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1.That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the numberof descendants an

individual will have and hence the number of genecopies transmitted. 那种性别比例能在最大程度上增加一个个体所能拥有的后代数量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所传递到后代身上去的基因复制品的数量。 2.Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent inability to controlthe comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from hisunwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and

risky ones.



3.Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions inwriting Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics,sinceit highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different fromthe traditional picture of the \novelist concerned withexamining states of reverie and vision and with following

the intricatepathways of individual consciousness.





4.Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale wasfrequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly onplantations where sale was

infrequent,was very much for stablemonogamy.



5.Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Blackfamily encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial insustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religiousexpression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves werecontinually fashioning out of their African and American experiences. 古特曼人令人信服地论辨道,黑人家庭的稳定有助于包括民间传说、音乐、及宗教表达在内的黑人文化遗产一代一代传递下去,因而在维持文化遗产方面也起着至关重要的作用,而对于这种文化遗产,黑奴们不断地从其非洲和美洲的经历中予以丰富发展。 6.This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derivedfrom West African

rules governing marriage,which,though they differedfrom one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibitionagainst unions with close kin. 古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with

close kin)的禁止。

7.His thesis works relatively well when applied to discriminationagainst Blacks in the United States,but his definition of racialprejudice as \negative prejudgments against a groupgenerally accepted as a race in any given region of ethniccompetition,\towardsuch ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews inmedieval




8.In large part as a consequence of the feministmovement,historians have focused a great deal of attention in recentyears on determining more accurately

the status of women in variousperiods.

在很大程度上,由于女权主义运动(feminist movement)的缘故,史学家近年来汇聚


11.Thus,for instance,it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learnthat the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literallycorrect description of this atom,but only an approximation to asomewhat more correct equation taking account of spin,magneticdipole,and relativistic effects;and that this corrected

equation isitself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of

quantumfield-theoretical equations.



12.The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argumentthat is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if theassumptions on which it is based are slightly changed,whereas anargument that is convincing though

imprecise may well be stable undersmall perturbations of its underlying



与此相反,一个尽管并不精确无误但却令人置信的论据,在其基本假设(underlyingassumption)稍微受干扰的情况下,仍然有可能是站得住脚的。 13.However,as they gained cohesion,the Bluestockings came toregard themselves as a women’s group and to possess a sense of femalesolidarity lacking in the salonnieres,who remained isolated from oneanother by the primacy each held in her

own salon.



14.As my own studies have advanced,I have been increasinglyimpressed with the functional similarities between insect andvertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences thatseem,at first glance,to constitute such an immense

gulf between them.



15. Although fiction assuredly springs from politicalcircumstances,its authors react to those circumstances in ways otherthan ideological,and talking about novels and stories primarily asinstruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional




16.Is this a defect,or are the authors working out of,or trying toforge,a different kind of aesthetic?这究竟是一种缺陷呢,或者是否表明,这些作者是在按照一种与众不同的美学体系进行创作,抑或是在试图创立一种与众不同的美学体系? 17.Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels,bringing to ourattention in the process some fascinating and little-known works likeJames Weldon Johnson’s Autobiography of

an Ex- Colored Man.

《黑人小说》考察了极为广泛的一系列小说,在此过程中让我们注意到了某些引人入胜但却鲜为人知的作品,如詹姆斯。韦尔登。约翰逊(James WeldonJohnson)的《一个曾经是

有色人的自传》(Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man)。

18.Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths,where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated,to passthrough,they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emissionsradiated from the Earth’s surface,

radiation that would otherwise betransmitted back into space.



19.The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not ofdictating the details of human behavior but one of imposingconstraints—ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that \




20.A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number ofgrazers suggested,

but did not prove, that the grazers had removed mostof the algae. 在存在大量食草动物的同时却只有少量的水藻花粉囊,这暗示出——但没能证明——食草


21.Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community graz-ingrates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species inthe laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for fieldconditions using the known

population density of grazers.



22.In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance,that is,in the latespring and in the summer, Haney recorded maximum daily com-munitygrazing rates,for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes,respectively,of 6.6percent and 114 percent

of daily phytoplankton production.



23.The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is thecomplete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning asatmospheric water vapor,passing into liquid and solid form asprecipitation,thence along and into the ground surface,and finallyagain returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means

ofevaporation and transpiration.



24.The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890’s that theagrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the UnitedStates since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of theinternal frontier——that is,the depletion of available new land neededfor further expansion of the American

farming system.





25.In the early 1950’s,historians who studied preindustrial Europe(which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to1800) began, for the first time in large numbers,to investigate moreof the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent whocomprised the political and social elite:thekings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who hadhitherto

usually filled history books.



26.Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents toextract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes ofdifferent social groups (these attitudes include,but are not confinedto,attitudes toward crime and the law)

and have revealed how theauthorities administered justice.

象勒罗伊。拉迪里(Le Roy Ladurie)一类的史学家利用这些文献史料从中挖掘出某些个案史(case history)来,阐明了不同社会群体的态度(这些态度包括,但并非局限于,

