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主题目的 事情原因 老师要求 学校要求 语气转变 额外信息 研究调查 具体举例 解决方案 最终结果 --出自《听出托福好英文》 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题


主题 强调 列举 对比 过程

定义 例子 因果 转折 结尾



1. 重复,停顿,吐字清楚 2. 特殊词:important, interesting, point, fascinating 3. 级别 4. 问答 5. 否定 6. 特征 7. 目的

8. 研究理论 9. 顺序 10. 象征意义影响

11. 问题 12. 改变

研究调查理论 Study, research, survey, experiment, observation, hypothesis, assumption, principle, evidence, law, idea, theory

TPO15, Section 1, Lecture 2 geological epoch

Q12:What is the lecture mainly about? Recognizing when one geologic epoch ends and another begins How geologists determine the age of Earth Whether humans have affected Earth’s climate Identifying elements that affect the formations of sediment layers

Q13:Why does the professor mention the Pleistocene epoch? To explain how sediments change during an ice age To give an example of a well-defined geologic epoch To describe how certain environmental conditions affect erosion rates To describe the factors that influence the naming of geologic epochs

Q14:Research study sediment in order to learn about the characteristics of past geologic epochs. What does the professor say that sediment reveals about a particular epoch? Click on 2 answers The climate on Earth when the sediment formed The places on Earth with the highest amounts of rainfall The level of the oceans at the time The organisms that lived when the sediment formed

Q15:According to the professor, what is: the significance of the year 1800 C.E.? Click on 2 answers The human population reached 1 billion The Anthropocene epoch was first described Industrialization began to influence Earth’s environment There was a significant change in the amount of sediment deposited around the world

Q16:What does the professor imply about the spread of agriculture 8,000 years ago? It was the true beginning of the Holocene epoch It was when greenhouse gases were at their lowest levels It was not a major cause of population growth It did not cause as big an environmental impact as some researchers say

Q17:What does the professor say about: future researchers? They may not agree that humans have had an important effect on Earth’s surface They will not have reliable evidence of what is happening today They will determine when the Anthropocene epoch began They will make predictions about when the Anthropocene epoch will end

笔记要点 Layers, surface Time period Sediments: fragment Transport, depo

