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一、课程基本信息 课程代码 中文名称 课程类别 学科基础课程(必修课) Zero-class Extensive Reading Course I 适用专业 总学时 先修课程 英语专业 36 无 开课单位 学 分 后续课程 外国语学院 2 《英语阅读2》 《英语阅读1》 (英语零课时阅读) 英文名称 二、课程性质、地位和任务



学生在教师的指导下,培养良好的阅读习惯,学会做读书笔记;了解阅读学习的策略,培养自主学习策略;掌握基本的阅读技能:predicting, skimming, scanning, guessing words, inference, 等等; 能读懂简单的应用文,快速获取所需信息;能以每分钟70-120个单词的速度阅读难度相当于21st Century的报刊和Thirty-Nine Steps (简写本)的阅读材料,理解中心大意,抓住主要情节;认识并熟悉一些文体风格,并能自觉的根据不同的阅读目的和阅读材料,选择相应的阅读技巧,对所阅读的材料进行预测、推理、归纳和分析,领会作品的真实含义;培养学生使用词典和网络资源的信息策略,逐步学会独立解决阅读中的一些语言难点和背景知识,以利于学生的终身阅读;通过阅读地道的英语原文,初步了解英语国家的一些历史、地理、文化和风土人情、认识中西文化差异,培养学生的跨文化交际意识和能力;建立学习小组,学会合作学习;帮助学生建构有效的认知、调控、交际、资源和文化意识策略,为其后期的学习以及终生阅读和学习奠定基础。

四、课程内容及学时分配 Lecture 1:

A brief introduction to Zero-class Extensive Reading Course (2 periods)

Getting to know each other:

The purpose of university and the way to succeed in university ▲ A brief introduction to Zero-class Extensive Reading Course :

Course description

Expectations of the course for the students and teachers

Lecture 2:

Reading & Reading Comprehension (1 periods)

The significance and definition of reading & reading comprehension The purpose of reading

The types of reading & reading comprehension ▲

The models of reading ▲

For different reading materials and purposes readers are expected to adopt different reading

strategies and skills.

Lecture 3:

Previewing (3 periods)

Previewing the textbook Reader’s Choice and learning the way to handle it Getting familiar with the parts of a book, newspaper or magazine▲ Practicing previewing in articles and newspapers The significance of previewing

Lecture 4:

Vocabulary skills (3 periods)

Skills for guessing new words:

Context clues ▲ Word analysis▲

Skills for enlarging vocabulary

Dictionary Use (3 periods)

Lecture 5:

Previewing and scanning the dictionary at hand The information provided in OALD 6th▲ The types and selection of dictionary Helping Ss get familiar with OALD 6th Advocating efficient use of dictionary ▲

Sentence study (3 periods)

Lecture 6:

Sentence patterns

Understanding difficult sentences ▲

Paragraph reading (3 periods)

Lecture 7:

The definition of paragraph The structure of paragraph The types of paragraph ▲ Topic & Main idea

How to get the main idea of a paragraph ▲ Enjoying the poem “Fueled”

Lecture 8:

Skimming and scanning (2 periods)

The definition of skimming & scanning The use of skimming and scanning The practice of skimming & scanning

Story reading 1: The Midnight Visitor (sample of literal reading) (2 periods)

Lecture 9:

Learning about the author Robert Arthur Understanding the text The Midnight Visitor ▲

Learning about “Mystery” and the skills of reading mystery stories Learning about the elements of a story▲ Ss’ role -play

Story reading 2: The Chaser (Sample of Critical reading) (2 periods)

Learning about the elements of the story Irony ▲ Pun ▲

“Be careful, or your wishes will come true” ▲

Lecture 10: Essay reading: Can English be Dethroned?(3 periods)

Getting the main idea and structure of the essay

Understanding the text and its significance in English Learning Relating the reading material to Ss’ experience▲

Lecture 11: Note-taking and reading journal (2 periods)

The significance of taking notes and keeping a reading journal The effective ways to take notes and keep reading journals Study other students’ response to literature Experiment with a reading journal

Lecture 12: Small group work training (4 periods)

The definition and significance of small group work The roles and their responsibilities in small group work “Fish bowl watching ”




(美)S. Silberstein, B. K Dobson 和M.A. Clarke,《读者的选择》Reader’s Choice (4th Ed.). 北京:世界图书出版公司,2007年.


1. Campbell, Colin. The Ironing Man (《烫衣先生》). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社& CUP, 2002 2. Walker, Carolyn. Deadly Harvest (《致命的收获》). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社& CUP, 2002 3. Wilson, Judith. Staying Together (《永不离分》). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社& CUP, 2002 4. Maurier, Daphne du. Rebecca (《蝴蝶梦》). 北京:世界图书出版公司,2006

5. Morgan,Sally. Genetic Modification of Food (《转基因食品》). 北京:中国青年出版社,2005 6. Wallerstein, Claire. Depression (《忧郁症》). 北京:中国青年出版社,2005

7. 21st Century每天坚持阅读10分钟的英文报纸;或者每周与小组同学合作阅读一份21世纪报 8. 选读《国家地理》英文读本45本中的10本,导航书屋阅读



20% for participation and performance in class 20% for book journal 60% for final test paper


“英语阅读1”为“英语阅读2”的准备阶段,此阶段主要帮助学生理解并接受自主阅读的概念, 要求学生善于挑战自己的阅读策略, 同时学生的阅读技巧进行训练,为“英语阅读2”作思想上和技术上的准备。

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