
更新时间:2023-10-27 09:26:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





Listening 听力部分




Section 1

场景: 社区服务问卷调查 City Survey 题型:10笔记 参考答案:

1. Address: Fowler Road 2. Postcode: RO6 2LR 3. Occupation: waiter 4. Satisfactory-streets 5. Poor-health services 6. Good-police 7. Plenty of parks

8. Good quality schools

9. More consultation local people 10. Improvements of swimming pool

Section 2

场景: 二手车市场 Hamilton Car Sale 题型:5单选+5匹配 参考答案: 11-15)

11. C - the number of people each week 12. A - differences of entry fee 13. B - document of car 14. B - sign of car

15. C - advice for car owners



16. Cars under 5000 pounds - D

17. Cars between 5000 to 10000 pounds - F 18. Cars above 10000 pounds - H 19. Caravans - A 20. Motorbikes - E

Section 3

场景: 水中污染物讨论

题型:2多选+4单选+4匹配 参考答案: 21-22)

21. B - Farmers can't get fish

22. E - Electronic products are affected


23. A - originated from Latin 24. C - Soil erosion 25. C - many years later 26. B - expensive

27-30) 27. Dried - B

28. Mushroom - E 29. Oyster - D 30. Cows - C

Section 4

场景: 阿拉斯加先民 Early Human’s migration to USA 题型:10填空 参考答案:

31. The place is cold but free of ice

32. How people migrate to Alaska: hunting 33. Evidence of migration: teeth 34. Resources

35. Evidence found: weapons 36. Technology used: boats 37. Plants 38. Climate

39. Lack of skill: navigational

40. Migration is impossible: current


Reading 阅读部分

Passage 1

题目:澳洲牙医 Australia Airborne Dentist 题型:7判断题+6填空题 新旧程度:新题 参考答案: 1-7)判断题

1. All the dentists in RFDS are volunteers - Not Given 2. They go to rural areas once a month 3. RFDS can treat wild variety of diseases 4. They will bring nurses with them 5. 会提供牙具和教育给村民 6. 假牙大小不适合是一个问题 7. 城里人的牙齿好是因为水


8. Jack said he had scores concerning the composition of the song 9. The Mario changed the song because they were fond of dancing 10. They also added lyrics to the song

11. Fields encountered the song on a tour and recorded it 12. The song became less popular after radio was invented 13. A court rejected that Jack and the descendants of the song

Passage 2

题目:工作压力 Work Related Stress 题型:5配对题+3单选+6填空 新旧程度:旧题 参考答案: 14-18)配对题

14. 工作压力来源于给顾客的承诺 - 企业家说的 15. 同事的帮助缓解工作压力 - 企业家说的 16. 主妇

17. 压力大不要缓解,需要训练 - 科学家说的 18. 积极的心态解决压力 (其余待补充)

Passage 3

题目:全球通用语言 Global Lingua Franca


题型:4判断题+5配对题+4单选题 新旧程度:新题 参考答案:

25. 统一英语的方法

26. 一个event引起了当局对英语的重视 27. impression (其余待补充) Writing 写作部分TASK 1 The table and graph below shows cinema visits in Australia between 1994 and 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.






Some people think that too much money and time have been allocated in scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 题目分析:

题目类型:社会类 提问方式:同意与否

The functions of governments come in an array of forms, among which science education is an indispensable facet. In spite of its importance, I am of the opinion that there exist other aspects which governments should attach significance to.

Apparently, science boosts the productivity reducing man power in the mean time, as we currently are pushing buttons in factory production rather than doing original heave-lifting. Modern transportation as another child of science brings us to the other half of hemisphere within less than one day while it would have taken months decades ago.

On the other hand, it is quite obvious that the people are inclined to be less economically burdened if governments prioritize health care. This is because more favorable policies will be issued and more funds will be granted to the public, making it more convenient and cost-effective for the public to see a doctor. For example, the financial support from governments is likely to render various medicines and

treatments more affordable to people not so well-off. Compared with the situation where citizens have to bear the cost totally by themselves, the economic pressure will be relieved to a large extent.

However, governments’ investment should not be confined within the boundary of one aspect. Education, which concerns the long-term development of the whole nation, should also receive more funds. More talented students will be cultivated due to the abundance of governments’ financial support, offering more intellectual support to the development of the society. Apart from education, it is also advisable that taxpayers’ money should be distributed to the infrastructure construction,

which will not only benefit every citizen’s daily life, but also attract more investment and create more job opportunities.

To sum up, the allocation of governments’ funds can go to more sectors which will exert more influence on publics and the society as a whole, although the importance of science cannot be underestimated.

Speaking 口语部分



Part 1:9月考频TOP 10 1、Hometown

2、Accommodation 3、Study or work 4、Save money 5、Teachers 6、Maps 7、Dictionary 8、Movies 9、Photos 10、Holiday

Part 2:9月考频TOP 10

1、Describe a sport that you have watched before and you want to try 2、Describe a building

3、Describe a talkative person 4、Describe a street market

5、Describe an interesting animal 6、Describe a public transport

7、Describe an occasion when you were scared 8、Describe something important that you lost 9、Describe a time that you had medicine 10、Describe a good law in your country

