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一,翻译下面的句子 如果你留下来,我也留下来 If you stay here, so do I. 小马也就十二三岁,脸还很瘦

Xiaoma is about 12 or 13 years, and his face is still thin very much.


Why does she commit suicide? This is really surprising. 他对事情的进展情况也还满意

He is satisfied with the process of the affairs. 你要订哪种杂志

Which kind of magazines do you want to subscribe? 这本书我们没有货,但是可以帮你订

We don’t have the stock of this kind of book, but we can help you to order it.

你能帮我把这份文件的讲义订起来吗? Can you help me to bind the lecture notes together? 那件大衣的面子很漂亮。

The outside of that coat is very beautiful. 如果怕丢了面子,就说不好英语

You can not speak fluent English if you are worry about losing

the face.


I am concerned about face-saving, so I can not do this thing. 不是我不买你面子,实在是这事不好办

It is not that I don’t care about your face, because this thing is really difficult.

二,请选择最适合的表达来翻译各句中的“心” [Heart mind brain intention wish popularity feeling] (必要时可更改单复数形式) 1, 心有余而力不足

One’s ability falls short one’s wishes. 2,您的建议我会永远铭记在心 I will always bear your advice in mind _. 3,如果你忘了她生日她会很伤心

You’ll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. 4,居心叵测

To nurse evil intentions _. 5,得人心者得天下

Those who gain popularity among the people will gain the power.


Those who work with brains rule and those who work with

their brawn are ruled. 7,哀莫大于心死

The greatest despair comes from a devastated heart. 三,从贴切表达词语蕴涵意义的角度比较一下几组译文 1,这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮的正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走

A.It’s the winter of 1917.The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living.

B.It happened during the winter of 1917.A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early. 2,世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章

A.The world’s affairs, well understood, are all scholarship. Human relationships, maturely experienced, are already literature.

B.True learning implies a clear insight into human activities. Genuine culture involves the skillful manipulation of human relationship.


A.Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue had now come to detest it as a kind of forced drudgery.

B.Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue felt that it was hard labor.


1, 他便变了脸,铁一般的青

His face changed and turned to be livid like the iron. 2, 我们不得不零零星星的偿付 We have to pay for it odds and ends. 3,那条小径曲曲折折的通向山顶 That alley leads to the top of the hill zigzag.


The farther of the lake, the deeper of the color. The silvery white, light blue, slight cyan and blackish green are very clear from the vicinity to distance.

5,三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达 There were thirties of people, there or four got together, they strolled at the place they like.


The color of the river water changed from yellow beside the boat to the ferric cyan of the river’s center and then turned to the silvery gray of the bank. There are some small boats spouts out

the soot: at the top of the funnel, it is black; at the shadow of ship, it is slight cyan, cream-colored and pale; and at the sunlight, it is tan.

7,我们如能于百忙之中,挤出一点时间,约二三知友小酌,琅琅笑声,畅话平生,其乐并不亚于徜徉与青山绿水之间。 If we can draw out some time from our busy affairs, making an appointment with two or three friends to take a sip, and talking about the life along with the laughter. The happiness is better than wandering between the green hill and water.


We had faced that scene. Under the attack of ruthless hailstone, my seedlings that are far from growing up are struggling giggly on the slimy straw, but it can’t get rig of the earth that brings it up and latches it firmly.


The moonlight pours on the piece of leaf and flower silently like the running water. And the thinnest fog floats on the lotus pond. The leaf and flower like that were washing in the milk. It also

likes the dream that enveloped fine gauze.


Around every countryside, there must be a tearoom in one hundred steps. These houses aren’t like the big teahouse in Guangzhou that could contain hundreds of people. And every small room could hold 7 or 8 square tables, and about over 20 tea guests. If there are more people, the master of the teahouse isn’t worry about it. Beside the river, 2 or 3 gaily-painted pleasure-boats are berthing there. In every boat, there are 4 chairs and one tea table, and tasting tea at boats has much pleasure too.

