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项目位于厦门市前埔中路南侧以及国际会议中心北侧。 基地南向为公交枢纽站以及商业办公区域,东向为30层左右的居住区,北向为该片区内配套小学用地,西向即为前埔中路。


The project is located to the south of Qianpu Road Midst and to the north of International Convention Center. On the south of the project site, there is a junction station and a commercial and office center. On its east, there is a residential development with building of about 30 stories. On the north, there is the site for a primary school; and the Qianpu Road Midst is just adjacent with its west boundary. The luxury design of the project is interpreted in neo-classic style. The feature water axis at the main entrance and the green axis at the secondary entrance demonstrate the noble quality of the community. Spaces with level changes, landscape elements in various sizes offer profound visual effects. As far as the space function is concerned, the project is mainly divided into three functional zones: water axis at the main entrance, the central sunken courtyard, and the ecological stream. On the other hand, multi-level landscape is created vertically by making use of the basement light well. Besides, a clear circulation system is structured which is made up of vehicular lanes, going-home route as well as visitors' route. The space variation enhances the participation opportunities and renders the space more approachable. With the neo-classic landscape elements combined in the design idea, a unique and sophisticated residential environment is created, which fully represents the high quality and nobleness of a high-end community.


Being consistent with Thai style in Paradiso series of projects, SED positions this project as "Most livable riverside residence featured as a ecologically Thai garden". Areas surrounding the major landscape axis are given special zen concepts to create a meditative atmosphere. Designers adopt natural method to reproduce the essence of wild nature helped by delicate outdoor furniture.


An artificial lake, one of the highlights, enable residents to relax themselves mentally and physically, making this project stand out among other competitors. Five zoning areas under diverse themes interpret perfectly another classic Tropical project.



This project creates multi-functional spaces in simple modern style, aiming to present a fashioned, natural and dynamic living community. The design reinforces the bank edge spaces, which shows their beauty with change of distances between pathwalks and water body, random appearance of the aquatic plantings, protruding and indentation of the natural bank edge and has thus provided an ecological, and natural water feature. The ecological and modern environment design is good enough for people to experience the natural ecological lake which is far from clamor and enjoy the serenity.

项目景观设计以创造一个舒适的自然景观为目的,糅合了生态的、迷人的元素。其中水景空间是整个景观的亮点,由泳池区的跌水注入主入口庭院水景中,周围色彩凝合 草地和主景观树,这给它产生了一种神秘的力量。软景设计以对地域自然和生态环境无限尊重,运用创新的手法和技术调节小区内生态环境,创造人与自然的和谐共存的景观环境。

The design concept highlights comfortable and natural living environment with ecological elements. Water feature makes this project stand out as water cascade falls into the pond at the main entrance, constituting a system, which is in harmony with the surrounding softscape. Planting design gives great respect to nature, using innovative methods and technologies.


Given the enclosure of high-rise building that gives a central landscape scope, landscape architects focus on the east-west landscape axis. The design concept also features varied grading changes, multi-layered planting, activity areas, which make great contribution to romantic environment.




Located in Science City, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Longguang?Fragrant Hill is the only villa community for sale within Science City. Longguang?Fragrant Hill is the quintessence of “eco-friendly residence”, enjoying abundant natural resources.

Nestling beside the mountain stream, its building is featured as neo-classical and simple European townhouses and attached villas.To make better use of natural resources, SED intelligently integrates plants, water, superior hiking trail, view terraces, etc. into a whole system. This noble and elegant villa community gives residents distinctive experience like living in the woods.


Extracting essence of Tropical gardens, the project concept involves exotic romance by diverse shapes of water feature and the wide use of natural stones and Tropical pavilions and winding corridors. The application of Buddism sculpture, features and totem-poles help improve the quality of this project. Through this project, designers are intending to promote modern way of life and to respect local culture, shaking off extravagant designs.



To achieve natural and neo-classical touch, landscape architects adopt symmetrical landscaping methods at the sales center which is decorated with linear water feature and lush planting. A meandering pathwalk guides you home, bringing you placid mind. The appealing European imperial garden is also demonstrated in the rhythmic spatial relationship and outdoor features like lighting, carved flower pots, fountains.




King Metropolis aims to create exquisite and variational space in the limit landscape area, and raise the parapet and structure of partial courtyards by fully using the space elements to form a half-privacy garden. By the reasonable setting-out of planting and water for the middle level building to form a plentiful public area. The various water shapes of Asia Spa style integrate original Thai landscape




Paradiso is situated at Olympic riverfront district. SED wholehearted creates three exquisite Thai style parks by precious landscape resource from Hun River. Wetland Park and Hun River Bank Park are used as medium to connect indoor & outdoor space among five parks.

Thai sense garden is taken as reference. Different forms of pond, cascade and fountain are the centers for developing, detailed with rough stone material, Southeast Asia feature pavilion and cloister. Unique exotic flavor is fused with real & fantastic space especially in Chinese garden. Shenyang is an inland city runs short of water, thanks to Paradiso that makes people’s dream to live near riverfront become true. This is another creative masterwork from SED which brings high quality living environment to the peak.




The design concept is inspired by Piet Mondrian, a great contributor to Neo-plasticism, in advocate of geometrical forms showing pure abstraction and universality. Neo-plasticism, also known as De Stijl, is characterized as white ground, upon which was painted a grid of vertical and horizontal black lines and the three primary colors. SED landscape architects try to incorporate that minimalist into the modern style residence, seeking to express a new utopian ideal of spiritual harmony and order.

Treated with Mondrian painting method, residents are offered opportunities to experience contemporary arts in modern artistic courtyards. Geometrical layout ensures sun lights and use of delicate, three-dimensional water feature helps creating a harmonious garden residence. Apart from these highlights, modern and minimalist style also demonstrates itself by multi-layer landscaping layout from central, courtyards to entry, like a piece of classic music.

万科佛山兰乔圣菲Rancho Santa Fe:以联排别墅(TOWN HOUSE)为主的综合居住区。设计师深入研究居民的日常行为和生活体验,坚持功能优先,以促进住户交往的活动。宁静、缓慢的步行空间;热情奔放的地面铺装颜色,热力动感的喷水景观与自然而浓密的油棕结合在一起,相映成趣。环境景观设计营造出一种阳光灿烂、既雍容古典又不失自然亲切之美的风情小镇风格。它代表了一种阳光、悠扬、亲近自然的小镇生活方式。

It is a townhouse residential area. Landscape architects tried to study residents’ daily behavior and habits so that the landscape may fulfill the function requirement. Restful walk path, colorful paving, dynamic water feature combining with the frondent palm, such an interesting picture it is. Designers blend in their inspiration to create an exotic townlet style, which stands for a lifestyle with sunny, melodious and natural favor.

金色池塘位于合肥市西郊,合肥市唯一的风景区内。整个景观设计围绕金色池塘展开,利用地形的变化,创造一个人移景异的丰富的造景空间。中心景观以池塘为中心加入叠级草坡,红杉岛、亲水步道,观水平台。组团中用曲桥、台阶等元素以自然渗透方式,将中心花园扩展至每一户门前。整个小区的景观设计, 在创造互动的交往空间的同时,兼顾人性化的设计体现,营造一个集东、西方园林造景文化,以及生态、人文相结合的高品位的居住小区。

This project is located in the only resort of west suburb Hefei. Designers focus on the gold pond and make development by using the difference of terrain to create a special landscape space that is landscape will change following your move. Pond is the center of landscape and put in cascade grass-slope, Redwood Island, waterfront path and water-viewing deck that not only design at public place but also integrated in the private gardens. The whole landscape design create an interaction space, meanwhile consider the humanity to build a high-taste residential community which integrating


not only eastern and western culture, but also ecological and humanity.

万科金域华府坐落在“深圳城市的中心轴带”北延段,未来,将形成被称为“副都心”的以大型交通枢纽为依托的城市中心功能拓展区。景观设计由SED新西林与Intaran Design Inc合作创作完成,设计源泉来自绘画大师蒙德里安的绘画结构及色块特点。将蒙德里安的抽象画分解成简洁的几何图形,让线与线、线与面、面与面之间形成相互关联,在图形中吸入软、硬景的设计元素,让不同材质、肌理、色彩的物质相互融合、呼应,形成相互依存的场地空间。通过简练的装饰,让简洁的线条使空间洋溢出一派热烈的城市时尚艺术风情。抽象与秩序,简约与纯朴,项目将现代艺术融入于社区的构成中,以自然的手法打造出充满现代气息的简约风尚。

The site is located in Longhua New District of Bao’an District, north of Shenzhen center axis, where will be expanding area of urban center named the “second city center” because of large traffic hub.

King Metropolis got the inspiration from the drawing structure and color features of Mondrian’s works. Designers divided Mondrian’s abstract painting into various simple geometries in order to create connection among lines, lines and surfaces, and surfaces. Meanwhile, integrate patterns with softscape and hardscape elements to blend different materials, textures, colors together and rely on each other.

项目总占地约5.6万平方米,作为万科进入第25个城市“厦门”的开山之作,引入万科 金域蓝湾系高档产品。该产品以“关注城市文化,建筑人文生活”为主旨,是曾荣获第10届“中华建筑金石奖”的高品质特色产品。项目提倡一种全景观阳光住宅,强调居住空间的利用,将人的活动空间塑造成一个全阳光、全景观、全通风的环境,力求打造成一个集自然环境优势、生活配套完备、城市文化汇聚、新兴科技集纳的全新城市生态景观高尚居住区。

Paradiso is the first Vanke project in Xiamen, which covers an area of nearly 56,000 square meters; it is the high-end residential community in Vanke Paradiso series. Paradiso takes “Focusing on urban culture, Building humanity life” as its theme which was gained high quality character of 10th “Bronze and Stone inscriptions China Construction Award”. Full view and sunshine house is admiring. Sun, landscape and air are the important elements in Paradiso. We emphasize the usage of space and do our best to create a new magnificent residence merging nature environment advantages, full-facilities, urban culture and technology.





The project, located at Hongqi Town, Jinwan District, which is the sub-center of Zhuhai City, covers an area of 630,000m2. To the north of the site, there is the Baiteng 3rd Road; to the south, there is the Baiteng 2nd Road. And its southwest is just situated at the geometric center of the western district of Zhuhai and is the frontier area in the “west expansion” of Zhuhai City. This Spanish style coastal townlet in the south China has been offered the unique Mediterranean character, themed with “island with bright sunshine and waterfront life”. The design is aimed to provide multi-leveled landscape with hills and rivers in far distance, trees, water features and courtyard gardens inside the development, so that all residents can view the waterfront landscape and have nice view in sight.

Before SED started its design, it conducted site survey as well as appraisal on the real estate projects in vicinity in order to make the design to be matched with the architectures and to be able to realize differentiation competition with the surrounding projects so as to achieve the maximization of the project value and brand promotion. The design takes Spanish garden as reference and adopts enthusiastic and romantic exotic features. Ponds, cascades, and fountains in various shapes, natural and ecological water body, dense tropical plantings, rough stone textures, delicate mosaic patterns and colorful feature walls, as well as Spanish style sculptures, garden ornaments, motif, all of these have worked out unsophisticated, refined Spanish garden landscape, bringing out a leisured, comfortable and elegant Spanish garden in a modern busy community.




This project, is near the Wen-pi Rd, Chengdu and closed to Jian-an River, covers an area of 214,107 sq.m. On the master plan, villa was laied-out as an arc shape around southeast(20°) of the center lake, and the distance among buildings is keep 18-22m which is the suitable scale, on the west, the lake was surrounded by slope mount. However, the four groups are connected with each other, to certain extent, they keep themselves separate also. In the whole design, we emphasize the philosophy of nature, modern and ecology via the exhibition of various spaces with different landscape layers.

成都雍景湾别墅区ELEGANT BAY TOWNHOUSE:注重川西民居的人文主张,采用了传统名居中街、巷、广场、筑台、院落等场地元素及布局方式,并用现代元素及处理手段来演绎。气度雍容,内涵锦绣,曲水湾流,这是雍锦湾名字的由来。在尊重雍锦湾“经典国韵”这个主题的前提下,为其别墅社区的岛居氛围量身定做,同时以中式元素体现本土文化气息。

This design has embedded the West Sichuan culture. The traditional West Sichuan house, street, alley, square, platform, and courtyard have been translated in a modern way and combined into its landscape design. This is a successful trial of combining traditional landscape elements with modern landscape technique.


整个小区的景观设计中,设计师把热烈中蕴藏着含蓄,妩媚中蕴含着神秘的东南亚文化融入到现代简约中去,利用线面相结合的手法营造出具有蒙得利安构图模式的空间格局。有紧有放,形成大小不一的空间。在小空间的处理上,着重以现代式的东南亚风格为主,主要作为娱乐及休闲空间。营造出宜人的空间氛围。大空间的处理上以大面积的草坪为主,形成开阔的视野,得到的身心上的放松。 Huizhou, a southeast city of Guangdong province, lies in the northeast of the Pearl River Delta, is close to Shenzhen and Hong Kong. King Metropolis is located in Jiang Bei District of Huizhou, where will be the CBD center in the future, belongs to the core residential area of new district. By integrating with surrounding building layout and the simple array, designers create a bright and new Southeast Asia style landscape space.

The charming Southeast Asia culture blends with modern simple by utilizing lines and surfaces to create a spatial framework same as Pet Mondrian drawing. Sometime is compact, while sometime is open, forming different sizes space. For small space, mainly to be designed as entertainment and leisure area of


modern Southeast Asia Style, thus creating a harmonious and balance environment. As to big space, we set large area lawn to open the sight and provide a relaxing area for people to enjoy.


Dragon bay international community is a very important project ever invested by Minmentals Land Limited, situated at two kilometers far from new government, only fifteen kilometers away from downtown city. Themed by “roaming at wonderland in fairytale”, the three villa gardens (front yard, courtyard and group garden) are going to form eco landscape axis composed by water, slope and forest. One vertical and two horizontal landscape axis sketches the clear outline. Strong North European exotic sense and passionate modern landscape elements will bring people wonderful dragon international community.

北京尊府地处北京最核心区域,二环路以内,紧邻长安街、西二环复兴门桥、宣武门西大街,总建设用地面积约2.3万平方米。项目遵循酒店式社区URBAN CHIC(城市风格)的打造原则,将现代酒店式园林设计手法和现代园林理念融为一体,让休闲舒适成为整个园林的主角。中心花园是社区的景观中心,亦是社区的活动中心,设计中特别注意其整体形态与建筑群的统一、和谐。设计强调“以人为本”的理念,打造一个传统与现代、人文与生态、交流与体验的温馨社区!

Beijing Times Exalted Town is located at the core area of Beijing and is within the 2nd Ring Road range. It covers a total area of 23,000m2. The project follows the Urban Chic style, unifying the modern hotel landscaping approach with the modern landscape concept, so that the whole landscape offers a sense of relaxation and leisure. The central garden serves as the landscape center of the community as well as its activity center. The design shows concern to the integrity and harmony between the architectural form and the architectural complex. By following the people-oriented concept, the designers dedicate to creating a warm community for communication and experience that is both traditional and modern, cultural and ecological.


项目位于东莞松山湖科技产业园”中心区”,景观条件优越。整个地块呈类椭园形,三分而立,高低错落的地形,为创造丰富的空间形态提供了有利条件。设计根据本案特点以澳洲风情为蓝本,采用现代自然主义的设计手法,从建立和谐的人地关系入手,以澳洲的悉尼(Sydeny)、堪培拉(Canberra) 、墨尔本(Melbourne)三城特色来诠释项目三地块,最北面是现代悉尼景观组团,入口及泳池部分是以”大洋洲的花园”为名的堪培拉景观组团,最南面是温馨且悠闲的墨尔本景观组团,充分体现澳洲舒适宜人的主题精髓,景观与场所活动有机地结合,营造一个休闲旅游度假的酒店式景观住宅小区。

The site occupies the center of Songshan Lake Techonology Industry Zone, Dongguan, shapes in oval liking with different levels, which provide the excellence landscape resource. Based on Australian style, designers intend to create harmony between nature and human by integrating naturalism elements.

碧湖云溪小区位于合肥市太湖东路、铜陵南路交口东南,总用地约420亩,其中一期占地约120亩。该项目地处合肥市东南进风口,西距马鞍山路700 m,距宁国路1700m,至美菱大道2200m,至市中心7km,周边无污染企业。园区以独家庭院式高尚联排别墅为主,兼有临湖临溪的双联、独立别墅。建筑为二到三层,规划限高12米,容积率仅为0.65,是合肥市区内仅存的大规模的高尚住宅区。园区内有四个自然水池,一条城市排洪沟从基地东侧斜穿而过,城市道路从地块中间穿过;整个地形坡向是从南到北、从西向东缓缓下降的缓坡,并有一级跌落(即中心景观带)。

The site is located on the junction southeast of Tai-hu Rd and Tong-lin south Rd, covers an area of 280,140 square meters, no polluted industry around it. The development, which is the only huge residential community with high-quality in urban district, Hefei, mainly consists of townhouse with private garden feature. Besides, also has limited waterside double or sigle villa, from 2nd to 3rd floor of each building, the limit height is 12m with 0.65 plot ratio.There are four natural ponds, a flood-releas trench acrosses east of site while the city road goes through the center of site with a frist-level cascade (that is center landscape belt ).

项目位于武汉京汉大道前进四路,以东南亚现代、艺术、繁华的都市为目标,努力营造出水的气氛,设计拥有亲水性(依水而居、傍水而衍),自然性(心灵回归、法本自然),创造性(设计创新、艺术生活)的商业景观;突出情调 品位、浪漫



This project, is located on Qianjin 4th Rd.Jing-Hang Avenue, Wuhan, takes South Aisa city style with modern, artistic and bustling characters as an example to create a water feeling feature. Metropolitan’s landscape features with waterfront (live along water), natural(feeling beautiful things in nature), creative(design innovation and enjoy artistic lifestyle). It is a life style that you can enjoy not only leisure with romantic atmosphere in commercial area but also get the inspiration for your life when you choose Metropolitan.


Unique Spanish style has been adopted in landscape design through which the landscape can be well integrated with the architectures so as to maximize the value the project and promote the brand of the developer. The implementation of the Spanish style will be able to produce leisured, comfortable and elegant Spanish landscape in the modern and busy community. While South California feature will be carried out at the main entrance area so as to present a luxury image for the community. On the other hand, the unity between the entrance and the main axis is accented in the design. The open landscape nodes in Phase II and Phase III are also connected and a natural and ecological waterfront area is provided inside the estate. Above all, natural courtyard spaces for social communication, relaxation and viewing is also a major part of the project’s landscape system.


Green View, covers an area of 275,000 sq.m with 1.5 plot ratio, locates among the junction of Xincheng Songshan Lake, Tongsha Ecological area and urban location. Designers based on the principle of simpleness, cleanness and brightness to create an community atmosphere of modern, brief and high-quality through the full use of facade straight line and block, on the other


hand, emphasizing the plan function and no more decoration. All of these make the community character with modern and local favor.

宝安发源地在都市重建计划下,一面是城市复兴,一面是怀旧情怀,项目定位为“打造宝安发源地的新兴城市新地标,定义都市浪漫生活情调”, A区源引自然的内部景观水系、以中轴为分界线,主要分为泳池景观区和水岛两个版块,形成七个功能性景观节点(一条主轴、两个景观中心,七个功能性景观节点),Neo-Art Deco风格(新装饰主义风格)的构想是将古典艺术的奢华繁复与都市精神的自由简单进行折衷,让异族文明相容,横生出线性、环形和流线型的细腻。

The design aims to renovate the old town with nostalgia according to the Government’s urban renewal program. The project site, which is the source region of Bao’an, is defined to be a new landmark of a boom town with romanticism. In Zone A, the natural water resource is introduced from inside the community, which is divided into the swimming pool are and the aquatic island with the central axis as the boundary, and thus to create 7 functional landscape nodes. The Neo-Art Deco style compromises the extravagance and complication of classic art as well as the simpleness and freedom of the metropolitan spirit, where exotic cultures can be accommodated with exquisite refinement of linear, annular and streamline patterns.



The project is located at the launch area of Zhongxin Eco-City project, Binhai New District, Tianjin City, with Zhongxin Avenue to the north and Zhongsheng Avenue to its east.

This development is divided into Phase I and Phase II, which are separated by a commercial arcade, and has therefore formed a main landscape structure consisting of one core, two zones and one feature commercial arcade. The feature commercial arcade is open to the public. While Phase I is consisted of multi-storey buildings, sales office area and highrise area. Phase II is consisted of multi-storey buildings and highrise buildings. The overall layout of the property focuses on the integrity and


characters of the landscape, aiming to create an unsophisticated, serene, artistic and healthy high-end community, which pursues the slow-living mode in modern metropolis and fully represents a noble, elegant, comfortable living environment. With modest natural stones as the major material, Tuscan style structures which are matched with the architectures, dense and multi-leveled plantings, artistic details, this fascinating Tuscan townlet is destined to become a brilliant pearl in Tianjin Eco-City.



The project is located at Tianjia Lake, Balitai Town, South Tianjin District. To the east, lies the boundary of the development. To the south, there is a planned road; to the west, there is the Fortune River Green Belt, and the Tangjin Expressway Greenbelt.

To match the architectural style which is neo-Chinese and produces simple and grand visual effect, the landscape design also adopts the neo-Chinese style with modern and simple approach, such as the contrast between the soft and hard textures of still reflection pond, gravels, water surface, contrast between curved and straight lines, transition between square and round space etc, which at the same time endow the Chinese landscape with new experience. According to the different demands of varied spatial functions, the designer has attempted to create different ambience for the sales office area and the model units area.

紫都城项目地块位于西安市曲江新区,南临曲江大道,北临规划住宅用地,东临雁栖三路和唐城墙遗址公园。 本案设计概念及思路源自“生态景观”的设计理念,将景观级别化。与建筑现代、简洁的风格相呼应,讲究建筑与环境的紧密结合,与西安古都文化及周边唐城墙遗址公园相互呼应,环境设计上无限接近自然,有值得品味和揣摩的空间层次,通过社区景观的层次分化,分成以入口景观及溪流形成的公共空间、各类功能性草坪的半开敞的休闲空间,和宅前休闲活动场地为主的半封闭空间的三级景观层次,营造了一个温馨、和谐、典雅、富于趣味性、现代简约的自然主义社区。


Fantastic garden is located at new Qujiang district, Qujiang Boulevard is on the south, planned residential area can be seen from the north, Yanxi third road and Tang Dynasty great wall heritage park are on the east.

“Eco landscape” is the design idea source to make landscape classified. Environment is becoming closer to nature infinitely, and it is divided into three parts: public space at main entrance, semi-opened leisure space composes by different functional lawns and semi-opened active space of playground, thus creating natural and modern community full of comfort, harmony, elegance.


主入口强烈的仪式感和具有皇家徽章式的铺装图案,是彰显高贵与典雅,是身份的象征;景观次轴采用风格独特的 凡尔赛宫的“ 法兰西式 ” 的大花园手法,园内雕塑、小品、树木、花草别具匠心,使人看后顿觉美不胜收;庭院空间采用自然堆坡的手法加上乔灌结合高低搭配的植物种植形式来营造立体式的庭院空间。

This project is located in Tianjin, with Shuguang Road to the east, Tiedong Road to the west, and Haihe Italian Business Park to its north, and with Xinkai River as well as Beining Park in its vicinity.

The design of the central axis takes reference from the layout of the Palace of Versailles, which adopts regular and symmetrical design approach. Water features, tree matrix as well as French feature paving are well incorporated in the public activity space which creates refined and elegant axial space, enhancing their relationship with the central axis.

The ritual main entry and the royal emblem-like paving pattern present the nobleness, elegance and sense of identity. The secondary axis is treated like a unique French garden. Sculptures, garden ornaments, trees, flowers, grass are designed delicately providing picturesque view. Natural mounds, arbors, and shrubs are arranged appropriately with varied levels to create vertical courtyard space.


The project is located at the southwest point of Yangjiang City, which is at the crossing of the old town and the Chengnan new district. With the aim of creating a neo-classic luxury estate, the designers dedicate to bring to residents a leisured, healthy and natural lifestyle. Gorgeous classic tones, magnificent detailed carving,


noble waterfront life, comfortable courtyard space, free commercial atmosphere……Here, you can find ecological, natural space and landscape, elegant and healthy community life. When people living in this development, they will experience the pleasure and convenience brought by


The project is located in Dounan Town, Chenggong County, Kunming, close to Caiyun Road (middle). Exotic feeling conveyed by simple tropical style, architects have paid special attention to spatial relationship and landscape details. Softscape has played an important role in defining landscape axises and connecting building, water, sunshine with lawns and feature trees.


Neo-classicism is adopted in the design for Haixi International Town project. Natural resources are also fully made advantage of to renovate the lake area, so that the cascades, the quay, viewing deck and leisure platform can be perfectly incorporated with the natural environment. While paving and planting design are focused in the design of the commercial arcade so as to reinforce the commercial atmosphere. In the villas area, feature trellis, bubblers, flower belts are well integrated to bring about a European natural and ecological high-end residential community.


SED intends to create a modern, distinctive residence this time. In order to accommodate demands from all age groups, landscape architects allocate a variety of zoning areas tailored to each group. Water is the highlight of this project. Infinity-edge reflecting pool represents the simplicity but grandeur of the property, which further promote its quality. Besides, hardscape plays a vital


role in creating modern feeling to correspond architectural style.


Grand entry space with strong sense of ceremony, luxury classical European courtyard space, natural mounds well incorporated with the axial landscape reinforce the classical elegance of the development. Straight, convenient and linear circulation system, hard paving with delicate patterns and strong contrast in colors have endowed them with gorgeous character, and have interpreted the features of the noble, elegant and romantic neo-classical royal garden.


