adequate recollection of three spells--four at most. Ordinary wizards were content to know two, and it was not uncommon for a village mage to know only one--with even that requiring him to consult grimoires as an aid against forgetfulness on the rare occasions when he might be called to use it. But among these early practitioners there was one exception, a genius of vast intellect and prodigious memory: Garral the Invoker. In his youth, the precocious Garral mastered not four, not five, not even seven incantations: He could command no fewer than ten spells, and cast them instantly. Many more he learned but found useless, and would practice once then purge from his mind forever, to make room for more practical invocations. One such spell was the Sempiternal Cantrap--a longevity spell of such power that those who cast it in the world's first days are among us still (unless they have been crushed to atoms). Most of these quasi-immortals live quietly, afraid to admit their secret: But Invoker is not one to keep his gifts hidden. He is ancient, learned beyond all others, and his mind somehow still has space to contain an immense sense of his own well as the Invocations with which he amuses himself through the long twilight of creation.



有一个例外,一个智力超群,记忆力惊人的天才:祈求者加若。在年少时,加若就已经掌握了十种咒术,是的,不是四个,不是五个,也不是七个,而是十个,而且他还能毫不费力的施放这些法术。他后来学到了更多的法术,但是觉得这些没什么用,试过一次以后,就不愿意花心思去记住了,这样才能为其他更为有用的法术留出空间。这些有用的法术的典型代表就是永生之咒——能让施法者永生的咒语,那些在世界之初吟唱了这个咒语的人现在还活得好好的(除非他们被物质毁灭了)。而大多数该咒语的受益者都低调的生活在我们中间,害怕他们的秘密泄露:然而祈求者则是一个乐于分享他的天赋的人。他来自创世之初,比任何人都要博学,而他的心智还能让他去思考他的自我价值...以及更多的法术——他在创世之初用来自娱自乐的法术。 Spectre

Just as higher states of energy seek a lower level, the Spectre known as Mercurial is a being of intense and violent energy who finds herself irresistibly drawn to scenes of strife as they unfold in the physical world. While her normal spectral state transcends sensory limitations, each time she takes on a physical manifestation, she is stricken by a loss of self--though not of purpose. In the clash of combat, her identity shatters and reconfigures, and she begins to regain awareness. She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre--and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre. Focus comes in the struggle for survival; her true mind reasserts itself; until in the final moments of victory or defeat, she transcends matter and is restored once more to her eternal form.


和所有强大的能量都喜欢欺凌弱小一样,被称为墨丘利的幽鬼也是一个拥有着强横能量的存在,同样的,她对现实世界中的冲突和纷争无比着迷。然而她平时的幽鬼形态超越了常人的感知范围,因此每当她以实体形态出现时,她不得不损失一部分自我能量——尽管她也不愿意。在战斗中,她的自我意识逐渐散落并重新聚合,她也开始有了意识。她意识到了自己是幽鬼墨丘利——其他所有的鬼影都只是她自我的阴影。出于重新凝聚的打算,她开始专注,她的心智也在不断的成熟。只有等到她取得胜利或者彻底失败时,她那超物质的形态才会得以重聚。 Holy Knight

Born in the godless Hazhadal Barrens, Chen came of age among the outlaw tribes who eked out an existence in the shimmering heat of the desert. Using an ancient form of animal enthrallment, Chen’s people husbanded the hardy desert locuthi, a stunted species of burrowing dragon that melted desert sands into tubes of glass where twice-a-year rains collected. Always on the edge of starvation and thirst, fighting amongst their neighbors and each other, Chen’s clan made the mistake, one fateful day, of ambushing the wrong caravan. In the vicious battle that followed, Chen’s clan was outmatched. The armored Knights of the Fold made short work of the enthralled locuthi, who attacked and died in waves. With their dragons dead, the tribesmen followed. Chen struggled, and slashed, and clawed, and perished--or would have. Defeated, on his knees, he faced his execution with humility, offering his neck to the blade. Moved by Chen’s obvious courage, the executioner halted his sword. Instead of the blade, Chen was given a choice: death or conversion. Chen took to the faith with a ferocity. He joined the Fold and earned his armor one bloody conversion at a time. Now, with the fanaticism of a convert, and with his powers of animal enthrallment at their peak, he seeks out unbelievers and introduces them to their final reward. 圣骑士



The sacred science of Chymistry was a Darkbrew family tradition, but no Darkbrew had ever shown the kind of creativity, ambition, and recklessness of young Razzil. However, when adulthood came calling he pushed aside the family trade to try his hand at manufacturing gold though Alchemy. In an act of audacity befitting his reputation, Razzil announced he would transmute an entire mountain into gold. Following two decades of research and spending and preparation, he failed spectacularly, quickly finding himself imprisoned for the widespread destruction his experiment wrought. Yet Razzil was never one to take a setback lightly, and sought escape to continue his research. When his new cellmate turned out to be a fierce ogre, he found just the opportunity he needed. After convincing the ogre not to eat him, Razzil set about carefully concocting a tincture for it to drink, made from the moulds and mosses growing in the prison stone work. In a week’s time, it seemed ready. When the ogre drank the potion, it flew into an unstoppable berserker rage, destroying the cell bars and exploding through walls and guards alike. They soon found themselves lost somewhere in the forest surrounding the city with a trail of wreckage in their wake and no signs of pursuit. In the tonic’s afterglow, the ogre seemed serene, happy, and even eager. Resolving to work together, the pair set off to collect the materials needed to attempt Razzil’s Alchemic transmutation once more. 炼金术士

投身神圣的化学事业是黑酿家族的传统,但是年轻的拉泽尔无论是野心、创造力还是执着都超出了家族中的任何一人。然而在他成年以后,他却将家族事业置之不顾,开始试着用炼金术制造黄金。如他大胆的名声所述,有一次他宣布要把一整座山全部变成金子。在浪费了二十年时间进行研究和准备后,他的炼金术在众人面前壮观地失败了,实验造成了大面积的破坏,很快他就被囚禁了。然后拉泽尔从不轻易退步,他一直在寻找机会逃出去继续他的研究。当他的牢房来了一个凶猛的食人魔狱友后,他发现机会来了。说服食人魔不要吃他后,拉泽尔用牢房石地上生长的霉菌和苔藓为原料,仔细地调和着一种药酊,准备给食人魔喝。花了一周不到的时间,药酊似乎完成了。当食人魔喝下药剂后,它突然变得狂怒起来,像个无法阻挡的狂战士般,破坏了监狱的铁栏,冲破了墙壁和狱卒。很快他们就发现自己在城市外围的森林中迷路了,虽然留下了一路破坏的踪迹,但没有追兵的迹象。受到药剂后遗症的作用,食人魔显得很安详、快乐,也更热心了。决定合伙后,这对搭档再次出发去寻找拉泽尔炼金术试验所需要的材料。 Ancient Apparition

Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is an image projected from outside time. He springs from the cold, infinite void that both predates the universe and awaits its end. Kaldr is, Kaldr was, Kaldr shall be...and what we perceive, powerful as it appears to us, is but the faintest faded echo of the true, eternal Kaldr. Some believe that as the cosmos ages and approaches its final moments, the brightness and power of Kaldr will also intensify--that the Ancient Apparition will grow younger and stronger as eternity's end draws nigh. His grip of ice will bring all matter to a stop, his image will cast a light too terrible to behold. An Apparition no longer! 极寒幽魂

卡德尔,极寒幽魂,是时光之外的冰冷投影。他来自寒冷的无尽虚空,目睹宇宙诞生,见证宇宙终结。卡德尔是夕在,今在,永在的无上力量...我们的所有认知,所有自认为正确的强大的事物,在永恒的卡德尔看来,不过是最细微最无力的附和。有人相信,随着宇宙的老化并走向衰亡,卡德尔的力量和光芒也将变得更强——极寒幽魂将更加年轻,更加强大。他对冰霜的控制能够冻结一切事物,他的投影放出的光芒异常夺目。他将不再是幽魂,而是神! Bat Rider

There is no such thing as harmony among the creatures of the Yama Raskav Jungle. By bite, or claw, or pincer, or hoof, even the slightest sign of weakness means a swift death. They say the Rider was just a lad cutting chaff in his family’s field when he was taken, swept up by a massive morde-bat looking for take-out. But this boy had a better idea, and wriggled his way from his captor’s grip, onto the beast’s back, and hacked it down with his tools. Emerging from the bloody wreckage and intoxicated by the thrill of flight, the boy realized he’d found his calling. The boy grew, and every summer he’d return to his family’s field, often setting out into the bush seeking to reclaim that first thrill of facing death in the form of jaws or a fatal fall. The years went on, but his fire only grew stronger. He studied the overgrowth, plunging deeper with each expedition, until finally he found his way

to the caves at the heart of hostility. They say the Rider, on the eve of a scorching summer night, had nothing but a rope, a bottle of liquid courage and a burning determination to feel the skies once more, when he plunged inside...


那些生活在荒狱丛林中的生物根本不知道什么叫和平共处。它们只知道用牙咬,用爪挠,用蛰刺,用蹄踩,即使稍微露怯也能让你立马死去。据说蝙蝠骑士在被外出觅食的食人蝠带走之前,只是一个普通农家的孩子,正在地里帮忙做农活。然而被带走后,他立刻想出了好点子,翻身骑上了抓住他的蝙蝠的后背,转眼间蝙蝠就成了他的工具。当他从那些血腥的尸骸中走出来时,他已经沉醉于战斗给他带来的兴奋和刺激,男孩终于意识到了自己内心深处的渴望。随着他的成长,每个夏天他都会回到家里的农田中,经常外出躲在草丛中,期望能够找回当年的血盆大口和致命的下坠给他带来的面对死亡的兴奋。时间一年年的过去,他的渴望变得愈发强烈。为了快速成长,他参加了每一次的远征,直到他找到了蝙蝠洞穴的路。据说在一个灼热仲夏的前夜,骑手只带了一捆绳索、一瓶壮胆酒以及灼热的决心,为了再次感受到天空,他只身跳入洞穴... Twin-Headed Dragon

Even among magical beasts, a twin-headed dragon is a freak. Equal parts ice and fire, cunning and rage, the creature known as Jakiro glides over charred and ice-bound battlefields, laying waste to all who would bear arms against it. Pyrexae dragon clutches always contain two fledglings. Famous for their viciousness even from the first moments of life, newly hatched dragons of this species will try to kill their sibling while still in the nest. Only the strongest survive. In this way is the strength of the Pyrexae line ensured. By some accident of nature, the freak Jakiro hatched from a single egg, combining in a single individual the full range of abilities found within the diverse Pyrexae species. Trapped within the armature of its monstrous body, the powers of ice and fire combine, and now no enemy is safe.


即使是在那些奇怪的魔法生物中,双头龙也算是一头怪物。同时拥有着冰火之力,狡黠且狂猛,被称为杰奇洛的双头龙在战场上空肆意的灼烧大地,冰封敌人,将胆敢和它对抗的任何事物变成废墟。灼霜龙族的窝中从来都是有两只幼龙。与生俱来的凶残使它们闻名于世,这一种族中,新孵化的幼龙在出生伊始就会努力的杀死自己的兄弟姐妹。强者生存。这就是灼霜龙族维系其强大力量的办法。在一次意外中,怪胎杰奇洛从一个龙蛋里孵化出来了,在这一头幼龙的身体里有着灼霜龙族所有的力量。在它那厚重的龙鳞内,蕴含着冰火之力,在这样的力量面前,随时可能丧命。 Weaver

The fabric of creation needs constant care, lest it grow tattered; for when it unravels, whole worlds come undone. It is the work of the Weavers to keep the fabric tight, to repair worn spots in the mesh of reality. They also defend from the things that gnaw and lay their eggs in frayed regions, whose young can quickly devour an entire universe if the Weavers let their attention lapse. Skitskurr was a master Weaver, charged with keep one small patch of creation tightly woven and unfaded. But the job was not enough to satisfy. It nagged him that the original work of creation all lay in the past; the Loom had done its work and travelled on. He wanted to create rather than merely maintain--to weave worlds of his own devising. He began making small changes to his domain, but the thrill of creation proved addictive, and his strokes became bolder, pulling against the pattern that the Loom had woven. The guardians came, with their scissors, and Weaver's world was pared off, snipped from the cosmic tapestry, which they rewove without him in it. Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver. But Skitskurr rejoiced, for now he was free. Free to create for himself, to begin anew. The raw materials he needed to weave a new reality were all around him. All he had to do was tear apart this old world at the seams. 编织者


想只是维护——他想按自己的设计编织出自己的世界。他开始在他负责的区域上做手脚,逐渐不能自拔,他的胆子也愈发的大,甚至私自改动了世界纺织者编织的图案。最后,守卫者来了,毁掉了编织者所作的一切,直接从创世之纱上去除了这一块,然后重新编织,却不让他参与其中。斯吉茨格尔现在孤身一人,被种群所弃,换做任何其他编织者,都会备受折磨。然而斯吉茨格尔却无比愉悦,因为他终于自由了,能够自由的创造,重头开始。他创造新世界所需的所有材料都触手可及。他只需要从缺口处将现在的世界撕裂。 Doom Bringer

He that burns and is not consumed, devours and is never sated, kills and is beyond all judgment—Lucifer brings doom to all who would stand against him. Bearing away souls on the tip of a fiery sword, he is the Fallen One. A once-favored general from the realm behind the light, cast out for the sin of defiance—he would not kneel. Six times his name was tolled from the great bell of Vashundol. Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that held him within the light and fell screaming to earth. A crater in the desert, Paradise lost. Now he attacks without mercy, without motive. Lashed by inescapable needs, twisted by unimaginable talents, the Doom Bringer carries his own hell with him wherever he goes. Defiant to the last. Eventually, the world will belong to Doom. 末日使者

他的烈焰永不熄灭,他的吞噬永不停歇,他的杀戮无人能挡——路西法带给他的敌人的只有末日。手持火焰之剑,掠夺灵魂,他就是堕落者。他曾经是暗之国度备受敬畏的将军,却因蔑视君王而被放逐——他拒绝下跪。六次长鸣,佤什昂多的丧钟因为他的杀戮而无法停息;六十六次展翼,他将所到之处连同自己的恶魔翅膀一起化作灰烬。失去那遮天蔽日的双翼之后,他尖叫着坠向大地,落到了沙漠中的火山口中,无法再次飞翔。而现在,他再无任何怜悯,他杀戮也不再需要理由。他那不可思议的天赋从此扭曲,被无法摆脱的欲望驱使着,末日使者所到之处即是地狱。他蔑视这世间的一切,而这世界,也终将为他所有。 Broodmother

For centuries, Black Arachnia the Broodmother lurked in the dark lava tubes beneath the smoldering caldera of Mount Pyrotheos, raising millions of spiderlings in safety before sending them to find prey in the wide world above. In a later age, the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, erected his lodestone ziggurat on the slopes of the dead volcano, knowing that any looters who sought his magnetic wealth must survive the spider-haunted passages. After millennia of maternal peace, Black Arachnia found herself beset by a steady trickle of furfeet and cutpurses, bold knights and noble youths--all of them delicious, certainly, and yet tending to create a less than nurturing environment for her innocent offspring. Tiring of the intrusions, she paid a visit to Ptholopthales; and when he proved unwilling to discuss a compromise, she wrapped the Vizier in silk and set him aside to be the centerpiece of a special birthday feast. Unfortunately, the absence of the Magnetic Ziggurat's master merely emboldened a new generation of intruders. When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn.


几个世纪以来,育母蜘蛛布蕾克·艾拉齐娜一直潜伏在灼神山的火山口岩洞中,悉心的照料着数以百万计的幼虫,保证他们能够安全的存活到去地上世界捕食的年龄。直到后来,索罗普瑟斯,一个贪婪的权臣,在死火山的火山口修建了他的私人庙塔,因为他知道,就算有人觊觎他的财富,也不能活着穿越那条蜘蛛出没的死亡之路。在安享了几百年的安宁后,布蕾克·艾拉齐娜发现一些不速之客不停的在干扰着她的生活,毛手毛脚的小偷、有勇无谋的骑士,以及出生贵族的年轻人——诚然,他们都是美味的食物,但是他们的到来切实的影响到了她照料她那“无辜”的后代。忍无可忍之时,她去造访了索罗普瑟斯,而这个权臣却不愿意妥协,于是她用蛛丝将他裹起来,扔到一边,留给那些即将出生的小崽子们美味一顿。不幸的是,庙塔主人的失踪却让更多的人壮着胆子前来骚扰。而当她的一名新生儿被一个冒失的探险者踩死时,她终于爆发了。育母蜘蛛向着地上世界前进,誓要清洗掉世界上所有可能对她的孩子有威胁的入侵者,即使是英雄也不例外,直到确保她能够为她那珍贵的小蜘蛛们提供一个安全健康的温床。 Night Stalker

Of Balanar the Night Stalker, there is no history, only stories. There are ancient tales woven into the lore of every race and every culture, of an impossible time before sunlight and daytime, when night reigned alone and the world was covered with the creatures of darkness—creatures like the Night Stalker. It is said that on the dawn of the First Day, all the night creatures perished. All, that is, save one. Evil's embodiment, Balanar delights in his malevolence. He created the primal role of the Night Terror, the Boogeyman, and as long as there have been younglings, his is the specter summoned to terrify them. This is a role he relishes--nor are these empty theatrics. He does indeed stalk the unwary, the defenseless, those who have strayed beyond the lighted paths or denied the warnings of their communities. Night Stalker serves as living proof that every child's worst true. 暗夜魔王

暗夜魔王巴拉那的过去无人知晓,流传的只有一些道听途说的野史轶闻。在每一个种族,每一个文明中,都流传着一段古老的传说:在被称为永夜的那段时间,黑夜笼罩,大地被一群黑暗生物——暗夜魔王那样的黑暗生物所通知的传说。据说,在日出之日的黎明,所有的夜行生物都灭亡了。所有的,除了他。他是邪恶的化身,他对自己的凶残十分满意,他是所有黑暗恐惧的源头,他是夜魔,他是吓唬小孩子故事里面永恒的幽灵。而他自己最满意的角色并不是那些传说中虚构的种种。他的确喜欢猎杀那些粗心大意的,毫无防备的,胆敢不顾他们朋友劝告而去阳光无法照耀到的路上行走的冒失鬼。暗夜魔王的存在,就是为了告诉世界,你们的噩梦...都是真的。 Sacred Warrior

Emerging from the throes of the sacred Nothl Realm, Huskar opened his eyes to see the prodigal shadow priest Dazzle working a deep incantation over him. Against the ancient rites of the Dezun Order, Huskar’s spirit had been saved from eternity, but like all who encounter the Nothl he found himself irrevocably changed. No longer at the mercy of a mortal body, his very lifeblood became a source of incredible power; every drop spilled was returned tenfold with a fierce, burning energy. However this newfound gift infuriated Huskar, for in his rescue from the Nothl, Dazzle had denied him a place among the gods. He had been denied his own holy sacrifice. In time the elders of the order sought to expand their influence and Huskar, they agreed, would be a formidable tool in their campaign. Yet becoming a mere weapon for the order that denied him his birthright only upset him further. As the first embers of war appeared on the horizon, he fled his ancestral home to find new allies, all the while seeking a cause worthy of unleashing the power his total sacrifice could bring. 神灵武士

从虚无之境带给他的剧痛中逃离后,哈斯卡终于睁开了双眼,醒来的第一件事却是发现暗影牧师戴泽正在对他吟唱一个艰深的咒语。哈斯卡的灵魂从永恒虚无中被救了出来,这是违背了德尊教团古老仪式的准则的,然而和其他去过虚无之境的人一样,哈斯卡也发现自己的身体被那里所彻底改变了。他不再怜悯凡人的肉体,他的生命之血成为了强大的力量源泉,每一滴鲜血都给他成倍的狂暴的、灼热的能量。然而,这一新生的天赋却激怒了哈斯卡,因为在拯救他逃离虚无之境时,戴泽拒绝让他进入神灵之地。他的自我牺牲也被拒绝。当教团的的长老们试图寻找一个扩大自己影响的方法时,他们一致认为哈斯卡将成为他们在战争中最可怕的武器。然而,成为教团的武器让哈斯卡更加愤怒,因为他们不仅利用他,还否定了他与生俱来的权利。于是在战争打响之际,他逃离了家乡,去寻找新的盟友,寻找那些值得他牺牲自己,释放强大力量的盟友。 Omniknight

Purist Thunderwrath was a hard-fighting, road-worn, deeply committed knight, sworn to the order in which he had grown up as squire to elder knights of great reputation. He had spent his entire life in the service of the Omniscience, the All Seeing One. Theirs was a holy struggle, and so embedded was he in his duty that he never questioned it so long as he had the strength to fight and the impetuous valor that comes with youth. But over the long years of the crusade, as his elders passed away and were buried in sorry graves at the side of muddy tracks, as his bond-brothers fell in battle to uncouth creatures that refused to bow to the Omniscience, as his own squires were chewed away by ambush and plague and bad water, he began to question the meaning of his vows--the meaning of the whole crusade. After deep meditation, he parted ways with his army and commenced a long trek back to the cave-riddled cliffs of Emauracus, and there he set a challenge to the priests of the Omniscience. No knight had ever questioned them before, and they tried to throw him into the pit of sacrifice, but Purist would not be moved. For as he faced them down, he began to glow with a holy light, and they saw that the Omniscience had chosen to reveal

Itself to him. The Elder Hierophant led him on a journey of weeks down into the deepest chamber, the holy of holies, where waited not some abstract concept of wisdom and insight, not some carved relic requiring an injection of imagination to believe in, but the old one itself. It had not merely dwelt in those rocks for billions of aeons; no, It had created them. The Omniscience had formed the immense mineral shell of the planet around itself, as a defense against the numerous terrors of space. Thus the All Seeing One claimed to have created the world, and given the other truths revealed to Puritan on that day, the knight had no reason to refute the story. Perhaps the Omniscience is a liar, deep in its prison of stone, and not the world's creator at all, but Omniknight never again questioned his faith. His campaign had meaning at last. And there can be no question that the glorious powers that imbue him, and give his companions such strength in battle, are real beyond any doubt. 全能骑士

普利斯特·雷霆之怒是一名见多识广、勇于拼搏、无比虔诚的骑士,他被声望极高的骑士团长老抚养长大,作为他们的贴身侍卫,立誓遵守他们的命令。他将一生都献给了全知全能的神。骑士团毕生都在进行艰苦的圣战,而普利斯特也至死不渝的履行着他的职责,奉献他的力量以及那年轻人特有的热忱,从未有过怀疑。然而,多年的远征让他的长辈和上级都已经归于尘土,带着悔恨和愧疚,被埋葬在远征路上的墓穴里,他亲如兄弟的战友,在同那些拒绝臣服于全能之神的野蛮人的战斗中陨落,而他自己的亲卫,也被伏击、瘟疫吞噬,于是他开始质疑自己誓言的意义——远征的意义。经过了深刻的冥想,他离开了他的军队,长途跋涉回到了晴雪城——传说中的圣城,在那里,他对全能之神的祭司们发出了质问。从来没有哪个骑士胆敢如此,祭司们试图将他投入献祭之渊,然而普利斯特却如山一般无法撼动。因为当他俯视着祭司时,全身闪耀着圣洁之光,祭司们看到全能之神选择了他作为其显圣之身。年长的大祭司见状,便亲自花费了数周的时间,指引他前往圣城深处的密室,世间最为圣洁之地,在那里等着他的,并不是一些充满智慧的晦涩抽象的书籍,也不是什么供人信奉的洞窟遗迹,而是全能之神本尊。神在这个密室里已经居住了千万年,并且创造了世间万物,在星球周围创造了巨大的保护外壳,抵御来自其他世界的邪恶。全能之神告诉普利斯特,他创造了世界,并且给予了教徒世间的真理。骑士没有办法驳斥这个故事。也许全能之神只是一个被关在石牢里面的骗子,根本不是什么创世者,但是全能骑士也不再质疑他的信仰。他的战斗终于有了意义,毫无疑问,他身体里面涌动着神圣的光明之力,而他在战斗中带给战友的力量,更是不容置疑。 Lifestealer

In the dungeons of Devarque, a vengeful wizard lay in shackles, plotting his escape. He shared his cell with a gibbering creature known as N'aix, a thief cursed by the Vile Council with longevity, so that its life-sentence for theft and cozening might be as punishing as possible. Over the years, its chains had corroded, along with its sanity; N'aix retained no memory of its former life and no longer dreamt of escape. Seeing a perfect vessel for his plans, the wizard wove a spell of Infestation and cast his life-force into N'aix's body, intending to compel N'aix to sacrifice itself in a frenzy of violence while the mage returned to his body and crept away unnoticed. Instead, the wizard found his mind caught in a vortex of madness so powerful that it swept away his plans and shattered his will. Jarred to consciousness by the sudden infusion of fresh life, N'aix woke from its nightmare of madness and obeyed the disembodied voice that filled its skull, which had only the one thought: To escape. In that moment Lifestealer was born. The creature cast its mind into dungeon guards and soldiers, compelling them to open locks and cut down their companions, opening an unobstructed path to freedom while feeding on their lives. Lifestealer still wears the broken shackles as a warning that none may hold him, but on the inside remains a prisoner. Two minds inhabit the single form--a nameless creature of malevolent cunning, and the Master whose voice he pretends to obey. 噬魂鬼


突然之间从它那疯狂的梦魇中清醒了过来,并且按着脑海中那个虚无的声音的唯一的指令行动:逃跑。也就是在那个时候,噬魂鬼正式诞生。这个生命体将自己的心智灌注到地下城里面的卫兵身体里,强迫他们打开牢笼,杀死其他卫兵,为噬魂鬼打开了一条畅通无阻的自由大道,而他们的生命也在被吞噬。现在,噬魂鬼仍然带着那串破碎的镣铐,似乎是在告诉世界没有人能够禁锢住他,但同时它心里还认为自己是个囚犯。两个意识共存于一个身体里——一个恶毒狡猾,阳奉阴违的生命。 Enchantress

Aiushtha appears to be an innocent, carefree creature of the woods, and while this is certainly true, it is hardly the sum of her story. She well understands the suffering of the natural world. She has wandered far, and fared through forests bright and drear, in every clime and every season, gathering friends, sharing news, bringing laughter and healing wherever she goes. For in worlds wracked by war, forests are leveled for the building of ships and siege engines; and even in places of peace, the woods are stripped for the building of homes, and as fuel for countless hearths. Aiushtha hears the pleas of the small creatures, the furtive folk who need green shade and a leafy canopy to thrive. She lends her ears to those who have no other listeners. She carries their stories from the wood to the world, believing that her own good cheer is a kind of Enchantment, that can itself fulfill the promise of a verdant future. 魅惑魔女

从外表上看,爱由莎就像是一个天真无忧的森林精灵,尽管的确如此,但这也不是对她最为完整的评价。她对自然所遭受的苦难感同身受。她曾跋山涉水,穿越过斑驳的森林,走过四季变换,结识新的朋友,分享新的见闻,为她所到之处带去自然的治愈和欢乐的笑容。因为在那些饱受战乱折磨的地区,森林被大规模的砍伐,用作造船以及制造攻城车;而即使是在和平地区,也有人因为建造房屋而砍伐森林,为添加灶火而毁坏树木。爱由莎从森林中的小精灵处听闻了这些事情,这些小家伙需要森林的荫蔽来繁衍。她耐心的倾听着那些苦于无法倾诉的人诉说着痛苦,坚信自己的鼓励也是一种魅力,一种能够让未来再次充满绿色的魅之魔力。 Dark Seer

Fast when he needs to be, and a cunning strategist, Ish'Kafel the Dark Seer requires no edged weapons to vanquish his enemies, relying instead on the strength of his powerful mind. His talent lies in his ability to maneuver the fight to his advantage. Hailing from a place he calls 'The Land behind the wall,' Dark Seer remains an outsider here—a warrior from a realm beyond the veil of this reality. Once a great general among his people, and a valiant defender of the god-king Damathryx, Dark Seer’s army was wiped out by a much larger force in the final days of the Great Boundaries War. Facing certain defeat, he made one last desperate act: he led the enemy forces into the maze between the walls. At the last moment, just before capture, he crossed over—then sealed the walls forever in an explosive release of dark energy. When the dust settled, he saw that he had saved his people but found himself blinking at the sun of a different world, with no way to return. Now he is committed to proving his worth as a military strategist, and vows to show that he’s the greatest tactician this strange new world has ever seen. 黑暗贤者

迅捷如风,足智多谋,黑暗贤者依什卡菲尔并不需要多么锋利的武器来搏斗,他总是运用强大的心灵之力来征服敌人。他有着颠覆战局使之对己方有利的天才。迎着欢呼和敬意,他从一个叫做“幻墙之末”的世界走了出来,并不热衷于这个世界的纷争——他是一个来自现实世界之外的勇者。曾经,黑暗贤者是备受人民尊敬的将军,是神王达玛瑞克斯麾下英勇的保卫者,然而他的军队在边境大战的最后几天,被一股更为强大的力量悉数歼灭。面临如此惨败,他绝望的做出了最后一个决定:引诱着敌军进入了幻墙迷宫。在他即将被捕的前一刻,他穿过幻墙,释放出强大的黑暗能量,将幻墙永远的封印起来。当飞扬的尘土归于平静以后,他发现他成功的拯救了自己的人民,而自己却沐浴在另一个世界的阳光下,亦真亦幻,无法回到现实世界。现在,他决心以一名战略家的身份来证明自己的价值,并且立誓要让这个新的世界见识他那伟大的谋略。 Dragon Knight

After years on the trail of a legendary Eldwurm, the Knight Davion found himself facing a disappointing foe: the dreaded Slyrak had grown ancient and frail, its wings tattered, its few remaining scales stricken with scale-rot, its fangs ground to nubs, and its fire-gouts no more threatening than a pack of wet matchsticks. Seeing nohonor to be gained in

dragon-murder, Knight Davion prepared to turn away and leave his old foe to die in peace. But a voice crept into his thoughts, and Slyrak gave a whispered plea that Davion might honor him with death in combat. Davion agreed, and found himself rewarded beyond expectation for his act of mercy: As he sank his blade in Slyrak's breast, the dragon pierced Davion's throat with a talon. As their blood mingled, Slyrak sent his power out along the Blood Route, sending all its strength and centuries of wisdom to the knight. The dragon's death sealed their bond and Dragon Knight was born. The ancient power slumbers in the Dragon Knight Davion, waking when he calls it. Or perhaps it is the Dragon that calls the Knight... 龙骑士

在传说中的龙冢——厄尔多姆试炼多年以后,骑士戴维安发现自己的对手愈发不能令他满意了:过去那个让人闻风丧胆的神龙斯莱瑞克已经变得苍老而脆弱,它的双翼已经残破,它所剩不多的龙鳞也开始腐烂,它的爪子变得肿大老化,它曾经引以为傲的火焰吐息现在威力和进水了的火柴差不多。戴维安觉得这样的屠龙行径已经不能给他带来任何荣誉,转身就要离开,让他的老对手安静的死去。但是他的脑海里传来了一个声音,斯莱瑞克低声的乞求着,让戴维安允许它光荣的战死。戴维安同意了,随即发现他的怜悯给他带来了意外的收获:当他将手中的锋刃刺入斯莱瑞克的胸膛时,龙使出最后的力量用龙爪刺穿了他的喉咙,随着他们血液的融合,斯莱瑞克将它所有的力量随着血液赐予了戴维安,也赐予了他龙族千万年来的智慧。龙的死去将他们的命运完全的绑定在了一起,龙骑士横空出世。古老的力量在龙骑士戴维安的身体里沉睡着,当他需要力量时则完全复苏。而龙族之力,也唤醒了骑士的所有力量... Netherdrake

The malevolent familiar of a sadistic wizard who captured and hoped to tame him, Viper was curiously glad to have been sprung from the sealed and unchanging subterranean Nether Reaches where his race had lived for millions of years, after tectonic slippage had sealed off the Netherdrakes in luminous caverns. Viper spent some time appearing to submit to the wizard's enchainments, hoping to learn what he could of the dark magics the mage practiced. But he soon realized that few spells were as deadly as the toxins that were his birthright. Exuding an acid that swiftly ate away the bars of his cage, the Netherdrake slipped free of his confines, spit poison in the old spellcaster's eyes, and soared out to let the world know that it had a new master. 冥界亚龙

一个暴虐凶残的巫师捕获了蝮蛇,希望驯服它作为自己的凶狠宠物,好奇的蝮蛇很乐意被带离那封闭不化的幽冥地区,那是一块在地壳滑移中被封闭的幽冥龙穴,它的种族在那里已经居住了成千上万年。蝮蛇一开始还试着花时间来理解并服从巫师的命令,希望能学到他最高超的黑暗魔法。但它很快就发现,没有多少咒语比它与生俱来的毒液更致命。蝮蛇流出的酸液很快就腐蚀掉了它笼子上的铁柱,冥界亚龙挣脱出了巫师的囚禁,将它的毒液喷在了老巫师眼睛里杀死了它,蝮蛇翱翔在空中,向世界宣告它的来临。 Venomancer

In the Acid Jungles of Jidi Isle, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of every creature that scuttles, climbs or swoops between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous. Ages ago, an Herbalist named Lesale crossed the Bay of Fradj by coracle, searching for potent essences that might be extracted from bark and root, and found instead a nightmare transformation. Two leagues into Jidi's jungle, Lesale encountered a reptile camouflaged as an epiphyte, which stung him as he mistakenly plucked it. In desperation, he used his partial knowledge of the jungle's herbal bounty, mixing the venom of the (swiftly throttled) reptile with the nectar of an armored orchid, to compound an antidote. In the moments before a black paralysis claimed him completely, he injected himself by orchid-thorn, and instantly fell into a coma. Seventeen years later, something stirred in the spot where he had fallen, throwing off the years' accumulation of humus: Venomancer. Lesale the Herbalist no longer--but Lesale the Deathbringer. His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter--one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid. Jidi's Acid Jungles knew a new master, one before whom even the most vicious predators soon learned to bow or burrow for their lives. The lurid isle proved too confining, and some human hunger deep in the heart of the Venomancer drove Lesale out in search of new poisons--and new deaths to bring.

