
更新时间:2024-03-30 11:24:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


一Fill in each of the blanks with one word. (在每个空格中填入一个单词) (2×10=20分)

(1)Look, what a nice day it is! The sky is so blue, and the sun is so bright. But it rained Monday, and it was windy Tuesday ,and it has been so cold and humid until this morning. The sleet stopped at last. The weather forecast says it is another sunny day tomorrow . There are good chances for us to do so many things on the weekend .So let's make a plan for a picnic immediately .We wish we could enjoy ourselves as much as possible.

(2)It is very important to sleep well and enough at night. If a man does not have quality sleep, he will not feel well enough to pass the next day. But now few people sleep in time. They spend all the night watching TV, playing video games, or drinking in bars, as the result, they go to bed at midnight. Next morning, they get up reluctantly, feeling tired. I hate to live an unhealthy life like that. I believe in the saying:“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.

(3) One year has four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Every season is different from each other. The difference makes our world so colorful. and makes our lives rich. Without the changes of season, the world be a boring place ,even lives seem impossible there. Seasons provide animals reasons to migrate here and there; Seasons provide farmers signals to grow crops now and then; Seasons provide poets ideas and words to write about seasons.

(4)We are in Bill’s oliving room. His living room is small but cozy. Next to the door, there is a wardrobe. On the wall left, there hangs a picture of Bill with his girlfriend, Alice. Above the picture, there is a clock. And below the picture, there is a rugby on the floor. It is oval. In front of the right wall, we find a large TV set. It has a square LCD screen. The screen is 12 inches long and 9 inches wide. Opposite to the door, there are some sofas and a coffee table on which some houseplants are placed.

(5) I bought a sweater last Sunday. But I don’t like it when I got home. It was cheaply made and it didn’t fit me. I took it back to the store to exchange it. However, I couldn’t find anything else I liked so I got a refund. On the way home, I dropped into a department store. It was a big one and it had everything. They had some suits on sale and I tried on a few. At last, I picked out a light blue suit. It looked good on me and I bought it right away. It just cost $ 25.

(6) Adam is a visitor to Shanghai. Today, he likes to visit the newly built World Exposition. He leaves his hotel and walks straight to a bus stop. After getting of the bus, he goes across the People’s Square, and then he turns right. He walks on until he

arrives before the museum. Around the corner, there is an entrance of metro. He goes down the entrance and waits a few minutes to get on a metro. Through a tunnel, the metro takes him to his destination in just 15 minutes.

(7) England is the largest, most populous, and generally the richest section. The English people take this too much for granted, and tend to use the words \and \ and \

(8) This story happened in the 19th century. On September 8th, 1860, a crowd of about 300,000 people gathered at Niagara to watch Blonding carry a man across! Three men had offered to go with him, but they failed to appear, so Blondin had to ask his manager, Mr. Colcord to climb on his back.

(9)The favorite place to buy hamburgers is a fast-food restaurant. In these restaurants, people stand at the counter, order their food, wait just a few minutes, and carry the food to a table themselves. They eat it in the restaurant or other places. Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive. For many people, this is more important than the quality of food.

(10) It is very important to sleep well and enough at night. If a man does not have quality sleep, he will not feel well enough to pass the next day. But now few people sleep in time. They spend all the night watching TV, playing video games, or drinking in bars, as the result, they go to bed at midnight. Next morning, they get up reluctantly, feeling tired. I hate to live an unhealthy life like that. I believe in the saying: “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.

二、There are some expressions taken from your textbook in the two groups below. Make the best matches for each expression. (以下两组是课本里提取一些表达方式,为每个表达方式做出最佳搭配) (0.5×10=5 分) 1、How do you do? Pleased C. to meet you 2、It’s very kind H. of you to invite me.

3、How long have you A. been here in the States? 4、Excuse D. me. Can I change this toy dog? 5、I keep on E. jogging every morning. 6、May J. I help you, sir?

7、Well done, Peter! G. Congratulations! 8、Would you mind B. coming with me? 9、Many happy returns I. of the day.

10、Are you interested F. in playing musical instruments? 11、I don’t agree C. with you.

12、The stop is just around H. the corner.

13、Just go straight A. til l you reach a crossroad. 14、It’s ten I. to five.

15、You look F. pretty tonight. 16、The food is E. so delicious. 17、What J. about Saturday? 18、What’s the date B. today? 19、Could you do me G. a favor? 20、It’s the fourth D. of April.

三、Tran slate the following English into Chinese. (英译中)(5×3=15分)

1、The British Isles consists of two large islands. One is called Ireland and the other Britain. Britain is the larger of the two islands, and it is divided into three parts. 英伦诸岛由两个大岛组成,一个称作爱尔兰,另一个称作不列颠。不列颠是两个岛屿中较大的一个,它被分为三个部分

2、The United Kingdom is that part of the British Isles ruled over by the Queen. It consists of Scotland, Wales, and England, and also about one-sixth of Ireland, the northern part.


3、An au pair is not allowed to take a job in this country; the light household duties which are part of the au pair’s arrangement are not regarded as employment.

女寄居生不可以在这个国家里拥有工作,作为女寄居生正常安排的一部分,轻松的家务活不被看作是就业。 4、The word “okay ” is known and used by millions of people all over the world. Still, language experts do not agree on where it came from.

okay这个词被世界上成千上万的人了解和使用,而语言专家们对于它的出处莫衷一是。 5、At last, both men crossed safely. The crowd sighed with relief—and so did poor Mr. Colcord!


6、By the end of 1970s,bicycle manufacturers were beginning to develop a special bike for off-road riding. And so the mountain bike was born.



7、At first, they took the bicycles up the mountains in trucks. Then one keen cyclist, Carry Fisher, put extra gears on his bike. He began using it to ride uphill as well as downhill.

起初人们用卡车把自行车运到山上。后来一个叫加里·费歇尔的狂热骑手在他的自行车上按上额外的齿轮,然后骑着这种自行车上山下山。 8、Now, mountain bikes have wide, heavy tyres and straight handlebars. They are also built on smaller, stronger frames than other bikes. On rough and bumpy ground, they are the best choice for riders.


9、Most American people eat breakfast and lunch quickly, unless it is a social and family occasion. The favorite fast food in the United States is hamburger.


10、Fast food restaurant gets popular over the world because people can get quick service and inexpensive food there. It is not very important that the taste of food is not good.


11、Doctors confirm that he has regained his sight and hearing apparently from the flash of lightning, but they are not able to explain the occurrence.


12、On Christmas Eve, excited children hang up stockings at the foot of their beds, they believe that Santa Claus would put gifts into their stockings. Many people like to spend Christmas quietly at home.


13、Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby.


14、In parts of the Middle East, several years may pass between rainstorms. There is thus a severe shortage of water, so desalination plants have to be used to make fresh water from sea water.


15、Much of the world’s coffee is grown in Brazil. But it is hard to say when coffee price rises or falls, so to do coffee business is dangerous.


16、They wanted to force the price of coffee up, and one way of doing this was to reduce the amount of coffee available for sale to the public.


四、Complete each of the sentences just with one word. (在每个句子中填入一个单词,使其完整)(1×5=5分)

1. Next week, I will buy a new handset, but I won’t buy a new watch. 2. You like to read that interesting book, don’t you?

3. John will arrive in the afternoon. Do you know when Peter will arrive? 4. I beg your pardon. Is this seat occupied?

5. I asked her if she knew anyone in Tokyo. She said she did.

6. Eddy goes to school on foot every day. But how does his brother go there? 7. The little dog didn’t need any food again for it had eaten too much. 8. As soon as I got to office, I began to work.

9. My friend spent his early childhood in the small town. There has been many changes here in the last 15 years.

10. I asked her if she knew anyone in Tokyo. She said she did.

11. Jean is working in the kitchen, and her children are sleeping in the bedroom. 12. Nancy and James are hungry, but nobody gave them any food.

13. I am on the bus, and I will arrive at the railway station after 5 minutes. 14. What is your office address? Do you live near here? I work in the suburbs, but live on the other side of the city.

15. I go to office by subway/ metro every morning. How do you go to work? 16. The little boy is wet, for he has stayed in rain for long time. 17. As soon as they arrived at home, they began to eat breakfast. 18. You also have a car! Sam’s is black, and what about yours ? 19. Some of our pets are quiet, and a few of them are noisy, but almost all of them are


五、Translate the following Chinese into English. (中译英)(5×3=15分)

1、I have to go now because somebody is waiting for me over there.(因为有人在那里正等着我。)

2、You’re as old as I am, but Mr. King is older than you. He is in his fifties, isn’t he? Possibly, he is the oldest in the office. (你和我一样的老,但是金先生比你更老,他五十多岁了,不是吗?他是办公室里最老的一位。)

3、I wake up at 6:30 and get up at 7:15.Usually, I read newspaper before I eat breakfast. I leave the house at the house at the same time as my husband.( 我六点半醒七点一刻起床,通常,我会在吃早餐前读报纸。我,会和丈夫同时离开家。)

4、I used to work on Friday, and rarely worked on Saturday, but never worked on Sunday.(我星期五工作,很少在星期六工作,但从不在星期天工作。)

5、Turn right at the next corner, and then go straight ahead. The restaurant is just up there on the left. It is a short walk.(下个拐角右转,然后一直往前走,餐馆就在左侧。很短的步行路程。)

6、My cousin is still a bachelor, but my nephew has been engaged for 3 months and will get married soon. All my children are grown up now. (我表哥还是单身,但我外甥已经订婚三个月了,马上就要结婚了。我的孩子们现在都长大了。)

7、What time are you going to arrive tomorrow morning? I’ll probably go to the dentist’s around 10:30(你明天什么时候到达?我可能大约十点三十去看牙医。)

8、How are you feeling today? Your fever is gone, but you still have a headache.(你今天感觉如何?你的发烧消退,但你还会头疼。)

9、What do you think? Is that correct? Certainly. You’re right. But in my opinion, she also has a nice idea. (你是怎么想的?正确吗?当然,你是对的。但是依我看,她也有个非常好的想法。)

10、Please tell me how you are feeling today? Your fever is gone, but you still have a headache. (请告诉我你今天感觉如何?你的发烧消退,但你还会头疼。)

11、After taking a shower, I shave and comb my hair. Then it is usually the time to watch weather forecast. (洗完澡后,我会刮脸和梳头发,然后通常是看天气预

报的时间。) 六、Complete the dialogue with at least ten words. ( 完成每组对话,每组至少需要10个单词) (5×2=10分)

1、A: ------I have got a telephone already, but I don’t have a handset yet. B: ------ Really? I will send one as a birthday gift to you.

2、A: ------Bill isn’t here, but there are his books on the desk. Where is he? B: ------ He is dating his new girlfriend, Jane, in the cinema. 3、A: ------Whose cat is that? Is it yours?

B: -------No. it isn’t mine. My cat is bigger and cleverer. 4、A: ------Will you be my office at nine o’clock tomorrow? B: ------ Yes. I will. I will take taxi to get there in time. 5、A: ------I’m twenty-six. How old are you, Miss Smith? B: ------ I’ m twenty three. I am as old as your sister. 6、A: ------Fred wasn’t here last week, was he?

B: ------ No. he wasn’t. He went to London with his new girlfriend. 7、A: ------ Let’s talk about our pet, shall we?

B: ------ Good idea. We always have much to say about dogs and cats. 8、A: ------ What time are you going to the airport?

B: ------ I don’t know. Perhaps, I will get there at about 9: 30. 9、A: ------ It’s foggy today. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

B ------It’s sunny in the morning, and cloudy in the afternoon, but rainy at night.

七、In each group there are two sentences, one sentence marked with ▲ and the other sentence marked with ●. Please choose A, if the two sentences have a similar meaning; or choose B, if the two sentences don’t have a similar meaning. (以下每组中包含两个不同的句子,分别用▲,●标明。如果两个句子意思近似,请选择A;如果两个句子意思不一致,请选择B ) ( 0.5 × 10= 5分) 1. ▲A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant.

●An elephant is bigger than a dog.

2. ▲Jane is English but Jenny isn’t; she’s American.

●Jenny and Jane aren’t English. 3. ▲He is the oldest man in the world.

●Many men are older.

4. ▲You can’t come without a ticket.

●You can not buy a ticket outside. 5. ▲Andrea is looking after the children.

●She is taking care of the children. 6. ▲They only have one car for the family.

●They do not have two cars. 7. ▲What does Monica like?

●Does he like Monica?

8. ▲He hopes to go home, but he may go to work.

●He always goes home after work.

9. ▲I want you to clean the car when you come back.

●I do not want you to forget to clean it. 10. ▲She used to smoke cigarettes.

●She used two cigarettes.

八、Make the best choice for each sentence. (为每个句子做出一个最佳选择) (1×10=10分)

1、Kate’s house consists of two bedrooms, one sitting room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

2、2/3 should be two thirds if written in English.

3、The longest time a girl may stay in the UK as an au pair is two years.

4、An au pair’s suitable tasks should be light housework and taking care of children. 5、We have to work everyday except Saturday and Sunday.

6、During crossing, Blondin had to stop six times in order to rest.

7、The great acrobat, Blondin used to cross the Niagara Falls on a tightrope. 8、The mountain bike is built on smaller, stronger frames than other bikes. 9、The motorcyclists made a lot of noise and did damage to the countryside. 10、He began using a mountain bike to ride uphill as well as downhill. 11、I will belp you at once unless you tell me a lie .

12、Fast-food restaurants are populous, because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive.

13、A few hours later, he woke up ,lying in the water.

14、Christmas, the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, is the same.

15、The students don’t understand yet what you say, would you explain once more? 16、It is very hard, why don’t you think of giving it up. 17、What about going to the cinema tonight?

18、Will you please tell him the time for the seminar?

19、John is a director of the company. He always has much to do, but after working, he takes swimming as his hobby. 20、In parts of Middle East, several years may pass between rain storms. There is thus a severe shortage of water. 21、Could you do me a favor?

22、I don’t agree with you, and in fact, your idea is terrible. 23、A new house is now being built near the river.

24、The food can last one year, if it can be stored and distributed efficiently. 25、Will you please tell him the time for the movies?

26、The seller’s motive is clear, that is to force the price of coffee up.

27、Instead of selling their stock of coffee,they began to buy on the open market.

九、Find a mistake in each sentence. (在每一句中找出一处错误) (1×5=5分) 1、John did not pass the test, but he remained happily all the time.

2、For a long time, the Irish people and the British people often have disagreements between each and other. 3、An au pair, a single girl at least 17 years old, come to the UK to learn English. 4、She will has to pay a fee, about 25 pounds. 5、The word “okay” is known and use by millions of people all over the world. 6、Soon, the practice was ban for the noise and the damage. 7、Blondin asked his manager climb on his back. 8、Much British families are usually quite small. 9、The mountain bike is not just strong, but also small. 10、They order the food, wait just a little minutes, and carry the food to a table. 11、One of his friend has been treated by the doctor. 12、He was also partially deaf because the old age. 13、Christmas is busiest time for merchants and shops. 14、People are busy sending cards to each other and to buy gifts for families. 15、At that time, people are very busy making a living to have any bobbies. 16、Many hospitals let some patients have interested hobbies to help them become healthy.

17、Easter Monday is generally regarded as a unofficial celebration for the spring. 18、First step in E-business is to have a computer and an Internet access at home or office.

19、Due to warm weather, a iceberg in great size is becoming smaller and smaller near the southern pole.

20、The plan is be tested for it’s possibility at our laboratory. 21、Much of the world’s tea are grown in China and India. 22、Many people have change to cheaper drinks because the rise of coffee price is surprising. 23、What is the date today?_——It is fourth of April. 十、Read the short passages and make the best choice. (阅读并做出一个最佳选择)(1×5=5分)

1、(1)Now, language experts still don’t agree on where”okay”came from (2)Where did the Chocktaw tribe used to live? In a valley. (3)Indian languages have given many words to English.

(4)Which of the following is true? Okay means agreement by raising and lowering the head. (5)When the tribe’s leaders and chief discussed, they sat in a round shape.

(6)Which one is the closest to the number of the states in the U. S. A. according to the text? 50

(7)What in America might have Indian names in the text? Rivers , mountains, and cities.

2、(1)The title of the article might be The Customs for Christmas. (2)Christmas is a holiday for family and also for friends. (3)Post cars run through to tell people to send letters.

(4)The displays in the shops are much near the Christmas season. (5)Santa Clause is an old man with a red nose .

(6)The excited children hang up the stockings for presents. (7)According to the text, Christmas dinner includes turkey, duck, and pudding.

3、(1)According to the story, the biggest danger to coffee growing might be coldness. (2)Who got the profit from the recent unexpected frost?The coffee growers outside Brazil.

(3)What do the smugglers do ? To escape government control. (4)Housewives organized a boycott of coffee. That means that they refused coffee. (5)According to the growers, to reduce the amount of coffee available for sale, the price will be raised.

(6)The main idea of the story is: The price of coffee after a frost.

