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《矿物资源工程专业英语》教案 Teaching Plan on Specialized English Course for Mineral Resources Engineering

课程类型:矿物资源工程专业课Lesson Type: Specialized Course for Mineral Resources Engineering

主讲人:张去非 教 授 Spoken by Prof. Zhang Qufei

Teaching Plan on Specialized English Course for Mineral Processing TechnologyPart 1 Magnetic and High-tension SeparationPart 2 Types of Magnetic Separator Part 3 High-intensity Separators Part 4 High-intensity Separators Types Part 5 Magnetic Intensities Required to Extract Minerals

Part 6 Super-conducting SeparatorsPart 7 High-intension Separation Part 8 Typical Behavior of Minerals in High-tension Separators Part 9 Operating Principle of High-tension Separator Part 10 Froth Flotation

Part 11 Collectors Part 12 Anionic Collectors

Part 13 Cationic CollectorsPart 14 Frothers Part 15 Regulators Part 16 Depressants Part 17 Laboratory Flotation Testing Part 18 Pilot Plant Testwork Part 19 Basic Flotation Circuits

Part 20 Flowsheet DesignPart 21 Circuit Flexibility Part 22 Flotation Machines

Part 23 Comparison of Flotation Machines

Part 1 Magnetic and High-tension Separation〖第一部分 磁电分 选〗 Technical Terms〖技术术语〗1) magnetic separation — n. Based the difference in magnetic properties between the minerals in the ore, the minerals with high magnetism can be got by the magnetic separator. 〖磁选、磁力分选〗 2) overlap—v. partly cover by extending beyond one edge.〖重叠、交叉〗

3) as to — prep. about, concerning 〖至于,关于,就……而言〗Example: As to your brother, I will deal with him later. As to accepting their demand, we will discuss for several days. (with a gerund)

4) beach sand — n. sand ore from beach.〖海滨砂矿〗5) magnetite — n. a mineral with chemical formula Fe3O4〖磁铁矿〗 6) quartz — n. a mineral chemical formula SiO2 〖石英〗

7) gangue — n. refuses from mining or ore dressing〖脉石矿物〗 8) valuable minerals — n. some minerals which can be used in industries〖有 用矿物〗

9) wolframite — n. a mineral with chemical formula (Fe,Mn)WO4 〖黑钨矿〗10) cassiterite — n. a mineral with chemical formula SnO2 〖锡石〗 11) diamagnetics — n. some substances which can repel the effect from magnetic field〖抗磁性物质,抗磁质〗〖=diamagnetic substance〗 12) paramagnetic substance — n. some substances which can appeal the effect from magnetic field〖顺磁性物质,顺磁质〗 13) rutile — n. a mineral with chemical formula TiO2 〖金红石〗

14) monasite — n. a mineral with chemical formula (Ce,La)PO4, consists of Rare Earth(RE)〖独居石〗15) siderite — n. a mineral with chemical formula FeCO3〖菱铁矿〗

16) pyrrhotite — n. a mineral with chemical formula FeS〖磁黄铁矿〗

17) chromite — n. a mineral with chemical formula FeCr2O4〖铬铁矿〗 18) ferromagnetic substance — n. some subs

tances which have susceptibility to magnetic forces and retain some magnetism when removed from the field 〖铁磁性物质,铁磁质〗 19) ilmenite — n. a mineral with chemical formula FeTiO3〖钛铁矿〗 20) hematite — n. a mineral with chemical formula Fe2O3〖赤铁矿〗 21) oersted — n. a unit in the electro-magnetic unit〖奥斯特〗〖1 Oe=1000/(4π) A/m=80 A/m〗 22) entrain — v. include something into somewhere〖包含、夹杂〗 23) detachment — n. separation〖分离,分选〗

24) remanence — n. remain magnetic properties after removed from the field 〖剩磁〗25) bridge the gaps — make up the blank or clearance with something〖填补 空白〗

Teaching Focal Point〖教学重点〗To briefly introduce what magnetic separation is and explain designing criterion for magnetic separator. Finally it is concluded that production of a high field gradient as well as high intensity is therefore an important aspect of separator design.〖简明介绍什么是磁选?解释磁选机的设计原则。最后,得 出结论,即产生较高的磁场梯度和较高的磁场强度才是磁选机设计的重要方 面。〗

Part 2 Types of Magnetic Separator〖第二部分 磁选机的种类〗 Technical Terms〖技术术语〗1) low-intensity magnetic separation — n. magnetic separation enforced by low intensity magnetic separator〖弱磁选〗

2) cobbing — n. a kind of processes suitable for coarse particle size separation or sorting large size ore〖粗粒分选、拣选大块矿石〗3) drum separator — n. cylindrical-like magnetic separator for separating strongly magnetic minerals〖筒式磁选机〗

4) cleaner product — n. final product or concentrate〖精矿〗5) Crockett separator — n. a type of low-intensity magnetic separators〖克劳凯 特型弱磁场磁选机〗

6) endless belt — n. circular belt〖环带〗7) water spray — n. an atomizer or other apparatus which spread water in tiny drops〖喷水装置〗 8) HMS — abbr. Heavy Medium Separation〖重介质分选〗

9) concurrent type — n. a type of magnetic separator where the concentrate is carried forward by the drum and passes through a gap where it is compressed and dewatered before leaving the separator〖顺流型磁选机〗 10) counter-rotation type — n. a type of magnetic separator where the feed flows in the opposite direction to the rotation〖逆流型磁选机〗

11) weir — n. wall or barrier across a river to control the flow of water〖堰、 堤坝、拦河堰〗12) overflow weir — n. wall or barrier flowing over of liquid〖溢流堰〗

13) taconite — n. ferrous iron ore〖铁燧岩〗14) disseminate — v. distribute or spread widely ideas, doctrines, etc.〖浸染、 嵌布、分散〗 15) pelletising — n. a required process before iron concentrate is fed to the blast furnaces〖球团〗 16) horseshoe electromagnets — n. U-shaped electromagnets〖马蹄形电磁铁、 U形电磁铁

17) alluvial — adj. made of sand, earth, etc, left by rivers or floods〖冲积 的〗18) New Delhi — n.the capital of India〖印度首都新德里〗

Teaching Focal Point〖教学重点〗The operating process for the drum separator should be emphasized. The cross-belt separator, as one of the oldest types of separator used to concentrate moderately magnetic ores, should be noted as well. 〖强调筒 式磁选机的工作过程。作为最古老的用于分选中等磁性矿石的磁选机类 型之一的交叉带式磁选机也应重视。〗

Part 3 High-intensity Separators〖第三部分 强磁场磁选机〗 Technical Terms〖技术术语〗1) weakly paramagnetic minerals — n. minerals in which relative permeability are more than one〖弱顺磁性矿物〗

2) magnet pole — n. piece of iron, able to attract iron, either natural or by means of an electric current〖磁极〗3) feeding hopper — n. structure like an inverted cone or pyramid through which 4) induced roll — n. a kind of roll which is held near a magnet to make some materials be magnetized〖感应辊〗 5) serrated — adj. having notches on the edge like a saw〖锯齿状的〗 6) launder — n. long, narrow, steep slope down which things may slide or flow 〖溜槽〗

feeding materials passes to a machine, coal or coke to a furnace, etc.〖给料料斗〗

7) side view — n. drawing obtained from left side to see〖侧视图〗 8) scour — v. n. flush or wash with water〖冲洗,冲刷〗 9) grooved plates — n. special serrated plates in the separation box〖齿板〗

10) magnetic coil — n. metal wire wound in a spiral to conduct electric current to produce magnetic field〖磁力线圈〗11) capital cost — n. money spent on equipment, building, etc.〖基建费用〗

12) depreciation— n. lessening of value or estimation〖贬值,折旧〗13) specular hematite ore — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Fe2O3 〖镜铁矿〗 14) scheelite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition CaWO4〖白钨矿〗 15) asbestos — n. soft, fibrous, grey mineral substance that can be made into fire-proof fabrics or solid sheeting and used as a heat-insulating material〖石棉〗 16) molybdenum-bearing minerals — n. a mineral containing molybdenum〖含 钼矿物〗

Teaching Focal Point〖教学重点〗To teach students know some necessary technical terms, the sectional drawing for Jones separator as well as the plan for Jones plate box.〖给学生们 讲授一些必要的技术术语、琼斯型磁选机的剖面图及齿板箱的平面图。〗

Part 4 High-intensity Separators Types〖第四部分 强磁场磁选机 种类〗 Technical Terms〖技术术语〗 1) feebly magnetic iron ore — n. weakly magnetic iron ore〖弱磁性铁矿石〗2) separation box — n. a special box with some neatly arrayed grooved plate inside〖分选箱〗 3) impurity — n. state of being impure〖杂质〗 4) Jones separator — n. a k

ind of high-intensity separator made in KHD Humbolt Wedag AG,Germany〖德国卡哈德· 洪堡· 维达格公司制造的琼斯强磁 选机〗 5) sulphur — n. light-yellow non-metallic element (symbol S) that burns with a bright flame and a strong smell, used in medicine and industry〖硫〗 6) Rapid type HW high-intensity wet magnetic separator — n. a kind of highintensity separator〖拉比德型磁选机〗

7) field gradient — n. degree of variation in a magnetic field〖磁场梯度〗

8) steel wool matrix — n .woolly based substance 〖钢毛填充介质〗 9) high-gradient magnetic separator — n. a kind of magnetic separator 〖高梯 度磁选机〗 10) kaolin — n. fine white clay used in making porcelain, etc.〖高岭土、陶土〗 11) slurry — n. liquid mixture of feed ore or mud〖矿浆、泥浆〗 12) induced roll separator — n. a kind of high-intensity separator〖感应辊式强 磁场磁选机〗

Teaching Focal Point〖教学重点〗To make students understand the relevant technical terms and types of highintensity magnetic separators. At last, the operating process for the Jones separator is a key point for students to study,too.〖使学生们掌握相关的技术 术语和强磁场磁选机的种类。最后,琼斯型强磁场磁选机的操作过程也是学生 们学习的重点。〗

Part 5 Magnetic Intensities Required to Extract Minerals〖第五 部分 分选矿物所需要的磁场强度〗 Technical Terms〖技术术语〗1) alabandite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition MnS〖硫锰矿〗

2) ankerite — n. a mineral Ca(Mg,Fe,Mn)[CO3]2〖铁白云石〗





3) apatite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Ca5[PO4]3(F,Cl,OH) 〖磷灰石〗

4) bastnasite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Ce,La)[CO3]F 〖氟碳铈矿〗5) biotite — n. a mineral which K(Mg,Fe)3[AlSi3O10](OH)2〖黑云母〗 has chemical composition

6) braunite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition 3Mn2O3· MnSiO3 〖褐锰矿〗

7) chromite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition FeCr2O4〖铬铁矿〗

8) chrysocolla — n. a mineral which has chemical composition CuSiO3· 2O 2H 〖硅孔雀石〗 9) columbite — n. a mineral (Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6〖铌铁矿〗 which has has has has chemical chemical chemical chemical composition composition composition composition

10) davidite — n. a mineral which (Fe,U,Ce)(Ti,Fe)3(O,OH)7〖铀钛磁铁矿〗 11) epidote — n. a mineral which Ca2(Al,Fe)3[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)〖绿帘石〗 12) euxenite — n. a mineral which (Y,Ca,Ce,U,Th)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2O6〖黑稀金矿〗

13) ferberite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition FeWO4〖钨铁矿〗 14) franklinite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition ZnFe2O4〖锌铁 尖晶石〗 15) garnet — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn)3 (Al,Fe,Mn,Cr,Ti)2(SiO4)3〖石榴石〗 16) goethite — n. a mineral which has

chemical composition Fe2O3· 2O〖针铁 H 矿〗

17) hematite — n.iron oxide which has chemical formula Fe2O3〖赤铁矿〗

18) hornblende — n. a mineral which (Ca,Mg,Al,Fe2,Mn,Na2,Na2,K2)SiO3〖角闪石〗




19) ilmenite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition FeTiO3〖钛铁矿〗 20) ilmeno-rutile — n. a mineral which has chemical composition TiO2· Fe(Nb,Ta)2O6〖黑金红石〗 21) limonite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Fe2O3· 2O〖褐铁 nH 矿〗

22) maghemite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Fe2O3〖磁赤铁 矿〗

23) magnetite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Fe3O4〖磁铁矿〗 25) monazite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Ce,La,Y,Th)[PO4] 〖独居石〗 26) muscovite — n. a mineral KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2〖白云母〗 which has chemical composition

24) martite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Fe2O3〖假象赤铁矿〗

27) olivine — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Fe,Mg)2[SiO4]〖橄 榄石〗28) pyrochlore(or:pyrochlorite) — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Ca,Ce)2Nb2(O,F)7〖黄绿石〗 29) pyrolusite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition MnO2〖软锰矿〗 31) renierite — n. a mineral Cu3(Fe,Ge,Zn)(As,S)4〖硫铜锗矿〗 which has chemical composition

30) pyrrhotite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Fe1-xS〖磁黄铁矿〗

32) rhodochrosite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition MnCO3〖菱 锰矿〗

33) rhodonite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition MnSiO3〖蔷薇辉 石〗34) samarskite — n. a mineral which has (Y,Er,Ce,U,Ca,Fe,Pb,Th)(Nb,Ta,Ti,Sn)2O6〖铌钇矿〗 chemical composition

35) siderite—n. a mineral which has chemical composition FeCO3〖菱铁矿〗

36) staurolite — n. a mineral FeAl4[SiO4]2O2(OH)2〖十字石〗





37) serpentine — n. a mineral which has chemical composition Mg6(Si4O10) (OH)8〖蛇纹石〗

38) tantalite(or:tantaline) — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Fe,Mn)Ta2O6〖钽铁矿〗39) titaniferous-magnetite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Fe,Ti)3O4〖含钛磁铁矿〗 40) tourmaline — n. a mineral which (Na,Ca)(Mg,Al)6[B3Al3Si6(O,OH)30]〖电气石〗 has chemical composition

41) uraninite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition UO2〖沥青铀矿〗

42)wolframite — n. a mineral which has chemical composition (Fe,Mn)WO4 〖黑钨矿〗43) xenotime — n. a mineral which has chemical composition YPO4〖磷钇矿〗

