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Unit 1:

Task 1 Study Skills: How to Predict?

When you listen to a person speaking your own language, in many situations you can be one step ahead of the speaker. You can very often predict what that person is going to say next—perhaps not always the exact words, but at least the main ideas. Have you ever found yourself finishing other people's sentences for them? This is often something we do without even thinking about it.

The more you can predict, the easier it becomes to understand—in a foreign language too. In fact, you will probably be surprised at how much you can predict in English. Train yourself to predict as much as possible. Do this consciously.

There are many things which can help you to predict while you are listening, for example:

(1) how much you know about: the topic, the situation, the country in which the language is spoken

(2) intonation, for example: When presenting a list, rising intonation signals that more items will follow and a falling intonation signals the end of the list: \

(3) signals such as: \make ...\

The phrases in group 3 are called semantic markers. They serve as signals for the meaning and structure of the lecture or text. They tell us how the ideas are organized. There are many other semantic markers in English, which are classified here according to their function. (1) The markers used for listing, such as:

firstly, in the first place, secondly, thirdly, my next point is, last/finally

(2) Markers that show us the cause and effect relationship between one idea and another: so, therefore, thus (we see), because, since

(3) Markers which indicate that the speaker or writer is going to illustrate his ideas by giving examples: for instance, for example, let's take ..., an example/instance of this was ...

(4) Markers that introduce an idea which runs against what has been said, or is going to be said: but, nevertheless, on the other hand, and yet, although

(5) Markers which indicate that the speaker or writer is about to sum up his message, or part of it:

to summarize, in other words, what I have been saying is this, it amounts to this, if I can just sum up (6) Semantic markers used to express a time relationship: then, next, after that, previously, while, when

(7) Markers used to indicate the relative importance of something: it is worth noting, I would like to direct your attention to

(8) Markers used to rephrase what has already been said, or to introduce a definition: in other words, let me put it this way, to put it another way, that is to say (9) Markers that express a condition: if, unless, assuming that

These are only a few examples of semantic markers. Train yourself to listen for these key words and phrases. Listen to the following sentences. When you hear \ (1) Answer: trying to write a letter.

(2) Answer: ____________________________________ (3) Answer: ____________________________________ (4) Answer: ____________________________________ (5) Answer: ____________________________________ (6) Answer: ____________________________________ (7) Answer: ____________________________________ Task 2: This Is Your Life!


New words: compere n.主持人, 指挥者 subject(谈话的)对象 1. Choose the best answer.

(1) \

a. the most popular programme on British and American television b. one of the most popular programmes on British and American radio c. one of the most popular programmes on British and American television (2) \ a. weekly b. monthly c. daily (3) The programme is recorded in ___________. a. studio 4 b. studio 3 c. studio 2 (4) The programme begins at __________. a. 6:45 b. 7:55 c. 8:00 (5) The subject of tonight's show will be _________. a. Terry Donovan b. Jason Douglas c. Pauline (6) Camera __________ will be at the studio entrance. a. four b. three c. two ` 2. True or False Questions.

(1) The person invited to \ (2) The subject can meet only friends and relatives from his or her past at the studio. (3) Terry Donovan is the compère only for tonight's show. (4) Jason Douglas will arrive at the studio at eight sharp. (5) Jason will be sitting in the middle for most of the show.

(6) Usually the guests wait in Room 401 and Pauline tells them when they should enter.

3. Identification. Match each name in Column I with a description in Column II to identify the person. Column I Column II 1) Jason Douglas (a) Jason's English teacher (2) Terry Donovan (b) the subject of tonight's programme (3) Pauline (c) an actress who worked with Jason in 1974 (4) Susan Fraser (d) the compère (5) Stanley Hooper (e) a director (6) Maria Montrose (f) the person who waits with the guests in Room 401 (7) Charles Orson (g) Jason's sister

4. Complete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: __________________ Date of birth: __________________ 1952: started school

1958: ____________________________________ 1966: ____________________________________ 1969: ___________________________ 1973: __________________

1974: ___________________________ with Maria Montrose Task 3: In Your Own Words

New words: dentist牙医 hypnotist催眠士 hypnotize催眠 hypnotism催眠术convince信服 sick 恶心的 stuffy通风不好的 petrol汽油 freezing 冰冷的deserted无人居住的 match火柴soak浸, 泡, 浸透 tap n. 水龙头camp营地

1. Choose the best answer

(1) When does the programme \


a. 10:50. b. 10:15. c. 9:50. (2) What is the programme about?

a. Patricia will tell stories about some unusual people. b. Some people are invited to tell their unusual stories.

c. Anyone can be invited to talk about themselves in their own words. (3) What does Trevor Cartridge do? a. He is a dentist. b. He is a soldier. c. He is an announcer. (4) Where does he work and live? a. In Paris. b. In Rome. c. In London. (5) What is Trevor's story mainly about?

a. How he gave up smoking. b. How he became interested in hypnotism. c. His experience as a soldier in the army of Julius Caesar.

(6) Where did Trevor live two thousand years ago according to his story? a. In Britain. b. In France. c. In Italy. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) When Trevor decided to stop smoking, he gave it up at once.

(2) Trevor became interested in hypnotism because a hypnotist helped him give up smoking.

(3) The hypnotist told Trevor that hypnotism could also help him remember his past life and, of course, Trevor believed him immediately.

(4) After being hypnotized, Trevor could only remember the night he landed in Britain as a soldier of the Roman army.

3. Fill in the blanks with information about the journey the Roman army made according to Trevor. Number of men: ____________or more Journey from ____________to ___________ Means of transport: by _________

Weather conditions: a terrible _________ night Food: one tin of ____________

Drink: ______________from the tin

Condition of weapons after landing: _________full of water Fighting or not: _________ (yes/no)

Equipment lost or damaged: _________ lost and all the_______ _________broken Soldiers killed or wounded: about _________ survivors

4.Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.

(1) We were all_________, because the weather was _________and most people were_________, because it was very_________. There was a ______________of ________, I remember.

(2) We thought we were going to die. In the end the boat was ________ __________, and we all_________ . I remember __________________the water, and _______________the beach. The water was up to ____________ and it was a ___________ night.

(3) Finally another boat________________________, and we _________ the other soldiers. I remember going into_______________, and getting __________________, and__________________. It was wonderful. We were__________________, too.

Unit 2:

Task 1 Study Skills: How to Predict?

Listen to the following sentences. When you hear \ (1) Answer: ____________________________________


(2) Answer: ____________________________________ (3) Answer: ____________________________________ (4) Answer: ____________________________________ (5) Answer: ____________________________________ (6) Answer: ____________________________________ (7) Answer: ____________________________________ Task 2 : Film Editing

New words: complicated复杂的 stick粘贴 documentary记录片 synch 使…同步 assistant助手 match匹配 log book记录簿 take镜头 soundtrack音带logging记录 sequence次序 shot镜头 discard 丢弃 compromise 折衷 rough cut粗剪辑 fine cut精剪辑 approve 同通,过意 distribution 发行 dubbing配音 soundtrack音带 neg=negative底片 1. True or False Questions.

(1) According to the film editor, many people think that film editing is simply sticking pieces of film together. (2) According to the film editor, it takes an average of four to five weeks for him to edit a film. (3) \ (4) After the \

2. Fill in the following blanks to give a clear picture of what needs to be done before a film is ready for distribution. (1) The assistant:

a. \ which means ________________________ according to _______________stamped along ____________of the film and the sound tape.

b. \ which means recording ________________ ___________and _____________in a_____________.

(2) The film editor: a. Make a first _________________________________. b. Prepare \— an initial version o the film.

c. Prepare the \—__________________of the film. (3) Others: a. Approve the \

b. \put together.

c. The \__________________exactly. Task 3 A Vision of the Future

New words: apartment公寓 crawl 爬 soap香皂 lettuce莴苣, 生菜 soybean 大豆 ocean plant 海洋植物 cracker饼干 pollutant 污染物质 fuel 燃料 electricity 电 1. Choose the best answer

(1) What did the woman do last night? a. She watched TV.

b. She went to a movie. c. She went to New York.

(2) Who is Charlton Heston? a. The man in the dialogue.


b. An actor performing in Soylent Green. c. A person in the story of Soylent Green. (3) What is the film about? a. Life in New York in 2022. b. Life in New York in 2020. c. Life in New York in 2002.

(4) How many people does New York have in the movie? a. Eight million.

b. Fourteen million.

c. Forty million.

(5) Which of the following mentioned in the film is not a result of pollution? a. The soil produces nothing.

b. New York has ninety degree weather all year long. c. People ride bicycles instead of driving cars.

(6) Which of the following is made out of ocean plants? a. Soylent red.

b. Soylent yellow.

c. Soylent green.

2. True or False Questions.

(1) In the movie only rich people can have real food. (2) Most people eat crackers.

(3) Greenhouse effect is a result of pollution.

(4) The woman believes that the film is a true prediction of the future, though the man disagrees with her. 3. Fill in the following blanks to give a clear picture of the problems New York faces in the movie. (1) Over population: New York has ______________________ people. (2) Housing shortage: Most people have no__________________. Thousands sleep___________________________. People who do have a place to live have to __________________________________.

(3) The soil is so polluted that__________________. The air is so polluted that___________________________.

(4) Most people have no real food. They eat something called _______ :_______________,

______________, and _____________. The first ______ are made out of ___________. The ______________ is made out of _________.

(5) New York has _________degrees weather all year long.

(6) Fuel shortages: There is so little __________that people have to _________ _______to make it Task 4: American Indians

New words: corn玉米 peanut花生 mountainous多山的 reservation 保留地 mineral矿物 1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.

(1) Christopher Columbus arrived in what he believed to be \

(2) The Indians were kind to the ________________. They were ____________ them and they wanted to _________them.

(3) The reasons that the Europeans started to take the land from the Indians:

a. They wanted ________________and _______________for themselves and their families;


b. More and more ________________came from Europe and all these people ______________.

(4) For the Indians, the land was their____________. Everything _________ and ______________ to it. And it was for _______________.

(5) When the white began to _______________, the Indians started ________.

(6) By _________the Indians had __________________and had to live in \ (7) In Hollywood films the Indians are _________and the White Man is ________. 2. Choose the best answer

(1) Which of the following word describes the relationship between the Indians and the early settlers? a. Friendly.

b. Estranged.

c. Hostile.

(2) Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? a. Peanuts.

b. Corn.

c. Potatoes.

(3) Which of the following does not describe the land the Indians were left with? a. Too cold.

b. Too hot.

c. Too dry.

(4) Which of the following does not explain why the White Man took land from the \ a. It had important minerals in it.

b. He wanted to make national parks there. c. He needed more land for new immigrants. Task 5 : New Australians

New words: Aborigines土著 convict 罪犯 gold-rush淘金热 sugarcane甘蔗 dominate支配 coastline海岸线 vineyard葡萄园

1. Match a name in Column I with a place in Column II to find where the person is from. Column I (1) Margaret (2) Mario (3) Helena (4) Juan

Column II a. Greece b. Italy c. Spain d. Scotland

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the information about the number connected with the following events. (1) The population of Australia: more than _______________ people (2) The number of Aborigines: __________________ (3) Gold was discovered: in __________________

(4) People went to Australia from 1851 to 1861: nearly _________ 3. True or False Questions.

(1) Most of the settlers in Australia came from Britain until 1850.

(2) Many of the immigrants to Australia from 1851 to 1861 were from China, because China is near to Australia. (3) The Italians dominate the sugar industry of Australia.

(4) The Greeks are the fourth largest national group in Australia, after the British, the Scottish and the Italians. (5) The Greeks went to work in vineyards or coalmines or started cafes and bars and restaurants.

(6) Many Greeks went to Australia after WWII because the conditions in Greece were bad, whereas Australia offered to pay the boat fare to Australia.


4. Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following time expressions. (1) Italians

a. the 1850s and 1860s: Different states in Italy were _____________ __________and some Italians went to ____________ for __________ reasons. Some others went there for_________.

b. 1891: The first group of __________________Italians went to work in _______________________________. c. the end of the nineteenth century: some good _________________ (2) Greeks

a. 1830: The first Greeks went to work in________________________. b. the 1860s: There were about __________________Greeks in Australia.

c. 1890: There were ________________and ______________all over Sydney and out in the countryside. d. after WWII: __________________arrived in Australia.

Unit 3

Task 1: I Don't See It That Way

New words: cassette player 盒式录音机 sales slip收据 warranty保修证书 expire期满 run out期满 defective有缺陷的 drop… off..从…掉下来 bend弯曲 make an exception破例 guarantee保证 add insult to injury伤害之余又侮辱 make good补偿

Conversation One: 1. Choose the best answer (1) The customer comes to the shop _____________. a. to repair his cassette player b. to have his cassette player repaired c. to complain about his cassette player

(2) The clerk refuses to repair the cassette player for free because _______. a. the customer's warranty is expired

b. the customer dropped it off a building and ruined it himself c. the customer bought the cassette player more than six months ago (3) The customer has kept the cassette player for ____________. a. 6 months exactly

b. over 6 months

c. less than 6 months

(4) The cassette player has ruined _____ of the customer's favorite cassettes. a. four

b. Five

c. six

(5) The cassette player is guaranteed to free repair for __________. a. three months

b. half a year

c. one year

(6) The warranty ran out __________ ago. a. a month

b. a week

c. ten days

2. Fill in the following blanks.

(1) Customer: Well, but you can __________________a little bit.

Clerk: ... _________________________for you. Then we'll have to __________________for everybody. (2) Paying for this is___________________________. I mean, surely you're going to __________________this


cassette player.

(3) Clerk: Well, sir, I'm sorry, you should have ________________ earlier. Customer: But surely you won't __________________ten days _________this. Conversation two: 1. Choose the best answer

New words: vacuum用吸尘器打扫 agreement 协议 nag爱唠叨的人 priority优先考虑的事 crumb面包屑 (1) When does the dialogue take place? a. A weekday afternoon.

b. A weekday evening. c. A weekend evening.

(2) What is the agreement between husband and wife? a. They two will share the housework.

b. The wife should remind the husband about his housework. c. The husband should clean the living room when it looks dirty. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) The man hasn't vacuumed the living room or cleaned the bedroom for he is tired. (2) Though the woman is tired too, she has already done her share of the housework.

(3) The wife hopes that the husband will do the housework voluntarily, but the husband's eyes are not sensitive to dirt.

(4) The husband does not think that cleanliness is very important. Conversation three: Fill in the following blanks.

New words: loyal 忠诚的 raise加薪 merit功绩 adequately充分地 deserve 应得initiative主动性 enthusiasm积极性 obligation义务 reflation 通货膨胀cover the expenses支付开销

Bob is a _________ (married/single) man. He has worked for the company for _________years. He thinks he has been _____________ to the company and he has worked_______________. So he asks Mr. Weaver for a_________. But his boss refuses his requirement — _________here are based on_________, not

on_______________. Mr. Weaver suggests that Bob should take more _______ and show more __________for the job. At last Bob _______ (does/doesn't) accept Mr. Weaver's suggestion. He decides to _________ (keep/quit) his job if still with the__________________. Mr. Weaver will do _________ (something/nothing) with Bob's decision. Task 2: Marriage Customs

New words: extract摘录 courtship求爱 arranged marriage包办婚姻 intermediary中间人 undertake承担 bride新娘 approach接触 call off取消 take on responsibility承担责任 male-dominated男性占主导地位的 be used to 习惯于 assume认为;担任 reflect思考 gamble赌博 go out with sb和某人约会 exceedingly非常地 observation观察

1. Fill in the blanks to give a brief outline of the talk. Speaker: Professor Robin Stuart

Topic: __________________________________________________ In the West marriage is a___________________________.

In India __________________is very common. The young couple meet for the first time ___________________________________.

In Japan ________________________still take place. But the young couple get a chance to


___________________________and if one of them says 'Oh, no, I could never marry him or her', they ___________ ________________. If they like one another, then the wedding ________________. In parts of Africa polygamy is quite common. A man can have ____________.

Conclusion: Professor Stuart believes that various forms of _______________ ___________have just as _________________________ __________to the husband and wife as the Western system of ___________________________. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) In the West people believe that marriage should be based on romantic love. (2) In Japan marriage is often arranged by an intermediary, usually the girl's aunt.

(3) According to the professor, though polygamy sounds fine from the man's point of view, the man in fact takes on a great responsibility and economic burden. Task 3: At the Dentist's

New words: injection注射 gum齿龈 freeze用冷冻法麻醉 rob 抢劫 faint晕倒 make up 弥补 get cross生气 be in agony极度痛苦 take up占用pull yourself together恢复镇静 get on with继续做 painkiller止痛药extraction 取出 1. Choose the best answer

(1) Why does the dentist ask the man to open his mouth wide?

a. To give him a general check up. b. To give him an injection. c. To pull out one of his teeth.

(2) Why doesn't the patient open his mouth?

a. He hates to have injections. b. His tooth aches. c. He hates the dentist.

(3) Why does the dentist want to give the patient an injection? a. To let him sleep so that he won't be so noisy. b. To rob him while he is asleep.

c. To reduce the pain while the tooth is being pulled out. (4) What does the dentist finally give the man? a. An injection.

b. A pull out.

c. Some painkillers.

2. True or False Questions.

(1) The patient has come to see the dentist because his tooth has been aching for a week. (2) The injection will only freeze the area around the tooth. rather than let the patient go to sleep. (3) The patient doesn't want to watch in the mirror in front of him because he'll faint. (4) According to the dentist, the patient will make up the blood that he will lose in a night. (5) The dentist is angry with the patient because he is wasting her precious time. (6) The patient will probably have his tooth pulled out next week. Task 4: Hiccups 1. Choose the best answers New words: hiccup打嗝 remedy治疗法 (1) How long has he been hiccupping? a. Four hours.

b. Two hours. c. Three hours.


(2) Which of the following remedies for hiccups has the man tried before he called Rosemary? a. Hold the breath.

b. Drink water from the other side of a glass. c. Put a coin on the forehead.

(3) What does Rosemary finally suggest?

a. She'll give the man five pounds if he hiccups again, and he'll give her five pounds if he doesn't. b. She'll give the man five pounds if he doesn't hiccup again, and he'll give her five pounds if he does. c. She'll owe him five pounds if he hiccups again, and he'll owe her five pounds if he doesn't. (4) What's the result?

a. The man has stopped hiccupping and Rosemary owes him 5 pounds. b. The man has stopped hiccupping and owes Rosemary five pounds. c. The man is still hiccupping.

2. Identification. Match the suggestions Rosemary has made in Column I with the man's reaction in Column II. Column I

Column II

(1) Hold the breath. (a) Never heard of that (2) Drink from the other side of a glass (b) Hiccupped in the middle. (3) Key down the back of his neck. (c) Won't be frightened when (4) Put a coin on the forehead. knowing it beforehand.

(5) Have to be frightened. (d) Dropping water all over the carpet. (e) That's for nose bleeding.

Unit 4

Task 1: Weather Forecast 1. Choose the best answer

New words: varied各种各样的 clear晴朗的 thermometer温度计 snow- flurries阵雪 (1) The weather reporter for today is ____________. a. Marsha

b. Peter

c. Margaret

(2) The weather report covers the weather activity of ____________. a. the United States

b. Canada

c. the United States and Canada

2. Match the places in Column I with the weather descriptions in Column II. Column I

Column II

(1) British Columbia down a. temperature with 78 degrees to northern California (2) Seattle

(3) Southern California (4) San Diego

b. sunny with strong winds, temperature with 65 degrees c. raining

d. cloudy, windy, temperature with 64 degrees

(5) Midwest e. snow flurries, temperature with 28 degrees


(6) Oklahoma City f. temperature with 50 degrees

(7) Houston g. sunny and warmer

(8) Miami h. sunny, temperature with 30 degrees (9) New York City

i. heavy rains and high winds, temperature with 35

(10)Montrea l degrees (11)Toronto

j. cloudy, temperature with 69 degrees k. clear but windy

Task 2: The 5 o'clock News

New words: hazard危险 confirm确定 poison污染 dump v.倾倒 n. 垃圾场toxic chemicals有毒化学物质 suspicion怀疑 dizziness 眩晕 leak渗透 contaminate污染 water supply 自来水 contact 接触 resident 居民 clean up打扫干净 // moderate适度地 alcoholic beverage酒精饮料 liquor酒 regularity定期 pint品脱 // legislation立法 billboard广告牌 sponsor赞助sample样品 //soccer足球 defeat打败 spectator观众 tie平局 lead 领先

1. List the three reporters' name and summary each report. News anchor: Charles McKay

Summary: ____________________________________ Consumer reporter: Sarah Cooper

Summary: a. _____________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________ Sports announcer: Jerry Ryan

Summary: ____________________________________ 2. Fill in the following blanks.

(1) Delta was _____________by government authorities ___________.

(2) Testing confirmed that the town had been ______________by the dumping of __________________in town dumps.

(3) Suspicions were first aroused _________weeks ago, and _________people telephoned the hospital. (4) People complained of _______________, ______________, faintness and _______________. (5) The investigation revealed that ________________had leaked into the __________________and contaminated the ________________.

(6) Government authorities ordered all the residents should _______________ until the

________________company responsible for the ________________ can determine whether the town can be ______________and made ________________ again. 3. True or False Questions (based on the consumer report).

(1) A recent study of 70,000 Canadians shows that drinking beer moderately is better than drinking no beer at all. (2) Researchers haven't yet discovered why drinking beer moderately is good for health. (3) According to the study, drinking a little beer every day is better than drinking a lot at one time. (4) Legislation was introduced today to make it illegal to produce cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products.

(5) The legislation would also prevent tobacco manufacturers to sponsor any kind of public events.


(6) Cigarette manufacturers insist that the legislation would be useless, and this had already been proved in parts of the country.

4. Write down the teams playing based on the sports report and the score of each match. (1) Mexico —______________ __________ (2) _________— Argentina _____________

(3) _________— Haiti _______ with ______minutes left to go Task 3: What Do You Like for Entertainment?

New words: gallery展览馆 ballet芭蕾舞 photographic摄影的 1. Fill in the following blanks. Reporter: Deborah Tyler

Interviewee: Students of the Brooklyn _________________________ Major: Benny Gross —_________

Kimberley Martins —__________________

2. Complete the following information about how often Benny and Kimberley go to the eight forms of artistic entertainment. Benny:

(1) Art gallery — lots of times (2) Ballet —__________________

(3) Classic concerts —__________________ (4) Exhibition —__________________ ones (5) Folk concert —_________

(6) Opera —___________________________ (7) Pop concert —_________ (8) Theatre —__________________ Kimberley:

(1) Art gallery —__________________ (2) Ballet —___________________________ (3) Classic concerts — sometimes (4) Exhibition —__________________ (5) Folk concert —_________ (6) Opera —_________

(7) Pop concert —Madonna once (8) Theatre — yes

3. Rearrange the order of artistic entertainment that Benny and Kimberley like, beginning with the form that each one likes best. (Fill in the blanks with numbers.) Benny: ______—______—______—______—______—______ Kimberley: ______—______—______—______—______—______


Unit 5

Task 1: An Unpleasant Trip 1. Choose the best answer

New words: Happytours(旅行社名称) brochure小册子 magnificent 壮观的courteous彬彬有礼的 chips指土豆片exorbitant过高的 ferry渡船

(1) Where did Mr. and Mrs. Wilson go for their summer holiday? a. To a small island.

b. To climb a mountain surrounded by the sea. c. To travel a city abroad.

(2) How did they feel about the tour?

a. They were impressed by the popular resort area. b. They were not pleased with their hotel.

c. They were offered very good service during the trip.

(3) What did Mr. Wilson decide to do when they returned home? a. He decided to have a good rest.

b. He decided to write a letter to one of his friends. c. He decided to write to the Manager of Happytours. (4) What is Happytours?

a. A big hotel in the Isle of Wight. b. A car park. c. A travel agency. (5) What time was it planed to leave the travel place for journey home? a. 11:00 am. b. 12:00 am. c. 6:00 pm. 2. Fill in the blanks to complete the following information. What the brochure said:

The hotel was _________, _______________, with ___________ ________________, offering _________, _______________service and _________ food, served in a __________________ atmosphere. What Mr. Wilson described:

The hotel was situated at least __________________, with his room overlooking ______________. The food was strictly ________ __________or ________________, wine at _________prices. The majority of the staff were _________and could _________or _________English. In addition, the departing time for journey home was _________for _________hours. As a result:

Mr. Wilson and his wife were most _________with _________and ________ _____. Certainly they will _________book _______________ through Happytours. Task 2: At the Travel Agency

New words: excursion fare旅游票价 return fare往返票价 stopover中途停留 1. Choose the best answer

(1) Miss Bush comes to the travel agency to _____________. a. ask for some information b. buy a ticket c. talk to a friend (2) Miss Bush's main purpose of the trip is ____________. a. sightseeing in Australia and the Far East

b. visiting a friend in Cairo c. attending a conference in Sydney (3) Miss Bush will probably buy ____________. a. an excursion fare b. a full return ticket c. a single ticket (4) The full fare costs _____________. a. 1402 pounds b. 1204 pounds c. 2104 pounds (5) Miss Bush's trip will probably be ____________. a. London—Sydney—Cairo b. London—Kuwait—Sydney c. London—Cairo—Sydney


(6) Miss Bush will probably come to the travel agency again ________. a. the day after tomorrow b. next week c. in two weeks 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Miss Bush's conference in Sydney will last for three weeks.

(2) Miss Bush thinks that the full return fare is better than the excursion fare because she can have a stopover. (3) Miss Bush wants to visit not only Australia but also the Far East this time.

(4) Though Miss Bush thinks that the full return ticket is quite expensive, she will accept that because it is once in a lifetime.

(5) Though Miss Bush is used to travelling by air, she's still frightened this time.

(6) A friend of Miss Bush's in Cairo is also going to attend the conference in Sydney. 3. Fill in the blanks with the two things that Miss Bush will do.

(1) Persuade her _____________, who are also going to the conference, to ____________________________________.

(2) Persuade _________to ___________________________. Task 3 A Saturday Afternoon

New words: porter守门人 mental institution精神病院 exclusive高级的 entrance门口 imposing雄伟的 superb极好ornamental装饰的 panama hat巴拿马草帽 corridor走廊 write up详细描写 withdrawn性格内向的 lock up锁上pinkish complexion粉红的面色 burn down全部焚毁 mansion房屋 insane患精神病的 follower show 花展 lounge休闲室

1. Match the names I with their identification. Column I Column II (1) Gillian a. the president of St Alfred's Hospital (2) Dr. Carmichael b. the gardener of the hospital (3) Maurice Featherstone c. a new research assistant 2. Choose the best answer

(1) St Alfred's Hospital is considered most exclusive because ______. a. it accepts all people with mental illness

b. it only accepts people with serious mental illness

c. it only accepts extremely rich people with mental illness (2) Gillian parked her car _____________. a. outside the hospital gates

b. outside the main entrance of the hospital building c. in the park of the hospital

(3) Gillian came to the hospital to _____________. a. research on the problems of long-stay patients b. solve the problems of Maurice Featherstone c. be a doctor in the hospital

(4) After Maurice entered the hospital, _____________. a. he never went out

b. he only went to the village on weekends c. he only went out to see flower shows

(5) Maurice had been the gardener of the hospital for _______ years. a. forty-five b. thirty-five c. twenty

(6) Maurice returned to the hospital for his birthday party _________. a. before 4 o'clock b. at 4 o'clock c. after 4 o'clock 3. True or False Questions.

(1) The first time Gillian met Maurice, he was watering the flower beds near the gates of the hospital.

(2) If you want to see Mr. Carmichael in his office, you should go through the main door, turn right, walk down to


the end of the corridor. It's the last but one door on the right. (3) Dr. Carmichael knew that Gillian was coming.

(4) Gillian interviewed the patients during the day and write up results in the evening.

(5) Dr. Carmichael never asked Gillian to interview Maurice, because Maurice was already a normal person in his mind.

(6) Maurice did not set fires in the hospital because he had never been given a chance.

(7) Gillian tried to persuade Maurice to leave the hospital, but Maurice was unwilling to do so. (8) The end of the story suggests that it was Maurice who set the fire. 4. Fill in the blanks with information about Maurice. Name: Maurice Featherstone Sex: _________ Age: _________ (young/old)

Appearance: _______, _______, _______eyes; _______hair and a _________ complexion Temperament: gentle and __________________ Length of stay in the hospital: _________years Reasons for entering the hospital:

(1) When he was seventeen, he __________________.

(2) Over the next few years, there were _______________________in his _________. (3) Later he tried to ___________________________.

Visits from family members: _________ (often/sometimes/never) Bills: be always paid _________ 5. Fill in the blanks.

(1) Gillian felt ______________as the porter unlocked the gates and __________.

(2) Some of the patients were _________and _________, some seemed almost ________. Only one or two had to be ___________. She found it hard to believe that all of them had been thought too _________to ______________________.

(3) She arranged ______________to give him a party. They wanted it to be _________and Dr. Carmicheal agreed to let him _________for _________. There was a _______________in the village. Maurice seemed ______________. The cook had made ______________and the staff had __________________.

Unit 6

Task 1: In the Path of the Earthquake

New words: coffee pot咖啡壶 be on one’s back 躺 eucalyptus桉树 raspberry patch山莓田 cypress柏树 incredible 难以置信的 cowshed牛舍granary谷仓 1. True or False Questions.

(1) On the day when the earthquake took place, Mr. Skinner got up at about a quarter to five because he wanted to milk the cows earlier that day.

(2) When the earthquake came, Mrs. Skinner was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

(3) Mrs. Skinner tried to run out of the kitchen and went into the rose garden, because it was safer there. (4) Jack Skinner was the husband's name.

(5) Mr. Skinner was running after the cows, because he was frightened by the earthquake and didn't know what to do.

(6) Everything on the Skinners' farm moved five metres to the south during the quake. Task 2: A Funny Thing Happened to Me ...

New words: course课程 afford 付得起 Standard(报纸名称)buffet便餐馆 biscuit 饼干 crossword纵横字谜 carry on with 继续 dip 沾一下 pop突然放入 make a fuss小题大作 casually 漫不经心地 furiously 愤怒地

1. Choose the best answer


(1) The speaker went to London not to buy ___________. a. Christmas presents b. books c. Christmas cards

(2) The speaker wanted to catch the early afternoon train not because _____. a. it was the only train back

b. he didn't like the noise of London

c. he had made some arrangements for that evening

(3) The train he wanted to catch was the train _________. a. 3:13 b. 3:30 c. 3:33 (4) While waiting for the train, he didn't buy __________. a. a newspaper b. a bar of chocolate c. a packet of chocolate biscuits

(5) The packet contained ________ biscuits. a. two b. three c. four

(6) The packet of biscuits they ate actually belonged to ___________. a. the man b. the speaker c. somebody else 2. Fill in the blanks to complete the following information.

The speaker was a _________at _________. Last _________he went to Waterloo station by _________to catch the _________train to leave _________. But unfortunately he missed because the _______ got

__________________; he had to wait _________for the next one. So he bought __________________ and went into the ____________. Then he ordered _________and a pack of biscuit and sat at a table near __________________.

3. True or False Questions.

(1) The man sat opposite to the speaker because they were friends.

(2) The man looked like a typical businessman and there was nothing special about him.

(3) When the man took a biscuit from the packet near the speaker, the speaker was shocked because he thought it was his packet.

(4) Though the speaker was shocked, he didn't say anything but pretended to be interested in his puzzle. (5) When the speaker took his first biscuit from the packet, he found the man looking at him furiously. (6) The speaker's biscuits were actually under his news paper. Task 3 Consolidation: A Very Beautiful Story

New words: police force 警力 peculiar奇异的 tamper 损害 brick砖 ribbon缎带 perfume香水 1. Fill in the blanks according to the first part of the policemen's discussion.

The two policemen are talking about a _______from Gentleman Jim, which was sent to them _________. It was for Jim's _________. The police suspected there was a _________hidden in it, exactly in Jim's _________. The _________ had been examined by __________________in _________, even by _________ different experts, but _________had been found yet. Jim only talked about ___________________________. 2. True or False Questions (based on Gentleman Jim's recording) .

(1) Gentleman Jim wants his wife to play the tape over and over again because he sincerely hopes his wife can enjoy all the beautiful things of the past.

(2) Jim and his wife first met on a sunny day.

(3) Jim has two sons and a daughter who are now all in prison.

(4) As a small boy, Jim's son used to play with teddy bear and bricks on the bed. (5) Jim wanted to marry his wife after their first dance.

(6) Jim didn't buy the house next to his wife's mother because it was too small.

(7) Jim's friend Ginger had a very beautiful cat with a black ribbon tied around its neck. (8) Jim sounds a very romantic person, but in fact he doesn't feel about things like that.

3. Listen to the second part of the policemen's discussion and complete the information about the things they feel unusual about Gentleman Jim's recording.


(1) Jim keeps telling his wife to _______________________________. (2) Jim tells his wife that she'll find __________________.

(3) Jim keeps saying \

Unit 7

Task 1 Study Skills: Note-taking 1

As students you may often attend lectures delivered in English. You will want to write down as many of the

details as possible as you listen so that you can remember them later. However, taking notes on a lecture can be difficult. How can you write everything down quickly, especially when the words are long? You may still be

writing one sentence while the lecturer is five sentences further along. By the time you have finished writing and can listen again you are lost! You no longer understand what the lecturer is talking about. Or, like many students, you may decide that it is more important just to listen, and so you stop taking notes. But then at the end of the lecture you have already forgotten many important details. This textbook will introduce some techniques which you can begin to use now to make sure that your listening and note-taking keep pace with the speaker's ideas. Rephrasing Sentences for Note-Taking

Taking good notes requires you to be able to do two things very quickly: First, you must recognize main topics; second, you must be able to write down as many details and supporting examples as you can hear and understand. In other words, your hand must work as quickly as your ear.

Most students do not have special training in transcribing or copying speech. You don't need a course in secretarial skills or shorthand in order to do a good job taking notes. But you do need to practise a few simple techniques to help you to be thorough in your note-taking. You should use abbreviations. We will study that technique later. You should also learn how to write only the most important words from each sentence, and ignore the rest.

When you send a telegram to somebody, you must pay by the word; and for many people, money is limited. That is why we send very short telegrams which include only the most important words. For example, compare these two messages:

1. \ 2. \

Which message would be more expensive?

When you take notes, you have a similar problem. In this case it is not money, but time, that is limited.

Therefore, it is a good idea to practise listening for only the most important sentences in a section of speech, and only the most important words in those sentences.

Write the words you think are most important in the space given. 1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________ 9. _____________________________________________ 10. _____________________________________________ Task 2: Learning a Foreign Language

New words: dishearten使人沮丧 accurate精确的 1. Choose the best answer

(1) Professor Ernest Watson was answering questions on __________ on the subject of learning a foreign


language. a. the phone b. the radio c. TV. (2) Mr. Humphries wanted to know ___________. a. how to study Spanish grammar

b. how to enlarge his Spanish vocabulary

c. how to improve his speaking and listening in Spanish

(3) Professor Watson compared learning a language to ____________. a. learning to drive b. driving a car c. watching TV. (4) Professor Watson's advice was to ___________. a. practice more in using the language

b. go to live in the country where the language is spoken c. watch more TV programmes 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Mr. Humphries often went to Spain on holiday to practice his Spanish.

(2) When Mr. Humphries went to Spain this summer, he got disheartened because he still couldn't understand the Spanish people.

(3) According to Professor Watson, Mr. Humphries could improve his oral Spanish by practicing with another student.

(4) According to Professor Watson, Mr. Humphries could improve his listening in Spanish by speaking to Spanish speakers in London. 3. Fill in the blanks below.

The listener's name is Albert Humphries. He lives in Balham, in ___________. He has been studying Spanish for _____years by going to __________________ and watching a lot of ______________

_____________ . The professor suggests that he should have a lot of practice in _______________, but he thinks the other students may __________________________as he does when they have an oral practice together. The professor takes ______________ as an example, telling him learning to speak means being able to put together _____________________ and to say them _________________. It is a ________________ business.

Task 3: In the Library

New words: district区 bank book银行存折 issue 发行 stamp v. 压印 periodical 期刊 deposit押金 entitle使...有资格 catalogue目录 renew续借fortune大笔钱 paperbacks平装本 nuisance讨厌的人 1. Choose the best answer

(1) One needs to __________ to join this library. a. write down one's name and address

b. show some kind of identification with one's name and address on it c. give one's address

(2) The woman wants to borrow some books because __________. a. she wants to read them and relax

b. she wants to take them away on holiday this weekend c. she enjoys reading and can't live without books

(3) The woman is finally able to join the library by showing _________. a. her driving licence b. her bank book c. her passport (4) The woman can take out _________ books out at a time. a. four b. two c. six

(5) The woman can also borrow ___ records by paying ___ pounds as a deposit. a. five; 2 b. four; 2 c. two; 5 (6) The woman can keep the books for __________ weeks. a. three b. four c. six


2. True or False Questions.

(1) The woman wants to join the library now because she has just moved to the district. (2) The library can never issue tickets without some sort of identification. (3) The woman has just got her passport. That's why she has it on her.

(4) The librarian suggests that the woman go and choose her books while her tickets are being prepared. (5) Apart from books, the woman can also take away magazines, periodicals or newspapers. (6) The woman probably wants to borrow some books on history and biography this time. (7) Finally the woman borrows only one book.

3. Fill in the blanks according to what you have read.

(1) You have to pay a deposit of _______pounds in case ________________. But that _________to take out _______records at _______. We also have __________________on cassette if you prefer it. Cassettes seem to be much more _________than records lately.

(2) If there's any _________book you want you can ______________in the catalogue, which you'll find just ____________.

(3) After that you must ___________________________if you wish to keep them longer. Otherwise we charge _________fine for _________.

(4) But I'm going to Tahiti. It would cost _________.

(5) Oh, never mind. I'll leave it until we _________. It's not worth ____________ . I'll get _______________in the _________. Well, thank you. I'm sorry I've been __________________. Task 4: United World Colleges

New words: put sb through to给…接通电话 scholarship奖学金 academic学术的 maturity成熟 get on well with sb 和…相处好 application申请表 1. Choose the best answer

(1) The dialogue takes place __________. a. on the phone b. in the shop c. at school (2) __________ wants to apply to one of the colleges. a. Julian b. Julian's sister c. Julian's friend (3) The main language for normal lessons is ___________. a. French b. English c. Italian (4) Actually, personal qualities refers to ___________. a. the ability to get high marks

b. the ability to take part in special activities, such as painting and dancing c. maturity, the ability to get on well with people from different countries. 2. Fill in the blanks.

(1) Hold _________. I'll _______________the International Secretary.

(2) There are ______________for all colleges, but we do ask parents to help by ___________________________.

(3) Julian: Her last question is about her other _________. Can she do _________and __________________, for example?

Creighton: Yes, _________. It depends on ________________ ________she enters. Each college has its own __________________, such as __________ ________or __________________, in which students can _________________. Task 5: I Remember ...

New words: darn该死的 gauge量表 stiff僵硬的 petrify使发呆 demonstration示威 scary胆小的 skip out遗漏 picnic野餐

1. Choose the best answer

(1). What's the possible relationship between the speakers? a. Friends. b. Former classmates and friends.


c. Colleagues.

(2) When were they in college? a. 20 years ago. b. 25 years ago. c. 30 years ago. (3) What does Martin remember most about the college days? a. Curtis's hair down to his waist. b. How Grace looked. c. The air-conditioned blue jeans. (4) What is Grace's best memory?

a. The time they were driving home from college for a spring break b. The peace demonstration.c. The graduation day.

(5) Who of the three went to the graduation ceremony? a. Martin. b. Curtis. c. None of them. (6) How did Grace spend her graduation day? a. She went for a picnic with Martin and Curtis. b. She attended the graduation ceremony. c. She drank wine in a bar. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) The time they were in college were probably the sixties. (2) In college Grace used to paint a flower on her face.

(3) They called Martin's blue jeans air-conditioned because they had a lot of holes. (4) Martin no longer has his air-conditioned blue jeans.

(5) When they were driving home for a spring break once, they got arrested for stealing gas.

(6) They got arrested when they took part in a peace demonstration. But they were not frightened because five hundred other students got arrested with them.

(7) Grace has never regretted for not having attended the graduation ceremony.

(8) The three of them spent the last day of college together by the stream, drinking wine, playing guitar and singing.

Unit 8

Task 1: Study skills: Learning to Rephrase

Write the words you think are most important in the space given. 1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________ 9. _____________________________________________ 10. _____________________________________________ Task 2: Twins

New words: identical完全相同的 take one’s point 理解某人的话 blonde色白的 tell … apart 区分 well-fed肥胖的 wash up洗餐具 knit编织 inclination倾向 genetic遗传的 1. Choose the best answer

(1) Where does the conversation most probably take place? a. On the radio. b. On the phone. c. In the laboratory. (2) When does the conversation take place? a. In the morning. b. In the afternoon. c. In the evening.


(3) What's the name of the programme? a. The World of Investigations. b. The World of Investigation. c. The Word of Investigation.

(4) What's the relationship between Laura and Sarah? a. They are sisters. b. They are twins. c. They are identical twins.

(5) In what ways are Laura and Sarah identical? a. In appearance. b. In personality. c. In life style. (6) Which of the following statements is correct? a. The twin's mother often mixes them up. b. The twin's boyfriends often mixes them up.

c. The twin used to have problems in finding boyfriends. 2. Fill in the blanks with information about the twins. Name: Laura and Sarah Sex: _________ Similarities: a. _________ b. _________ c. same_________ d. same _________ e. same _________ f. same _________ Differences:

a. Laura is single, but Sarah has a _________________husband and _______________ children. b. When Laura was learning to type, Sarah was _________.

c. When Laura was writing articles for the __________________, Sarah was _________.

d. When Laura was in Panama, doing her first job for ____________________ , Sarah was __________________.

3. True or False Questions.

(1) Laura is still single not only because she is busy, but also because she does not want to get married. (2) Laura and Sarah have different life styles because of the genes. Task 3: Genetic Make-up

New words: coincidence巧合 be bound to必定... potential潜力 gallantry勇敢 a set of一组 be brought up 被抚养

Fill in the blanks.

The conversation takes place at ________time. Alan and Barbara are discussing an article about __________________. Alan thinks that idea of genetic make-up is frightening because it suggests that ________________ ___________. Barbara doesn't completely agree with Alan; she thinks the idea of genetic make-up would only mean that ____________________________ ________________. Furthermore, if somebody was born with __________ _______that made him a __________________, it would be necessary for him to be ___________________________if he was actually going to become a criminal. That is to say, he would have to grow up in __________________, which regarded crime as ________________and saw the police as _________.

Alan refers to a saying \become ___________ or _____________. So in time of ________men who might ________________ win medals for gallantry. They're men who get bored with __________________ and __________________, but they're usually pretty __________________, too.

Task 4: Can I Take a Message? 1. Choose the best answer (1) The conversations take place ___________. a. on the phone b. at Mr. Turner's office c. at Mr. Turner's home

(2) The first speaker is ____________.


a. Mrs. Turner b. Mary, the secretary c. Jane, the secretary 2. Fill in the following blanks. (1) Message 1:

Caller's name: __________________ Caller's number: _________ Message: ____________________________________ (2) Message 2:

Caller's name: __________________ Caller's number: _________ Message: _____________________________________ (3) Message 3:

Caller's name: _________

Message: _____________________________________________ (4) Message 4:

Caller's name: _________

Message: ____________________________________ (5) Message 5:

Caller's name: __________________

Message: _____________________________________________ 3. Fill in the following blanks.

(1) I'm sorry, he's in a meeting right now. __________________?

(2) I'm going to be _______________for a while. Would you _______________ to Mr. Turner and _________________, please?

(3) Oh, excuse me _______________. I have another call. ________________? (4) Thank you for _________. Can I help you? Task 5: Night Flight

New words: tray盘子 galley飞机的厨房 buzzer 蜂鸣器 aisle 走廊 dramatically显著地moan 呻吟 groan 叹息 double up与别人挤在一起 unconscious 无意识 deck驾驶舱 co-pilot副飞行员 slump 弯腰驼背的不振姿态 revive (使)苏醒 collapse 病倒 descent降落 bump颠簸 thump重击声 tarmac停机坪 bounce弹跳 screech 发出尖锐的声音 halt停止 1. True or False Questions.

(1) The flight was conducted on Christmas Eve, 1969.

(2) The plane would reach its destination Brisbane at one Christmas morning.

(3) During the flight nearly half of the passengers got ill because of the fish they had eaten.

(4) The two pilots and the radio operator also got poisoned and fainted. That made the case extremely dangerous.

(5) Though the hostess did not announce the danger to the passengers, they still came to realize that something was wrong.

(6) The plane finally landed in Brisbane with the help of a passenger who was a pilot himself. 2. Choose the best answer

(1) While the hostesses started preparing the food trays, most of the passengers were __________. a. sleeping b. reading c. talking (2) The plane was usually ___________. a. not full b. nearly full c. full (3) Two passengers got sick when __________.

a. the hostesses were collecting the trays b. the hostesses were having dinner c. the hostesses were in the galley putting things away

(4) According to the radio operator, the only way out was _________. a. for him to land the plane

b. to revive the two pilots c. to wait for help


(5) Though the two pilots collapsed, the plane was still flying because _______. a. it was on automatic pilot

b. the radio operator could fly the plane c. a passenger knew how to fly a plane

(6) The passenger at first refused to fly the plane because ________. a. he was boasting when he said he had been a pilot

b. he was too old to fly a plane c. he had never flown four-engined planes

(7) The Air Traffic Control told the performing pilot to circle above Brisbane because __________. a. they hadn't prepared well

b. they wanted him to use up most of the fuel c. there was no empty runway (8) As the plane approached the runway, ____________. a. the airport was on fire

b. ambulances were ready for rescue

c. fire trucks and ambulances were ready for rescue 3. Fill in the blanks.

(1) Nearly half of the passengers were ill —______________ ill. Several were __________________, some were ________________in pain, and two were __________________.

(2) The man sat down ________________. His hands were ________________.

(3) An hour later the lights of Brisbane appeared _________________. He could see __________________shining brightly ______________.

(4) In the cabin the hostess and the doctor were busy _________ _________. Several people were _________. The plane circled for _________. The passengers had begun to realize that ____________.

(5) There was a tremendous _________as the wheels ____________, bounced twice, _________the runway and screeched _________

Unit 9

Task 1 Willing to Train

New words: take a seat 坐下 qualification资格证明 certificate证书 ballet芭蕾舞 vet 兽医 brilliant有才气的 over-optimistic过于乐观 overpowering不可抗拒的 choir合唱团 hairdresser(为女子做发的)理发师 nursing护理专业

1. True or False Questions.

(1) Catherine comes to the Careers Advisory Officer to see what job suits her most. (2) Catherine's mother is overpowering.

(3) Catherine's mother knows her daughter well.

(4) The job that Catherine will probably choose is nursing.

2. Fill in the blanks with information about Catherine based on her own statement. Name: Catherine Hunt Age: almost ————————

Qualifications: a. qualifications from ————, very ———————— b. certificates for ———— and for ———————— Interests: a. ———— b. ———— c. ———— to people Intelligence: reasonably ——————, but not ——————

3. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. (1) Catherine's mother believe that Cathy is interested in __________. a. traveling b. dancing and music c. tennis and swimming (2) In her mother's eyes, Cathy is _____________. a. a biddable girl, intelligent and diligent b. a lovely girl, active but a bit naughty


c. a good girl, a bit lazy and disorganized sometimes, but very bright (3) Cathy's mother thinks that Cathey should be ___________, later. a. a teacher or a vet b. a hairdresser c. a nurse (4) The officer really wants to speak to ____________. a. Cathy b. Cathy's mother c. both of them (5) The officer suggests that Cathy should have a position as ________. a. a vet because she is good at looking after animals.

b. a nurse because she has good qualifications in English and Maths. c. a teacher because she likes to look after young children. 4. Complete the following sentences.

(1) Ever since she was _________________ she's been ___________ her music and dancing. She ought to be_______________ or something. She's quite willing to __________ a few more years to get _______________.

(2) My mother sent me __________ when I was__________, so I'm quite good, __________. But I don't want to do that __________ my life, especially __________. It's so__________.

(3) I went to __________ with _______________ last year. I really enjoyed that. And I like _________________. But I suppose you mean__________ — things that would help me to get a job.

(4) I wondered about being __________— you meet lots of __________, and you learn to________________— but I don't know. It doesn't seem ______________.

(5) I do__________ sick animals. I __________ our dog when it was ________ by a _______. My mother was sick, but I didn't________. I was __________ about the dog. Task 2: How Do Others Think of My Job?

New words:1) artistic风雅的 entry进入 Civil Service 家政服务 grey沮丧的2) circular letter通知 express快递 assume 认为 departmental list 部门名单 be blind to对...视而不见 3)ridiculous 荒唐可笑的 come across 遇到 carry on 继续 welfare 健康 4) stuffy古板的 bourgeois中产阶级 port港口 6) apprentice学徒 get along with sb与某人相处 look down on sth 看不起 be stuck up自高自大 dim迟钝的 go in for从事 salon沙龙 bag邋遢丑陋的女人 1 True or False Questions.

(1) Speaker 1 doesn't like his job—working in the Civil Service or the Tax Office.

(2) Speaker 2 is complaining that she is too busy as a manager of a department; it's a man's job. (3) Speaker 3 is not satisfied with his current job—nursing officer in a hospital; he should be a doctor. (4) Speaker 4 doesn't think his job as a bank manager is funny; maybe it's a little stuffy.

(5) Speaker 5 enjoys his job as a sales representative because he can travel a lot, and most important, he can have a lot of women.

(6) Speaker 6 likes her job very much though it is supposed for dim girls. 2. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.

(1) Speaker 1 thinks the university students are _______,_______ and very _______.

(2) The letters to speaker 2 are addressed to ___________, though the Company does put _______ in front of _______ on its departmental lists.

(3) Speaker 3 wants to be a ___________, because he has more _______ with the patients and a long term responsibility for their _______ .

(4) There are lots of dirty jokes about traveling salesmen because they tend to ______________ and have _____________________.

(5) As an ______________, Speaker 6 is learning a lot, not just about _______, but _____________________ and is gaining ___________. If she works hard and saves hard, she will be able to start ______________and earn _______ as much as the teachers. Task 3: Job Stereotypes

New words: stereotype典型 irritation恼怒 on a large scale大规模地 survey 调查 prejudice 偏见


technique 方法 accountant会计师 estate agent房地产经纪人 civil 土木 striking 显著的 come out真相大白 status 地位 subordinate级别低的 insecure 不安全 rosy乐观的 rating(受欢迎程度)等级 1. True or False Questions. gj901532 (1) One of the speakers is a sociologist.

(2) People have wrong images or stereotypes about all professions or jobs.

(3) Job stereotypes may produce a serious problem. People can be doing a job that has a positive image but does not suit them at all.

(4) The survey was about what kind of jobs children want to do.

(5) The children were given twelve pairs of statements, one is positive, the other is its opposite.

(6) The professions they looked at were physicists, lawyers, accountants, sales representatives, travel agents and three types of engineer. 2. Choose the best answer.

(1) The result of the survey is most striking concerning one profession, ______. a. the engineer b. the civil engineer c. the estate agent (2) According to the result, the person most likely to lose his job was the ______. a. estate agent b. sales representative c. engineer (3) The children thought the engineer was likely to be __________. a. badly dressed b. well dressed c. a bad person

(4) The profession that had the greatest number of positive opinions was the __. a. lawyer b. physicist c. economist

(5) About _______ of the children associated electrical engineer with dirty work. a. 90% b. 76% c. 68%

(6) The majority of the children thought the economist was ________. a. funny b. cheerful c. Gloomy

(7) The most serious implication of the results of the survey was that ________. a. children often have prejudices against certain professions

b. children are ignorant of the importance of the engineer's role in society c. children may never consider certain professions that they can do well in (8) In ___________ to be an engineer is to be somebody. a. all European countries b. most European countries c. some European countries

unit 10

Task 1: News Summary 1

New words: march示威游行 steel works(铸)钢厂 headquarter总部 management资方// rabies狂犬病 hamster 仓鼠 derail脱轨disrupt使中断 1. True or False Questions.

(1) The purpose of demonstration was to protest against the town's major employer.

(2) The demand on hospital service has increased by a quarter in the last year in the south of England. (4) Kent County Council has been doing very well in rabies controls.

(5) The last news item is about the damage a derailed coal train has done. 2. Fill in the blanks.

(1) The marchers demonstrated outside ____________________ where union leaders are talking about ________________ with the management.

(2) While the number of________, ________and other________ have increased, the demand on the service has____________________.

(3) The EEC is to give another __________ pounds to Britain's _____________. The aid from

the__________________ includes __________ pounds for Northern Ireland and __________ pounds for


__________________ and __________ in the north of England.

(4) Kent County Council has said that _____________________________ __________ hamsters have been landed illegally at Channel port in the first _______ this year. This was7 more than ____________________. (5) A ________________ at Thirsk in North Yorkshire has _________________ between Newcastle and the south of England.

Task 2: News Summary 2

New words: hold up用枪威胁 double-barrelled双管的(枪) ceiling天花板 overpower制服//surgeon 外科医生 transplant移植 pancreas胰腺 organ 器官 insulin胰岛素 diabetes糖尿病 liver肝脏 kidney肾 do well进展好 // stately home豪华古宅 concert音乐会 ground范围 magistrate地方法官//chimney烟囱 collapse倒塌 crash猛撞

1. Choose the best answer

(1) ____ armed with a shotgun held up ____ at a secondary school this morning. a. Sixteen girls; a class of children b. A girl of 16; a class of children c. A girl of 16; sixteen children

(2) Surgeons at Cambridge have successfully completed transplantations in _________ patients who suffer from __________. a. two; liver cancer b. three; diabetes c. two; diabetes (3) The stately home owner was fined because _____________. a. he let a rock band play overtime in his grounds. b. he let a rock band play in his grounds. c. he played rock music overtime.

(4) Three people have been killed in the storms in _____________. a. the north of England. b. southern Scotland.

c. the north of England and southern Scotland.

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.

(1) In news item one, a girl armed with a__________________ belonging to _______ , went into one of the classrooms and threatened the teacher and students there. ________________________ as she was ______________ by the police officers.

(2) The two patients mentioned in news item two were a ______________ _______ and a ______________ . Both of them are_______ .

(3) In news item three, __________ was held 2 months ago; the home owner was fined £_______ with £_______ costs.

(4) In news item four, a woman was killed when ___________________ and 2 men were killed when ___________________ on a country road. Task 3: British Newspapers

New words: in print以印刷形式的 chuckle咯咯叫 stock exchange证券交易所full coverage完全承保 leading personality名人 circulation发行量 cover报导 review 评论 exchange rate汇率 currency货币 instructive有教育意义的 commercial operation商业公司 1. True or False Questions.

(1) Professor Hill does not think that many British newspapers are real newspapers because they don't contain news at all.

(2) The real newspapers are more serious than the popular papers but the latter have a larger circulation. (3) Professor Hill thinks highly of the newspapers he buys every day.

(4) Professor Hill thinks that his favourite newspaper is much better than the popular papers and that others should read this paper, too. 2. Choose the best answer.


(1) In Britain the popular papers are to do the following except _______ people. a. to shock b. to instruct c. to amuse

(2) Facts show that the vast majority of British readers want ________. a. no proper papers at all b. a proper paper c. more than a few papers of entertainment

(3) If an intelligent person finds a copy of Professor Hill's favourite paper 50 years from now, he will still find it __________.

a. entertaining and amusing b. interesting and instructive c. shocking and surprising

3. Fill in the blanks with information about Professor Hill's favourite paper. News: (1) Political matters are ____________ .

(2) The editorial column may support ___________ on one issue and _______ it on another. Book Reviews: a full/whole page for it

Art: a full/whole page for the ______________ in the theatre, the _______ and the______________. Economics: (1) _______________________ are quoted daily. (2) ___________________________________ are reported daily. Sports: The______________ are among the best in the country. Readers' Letters: The standard is absolutely______________. Task 4: Eccentricity

New words: eccentricity古怪 irritating气人的 bizarre古怪的 spring冒出 for want of因缺乏 hermit隐士 intriguing引起好奇心的 recluse寂寞者 penthouse高级住房 suite套房 1.Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.

(1) According to Dr. Jones, an eccentric is someone who ______________ ______________________________________ in which he lives.

(2) The Victorian surgeon is a typical eccentric — he used to ____________ _____________________________ and sample them as food .

(3) As for the eccentric, Dr. Jones is most interested in the _______, the type who ____________________________. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Only an eccentric has particular habits which others find irritating or amusing. (2) Eccentricity has a direct connection with matters of appearance. (3) The Victorian surgeon lived at Buckland.

(4) Visitors to the Victorian surgeon's house used to get bitten or even attacked by the animals that he kept there. However, the guests still liked to go back.

(5) A hermit is a person who cuts himself off from the world. (6) Howard Hughes was not a hermit all his life.

(7) Howard Hughes became a recluse because he was tired of high living.

(8) Ever since Howard Hughs became a recluse, he cut himself off completely from the world. (9) Howard Hughs used to spend his days watching adventure films without eating anything. 3. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.

(1) Nobody was allowed to ______________ and he would _______________ in a tissue before

_____________________. He didn't even ____________ to go near him _______ and his hair and beard _____________.

(2) He always stayed in ______________with ______________to take care of him. He used to spend his days ___________ in a penthouse suite watching _____________________ over and over again and often eating nothing but ___________ and ______________ .

Unit 11


Task 1: A Way of Life

New words: jump on扑向 cut down 削减 prescribe开(药) tranquillizer镇定剂 marmalade果酱 bun小圆面包 spaghetti意大利面 on edge紧张的 elevenses午前茶点 at stake危险 1. Choose the best answer

(1) This conversation takes place _____________. a. at a doctor's surgery b. at an Indian restaurant c. between a chef and Mr. Thomson

(2) The doctor suggests that Mr. Thomson should ____________. a. stop smoking and eat more b. stop smoking and eat less

c. stop smoking and have good meals every day instead

(3) Mr. Thomson has come to see the doctor because he always feels ________. a. hungry b. nervous c. unhappy with his work at office

(4) It seems, according to the doctor's questions, Mr. Thomson's condition has a lot to do with ___________. a. Mr. Thomson's way of life

b. Mr. Thomson's diet and everyday habits c. both a and b

(5) Actually, Mr. Thomson's tension is caused by _______________. a. his daily habits b. his relationship with his wife c. his work 2. Complete the following sentences with what you hear (1) I'm always nervy, ________ , ready to ________ anybody. (2) It's easy to say give it up or________________ .

(3) Either you________________ or there's ________________of your feeling better. (4) I'd prefer to see you really ________________. (5) Try to be in________________.

(6) But then ... ____________________, I begin to feel ________ again. (7) Remember your ________________ not your job. (8) I'll ________________________your wife. 3. True or False Questions.

(1) Mr. Thomson is basically very fit.

(2) Mr. Thomson smokes at most thirty cigarettes a day.

(3) The doctor does not think that Mr. Thomson has to give up smoking. (4) Mrs. Thomson isn't a good cook at all.

(5) Mr. Thomson always has a lot to eat for breakfast and dinner.

(6) Mr. Thomson never has a feeling of tension after dinner in the evening.

(7) The doctor suggests that Mr. Thomson should have a fruit juice and some cereal for breakfast. (8) The doctor's last question is embarrassing and personal. Task 2: Do It Yourself

New words: handyman手巧的人 alteration改造 device装置 1. Choose the best answer

(1) How often does Do It Yourself magazine organize a competition? a. Every Spring. b. Every Summer. c. Every Autumn. (2) What prize did Mr. Miller win?

a. \c. \(3) What does Mr. Roy Miller do? a. He is a postman. b. He is a journalist. c. He is a photographer.


(4) What has Mr. Miller done to his house? a. He painted it. b. He renovated it. c. He altered it. (5) Why did Mr. Miller do something to the house? a. For fun. b. For his disabled son. c. For the prize he won. (6) Where did Mr. Miller learn do-it-yourself skills? a. From books. b. From other people. c. At evening schools. (7) What does Mr. Miller say he will do with the money he has won?

a. To buy a new house. b. To start his own business. c. To become an expert. (8) How much is the prize? a. 10,000 pounds. b. 1,000 pounds. c. 100,000 pounds. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Though Paul is disabled, he managed to move in the house. (2) Mr. Miller enjoys doing things with his own hands.

(3) The front door to his home does not open automatically.

(4) Mr. Miller bought his house simply because the flat he used to live in was too expensive. (5) Government buildings often have special paths for those handicapped.

(6) Paul could reach all the switches because they were originally installed at the right height for him. (7) Do-it-yourself has become one of Mr. Miller's hobbies.

(8) Mr. Miller had known a lot about carpentry and electrics before he was engaged in do-it-yourself. Task 3 My First Job

New words: hoover吸尘 agony痛苦 1. Choose the best answer

(1) The story took place in _________. a. Scotland b. England c. Ireland (2) The girl worked as a waitress ____________. a. while she was a university student b. after she left university c. before she started at university (3) The girl was __________. a. Scottish b. English c. Welsh (4) The girl had to go to work at ________ every morning. a. 7:30 b. 7:15 c. 10:00 (5) She got up at __________ the first time she started working. a. 7:30 b. 7:15 c. 10:00 (6) She picked up her first job at the age of _____________. a. 18 b. 20 c. 8

(7) She was late the first day she started working because _______. a. she came across a traffic jam b. she didn't find her way to the hotel c. she got up late 2. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.

(1) I was working in a very nice hotel in a small town in Scotland where there are ________________ in the ________ so they were taking on ______________.

(2) The first thing I learned was that there were these two ________________ _________ from the

restaurant—one for ________________ and one for ________ , so that the waiters coming in didn't ________ the ones going out.

(3) Anyway, that morning I was so ______________________ that I didn't listen properly to what he was saying, so when one of the waiters asked me to ________________ and take two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went _______________________ and _____________! 3. True or False Questions.


(1) She had a big breakfast that morning.

(2) She couldn't bear being laughed at so she burst into tears.

(3) Together with others, she started getting the dining room ready for lunch, having little time to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window.

(4) She started doing everything all by herself.

(5) The head waiter found out she had opened a bottle of wine wrongly. (6) Her shoes looked smart and were very comfortable.

(7) In the afternoon she didn't take much rest even though she was free. (8) She hated her job and never did it again.

(9) Actually she got on quite well with the head waiter. (10) She worked very hard and was exhausted that day. Task 4 Dictation

Unit 12

Task 1 Dustbin Day Robbery

New words: canister罐 helmet头盔 bundles捆 stink发出臭味 cul-de-sac死胡同 1. True or False Questions.

(1) The three men are discussing their plan for a bank robbery.

(2) The three robbers don't think dustbin day is a good day for their robbery. (3) They plan to take away 15,000 pounds.

(4) If two of them wear motor-cycle helmets, the bank clerks would be suspicious.

(5) If Jim goes back and pretends to wake up with everyone else in the bank, people will think he is the thief. (6) One of them will wait in a dustcart in front of the bank. (7) They plan to take away the money together with rubbish.

2. Identify the items in Column I with those in Column II with regard to their function in the robbery. Column I Column II (1) nerve gas a. to move away the money and robbers (2) motor-cycle helmet b. to wrap the money (3) dustbin c. a parking lot (4) dustcart d. to put people to sleep instantly (5) plastic bag e. to keep people from being recognized (6) cul-de-sac f. to put money in

3. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.

(1) To protect himself from going to sleep a ______________________________, Jim is going to wear _________________ with an oxygen mask inside.

(2) They don't want to put the money __________________ because it will _________ and they will never be able to spend it if it ____________________.

(3) Jim has hired a room in the building ______________________; it is on the _________. There they can ________________, and Fingers can _________ Ginger and _________________ Task 2: Crime

New words: stall熄火 fork岔路 1. Choose the best answer

(1) This conversation is about _________. a. a bank robbery b. a burglary into a civilian's house c. a theft on a bus

(2) They _________ the car they drove. a. damaged b. stole c. bought


(3) The money they robbed from the bank _________. a. was brought to Boss in safety b. was gone on their way to the Boss's c. was still in the bank

2. Finish the following sentences about what happened to the two villains at the following locations. (1) South Street: They _______________ outside the bank. (2) High Street crossroads: The _________ were them.

(3) The garage opposite the school: They asked the _____________________

(4) Outside the Police Station: The catch of the money bag _________ and they had to __________________ all the notes.

(5) Ox Lane: They _________ cars.

(6) Church Lane: Roads were _________

(7) London Road roundabout: The road was completely _________ owing to a _________. (8) The Boss's: The two arrived __________________. (empty-handed/full-handed) Task 3: Shop-lifter

New words: impertinence无礼 take oneself off离开 make a fuss 小题大作 sarcastic讽刺的 lipstick唇膏 lighter 打火机 outrageous蛮横的 1 Choose the best answer

(1) This conversation takes place _________. a. between a shop assistant and a customer b. between a shop assistant and a shop-lifter c. between a policeman and a shop-lifter

(2) This conversation takes place __________. a. in a department store b. at a cosmetic shop c. in the street (3) The man stops the woman in order to ___________. a. have a look in the woman's bag b. start a conversation with her c. rob her purse (4) The man has been very __________ while the woman _______. a. arrogant and rude; polite and cooperative b. polite and insistent; arrogant and dishonest c. polite and insistent; friendly and honest

2. Complete the information about the use of the following articles according to what the woman says. (1) Six lipsticks: She likes to ____________________.

(2) Five powder-compacts: She __________ a lot, so she has to use a lot of _________. (3) Ten men's watches: She gets very ________ if she doesn't know _________ .

(4) Fifteen cigarette lighters: She is a __________ ; she uses lighters for _________________ and for _______________________. And she is a _____.

3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear.

(1) Would you mind __________ me ____________________ your bag? (2) I advise you to ____________________.

(3) So may I look in your bag, Madam? We don't want to __________. (4) I must ____________________ what you have in your bag.

(5) No _________________________, madam. I thought I'd ________________. (6) I'll apologize for ____________________.

(7) One has to ______________________________ these days; one's house might ____________________________________... Task 4 Dictation

Unit 13


Task 1: Study Skills: Note-taking 2 Recognizing the Main Idea

Unless, for some reason, you wish to record every word that the lecturer says, you will have to select what to write down. You will naturally want to select the main points, and perhaps some subordinate or subsidiary points which relate to the main points. How does one recognize the main points?

Usually, the speaker will make it clear which ideas he wishes to emphasize by the way in which he presents them. In other words, the main ideas are cued. They are often cued by such semantic markers as: I would like to emphasize ...

The general point you must remember is ... It is important to note that ... I repeat that ...

The next point is crucial to my argument ... Let's move on to another matter ... My next point is ...

Another problem to be discussed is ... A related area would be ...

Very often speakers list their main points.

Other ways in which lecturers may cue their main points while speaking are by emphasis or repetition; or perhaps by visual display (e.g. by putting headings on a blackboard, overhead projector etc).

Sometimes you will find that facial expression and gestures of the lecturer point up his meaning (of course, you will not see these if you are crouched over your notes, scribbling away furiously!).

Often examples and points of lesser importance are also cued. The speaker may use such phrases as: Let me give you some examples ... For instance ... I might add ...

To illustrate this point ...

Examples and points of lesser importance should be related briefly to the main headings.

Sometimes speakers will digress, i.e. mention things which have very little to do with their main topic, or relate to it only in a rather roundabout way. Speakers will sometimes digress deliberately in order to give more spice or variety to their lectures, or because the digression is interesting, amusing or topical. There is, of course, no need to note down digressions.

Digression markers are expressions like: By the way ...

I might note in passing ...

Listen to these paragraphs. Then decide what topic heading you would use to describe the main idea of each.

1.______________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________ 6.______________________________________________________ Task 2 Guessing What People Are Talking About 1. True or False Questions.

(1) Lesley and Fiona are talking about a holiday they had last week. (2) Neither of them likes the city they went to.

(3) It was easy for them to understand people no matter how quickly they spoke. (4) Only one of them walked along the river.

(5) Neither of them thinks they should go there again next year.


(6) They enjoyed themselves very much drinking and eating.

2. Complete the list of the things that Lesley and Fiona liked about the city. a. ________ and good ________ b. the ________ c. walking along________ and ________________ d. the ________ there

3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear (1) It ________me ______last week.

(2) Really, it's ________________________, a certain __________... (3) It's very unusual, right ________________the city. (4) But there's a __________________________.

(5) They do have artists ________________, don't they? Task 3: Nice to See You!

New words: do up精心打扮 rumble抱怨 orchestra管弦乐队 butt in介入 bassoon低音管 1. Choose the best answer.

(1) The conversation takes place ___________. a. at John's home b. in the village hall c. at Peter's home (2) Most of the people in the conversation ____________. a. meet for the first time

b. have known each other for a long time c. are members of an orchestra

2.. Match the professions, identity or location in Column I with the people in Column II. Column I Column II (1) architect a. Peter (2) estate agent b. Ann Patterson (3) London c. John Middleton (4) host d. Eileen Hawkes (5) local schoolteacher e. Paul Madison (6) amateur f. Joanna (7) Eileen's daughter

(8) Royal Academy of music (9) Doctor

3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear.

(1) I expect ___________________________ at this time of year? (2) They are ________________of ________________now.

(3) Well, if I can________________ anything ... I'm_____________ __________ in my spare time. (4) I can't ________________, well, not in the___________________. (5) I hope you don't _____________________.

(6) I'm over here ________________ to study the ________ at the Royal Academy of Music for a couple of years.

Task 4: What Do You Like About Your Job?

New words: stump绊倒 blare 奏鸣 stick around逗留 beat拍子 slim down 消瘦 gratifying悦人的 thrill兴奋

1. Choose the best answer

(1) The first speaker probably works in ____________. a. a night club b. an evening school c. an office (2) According to the tape, the second speaker ___________. a. is a pop music singer b. produces radio programmes c. is a coach for some body-building courses


(3) The third speaker earns a lot of money by ___________. a. drawing oil paintings b. art designing c. selling magazines, books, etc

(4) The fourth speaker is engaged in ____________. a. the management of a company b. a lot of funny experiences c. bookkeeping 2. True or False Questions.

(1) The first speaker does not enjoy working late at night. (2) The place where the first speaker works is very quiet.

(3) The second speaker chooses the music that is new and exciting for the people in her class.

(4) During her classes, the second speaker doesn't have to yell because she turns the background music low. (5) The third speaker sometimes is so much obsessed by his work that he forgets about time. (6) The greatest pleasure work has brought to the third speaker is money.

(7) The fourth speaker's job does not become routine at all. It's more and more interesting.

(8) The fourth speaker certainly takes pleasure in the work, especially when they're making money. 3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear. (1) I'm a ________________.

(2) Some of my regulars are always ________________for ways that they can ________ (3) I like the place and ________________ for a while.

(4) For my last class I always use Beatles —it's a ______________ _____. (5) It's hard to ______________________ interesting routines.

(6) ________________ a session you can really see ______________ ________ and sort of_____________________.

(7) You're always working ________________________.

(8) At first it was fun, because there was so much to learn, and ___________________________. Task 5: What Do You Think of Yourself?

New words: conscientious尽责的 coherent一致的 irrelevant不相关 thug恶棍 bloke家伙 vicious刻毒的 chap家伙 polemic争论的 1. Choose the best answer

(1) This interview is shown on a TV programme called __________. a. Up with People b. People Overheard c. Life of People (2) The woman interviewed ____________. a. always has her things in order

b. looks different in the mirror and shop windows c. is unable to keep her flat tidy

(3) The second interviewee Chris Bonner thinks that ___________. a. the whole country is in a terrible mess b. his flat is in a mess c. he is pretty tidy

(4) The third interviewee Tommy Finch thinks ____________. a. little of himself b. much of the civil rights c. much of himself

(5) Charles Dimmock, the fourth interviewee, ____________. a. is an army officer b. used to be an army officer c. is going to be retired

(6) Arthur Fuller's personality has made him _____________. a. shy but independent b. shy and dependent c. good at making friends

2. Provide as much information as possible about the following people with the help of what you hear on the tape.


(1) Jane Smith: a. as a ________ b. ________ her job. c. different in her________________

d. not ________ in her behaviour e. her office________ (2) Chris Bonner:

a. concerned about the ________________________ b. the only one hope—the ________________. c. eager to bring _______________ to his country (3) Tommy Finch:

a. an________ bloke b. a bit ________ when upset

c. not________________ d. not interested in ________________ (4) Charles Dimmock:

a. used to be an________________

b. keeping himself________ and________ all his life. c. trying to help those________________________ d. a bit fanati about ________________________

e. not too________ f. fond of his ________________ (5) Arthur Fuller:

a. ________ and ________ during childhood b. unable to________________ till the age of 15. c. good at ________________

d. self-reliant and ________ e. fond of ________ Task 6: Dictation

Unit 14

Task 1: Study Skills: Note-taking 2 Recognizing the Main Idea

Listen to these paragraphs. Then decide what topic heading you would use to describe the main idea of each.

1.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________ 6.________________________________________________ Task 2 News Summary

New words: general election大选 avalanche雪崩 ram撞 lorry卡车 fortnight两星期 1. Choose the best answer.

(1) The Prime Minister announced yesterday that __________ here would be in the near future. a. a quick election b. no general election c. a by-election (2) The earthquake in central Italy killed __________ people. a. hundreds of b. three c. five

(3) A quarter of a million pounds was stolen from a security van _______ London. a. in central b. in south c. southwest to (4) The thieves escaped with the money in ___________. a. a car parked nearby b. a lorry nearby c. a van passing by

(5) The DC10 airliner was flying _________ just before it crashed in the Antarctic. a. abnormally b. downward c. normally


(6) An election is being held for the European Parliament because _________. a. the previous member, Mr. Harold Friend died b. the previous member, Mr. Harold Friend resigned c. Mr. Harold Friend was defeated by his opponent

(7) Those on strike at Independent Television have begun talks on a formula for _________ in London. a. expanding the strike b. ending the strike c. winning the strike (8) Fighting broke out on a train to Manchester __________. a. between football fans supporting rival teams b. between football players from rival teams c. between football supporters and the police 2. True or False Questions.

(1) The Prime Minister said the date for general election would be set according to the interests of the nation. (2) Both Naples and Rome were affected by the earthquake.

(3) The driver of the security van and his assistant were badly hurt by the masked thieves. (4) The security van was forced to a stop by a car nearby in a narrow street off Piccadilly.

(5) At the last election for the European Parliament Mr Friend had a majority of 70,000 over his nearest opponent. (6) Mr. Albert Tapper was the General Secretary of the Association of Independent Television. (7) Policemen got onto the train after the fight was over just outside Manchester.

(8) The fight might lead to the cancellation of all soccer specials operating from Manchester. 3. Complete the following statements with the information you hear

(1) ________________ several small towns and villages are still cut off by ________ following ________________ during the night.

(2) Three ________ then threatened the driver and his assistant ___________ and forced one of them to ________________.

(3) All 257 people ______________ died when it ________________.

(4) He hoped it would lead to ________________ but he refused to speculate on ________________________ (5) 15 people are to appear ________ in Manchester today following disturbances on a train ___________________________ in London. Task 3: Bearded Lady

New words: razor剃刀 talent scout人才发掘者 chop off砍掉 unnerving使人慌张 gape at张口结舌地看 1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following summary.

Mrs. Clark is a bearded _ woman. When she was young, her parents took her to many ________. They just told her to ________. But when she found she was fighting a________________ she decided to

____________________. At first, being stared at all day, she felt a little ________ . However, she got used to ________________ in the end. Now she feels it's all right to have a 15-foot ________________ — it can keep her husband's_____________ on ______________. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Mrs. Clark started growing beard at age of 5.

(2) Her father used electric razor to shave her on Sundays. (3) She stopped shaving when she was around fifteen. (4) Her beard grew too fast for her to shave.

(5) Sometimes she has to wrap her beard around her waist in case she should fall over it. (6) She has been in the circus for about thirteen years.

(7) The Ten Food Woman and the Midget are members of the circus. (8) Mrs. Clark's beard is fifty-foot long.

3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear.

(1) You see it was growing at ____________rate, something like________ a day. (2) It was taking so much time _____________________and I was just wasting my



(3) Oh, yes, every week I________________ . Task 4: At a Youth Centre

New words: pub酒馆 compliment恭维 superficial表面的 lethargy冷淡 1. Choose the best answer

(1) This discussion takes place __________. a. at a youth centre b. at a pub c. at a night club (2) It is likely that James is __________. a. a teacher b. a waiter c. a clergyman (3) Most of those involved in the discussion must ____________. a. be of the same generation b. be of two different generations c. be classmates (4) Mr. Finchley is ___________. a. a teacher of English b. a clergyman c. a social worker

(5) According to Finchley and James, most disagreements between the old and the young seem to ___________.

a. be over hair and general appearance b. be superficial c. both a and b

(6) The whole discussion is on __________. a. children b. generation gap c. hair and dress style 2. True and False Questions.

(1) Paul often comes to the Youth Centre to find something to do. (2) It is illegal to sell alcohol to Paul because he is only 16. (3) Mrs. Brent doesn't like the way Paul talks to adults. (4) James thinks that Paul is offensive.

(5) Actually the teenager generation has rejected the values of its parents for a mixture of violence and lethargy. (6) Teenagers' helping others means helping those who are doing washing-up. 3. Complete the following statements with what you hear (1) No barman's ever________________ yet. (2) Don't get me________.

(3) I'm always________________________ his clothes.

(4) I don't mean there's_____________ for you to______________ _________. (5) I like the idea of_____________ a discussion. I'll ___________ that. (6) I wouldn't want to ________________________.

5. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements. (1) Mrs. Brent refuses to dance because she does not think the _____________________________________________.

(2) Finchley says that the so-called generation gap is only ________. He believes the young people are quite ________________________ and they are not that different from ____________________.

(3) James believes that every generation creates its own ___________ as well as its own ________________ and________.

Task 5 Dictation:

Unit 15

Task 1 Study skills: Recognizing the Main Idea

Listen to these paragraphs. Then decide what topic heading you would use to describe the main idea of each.


1.______________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________ 6.______________________________________________________ Task 2: Capital Punishment

New words: execute处死 capital punishment极刑 death penalty死刑 deterrent威慑 My goodness gracious天哪! rehabilitate恢复良好的状态 1. Choose the best answer

(1) What causes the two women's discussion on capital punishment? a. The execution. b. The report of a murderer. c. The function of judicial system.

(2) Why does one of the women thinks that killing a killer is not justified? a. Because the killer doesn't have to be killed. b. Because the crime is not very serious.

c. Because once you're killing a killer, you become a killer as well.

(3) What, according to one of them, is more important than punishment? a. Life. b. Rehabilitation. c. Elimination.

(4) What are the problems that cause people to kill according to one of the women? a. Poverty and drugs. b. Discrimination. c. Both a and b. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) The two speakers agree with each other on everything. (2) Capital punishment has not been used for ten years.

(3) One of the speakers doubts if the person sentenced to death is really guilty. (4) When criminals come out of prison, they never go back to a life of crime. (5) Prisons are very crowded.

3. Give a list of viewpoints that Speakers A and B hold respectively. Speaker A:

a. ________________________________________________ b. ________________________________________________ c. ________________________________________________ d. ________________________________________________ e. ________________________________________________ Speaker B:

a. ________________________________________________ b. ________________________________________________ c. ________________________________________________ d. ________________________________________________ e. ________________________________________________ Task 3: A New Way of Life

New words: croft小田地 nut螺母 bolt螺钉 pannier背篓 1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.

(1) The two interviewees are Michelle Burns and Luke Saunders. They have given up _____________________and ____________to start ___________ _____________.

(2) Michelle and her husband decided to come to live in a _____________ ___________because they had worked ____________and had hardly ______________________. As a result, their marriage was

____________. Now they make a living by ___________________, growing their own ____________; they


also have _______________.

(3) Mr. Luke has been a 3-year _________________ round the world. Before his journey, he had been working in a ____________on the ________________. He had a bit of money to start with, then he began to do odd jobs like ____________, ____________, etc. Now he's going to start a ______________ _______________________, and he'll be away for about ______ years again. 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Daniel and Michelle Burns gave up their jobs just because they felt underpaid. (2) Daniel used to be a sales manager and Michelle an advertising executive. (3) According to Michelle, a big house and two cars mean everything in life. (4) They found this Scottish croft through advertisement. (5) They raise all sorts of animals for money.

(6) Living a natural life in the country makes them happy.

(7) When he was a factory worker, Luke had to do monotonous work every day. (8) People abroad were uncooperative and Luke had to try hard to solve problems.

(9) Luke had friendly relationship with people abroad. He could communicate with them without knowing their language.

(10) He had to go to hospital once in India. Task 4: The Work of Sigmund Freud

New words: psychoanalysis心理分析 neurose多脉的 sane健全的 slip失误 scope见识 1. Choose the best answer

(1) This radio talk is delivered by ___________. a. a radio announcer b. Sigmund Freud c. Eric Watkis

(2) Sigmund Freud developed his system of ___________, while he was studying cases of ________. a. psychoanalysis; mental illness b. psychoanalysis; memory illness c. psychology; mental illness

(3) The Psychopathology of Everyday Life was published in _______. a. 1940 b. 1914 c. 1904

2. Complete the following statements according to what you hear.

(1) By examining details of the patient's life, he found that the illness could often

______________________some definite ________________________within the person ____________. (2) But he discovered, too, that many of ____________observed in mentally ill patients were also ____________, to a lesser degree, ____________________.

(3) This led him to the realization that ____________between _______________ person is not nearly as ___________ _____________ as was once believed.

(4) We repress ________________________because that memory is ______________________.

(5) Freud demonstrates that there are ____________________many of ___________________ we make. Task 5: Cheese

New words: micro-organism微生物 unpalatable味道差的 bland味道温和的 coagulate凝结 ripened cheese成熟干酪 dissemination分发 enzyme酶 1. Choose the best answer

(1) The passage is about _____________.

a. the history of cheese-making b. cheese-making c. the history of cheese (2) Cheese ________________.

a. was made originally in Europe between 60 BC and 300 AD b. was introduced from South-West Asia 8,000 years ago c. was introduced from France in the nineteenth century

(3) ___________ were great pioneers in the art of cheese-making.


a. Romans b. South-West Asians c. Frenchmen in the Roquefort caves

(4) In cheese-making, _________ play an essential role. a. biochemicals b. salt and water c. micro-organisms 2. True or False Questions.

(1) Cheese is one of the most popular foods in daily life.

(2) Early cheese was rather delicious and tasty like fresh cheese.

(3) In order to make cheese stronger in taste and more solid in texture, salt is added to the soft fresh cheese and other biochemical processes are allowed to continue.

(4) Romans spread the techniques for producing cheese to the countries they invaded.

(5) If you keep your milk or pre-cheese mixture at a certain temperature or in a certain environment, things will turn out in a certain way.

(6) In the nineteenth century, people still didn't know much about which micro-organisms were involved in the different stages of producing cheese.

(7) The presence of different micro-organisms affect the taste of cheese.

(8) In terms of final taste, human performance still matters much even though cheese-making processes have become industrialized and developed with technology. 3. Fill in the blanks below.

(1) The early cheese was probably ____________________stuff, ___________ and ____________.

(2) \ (3) \allowing ________________________to continue in the course of cheese-making.

(4) The origin of the English word \ (5) In the ________________________people began to realize the role of different ________________________in producing different types of cheese.

(6) Before the discovery of micro-organisms people kept milk at different __________ and in various _________to make cheeses of different _________. Task 6 Dictation:


Unit 11

Task 1: A Way of Life

Doctor: Well Mr. Thomson. The first and important thing I have to tell you is that ... mm ... there is really nothing seriously wrong with you ... physically that is. My ... er ... my very thorough re-examination and the ... the analyst's report show that basically you are very fit. Yes ... very fit.

Mr. Thomson: So ... Why is it doctor that I'm always so nervy ... tense ... ready to jump on anybody—my wife, children, colleagues?

Doctor: I think ... erm ... I think your condition has a lot to do with er—What shall we call it? —Way of life? Habits? Mr. Thomson: Way of life? Habits?

Doctor: Yes ... now tell me Mr. Thomson ... You smoke, don't you? Mr. Thomson: Yes ... I'm afraid ... I'm afraid I do, doctor. Doctor: And ... er ... rather heavily I imagine.

Mr. Thomson: Well ... yes. I smoke—what ... about forty ... fifty a day I suppose. Doctor: You should do your best to stop, you know.

Mr. Thomson: Yes ... I see ... But er ... Well ... it won't be the first time. I've tried to give up smoking several times but it's ... it's no good.

Doctor: You see ... fifty a day is overdoing it ... you must admit. You must cut it down ... at least that. Oh yes. I know that when you're feeling tense you ... you probably feel that a cigarette relaxes you. But in the long run ... I do advise you to make ... to make a real effort.

Mr. Thomson: Of course. But ... well ... it's easy to say give it up or cut it down ... but ... oh you know ...

Doctor: Well in my opinion you have no choice. Either you make a real effort or ... or there's no real chance of your feeling better. You see ... well obviously I could prescribe some kind of tranquillizer... but would that help? I'd prefer—and I'm quite sure you'll agree—I'd prefer to see you really back to normal ... not just seemingly so. And that's my reason for asking you several more questions about ... about your other habits. Mr. Thomson: Right.

Doctor: Your eating habits for example. What do you eat normally ... during a normal day?

Mr. Thomson: Yes ... well ... I'm a good eater. Yes, I'd say I'm a good eater. Now let's see ... Up at eight in the morning and my wife has a good breakfast ready. Doctor: A good breakfast?

Mr. Thomson: The usual. A cereal followed by bacon and eggs with fried bread and perhaps a tomato or two. Then toast and marmalade... all washed down with a couple of cups of tea. I er ... yes ... I really enjoy my breakfast.

Doctor: Er ... yes ... I can see you do. But I'd advise you to eat rather less. We'll come to that later. Go on.

Mr. Thomson: Then lunch ... no, first brunch. A cup of coffee and a bun at eleven. Lunch has to be quick because there's so much to do in the office about that time. So I have a pint and a sandwich in the pub. All very hurried.

Doctor: Try to be in less of a hurry.

Mr. Thomson: But I make up for it in the evening. I get home at about seven. Dinner's round about eight. Er ... yes ... My wife's an excellent cook ... excellent. It's usually some meat dish ... and we like spaghetti as a first course. Spaghetti, a meat dish, cheese, a sweet. But er ... but then ... at the end of the day shall we say ... then ... well then I begin to feel on edge again. Most evenings after dinner we read or watch TV ... but I ... I get this terrible feeling of tension.

Doctor: Well ... I'm sorry to have to say this because you obviously enjoy your food ... but ... er ... I really do recommend that you ... that you eat less and—secondly—that you eat more healthily. Instead of having that enormous breakfast for example ... er ... well ... try to be content with a fruit juice and some cereal. Mr. Thomson: I see ... but er ...

Doctor: Elevenses... right ... well that's all right. But lunch should be more leisurely. Remember your health is at stake not your job. As for dinner ... er ... I'd advise you to eat a soup perhaps ... with a salad ... a salad followed


by some fruit.

Mr. Thomson: But my wife's cooking ...

Doctor: ... is superb. Granted. And she probably enjoys preparing delicious meals for you. If you like ... well ... er ... I'll have a word with your wife ...

Mr. Thomson: No ... that won't be necessary ... erm ... thanks just the same, doctor. But no ...

Doctor: And on that subject Mr. Thomson ... erm ... er ... Just one other thing ... er ... I'm sure this won't embarrass you. You say you feel tense in the evenings after dinner. Might I ask about your relationship—your sexual relationship that is—with your wife?

Mr. Thomson: Well ... erm ... er ... you see ... er ...

Task 2: Do It Yourself

(Do It Yourself magazine organizes a competition every summer to find the 'Handyman手巧的人of the Year'. The winner this year is Mr. Roy Miller, a Sheffield postman. A journalist and a photographer have come to his house. The journalist is interviewing Mr. Miller for an article in the magazine.)

Journalist: Well, I'm very impressed by all the work you've done on your house, Mr. Miller. How long have you been working on it?

Mr. Miller: I first became interested in do-it-yourself several years ago. You see, my son Paul is disabled. He's in a wheel-chair and I just had to make alterations改造 to the house. I couldn't afford to pay workmen to do it. I had to learn to do it myself.

Journalist: Have you had any experience of this kind of work? Did you have any practical skills?

Mr. Miller: No. I got a few books from the library but they didn't help very much. Then I decided to go to evening classes so that I could learn basic carpentry and electrics. Journalist: What sort of changes did you make to the house?

Mr. Miller: First of all, practical things to help Paul. You never really realize the problems handicapped people have until it affects your own family. Most government buildings, for example, have steps up to the door. They don't plan buildings so that disabled people can get in and out. We used to live in a flat, and of course, it was totally unsuitable. Just imagine the problems a disabled person would have in your house. We needed a large house with wide corridors so that Paul could get from one room to another. We didn't have much money and we had to buy this one. It's over ninety years old and it was in a very bad state of repair. Journalist: Where did you begin?

Mr. Miller: The electrics. I completely rewired the house so that Paul could reach all the switches. I had to lower the light switches and raise the power-points. I went on to do the whole house so that Paul could reach things and go where he wanted.

Journalist: What else did you do?

Mr. Miller: By the time I'd altered everything for Paul, do-it-yourself had become a hobby. I really enjoyed doing things with my hands. Look, I even installed smoke-alarms. Journalist: What was the purpose of that?

Mr. Miller: I was very worried about fire. You see, Paul can't move very quickly. I fitted them so that we would have plenty of warning if there were a fire. I put in a complete burglar-alarm system. It took weeks. The front door opens automatically, and I'm going to put a device on Paul's wheelchair so that he'll be able to open and close it when he wants.

Journalist: What are you working on now?

Mr. Miller: I've just finished the kitchen. I've designed it so that he can reach everything. Now I'm building an extension so that Paul will have a large room on the ground floor where he can work. Journalist: There's a £10,000 prize. How are you going to spend it?

Mr. Miller: I am going to start my own business so that I can convert ordinary houses for disabled people. I think I've become an expert on the subject.

Task 3 My First Job

The first job I ever had was as a waitress. I did it the summer before I started at university, when I was


eighteen. I was working in a very nice hotel in a small town in Scotland where there are a lot of tourists in the summer so they were taking on extra staff. I arrived there in the evening and met some of the other girls who were working at the hotel—we all lived in a little house opposite the hotel. Anyway, they were all really friendly and we had dinner together and then sat around chatting and drinking coffee—I didn't get to bed until after one o'clock in the morning. I had to be at work in the dining room at seven thirty in the morning to start serving breakfast. Well, I didn't wake up 'til seven fifteen! So I threw my clothes on and rushed over to the hotel. I must have looked a real mess because the head waiter just looked at me and told me to go to the bathroom to tidy myself up—I was so embarrassed!

The first thing I learned was that there were these two heavy swing doors into the kitchen from the restaurant—one for going into the kitchen and one for going out, so that the waiters coming in didn't bump into the ones going out. Anyway, that morning I was so frightened of the head waiter that I didn't listen properly to what he was saying, so when one of the waiters asked me to give him a hand and take two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! You can't imagine the mess—eggs, bacon and orange juice all over the floor, the door, the waiter and me. The other waiter thought it was quite funny, but the head waiter was furious and made me clear everything up straight away in case someone slipped and fell.

After serving breakfast, at about ten o'clock, we had our own breakfast. I was starving by then, and just wanted to sit down and eat quietly. But some of the waiters started making fun of my English accent—they were all Scottish. I think they were just trying to cheer me up and have a joke, but I was so upset and hungry that I just rushed off to the bathroom in tears! I thought everybody hated me! By the time I came back, they'd cleared up all the breakfast things, and I hadn't had a chance to eat anything!

Well, straight away we started getting the dining room ready for lunch—cleaning the silver, setting the tables, hoovering the floor. The room had a beautiful view over a river with the mountains behind, but of course, as soon as I stopped work to have a look out of the window, the head waiter spotted me and told me off again.

I didn't make too bad a job of serving lunch—one of the waiters looked after me and showed me how to do things. One of the customers ordered some expensive white wine, and I gave him a bottle from the cupboard, not from the fridge, so it wasn't cold enough. But fortunately the other waiters hid the bottle I'd opened wrongly and I gave him another bottle from the fridge so the head waiter didn't find out. I would have been quite happy, but I had another problem which was that I'd got up in such a hurry I just put on the shoes I'd been wearing the night before. Well, these shoes looked quite smart but they had really high heels, and after a few hours on my feet I was in agony and there was nothing I could do about it, there was certainly no time to go and change them. I can tell you I never wore those shoes to work again!

Anyway, after lunch we had our own lunch—I managed to get something to eat this time, and we were free in the afternoon. I went for a walk with one of the other girls and we got a bit lost so I didn't have time for any rest before we went back to work at six. By the time we finished serving dinner at about ten thirty I was completely exhausted. I'd never worked so hard in my life, I think. Of course, I stayed up chatting with the other girls that night too, and most of the other nights I was there. I fell into bed at night and out of it at seven the next morning, but I loved the job after a while, believe it or not, and I even went back to work there the next year! I never got on very well with the head waiter, though.

Task 4 Dictation

Body Positions

People often show their feelings by the body positions they adopt. These can contradict what you are saying, especially when you are trying to disguise the way you feel. For example, a very common defensive position, assumed when people feel threatened in some way, is to put your arm or arms across your body. This is a way of shielding yourself from a threatening situation. This shielding action can be disguised as adjusting one's cuff or watchstrap. Leaning back in your chair especially with your arms folded is not only defensive, it's also a way of showing your disapproval, of a need to distance yourself from the rest of the company.

A position which betrays an aggressive attitude is to avoid looking directly at the person you are speaking to.


On the other hand, approval and desire to cooperate are shown by copying the position of the person you are speaking to. This shows that you agree or are willing to agree with someone. The position of one's feet also often shows the direction of people's thoughts, for example, feet or a foot pointing towards the door can indicate that a person wishes to leave the room. The direction in which your foot points can also show which of the people in the room you feel most sympathetic towards, even when you are not speaking directly to that person.

Unit 12

Task 1 Dustbin Day Robbery

Gentleman Jim has worked out a plan to rob a bank. He's telling his gang, Fingers Jones and Ginger Robertson about the plan. Listen to their conversation.

Fingers: Let's see. You're going to walk up the counter and you're going to start writing a cheque. Then you're going to open the canister罐of nerve gas, and everyone will go to sleep instantly. Jim: That's right. This gas will put anyone to sleep for exactly three minutes.

Fingers: And while everyone is asleep, you're going to go round to the manager's desk and steal all the money? Jim: Exactly. I've worked it out very carefully. There should be about £50,000 in used bank notes. Ginger: Sounds great. There's only one thing. If you open the gas, you'll go to sleep too, won't you?

Jim: I have thought of that. I'll wear a motor-cycle helmet头盔, with an oxygen mask inside. If I wear a helmet, no one will be able to recognize me afterwards, either.

Ginger: I think it's risky. If the bank clerk sees you take out a gas canister, he won't wait. He'll push the alarm button straight away.

Fingers: I've just had an idea. If I came into the bank when you were standing at the counter, no one would even look at me. Then, if I threw the can of nerve gas, they wouldn't guess that we were connected. Ginger: Yes, that might be better. Are you going to wear a helmet, too?

Fingers: No. It would look very suspicious if two people were wearing motor cycle helmets. I'll just open the door, throw in the gas canister, and leave Gentleman Jim to rob the bank.

Jim: I like that idea. Right, we'll do that. Any other problems that you can see?

Ginger: What are you going to do with the money? If you walk out with £50,000 under your arm, somebody will surely notice you.

Jim: You'll be sitting in a get-away car, waiting for me outside the bank.

Ginger: But there is a police station just fifty yards away. If I park a car outside the bank, the police would probably come and ask me to move.

Fingers: Well, what do you suggest? He can't just walk around the town. He'll be carrying £50,000 in bundles of bank notes.

Jim: Just a minute! I've thought of something. What day is this robbery? Fingers: Monday.

Jim: Monday! You know what happens on Monday, don't you? It's dustbin day! Ginger: So?

Jim: So, can you think of a better way of moving the money? If you saw a man pick up £50,000 and put it into a car, what would you think?

Fingers: I'd think he was a thief.

Jim: Exactly. But if you saw a man pick up a dustbin and put it into a lorry, what would you think? Fingers: I'd think he was a dustman. Hey! That's clever!

Ginger: And if the £50,000 was in the dustbin, I could pick up the money and nobody would notice. That's brilliant.

Fingers: Is there a dustbin?

Jim: Oh yes, several. They put the dustbins out every Monday. They'll be standing there, outside the bank. Fingers: But if you put the money in a dustbin, it'll stink. We'll never be able to spend it if it smells like that. Jim: We don't have to put it in a dustbin. We can put it in a black plastic bag. They often have black plastic bags for rubbish nowadays. If I carry one in my pocket, I can pull it out after you've thrown the gas. OK? Let's run


through the plan once more.

Ginger: You go into the bank with a motor-cycle helmet on, and a black rubbish bag in your pocket.

Fingers: I come in a few minutes later. I open the door, throw in the open gas canister, and then go ... where? Jim: I've hired a room in the building right opposite the bank. Go up in the lift to the top floor and keep a look out. When you get there, radio Ginger, and tell him to come.

Ginger: In the meantime, everyone in the bank has gone to sleep, except you. You take the money, and put it in the plastic bag.

Jim: I come out, and put the bag with the rubbish, and then go back into the bank. Ginger: Go back?

Jim:Oh yes. If everyone woke up and I wasn't there, they'd know I was one of the thieves. No, I'll go back and pretend to wake up with everyone else. Fingers: That's a really clever touch.

Ginger: I drive a dustcart and wait in the cul-de-sac死胡同behind the bank until Fingers contacts me. Then I come and pick up the rubbish, including the £50,000. Jim: I can't think of any problems, can you?

Task 2: Crime

(Doorbell rings. Door opens.)

Boss: At long last! Why did it take you so long?

1st villain: Er ... I really am sorry about this, boss ... Boss: Come on! What happened? Where's the money?

1st villain: Well, it's a long story. We parked outside the bank, OK, on South Street, and I went in and got the money—you know, no problems, they just filled the bag like you said they would. I went outside, jumped into the car, and off we went.

Boss: Yes, yes, yes. And then?

2nd villain: We turned right up Forest Road, and of course the traffic lights at the High Street crossroads were against us. And when they went green the stupid car stalled, didn't it? I mean, it was dead—

1st villain: So I had to get out and push, all the way to the garage opposite the school. I don't know why Jim here couldn't fix it. I mean, the car was your responsibility, wasn't it?

2nd villain: Yeah, but it was you that stole it, wasn't it? Why didn't you get a better one? 1st villain: OK, it was my fault. I'm sorry.

2nd villain: The mechanic said it would take at least two days to fix it—so we just had to leave it there and walk. 1st villain: Well, we crossed over Church Lane, and you'll never believe what happened next, just outside the Police Station, too.

2nd villain: Look, it wasn't my fault. You were responsible for providing the bag—I couldn't help it if the catch broke.

1st villain: It took us five minutes to pick up all the notes again. Boss: Fine, fine, fine. But where is the money?

2nd villain: We're getting there, boss. Anyway, we ran to where the second car was parked, outside the library in Ox Lane—you know, we were going to switch cars there—and then—you know, this is just unbelievable—

1st villain: —yeah. We drove up Church Lane, but they were digging up the road just by the church, so we had to take the left fork and go all the way round the north side of the park. And then, just before the London Road roundabout—

2nd villain: —some idiot must have driven out from the railway station without looking right into the side of a lorry. The road was completely blocked. There was nothing for it but to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.

Boss: All right, it's a very fascinating story. But I still want to have a look at the money.

1st villain: Well, that's the thing, boss. I mean, I'm terribly sorry, but this idiot must have left it somewhere. 2nd villain: Who are you calling an idiot? I had nothing to do with it. You were carrying the bag.


1st villain: No. I wasn't. I gave it to you ...

Task 3: Shop-lifter

Man: Excuse me, madam. Woman: Yes?

Man: Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag? Woman: I beg your pardon?

Man: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.

Woman: Well I'm afraid I certainly do mind, if it's all the same to you. Now go away. Impertinence! Man: I'm afraid I shall have to insist, madam.

Woman: And just who are you to insist, may I ask? I advise you to take yourself off离开, young man, before I call a policeman.

Man: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.

Woman: What? Oh ... well ... and just what right does that give you to go around looking into people's bags? Man: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else?

Woman: What do you mean belonging to someone else? Man: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?

Woman: Are you talking about stolen goods? That's a nice way to talk, I must say. I don't know what things are coming to when perfectly honest citizens get stopped in the street and have their bags examined. A nice state of affairs!

Man: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest, they wouldn't mind, would they? So may I look in your bag, madam? We don't want to make a fuss, do we?

Woman: Fuss? Who's making a fuss? Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what they've got in their bags. Charming! That's what I call it, charming! Now go away; I've got a train to catch.

Man: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible but I'm afraid you're making it rather difficult. However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

Woman: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there? The Crown Jewels?

Man: No need to be sarcastic讽刺的, Madam. I thought I'd made myself plain. If there's nothing in there which doesn't belong to you, you can go straight off and catch your train and I'll apologize for the inconvenience. Women: Oh, very well. Anything to help the police. Man: Thank you, madam.

Woman: Not at all, only too happy to cooperate. There you are. Man: Thank you,Mm. Six lipsticks?

Woman: Yes, nothing unusual in that. I like to change the colour with my mood. Man: And five powder-compacts?

Woman: I use a lot of powder. I don't want to embarrass you, but I sweat a lot. (Laughs) Man: And ten men's watches?

Woman: Er, yes. I get very nervous if I don't know the time. Anxiety, you know. We all suffer from it in this day and age.

Man: I see you smoke a lot, too, madam. Fifteen cigarette lighters?

Woman: Yes, I am rather a heavy smoker. And ... and I use them for finding my way in the dark and ... and for finding the keyhole late at night. And ... and I happen to collect lighters. It's my hobby. I have a superb collection at home.

Man: I bet you do, madam. Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come along with me.

Woman: How dare you! I don't go out with strange men. And anyway I told you I have a train to catch.

Man: I'm afraid you won't be catching it today, madam. Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?

Woman: But this is outrageous! (Start fade) I shall complain to my MP. One has to carry one's valuables around


these days; one's house might be broken into while one's out ...

Task 4: Dictation


There are many forms of alternative medicine which are used in the Western world today. One of the most famous of these is acupuncture, which is a very old form of treatment from China. It is still widely used in China today, where it is said to cure many illnesses, including tonsillitis, arthritis, bronchitis, rheumatism and flu. The Chinese believe that there are special energy lines through the body and that the body's energy runs through these lines. When a person is ill the energy in his or her body does not run as well as normal, perhaps because it is weaker or it is blocked in some way. The Chinese believe that if you put very fine needles into the energy line, this helps the energy to return to normal. In this way the body can help itself to get better.

The acupuncturist puts the needles into special places along the energy line and some of these places can be a long way from the place where the body is ill. For example it is possible to treat a bad headache by putting needles into certain places on the foot. It may surprise you to know that it does not hurt when the acupuncturist puts the needles into your body. People who have had acupuncture say that they felt nothing or hardly anything. Western doctors at first did not believe that acupuncture could work. Now they see that it not only can work but that it does work. How and why does it work? No one has been able to explain this. It is one of nature's mysteries.

Unit 13

Task I Study Skills: Note-taking 2 Recognizing the Main Idea

Unless, for some reason, you wish to record every word that the lecturer says, you will have to select what to write down. You will naturally want to select the main points, and perhaps some subordinate or subsidiary points which relate to the main points. How does one recognize the main points?

Usually, the speaker will make it clear which ideas he wishes to emphasize by the way in which he presents them. In other words, the main ideas are cued. They are often cued by such semantic markers as: I would like to emphasize ...

The general point you must remember is ... It is important to note that ... I repeat that ...

The next point is crucial to my argument ... Let's move on to another matter ... My next point is ...

Another problem to be discussed is ... A related area would be ...

Very often speakers list their main points.

Other ways in which lecturers may cue their main points while speaking are by emphasis or repetition; or perhaps by visual display (e.g. by putting headings on a blackboard, overhead projector etc).

Sometimes you will find that facial expression and gestures of the lecturer point up his meaning (of course, you will not see these if you are crouched over your notes, scribbling away furiously!).

Often examples and points of lesser importance are also cued. The speaker may use such phrases as: Let me give you some examples ... For instance ... I might add ...

To illustrate this point ...

Examples and points of lesser importance should be related briefly to the main headings.

Sometimes speakers will digress, i.e. mention things which have very little to do with their main topic, or relate to it only in a rather roundabout way. Speakers will sometimes digress deliberately in order to give more spice or variety to their lectures, or because the digression is interesting, amusing or topical. There is, of course, no need to note down digressions.


Digression markers are expressions like: By the way ... I might note in passing ...

Listen to these paragraphs. Then decide what topic heading you would use to describe the main idea of each.

1.Bert is a natural listener. He can lose himself in conversation with friends or family. Bert has a few very close friends, and he works hard to keep his friendships strong. Key Bert's friendship

2. One means of contact with friends is the regular exercise that Bert gets. He plays handball and swims with a friend twice every week. Besides that, he tries to stay in shape with morning exercises. Bert enjoys the exercise that he gets for its own sake as well as for the fact that it has kept him healthy all his life. Key Bert and sports 3. In general, Adam has very few hobbies. He used to enjoy collecting coins and reading, but now can never find enough time. He has practically no release from his job and usually brings some work home with him. Key Adam's hobbies

4. Like many modern Americans, neither man is very religious. Both belong to a church, but the religious services are not a sustaining part of their lives. But the difference in their spiritual makeup is nonetheless remarkable.

Key the two men's religious belief

5. Adam does not enjoy much self-confidence. He has never spent the time to think problems through carefully or to teach himself to think about other things. As a result, he is not a particularly creative problem solver. He spends quite a lot of time in compulsive, repetitive nervous activity which only frustrates him more. Key Adam—not a creative problem solver

6. Heart attack victims who have tried to change their behaviour after their first heart attack report that Type B behaviour has given them a new sense of peace, freedom, and happiness. Not for anything in the world would they return to their old lifestyle, which held them trapped like prisoners in an unhappy world of their own making. Key Heart attack victims enjoy Type B behaviour.

Task 2 Guessing What People Are Talking About

Lesley: Ah ... it's such a lovely day. It reminds me of last week, doesn't it you? Fiona: Oh don't! I mean that was just so fantastic, that holiday! Lesley: I love that city, you know.

Fiona: I do too. Really, it's got something about it, a certain sort of charm ... Lesley: Mm, and all that wine and good food ...

Fiona: And so cheap. Right, I mean, compared to here ... Lesley: Yes, although the shops are expensive. Fiona: Mm, yes.

Lesley: I mean, really I bought nothing at all. I just ate and ate and drank and drank. Fiona: I know. Wasn't that lovely?

Lesley: Yes, and I, I go there. I like listening to the people talking, sitting outside drinking wine.

Fiona: Yes. Could you understand what they were saying? When they were speaking quickly, I mean. Lesley: Well, it is difficult, of course. And then I liked that tower, too.

Fiona: You liked that tower? I'm not sure about it, really. (No) It's very unusual, right in the centre of the city. Lesley: True, but there's a lovely view from the top.

Fiona: Oh, you went right up, didn't you? (Mm, yes) Oh no, I didn't. Lesley: Of course you didn't.

Fiona: I remember that day. We weren't together.

Lesley: No, that's right. (Mm) You went down by the river, didn't you?

Fiona: That's it. Oh, walking along the river and all the couples (Yes) and it's so romantic ... (Is it true) and the paintings too ...

Lesley: They do have artists down by the river, do they? (Yes) Oh, how lovely! Fiona: Oh, it really is super.

Lesley: Yes. Oh, I think we ought to go back there again next year, don't you?


Fiona: I do, yes. (Mm) If only just to sample some more of the wine. Lesley: It'd be lovely, wouldn't it? Fiona: Yes.

Task 3: Nice to See You!

(Doorbell rings.)

Peter: Hello, John. Nice to see you. Come in. How are you?

John: Fine, thanks. Peter. And how are you? I expect your patients are keeping you busy at this time of year? Peter: Ah, well. I can't really complain. Let me take your coat. There we are. Well, now, I don't think you've met Ann Patterson, have you? Ann, this is John Middleton. He's the local schoolteacher. Ann: Oh! How do you do? John: How do you do?

Ann: Well, that's very interesting. Perhaps you'll be looking after my son.

Peter: Yes, that's right. Ann and her family have just moved into the old barn, up by the village hall. They're in the process of doing it up now.

Ann: Yes, there's an awful lot needs doing, of course. (Doorbell rings.)

Peter: Er, please excuse me for a moment. I think that was the doorbell.

John: Well, if I can give you a hand with anything ... I'm something of a handyman in my spare time, you know. I live just over the road.

Ann: That's very kind of you. I'm an architect myself, so ... Oh, look! There's someone I know, Eileen! Eileen: Ann, fancy seeing you here! How's life?

Ann: Oh, mustn't grumble抱怨. Moving's never much fun though, is it? Anyway, how are things with you? You're still at the same estate agent's. I suppose?

Eileen: Oh yes. I can't see myself leaving, well, not in the foreseeable future. Ann: Oh, I quite forgot. Do you two know each other?

John: Yes, actually, we've met on many an occasion. Hello, Eileen. You see, we play in the same orchestra Ann: Oh, really? I didn't know anything about that.

Eileen: Yes, actually, just amateur stuff, you know—once a week—I come down from London when I can get a baby-sitter for Joanna.

Paul: Er ... excuse me, I hope you don't mind my butting in介入. My name's Paul Madison. I couldn't help overhearing what you said about an orchestra.

John: Come and join the party. I'm John Middleton. This is Ann Patterson and Eileen ... or ... I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I know your surname?

Eileen: Hawkes. Pleased to meet you, Paul. You play an instrument, do you?

Paul: Yes, I'm over here on a scholarship to study the bassoon (loud yawn from Ann) at the Royal Academy of Music for a couple of years.

Ann: Oh, I am sorry. It must be all that hard work on the barn ... Paul: Well, anyway ...

Task 4: What Do You Like About Your Job?

First speaker: I'm a night person. I love the hours, you know? I like going to work at around six at night and then getting home at two or three in the morning. I like being out around people, you know, talking to them, listening to their problems. Some of my regulars are always on the lookout for ways that they can stump me. Like last week, one of them came in and asked for a Ramos gin fizz. He didn't think I knew how to make it. Hah! But I know how to make every drink in the book, and then some. Although some of the nights when I go in I just don't feel like dealing with all the noise. When I get in a big crowd it can be pretty noisy. People talking, the sound system blaring, the pinball machine, the video games. And then at the end of the night you don't always smell so good, either. You smell like cigarettes. But I like the place and I plan on sticking around for a while.

Second speaker: If I had to sit behind a desk all day, I'd go crazy! I'm really glad I have a job where I can keep


moving, you know? My favourite part is picking out the music—I use new music for every ten-week session. For my last class I always use the Beatles—it's a great beat to move to, and everybody loves them. I like to sort of educate people about their bodies, and show them, you know, how to do the exercises and movements safely. Like, it just kills me when I see people trying to do situps with straight legs—it' so bad for your back! And ... let's see ... I—I like to see people make progress—at the end of a session you can really see how people have slimmed down and sort of built up some muscle—it's very gratifying.

The part I don't like is, well, it's hard to keep coming up with new ideas for classes. I mean, you know, there are just so many ways you can move your body, and it's hard to keep coming up with interesting routines and ... and new exercises. And it's hard on my voice—I have to yell all the time so people can hear me above the music, and like after three classes in one day my voice has had it. Then again, having three classes in one day has its compensations—I can eat just about anything I want and not gain any weight!

Third speaker: What do I like about my job? Money. M-O-N-E-Y. No, I like the creativity, and I like my studio. All my tools are like toys to me—you know, my water colours, pen and inks, coloured pencils, drafting table—I love playing with them, and I have lots of different kinds of clients—I do magazines, book covers, album covers, newspaper articles—so there's lots of variety, which I like. You know, sometimes when I start working on a project I could be doing it for hours and have no conception of how much time has gone by—what some people call a flow experience. I don't like the pressure, though, and there's plenty of it in this business. You're always working against a tight deadline. And I don't like the business end of it—you know, contacting clients for work, negotiating contracts, which get long and complicated.

Fourth speaker: Well, I'll tell you. At first it was fun, because there was so much to learn, and working with figures and money was interesting. But after about two years the thrill was gone, and now it's very routine. I keep the books, do the payroll, pay the taxes, pay the insurance, pay the bills. I hate paying the bills, because there's never enough money to pay them! I also don't like the pressure of having to remember when all the bills and taxes are due. And my job requires a lot of reading that I don't particularly enjoy. I can have to keep up to date on all the latest tax forms, and it's pretty dull. I like it when we're making money, though, because I get to see all of my efforts rewarded.

Task 5: What Do You Think of Yourself?

TV Interviewer: In this week's edition of 'Up with People' we went out into the streets and asked a number of people a question they just didn't expect. We asked them to be self-critical ... to ask themselves exactly what they thought they lacked or—the other side of the coin—what virtues they had. Here is what we heard.

Jane Smith: Well ... I ... I don't know really ... it's not the sort of question you ask yourself directly. I know I'm good at my job ... at least my boss calls me hard-working, conscientious, efficient. I'm a secretary by the way. As for when I look at myself in a mirror as it were ... you know ... you sometimes do in the privacy of your own bedroom ... or at your reflection in the ... in the shop windows as you walk up the street ... Well ... then I see someone a bit different. Yes ... I'm different in my private life. And that's probably my main fault I should say ... I'm not exactly—oh how shall I say? —I suppose I'm, not coherent一致的in my behaviour. My office is always in order...but my flat! Well...you'd have to see it to believe it.

Chris Bonner: I think the question is irrelevant. You shouldn't be asking what I think of myself ... but what I think of the state of this country. And this country is in a terrible mess. There's only one hope for it—the National Front. It's law and order that we need. I say get rid of these thugs who call themselves Socialist Workers ... get rid of them I say. So don't ask about me. I'm the sort of ordinary decent person who wants to bring law and order back to this country. And if we can't do it by peaceful means then ...

Tommy Finch: Think of myself? Well I'm an easy-going bloke really ... unless of course you wind me up. Then I'm a bit vicious. You know. I mean you have to live for yourself, don't you. And think of your mates. That's what makes a bloke. I ain't got much sympathy like with them what's always thinking of causes ... civil rights and all that. I mean ... this is a free country inning? What do we want to fight for civil rights for? We've got them.

Charles Dimmak: Well ... I'm retired you know. Used to be an army officer. And ... I think I've kept myself ... yes I've kept myself respectable—that's the word I'd use—respectable and dignified the whole of my life. I've tried to


