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班级 姓名 得分 制卷人:

一、选择题。( 20 分)

( ) 1. He can play ___ basketball well, but he can’t play ____ violin. A the; / B / ; the C the; the ( ) 2. Please call Li Hong _____ 397-2459. A in B at C with

( ) 3.Bill thinks drawing is easy ___ him because he is good ____ it. A for; at B of ; with C to ; for ( ) 4. ---______ you sing Eason’s Ten Years for us? --- Sure, I can.

A Do B Can C Are ( ) 5.She can’t dance ____she can sing. A and B but C or ( )6. Can she _____ Chinese very well? A say B speak C talks ( ) 7.—Are you ____ kids ? -- Yes, I am.

A good for B good with C good at ( ) 8.Jerry _____ his homework in the evening. A doesn’t B doesn’t do C don’t do

( ) 9. I usually go and visit my grandpa _____ Sunday evening. A on B in C at

( ) 10. ______ you _____ she can get this job. We need only one person(人). A Either ; or B Do; or C What’s ; or ( ) 11. – What time is it? -- _______.

A In the morning B Seven twenty C Sunday ( ) 12. His mother _____ home and has lunch quickly.

A gets B get C gets to ( ) 13. How long does it take?

A Two kilometers B Two days C Take the bus ( ) 14. I want to buy ____ milk for my grandma. A a lot B many C lots of

( ) 15. Tom usually goes home to see his parents ____ train. A by B take C on

( ) 16. Sanya is far from my home. It’s about ______.

A four hundred kilometer B four hundred kilometers C four hundreds kilometers ( ) 17 What do you ____ of the food in China? A talk B make C think

( ) 18._____ about two hours to walk to the train station. A He takes B They take C It takes ( ) 19. – Can you tell me _____? --- Only one kilometer.

A how far is it from the subway B how far it is from the subway

C how long does it take to get to the subway

( ) 20.—How far is the bus station ? --- It’s near here , about ______.

A ten minutes walk B ten minute’s walk C ten minutes’ walk 二、完形填空。( 10 分)

Betty is a beautiful girl. She is from Shanghai _21___ she works in a store in Beijing. Now she lives in Beijing, __22____.The store is far _23___ her home. She starts to work at nine o’clock, but she usually __24_ at six. She doesn’t have breakfast _25__ home. After __26__ teeth, she _27___ to buy some food for breakfast. Then she goes to take the subway at half _28__ six. She can have breakfast in the subway. She usually gets ti __29__ store at eight forty.

Her work ends at seven. She gets home at about nine __30__ the evening. She often feels (感觉) 1

tired, but she likes her job very much.

( ) 21. A or B but C so ( ) 22. A either B also C too ( ) 23. A to B from C away ( ) 24. A gets up B goes to bed C goes to school ( ) 25. A in B on C at ( ) 26. A brushes B brushing C brush ( ) 27. A go B goes C going ( ) 28. A to B at C in ( ) 29. A her B his C its ( ) 30. A on B at C in 三、阅读理解。( 40 分)

A Tom’s life

11am – have a basketball game Monday 7:30 pm --- eat dinner with aunt May and uncle Ted at Mingzhu Hotel(饭店)

12am --- have lunch with Sally at home Friday 8:20 pm --- see Life of Pi (少年派的奇幻漂流) with Sally at Wanda cinema(电影院)

9:30am --- play the guitar Saturday 5:40 pm --- take a walk with parents 8pm --- do homework and play computer games ( ) 31. Who does Tom have lunch with on Friday ?

A .Aunt May and uncle Ted B. Sally C. His parents

( ) 32. Where is Tom on Friday evening ?

A . At Mingzhu Hotel B At Sally’s home C At Wanda cinema ( ) 33. Can Tom play the guitar ?

A Yes, he can B No, he can’t C We don’t know ( ) 34. When does Tom take a walk with his parents ?

A On Monday evening B On Friday morning C On Saturday afternoon ( ) 35. Tom’s life is _______.

A boring B interesting C busy


Dear Nancy ,

My name is Tom. I want to be in a club in our school . I’m not famous now. But maybe I can be famous someday! I can’t sing or dance or act in movies, but I can do many other things . I can play three instruments: the guitar , the violin and the drums. I think I can be in the music club. Maybe I can be a famous musician. I like to read story books and I can write stories. Maybe I can be a famous writer. I like sports, too. But I don’t think I can be a famous and successful sports man. Can I join you ?

Love, Tom ( ) 36. What’s the word ― instruments‖ in Chinese ? It’s _________. A 乐谱 B乐器 C 乐章 ( ) 37. What can’t Tom do ? He can’t ________.

A write stories B play the violin C act in movies ( ) 38. Tom thinks he can be a famous ____ or a famous writer.

A musician B actor C sports man ( ) 39. What club do you think Tom can join?

A. Art club B Movie club C Music club ( ) 40. Why isn’t Tom in sports club?


A. Because he doesn’t like sports. B. Because he isn’t good at sports. C. Because he thinks sports are boring. C

The Water World Swimming Pool is open(开放) every day from eight o’clock in the morning to half past seven in the evening. It costs two dollars sixty to swim in the pool. There is a special cheap price ( 特惠票价) for students with a student card. It is only one dollar forty.

On Wednesday morning the pool is only open to mothers and babies. So mothers can have a good time in the water with their babies.

The new Water World Café will open up on June 22nd . Form the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim.

Please call 210-5369 for more information. We look forward to seeing you at the Water World Swimming Pool .

( ) 41. How long is the Water World Swimming Pool open every day?

A. Eleven hours B. Seven and a half hours C. Eleven and a half hours ( ) 42. What is the price for students with a student card to enter the pool ? A. Two dollars B One dollar forty C Two dollars sixty ( ) 43. A ten-year-old boy can’t go to the Water World Swimming Pool _____. A. on Saturday B on Sunday C on Wednesday morning

( ) 44. Form the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim _____. A. on June 21st B. on May 22nd C on June 23rd ( ) 45. This passage is a(n) _____.

A. advertisement( 广告) B note ( 便条) C story


My name is Ben . I’m an American boy . My school is far from my home. Every day it takes me lots of time to get there. The road ( 路) isn’t good, so I cannot go to school by bike. I often get there by

bus or on foot( 步行). It takes me thirty minutes to get there by bus and an hour on foot. I must get up early every morning . I have no time for breakfast at home .I often have something for breakfast on the way or on the bus. I don’t want to be late for school , so sometimes I run to school. 根据短文内容判断句子正( T ) 误( F ) ( ) 46. Ben is from China.

( ) 47. His home is far from school .

( ) 48. It takes him thirty minutes to get to school on foot. ( ) 49. Ben often has breakfast on the way to school. ( ) 50. He’s often late for school. 四、 补全对话。(5分) A: Hi, Mike. _______. B: I want to join the music club. A: Oh. ______

B: Yes, I can . I can sing well. ______ A : Yes. ____ I can play chess well. B: I can play it, too. A : Really? ______ B: OK.

A. Can you play chess? B. What club do you want to join? C. Can you sing? D. Do you want to join the chess club. E. Let’s sing the song. F. I want to join the chess club. G. Let’s play it now. 51._______ 52._______ 53.________ 54._______ 55._______ 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。( 10分)


56. My uncle teachers in No.2Middle School. He is a good _______ ( teach ) 57. Lisa and her mother are very good at _______ ( play ) ping-pong. 58.Jack’s uncle and aunt are __________ ( music ).

59.Li Xin _______ ( do ) Chinese kung fu on Monday evenings. 60. How about _______ ( walk ) to school ?

61. Tony can’t ______ ( get ) home at 6:30 pm because he likes to play _____ (sport) after school. 62. Anna gets up early every day, but she never ______ ( eat ) breakfast. 63.Today, Linda ______ ( not ) want to do ______ ( she ) homework. 64. Do you want ________ (know) about my morning? 65.Bob usually _____ ( take ) a shower in the morning. 六、 完成句子。( 20分) 66. 你通常什么时候上班?

________ ________do you usually go to work.? 67. 我上学从不迟到。

I’m _______ ________ ________ school. 68.打扫我的房间的时候到了。

It’s time to ________ ________ _______. 69.人们通常在晚上上床睡觉。

People ________ ________ _________ _________at night. 70.请品尝一下它,然后咱们再谈论一下它。

Please ________ it, and _________ __________ _________ it. 71.我认为你的梦想是能够实现的。

I think your dream can ________ ________. 72.每天过河要花掉他半个小时的时间。

It takes him _____ an hour _______ ________ the river every day. 73.迈克害怕滑铁索。

Mike ________ _________ ________ _________ on a ropeway.


My mother often _______ me ______ _______swim in the river. 75.你和这些老年人相处得好吗?

______ you good _______ these _______ ________ ? 七、 书面表达。(15 分)

根据所给提示, 以My Mother’s Day 为题写一篇作文。 词数:50词左右。 提示: 1. 6:30 起床 2. 6:50 做早饭 3. 7:30 去上班 4. 下班买菜 5. 6:30 做晚饭 6. 晚饭后散步

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