
更新时间:2024-01-04 03:33:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Lesson one Hello!


我家______(爸爸) 放下______(盘子) 撒下______(网) 一只______(猪) 一只______(风筝) 脾气______(坏的) 赶到______(大门) 鱼没______(得到)非常______(大的) 颜色______(白色的) 让我______(伤心的) 已经______(迟到) 衣服______(弄湿)把洞______(挖) 被狗______(咬) 有只______(猫) 清晨______(醒来) 为捉______(害虫)没给______(小费) 学会______(骑) 非常______(肥胖的) 来到______(湖) 从不______(休息)把我______(嘴唇) 妈妈______(骄傲) 专吃______(大老鼠) 钓上______(蛇) 本领______(最棒的)装上______(拉链) Ⅱ、写出下列名词的汉语意思和复数形式 。 单 词 汉语意思 复 数 单 词 汉语意思 复 数 bird rabbit elephant flower butterfly boy girl baby Ⅲ、把下列句子改成一般疑问句。

1、 It is a bird. _____________________? 2、It is a flower. _____________________? 3、He is Bambi. _____________________? 4、She is Jasmine. _____________________? 5、Mowgli is a boy. _____________________?

Ⅳ、下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出错误,并把正确的句子重新抄写在横线上。 1、It’s a elephant. _____________________. 2、Is he Mummy? _____________________? 3、Is it bird? _____________________?

Lesson two Family


flower ________ bird________ dress ________ box ________ watch________ rabbit________ boy ________ baby________ butterfly________ mother________sister________ elephant__________ Ⅱ、用has和 have填空 。

1、Simba _______ a family. 2、He _______ a sister. 3、They _______ a mother. 4、She ________ a brother. 5、I _________ a cat. 6、You _______ a dog. Ⅲ、按要求完成下列句子。

1、 It is a bird. _____________________?(改成一般疑问句) 2、He is Bambi. _____________________?(改成一般疑问句) 3、The girl is happy. _____________________?(对划线部分提问) 4、Is he a baby? _____________________(作肯定回答) 5、Is he sad? _____________________(作否定回答)

Ⅳ、下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出错误,并把正确的句子重新抄写在横线上。 1、It’s a elephant. _____________________ 2、They are baby. _____________________ 3、Is it bird? _____________________ 4、The cat are happy.______________________

5、Berlioz have a sister and a brother.______________________________

Lesson three Friends


清晨_____(慢跑) 把眼_____(闭上,关上) 举着_____(枪) 找个_____(借口) 带上_____(狗) 用我_____(鼻子) 瞄准_____(太阳) 借车_____(使用) 踩到_____(青蛙) 去闻_____(玫瑰) 不停_____(跑) 遭到_____(拒绝) 轻轻_____(跳) 喝着_____(可乐) 小小_____(虫) 假装_____(哑巴的) 跳上_____(最高处)听着_____(笑话) 把我_____(拥抱) 真是_____(可爱的) 唱起_____(流行歌曲)把腰_____(折断) Ⅱ、写出下列单词的复数形式。

friend_______ fox _______ flower ________ bird________ dress ________ box ________ watch________ rabbit________ boy ________ baby________ butterfly________ mother_____ sister________ elephant__________ Ⅲ、根据汉语意思写出相应的单词。

他的_____ 她的_____ 我的_____ 我们的_____

你们的_____ 他们的_____ 它的_____


1、What’s his name? ______________________________ 2、Who is swimming? _____________________________ 3、They’re friends. _____________________________ 4、Simba has a family. _____________________________ 5、Is it a bird? Yes, it is. _____________________________

Lesson six It’s delicious


wolf ______ wife ______ tomato _______ potato______ photo_______

pea_______ fox _______ bird________ dress ________ box ________ watch________ rabbit________ boy ________ baby________ flower ________ butterfly________ fruit_____ sister________ elephant__________ Ⅱ、选择。

1、He ____ hungry. A、am B、is C、are 2、They_____ eating. A、am B、is C、are 3、I ______ hungry. A、am B、is C、are 4、He _________ eat. A、wants to B、want to C、want 5、They_______ drink. A、wants to B、want to C、want Ⅲ、读下列句子并将句子的汉语意思写在横线上。 1、He’s thirsty. _________________ 2、She’s hungry. ___________________

3、They’re drinking milk. ______________________

4、What’s this ? It’s a sandwich. ______________________________ 5、He wants to eat spaghetti. ______________________________ Ⅳ、按要求完成下列句子。

1、 They’re hungry. _____________________?(改成一般疑问句)

2、She’s eating a chocolate cake. _____________________?(对划线部分提问) 3、The girl is thirsty. _____________________?(对划线部分提问) 4、Is he drinking milk? _____________________(作否定回答)



1、 She’s making a cake.


2、 It is her birthday.


3、 Cinderella can sing and dance.

___________________________________ 4、They’re hungry.

___________________________________ 5、The birds are singing.



1、 She’s eating a chocolate cake. _____________________? 2、 The girl is thirsty. _____________________?

3、 He is seven years old. _______________________? 4、 The clock is in the crocodile. _______________________? Ⅲ、把下列句子变成否定句。

1、It is night. _______________________________________ 2、They are thirsty. _______________________________________ 3、She can go to the ball. _______________________________________ 4、He wants to wash. _______________________________________ 5、They want to sleep. _______________________________________

