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Unit 1 Vocabulary Task Answers 1,hello!

Hi,how are you doing? Pretty good. 2.hi, how are you Fine thanks. 3.good morning Morning what’s new? Not much. Listening Task 1 first listening


4(at school )2(home) 3(at a reception) 1(in the park) 2 second listening Answers

1A:hello ! B:oh,hi!

A:it’s a beautiful day!

B:yeah ,a good day for running. 2A:hello ,I’m home

B:hi, how are you

A:I’m tired it’s good to be home 3A:good morning B:good morning

A:I’m mia clark .is mr lee here

B:yes just a moment.mr lee ms clark is here to see you 4 A:HI

B:hey what’s new

A not much. Look,the teacher is coming B we need to go to class Real World Listening 1 predict

2 get the main ideas Answers

Good morning Hi, how are you Hi,nadia.

Hey,nadia.how’s it going Hello,ms.barnes. Good morning …coffee Good morning ,ms .barnes Script

Man-1 good morning,nadia

Nadia good morning

Woman-1 hi how are you Nadia hi fine thanks

Woman-2 hi Nadia how’s it going Nadia great. I had a great weekend Man-2 hey Nadia how’s it going Nadia morning fine how about you

Woman-3 hello ms barnes. Did you have a good weekend Nadia yes it was very good how about you Woman-4 good morning Nadiagood morning Woman-4 coffee

Nadia sure, thanks… sorry .gotta go . Nadia good morning,everyone.

Students: good morning . ms barnes

____________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 Vocabulary Task Answers:

1. 1. Petra Fields

2. 2. 1904 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94001 3. 3. 554-0912

4. 4. Petra@news.com 5. 5. March 19, 1980 6. 6. Apple Computer Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers

1. 1. David Gomez 14A Park Street

Seattle, WA 98117

2. 2. Skiers Sports Shop Scott@mountain.com 3. 3. Sarah Cahill


4. 4. 03/14/86 (March 14, 1986) Hillview High School 2 Second Listening Answers

1. 1. What’s your name? 2. 2. Where do you work?

3. 3. And your home phone number? 4. 4. Where do you go to school? Real World Listening

1 Predict


Do you have your card? What’s your name? How do you spell that? And what’s your address? What is your telephone number? Where do you work? 2 Get the main ideas Answers Ted Mendrou 27 Red Tree Drive 818-777-0768

NA (He doesn’t work, he’s a student.) NA (HE doesn’t have a credit card.) Script

Clerk: Next.

Ted: Yes, I’d like this video. Clerk: Do you have your card? Ted: No, I don’t have a card.

Clerk: Okay. I’ll make a card. What’s your name? Ted: Ted Mendrou.

Clerk: How do you spell that? Ted: M-E-N-D-R-O-U.

Clerk: And what’s you’re address? Ted: 27 Red Tree Drive.

Clerk: Red Tree? Is that one word or two? Ted: It’s two words: Red. Tree.

Clerk: What is your telephone number? Ted: 777-0768

Clerk: Is that the 818 area code? Ted: Yep.

Clerk: Where do you work? Ted: I don’t work. I’m a student.

Clerk: Okay, now I just need a credit card number. Ted: A credit card?

Clerk: Yes, you know, VISA MasterCard… Ted: Uh-oh.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 3 Vocabulary Task Answers

(BR), (K), (BD), (LR), (BD), (K), (BR), (BR), (LR), (BD), (LR), (BR), (BD), ( -), (K), (K), (LR) Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers

5. 1. bedroom 3. bathroom6. 2. kitchen 4. living room 2 Second Listening Answers

5. 1. This is a pretty big room. 6. 2. It’s nice and sunny.

7. 3. This room is very small. 8. 4. This room is great. Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer

Size of room, furniture, how much it costs, swimming pool. 2 Get the main ideas Answers

Business hotel: two beds, a bathtub, a couch, a table

Ritz Hotel: two beds, a bathtub, a shower, a couch, a table, chairs, refrigerator, TV, pool Script

Alan: I looked on the Internet today and I think I found a hotel for us. Bob: Oh, yeah? Me, too. What does yours have?

Alan: Well, it’s a business hotel. The room has two beds. And, of course, a bathroom. The bathroom has a bathtub, but no shower. Bob: That’s it?

Alan: Well, in the picture it looks like there’s also a couch and table.

Bob: Two beds, a couch, a table and no shower. Okay. Want to hear about my hotel?

Alan: All right, but I –

Bob: It’s the Ritz Hotel. It looks great! The room is really two rooms: a bedroom with two really big beds and a living room with a couch, a table and chairs. There is a bath room with a shower and a big bathtub. And listen to this. You also get a refrigerator and a big-screen TV! Alan: Sounds expensive.

Bob: Wait. There’s even a health club with a pool!

Alan: How much?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 4 T-shirts and jeans Vocabulary Task Answers/script

Miguel is wearing a blue T-shirt, jeans, socks, sneakers, and a red hat. Lydia is wearing a yellow dress, a green sweater, and brown shoes. Ricardo is wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a light brown coat. Yasu is wearing green shorts, a blue sweatshirt, and sneakers. Trudi is wearing a blue swimming suit and a yellow jacket. Jennifer is wearing a blue jacket, black pants, and black shoes. Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers

7. 1. Lisa has a new job (at a bank). 8. 2. Erin is going to a party.

9. 3. Jeff wants to swim and run after work.

10. 4. Colin works at a hotel. He is a waiter. Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer

They’ll take everything except the running shorts. 2 Get the main ideas Answers

A ski jacket, 2 sweaters (a blue one and a yellow and green one), ski boots, a pair of gloves, a (yellow and black) ski hat, a (blue) swimming suit, a (white) bathrobe, a (black) suit, a white shirt, a (red) tie, an extra pair of jeans, a few shirts


Susan: Come on, David. Let’s get ready for the ski trip.

David: Already?

Susan: What do you mean ―already‖? We’re leaving tomorrow morning.

David: Oh. Well. I don’t need to get ready. I can just take a few things, you know, a ski jacket, a sweater, my ski boots. I don’t need much.

Susan: you need more than that. How about gloves? David: Oh, yeah. I guess I need a pair of gloves.

Susan: Right. And how about a hat? You’ve got a great yellow and black ski hat. Take that. David: Oh, right. Okay. Where is my hat? Great. I found it. And here are my

black gloves. Ahhh…here’s my blue sweater. I’ll take this too. Susan, where’s my yellow and green ski sweater?

Susan: I thought you only needed one sweater.

David: Well, yeah, but…It’s always good to have two. Let’s see. What else? Maybe I’ll take this… Susan: David, our hotel has a spa and a swimming pool. Take a swimming suit. Your blue one. David: Right, right. My blue swimming suit. Then, of course. I need to take my white bathrobe. Okay. I think I’m ready…Wait, I guess I’ll take my black suit, too. And this white shirt and my red tie. So we can go out at night.

Susan: I thought you only needed a ski jacket, a sweater, and a pair of ski boots…

David: no, actually, what I need is a bigger suitcase. I think I’ll take an extra pair of jeans, and maybe a few more shirts… Susan: David!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 5 Vocabulary Task Answers

Colombian, Korean, French, Brazilian, Japanese, American, English, Thai Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers

11. 1. Australia 2. Spain 3. China 4. India 2 Second Listening


9. 1. Liz (Walker) 3. Yu-an (Lee) 10. 2. Carlos (Fernandez) 4. Purni

