新概念英语二习题Lesson 73-74

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Lesson 73 The Record-holder 记录保持者 I. 语法与词汇知识

1. Middle school students ______ play truant from school will be punished. A. whom A. watched A. where

B. who

C. which

D. that D. watch D. what D. wake up

2. Peter spent two hours ______ the film last night.

B. watching B. which

C. watches C. when

3. I was washing my clothes ______ my mother called me. 4. I don?t know why I ______ late this morning. A. has woke up

sent him home.

A. on B. off C. in D. up II. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. he , the , over , and , again , read , story , over

____________________________________________________________. 7. they , got , the , and , something , to , into , found , house , eat

____________________________________________________________. 8. I , the , truth , last , discovered , at

____________________________________________________________. 9. I?d , to , a , of , coffee , like , cup , drink

____________________________________________________________. 10. the , up , by , policeman , picked , was , a , wallet

____________________________________________________________. III. 阅读理解

Have you ever wished to go through time as cartoon characters do? In fact, this cannot be realized, but strange things happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones (时区), one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-fours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back, traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either 25 or 23 hours.

B. woke up

C. has been woken up

5. The boy got lost in the forest, but soon he was picked ______ by an old man and

That means you are losing or gaining much time during the journey. If you often travel like this every year, you may not know how old you are after 20 years. Can you imagine? This sounds like a fiction.

11. Strange things happen to time when you travel because ______. A. no day really has twenty-four hours B. no one knows where time zones begin C. the earth is divided into time zones D. in some places one day has twenty-five hours

12. The difference in time between adjacent zones is ______. A. one hour C. seven days

B. five hours

D. twenty-four hours B. one hour ahead for the whole trip

13. If you travel across the Atlantic Ocean, going east, you set your clock ______. A. one hour ahead in each time zone

C. one full day back for each time zone D. one hour back in each time zone 14. From this passage, it seems true that the Atlantic is ______.

A. in one time zone B. divided into twenty-four zones C. divided into five time zones D. in four time zones IV. 翻译

15. over and over again 16. in the meantime 17. wake up

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

18. play truant from school 19. outside the city

20. 当地政府其实很重视教育的发展。

In fact, the ______ ______ attaches great importance to the development of


21. 我下个月旅行去欧洲

I?ll ______ ______ Europe next month. 22. 这部车停在了广场中心。

They car parked in the ______ of the square. 23. 警察把小偷带进了一个昏暗的房间。

A policeman ______ the thief ______ a dark room. 24. 我梦想可以进最好的大学。

I ______ ______ entering the best university.


Lesson 74 Out of the Limelight 舞台之外 I. 语法与词汇知识

1. They got ______ the car and went into the building. A. off A. as so A. dirty

B. out

C. in

D. down D. because D. rude D. well D. preparing D. passersby D. laugh D. so that D. hardship

2. The actress took special precautions ______ she couldn?t be recognized.

B. for that B. wonderful B. good

C. so that C. noisy C. best

3. What a beautiful and quiet place! Here is a ______ place for a picnic! 4. If I can get the scholarship, it couldn?t be ______. A. better A. prepares A. persons A. spoke

5. They had all the foods ______.

B. prepared B. polices

C. prepare C. strangers C. talked

6. “Don?t believe ______ once you are in a new place!” my brother told me. 7. “Now you get out of the house!” He ______ at his son loudly.

B. shouted

8. You?d better take an umbrella, ______ it rains. A. because of B. the moment C. in case A. easy

B. hard

C. friend

9. “Don?t be too ______ on him. He is only a child!” he said to her. 10. Famous actors don?t want to be ______ in public.

A. recognized B. knew C. called D. showed

II. 完形填空

Once a lion saw a fine young horse and wanted to eat her. But the horse was very 11 and the lion could not catch her. Then the lion had 12 . He told the animal that he was a good 13 and could do something for them. The horse was clever. She understood 14 the lion wanted to do. So one day when the lion was near the horse, she told him that there was something 15 with one of her feet and asked him to have a look 16 it. Of course, the lion was very 17 to do so. Then the horse raised one of his legs from the ground 18 the lion looked at her foot, she kicked him on the 19 . The lion fell to the ground. The horse 20 and ran away.

11. A. beautiful B. young C. careful D. pretty 12. A. an idea B. a way C. an answer D. a method 13. A. nurse B. doctor C. teacher D. friend

14. A. what B. how 15. A. sad B. good 16. A. at B. after 17. A. angry B. glad 18. A. before B. after 19. A. head B. legs 20. A. laughed B. cried III. 翻译

21. river bed 22. get off 23. a party of

C. where C. wrong C. for C. surprised C. when C. hands C. appeared D. which D. afraid D. about D. hard D. ago D. leg D. went

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

24. take special precaution 25. get out of

26. 穿黑色套装的时候,他总是打红色领带。

When ______ ______ black suit, he always has a red tie on. 27. 当那颗星出现的时候,就是午夜了。 When that star ______, it is midnight. 28. 我没认出他来,因为他化装了。

I didn?t recognize him because he is in ______. 29. 他冷笑道:“你最好还是快点离开!”

“You?d better leave quickly!” he said with ______ ______. 30. “难道你不识字,没看见这写着‘禁止吸烟'!” 她吼道。 She shouted “You can?t ______? Don?t you see it says ?No Smoking?!”

