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?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 1
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706Spelling Unit Components (4)
More Ideas for Spelling Practice (7)
Student Spelling Dictionaries (8)
Spelling Strategies (10)
Spelling Lists (11)
Sentences for Dictation (21)
Spelling List 1......................................................................................................24 short vowel words
Spelling List 2......................................................................................................28 short vowel words
Spelling List 3 (32)
sounds a and ?
Spelling List 4 (36)
short vowel words; words with /or/
Spelling List 5......................................................................................................40 long vowel words with silent e; short vowels
Spelling List 6......................................................................................................44 long/short e words
Spelling List 7 (48)
long o, i, a; /oo/; add suf? x ing —no change to base word
Spelling List 8 (52)
long and short a; /th/
Spelling List 9 (56)
short/long u; add suf? x ing—double ? nal consonant and add ending;
long o spellings—silent e; /oa/
Spelling List 10....................................................................................................60 long/short vowel words; add suf? x ing —drop silent e and add ending
Spelling List 11 (64)
? nal consonant digraphs and blends
Spelling List 12....................................................................................................68 sounds of ? nal y; initial y sound
Spelling List 13....................................................................................................72 double consonant words
Spelling List 14 (76)
short/long o sound; /aw/, /all/
Spelling List 15 (80)
long a;/ai/, /ay/
Spelling List 16 (84)
sounds of /oo/
Spelling List 17 (88)
/ow/, /ou/; long o
Spelling List 18 (92)
/er/, /ir/, /ur/
Spelling List 19 (96)
initial consonant blends—st;/oo/
Spelling List 20 (100)
long and short vowels; words ending in ve
Spelling List 21 (104)
initial consonant blends—cr, dr, tr
Spelling List 22 (108)
/oi/; words with -other
Spelling List 23 (112)
? nal consonant blends/digraphs—nk, ng, th, sh; sounds of /th/
Spelling List 24 (116)
long i, e
Spelling List 25 (120)
initial blends—tr, st; add suf? x ed—double ? nal consonant
Spelling List 26 (124)
? nal /k/, /ck/
Spelling List 27 (128)
initial blends/digraphs—pr, ch, br
Spelling List 28 (132)
/ou/, /ow/, /oo/
Spelling List 29 (136)
spelling various vowel sounds
Spelling List 30 (140)
consonant digraphs—wh, th;/er/
Additional Resources (144)
Answer Key (151)
Master Word List (158)
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 2 Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
All children bene? t by directed spelling instruction. This instruction may be a
block of time set aside strictly for spelling instruction, or an integrated part of
a whole language program.
Students need to be taught the following:
? how to spell words that are created using English phonemes,
as well as common nonphonetic words
? strategies to help them spell dif? cult words
? that correct spelling increases their ability to communicate their
ideas and feelings to others
Choose those lists or words that meet your students’ needs. (The Table of
Contents lists the skills covered in each unit.) Some second-grade students will
need to begin with List 1; others will be ready to begin with later lessons.
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 3 Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 4
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706Each of the 30 spelling units contains the following components:
Word Lists (pages 11–20)
Reproduce the spelling list twice for each student—one copy to use at school and one copy to take home along with the parent letter
(see page 150).
Students use the list at school for “partner practice” (see page 7),
independent practice, and to copy in inpidual spelling dictionaries (see page 8).
Sentences for Dictation (pages 21–23)
There are two dictation sentences for each spelling list. Space for sentence dictation is provided on the testing form (see page 146). Ask students to listen to the complete sentence as you read it. They then repeat it aloud. Give the sentence in phrases, repeating each phrase one time clearly. Have students repeat the phrase. Wait as students write the phrase.
When the whole sentence has been written, read it again, having students touch each word as you say it.Activity Pages
Four reproducible pages are provided for each unit: Read, Write, & Spell; Visual Memory; Word Meaning; and Word Study. These may be used as teacher-directed lessons, for partner practice, or as inpidual assignments.
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 5 Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706Visual Memory and Other Skills
Con? guration puzzles help students become aware of the shape and order of the letters in a word. This improves visual memory.
A variety of other skills are practiced on the bottom half of the page. These include editing for correct spelling, rhyming words, adding endings, and practicing phonetic elements.
Read, Write, & Spell
This page is used for the initial practice of each spelling
Step 1 —Trace the word and spell it aloud. (Some children
Step 2—Copy the word onto the ? rst blank line and spell
it again.
Step 3—Fold the paper along the fold line to cover the
spelling words. (Only the last column should be
seen.) Write the word from memory.
Step 4—Open the paper and check the spelling. (This
is a very important step. Children need to learn
to self-correct so misspellings are not being
practiced.) Repeat the steps for each spelling
Y ou may want to write the directions for
activity 1 on a chart to post in the classroom.
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 6 Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
Testing Form
A reproducible testing form is included on page 146. It contains lines for the 10 spelling words, for two special words you may have assigned, for two dictation sentences, and
three lines that may be used to give review words of your choice from preceding lists.Tracking Student Progress
Class and inpidual record forms are provided on pages 144 and 145.
Create Your Own Activities
Use the blank forms (pages 147–149) to create spelling lists, con? guration puzzles, and word sorts with words from units of study, special holiday words, or words containing a speci? c phonetic element or skill needing further practice. These forms may also be used to create student-selected spelling lists.
Word Meaning
Students complete this page to show an understanding of
the meaning of the words. Some pages require ? lling in
blanks; others ask students to answer questions.Word Study
The phonetic and word analysis skills on this page may
be used as a direct-teaching lesson or as independent
practice. Many of the pages involve sorting words by
phonetic elements. Students cut out the word cards, read
them, and then paste the cards in the correct column.Additional Resources
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 7
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706Give a pretest to see what types of errors are being made by students. Explain that this is a way to learn what needs to be practiced. It is not a “test” that will be graded in any way. Write each word on a chart or an overhead transparency and have students correct their own papers so they can see where they need practice. Use these errors as a guide for the development of minilessons on speci? c skills or phonemes.
Practice with a Partner
Have students work in pairs to practice their spelling lists. One student says the word aloud, pronouncing it carefully. The other student writes the word. The “tester” then spells the word aloud as the writer checks to see if the word was spelled correctly. Any word missed is written correctly before continuing. After the list is completed, students change roles and repeat the activity.
Extending the Use of Spelling Words
1. Have students use the words on their spelling lists in their own writings, both in
isolated sentences and in stories and reports.
2. Have students ? nd their spelling words in other places such as posters and charts in
the classroom, in literature books, and in magazines or newspapers.
3. Encourage students to ? nd other words that contain the same sound or pattern being
studied in the spelling lesson.
Create a Word-rich Room Environment
Y ou can improve students’ spelling by ? lling your classroom with words. Provide
opportunities for hearing language (talk, tell stories, read to them) and for seeing words (post banners, charts, lists of words, student writings; provide literature books, non? ction books, magazines, etc.).
Write! Write! Write!
Students’ writings serve two purposes. They give students a chance to use the language and spelling skills being learned. They provide the teacher with clues to the students’understanding of sound/letter relationships, and can help identify which phonetic elements and special spellings need to be practiced.
Y ou will begin to see fewer invented spellings as students transfer new phonetic and/or structural understandings from the spelling lessons into their writing experiences.
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 8
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706they frequently use in their writing.
Steps to Follow
1.Color and cut out the cover sheet form.
Glue it to the front cover of the dictionary.
2.Staple the lined paper inside the cover.
Place masking tape over the staples.
3.Guide students (or ask parent volunteers)
to write a letter of the alphabet on each page.
Materials ? copy of “My Own Spelling Dictionary” form (page 9)
? 26 sheets of lined paper—6" x 9" (15 x 23 cm)
? 2 sheets of construction paper or tagboard for
cover—6" x 9" (15 x 23 cm)
? crayons or markers
? glue
? stapler
? masking tape
What to Include
1.When students ask for the correct spelling of a special word, have
them write it in their dictionary.
2.Include special words being learned as part of science or social
studies units.
3.Include words for special holidays.
4.Include the common words students continue to misspell on tests
and in daily written work.
5.Add color and number words if these are not on charts posted in the classroom.
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 9 Building Spelling Skills Grade 2 EMC 2706
?2002 by Evan-Moor Corp. 10
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706on a chart as it is introduced. Post the chart as a helpful reminder to students. Review the strategies frequently to help students internalize them.Say a word correctly. Think about what the word looks like.Look for small words in spelling words.
Use rhyming words to help spell a 768d785790c69ec3d5bb7586e rules for adding endings.Think about what the word 768d785790c69ec3d5bb7586e outside help.If you can spell book,
you can spell look.
Don’t leave out or
mispronounce sounds.
Write the sounds in the
correct order.
Think about how the spelling
pattern looks.
Write it, look at it, and decide
if it looks correct.
spin—pin, in
cupcake—cup, cake Drop silent e before adding a suf? x.
Double the ? nal consonant before
adding a suf? x.
Some words sound the same, but
have different meanings and are
spelled in different ways.
Match the spelling with its meaning.
Use charts, banners, and
lists around the classroom.
Ask someone for help.
Use a personal spelling dictionary.
special word
his is an and can all call land hand small
special word
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
special word
some come home fun funny run running ran us use
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
special word
candy went sent take like puppy time didn’t by my
special word
way away today chain wait chase play played rain paint
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
special word
her girl turn hurt first were card part start are
special word
you your yes yell drop line side dress draw saw
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
special word
why try trying eat mean read sunny fly treat each
special word
Building Spelling Skills, Grade 2 ? EMC 2706
special word
which where there before after over again inside outside under
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