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dwell [dwel] v.

1. think moodily or anxiously about something 2. originate (in)

The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country

3. inhabit or live in

this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean 4. come back to

Don't dwell on the past

Acknowledge horrible aspects of the work but don't dwell on memories of the details.


He would dwell on the details of weaving but only as the substrate for an ethical point.


A true critic ought to dwell rather upon excellencies than imperfections(Joseph Addison.


embark [em'bɑ:k; im-] vt.

1. 使(乘客或货物)上船(或飞机、汽车等);装载;装(货):

The ship embarked passengers and cargo at New York port.船在纽约港载客装货。

2. 使(人)从事(某项事业),使着手:

such an alliance as might embark us against our common enemy

一个将能使我们联合对付共同敌人的联盟 3. 投(资)于,对(某一企业)进行投(资):

to embark one's capital in an enterprise投资于某企业

vi.1. 上船(或飞机、汽车等):to embark for America乘船去美国

We embark at Montreal for New York.我们在蒙特利尔上船去纽约。

2. 开始工作,从事,着手;发动(in,on,upon): to embark on a new career开始新的生涯

to embark in a new under taking着手一项新的工作 When we embark on any task, it is important that we

start well.

当我们从事任何工作时,好的开始是很重要的。 Armed with the right tools and materials, newly-weds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.


Some Opec countries are worried such moves could jeopardise future demand just as they embark on expansion plans.


empirical [em'pirik?l] adj.

1. 以实验(或观察)为根据的;单凭经验的;经验主义的

2. 来自经验(或观察)的,经验(上)的

3. 江湖医生的,庸医的;单凭实际经验行医的,以实际经验为根据的[亦作 empiristic]

Thorndyke, on the other hand, is interested mainly, as the title of his volume indicates, in the beginnings of empirical science.


But economists have less empirical evidence than we might care to admit on which financial sector activities are the most helpful.


Empirical results indicate that both the descending of foreign real interest rate and a slump of monetary expansion will induce a real depreciation of China's currency.


enforcement [in'f?:sm?nt] n.

1. 实施,施行;厉行;强制执行 2. 强加,强迫;力促;加强;强调 3. [古语]强制的事

Anti-terrorism is essentially a matter of ordinary law



They return to small rivers or ports where there is little or no law enforcement.


A series of global food safety scandals in recent years is spurring debate over the need for stronger food safety enforcement.


enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik] adj.

1. (表示)热心的,满腔热情的,热切的,热烈的;很感兴趣的

2. 狂热的,狂信

But it is already clear that there would be few enthusiastic takers.

但是很少有感兴趣的接收者,这一点早已明确了。 But the idea that the British, among the most enthusiastic borrowers in the world, are put off by debt is laughable.


The change tradition English reading class educational model, causes student's independency, the activity , the enthusiastic full display.


entrepreneur [,?ntr?pr?'n?:] n.

1. (工商)企业家,实业家

2. 承包人,包办人,承揽人,中间商 3. (任何活动的)主办者,倡导者 4. 雇主 5. 签约者

The original French word entrepreneur refers to someone who undertakes, who does something.


Despite new freedoms, she says, that government bureaucracy still makes it hard to be an entrepreneur.


Even when you are working with London records, you started to have you own brands, do you feel like being an entrepreneur yourself?


evoke [i'v?uk] vt.

1. 唤起,召唤;召(魂),唤(神),召来(亡灵等): to evoke a spirit from the dead从死者身上招魂 2. 引起,博得,惹出,使发出:

Her comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners.她的评论引起震惊的听众的抗议。 3. 唤起,使人想起,使人产生(联想、回忆、感情等): to evoke a memory使人产生回忆 4. 描绘出;使再现:

a short passage that manages to evoke the smells, colours, sounds, and shapes of that metropolis 一篇力图描绘出那个大都会的味、色、音、形的短文

5. 【法律】(下级法院)移送(案卷)至上级法院

Bee swarms, on the other hand, evoke another sort of awe.而蜂群唤起的是另一种敬畏的情感。

Why the reminiscence should evoke such a strong emotion I do not understand.

我自己也不明白,为什么会起这么深浓的情绪?。 His life story gives him the authority to evoke the opportunities open to Muslims in America - and to commend the benefits of America's open society to other societies elsewhere.


exceptional [ik'sep??n?l] adj.

1. 例外的;异常的,特殊的,独特的,罕见的 2. 尤指(品质、才能、能力、智力、技艺等)较优的,优越的,杰出的,卓越的,出类拔萃的

3. [美国英语]【教育学】(因为学生有才华、尤其因为身心有缺陷而需要)特殊教育的,特殊(或异常)(儿童)的



In such exceptional circumstances, a statement of the reasons why summarization is not possible must be provided.


America, exceptional as ever in penal policy, bans inmates from voting in most states and even bans former inmates in a few.


\of works are very rare and there is no known example of one from Leonardo to this day, \


expectancy, expectance [ik'spekt?nsi;-t?ns] n.

1. (被)期待;(被)预期;(被)期望 2. 被期待的状态,受期望的状态

3. (可)期待的东西,(可)期望的事物(或目的物) 4. 预期(或预计)的事物;(尤指根据概率统计求得的)预期数额(如寿命等) 变形:

And life expectancy can go down as well as up. 而且平均寿命不仅可能增加,也可能会减少。 Human life expectancy was only 37 years in 1800. 1800年时,人类的平均寿命只有37岁;

African-American women are another group of low life expectancy because of their high rates of obesity. 由于非裔美国女性高比例的肥胖现象,她们是平均寿命低的另一人群。

expedition [,ekspi'di??n] n.1.



踏上征途的一批人(或野兽、车辆、船只等) 游览;远足,短途旅行

2. 迅速(办理),动作敏捷

He bound himself to pay half the cost of the expedition.


The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole .


For an expedition to Everest, though, finding volunteers was not a problem.


expenditure [iks'pendit??] n.

1. (金钱、时间等的)花费,支出,消费;耗费,消耗;用光

2. (金钱的)消费额;(时间的)消耗量;支出额,开支额;经费,费用

This expenditure would include two railway lines.这些支出将包括两条铁路线。

Even the very wealthy have to curtail their expenditure when the value of their stock portfolios decline.当股票投资组合价值下跌时,即使非常富有的人也不得不减少支出。

And if the initial stimulus triggers a cascade of expenditure among consumers and businesses, the multiplier can be well above one.


expire [ik'spai?; ek-] vt.

1. 呼出(气体),排出:

to expire air from the lungs从肺里呼出气 2. [古语] 发出,散发(蒸汽、气味等) vi.

1. (法律、专利权、所有权等因到期而)成为无效,开始失效;(期限)终止,结束;期满,届期: The lease expired.租借期限终止。

Now her passport has expired.现在她的护照已过期了。

2. 呼气,吐气:

The whales expired with a rushing sound.那些鲸鱼呼

气时发出一种急促的声音。 3. (火等)熄灭:

The sparks expired in the ashes.火星在灰烬中熄灭。 4. 死亡,断气:

The old woman expired in agony.老妇在极度痛苦中断气。

Florida authorities have let an evacuation order for the Florida Keys expire.

佛罗里达州当局已暂停佛罗里达群岛的撤退令。 He told the audience that temporary investments and tax incentives aimed at stimulating private demand would eventually expire.


The good news is that the latest draft, unlike the 2005 version, gives farmers the right to renew their land-use leases after they expire.


extinct [ik'sti?kt] adj. 1.



2. (动植物等)灭绝的,绝种的,不复存在的

3. (希望、生命等)破灭了的;消亡了的,消灭了的 4. 死去的,已死的,已故的 5.


(贵族称号等)无合法继承人的,(公爵爵位等)无现存持有人的 6. (语言、法令、风俗等)已废弃的,失效的,过时的,不复使用的

If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct. 我们若继续破坏自然环境,将会有更多的动物绝种。 As a consequence, we have an emerging fossil record of flowering plants that includes many extinct taxa and would have delighted Darwin. 因此,我们有一个正在形成的有花植物的化石记录,包括许多灭绝类群,达尔文会感到高兴的。

One reason for this taxonomic inflation is that the idea of a species becoming extinct is easy to grasp, and

thus easy to make laws about.


fabricate ['f?brikeit] vt.

1. 制作,建筑;尤指装配,组合:

The finest crafts people fabricated this golden ring.这枚金戒指是由最优秀的工匠制作的。

2. 捏造,伪造,编造(故事、理由、诺言等);创造: to fabricate a signature and document伪造签名和文件

to fabricate an evidence捏造证据

We can be certain that whatever artificial closed systems we fabricate will sooner or later be opened. 我们可以肯定的是,无论哪一个人工制造的封闭系统,都或早或晚地会被打开。

\did not fabricate the old man's paranoia, \remarks the author, \of South Africa's political culture.


The meta-analysis suggested that 14% of researchers in the underlying studies had seen their colleagues fabricate, falsify, alter or modify data.


fabulous ['f?bjul?s] adj.

1. 寓言(似)的;想像的;虚构的,传说(般)的,传奇式的;神话式的

2. 难以置信的,不可相信的;惊人的;非常的 3. [口语]极好的,极妙的 4. 讲(或编写)寓言的 近义词:


Salt Lake City has been rated one of the 51 \places to be gay in America.


My husband has a fabulous income and has given me the opportunity to develop a small business.


facet ['f?sit] n.

1. (宝石的)刻面

2. (性格等的)某一方面 vt.


The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable.

他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧是不同凡响的。 Success involves every facet of live: your relationships, your business acumen, your health, and your happiness.


Dr Arvey and his colleagues found the same effect for extroversion (of which sensation-seeking is but one facet).


By the late 19th century it had become a prominent cultural facet across the country, not only in the South or Wild West.


falsehood ['f?:lshud] n.

1. 不真实,不正确,谬误,虚伪,虚假 2. 撒谎;说假话 3. 谎言,假话

4. 错误的信仰、理论、思想等

Truth is opposed to falsehood .真理与谬误是相对的。 Exaggeration is funny because it skewers the falsehood.


It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.


feast [fi:st]


1. 节日;节期(尤指纪念上帝、圣徒等的宗教节日) 2. 盛宴,筵席,宴会 3. 丰盛的饭菜

4. (感官等方面的)不寻常的乐事,赏心悦目的事;特别的享受

vi.1. 参加宴会,受到款待:The poor starve while the rich feast.穷人挨饿,而富人在大吃大喝。 He sat there feasting.他坐在那儿大吃大喝。 2. 大大地享受,感到异常愉快: to feast on the music尽情欣赏音乐 vt.

1. 盛宴款待,设宴招待The king feasted his friends.国王盛宴款待他朋友。

2. 给?以乐趣;使高兴,使欣慰;使享受:

He feasted his eyes on the beautiful scenery in Beijing.他尽情欣赏了北京的美丽景色。

Feast of autumn, With family and friends, Celebrate tonight!


Stretching, scratching, skipping, dancing -- anything that moves your body in a pleasurable way can be a feast.


There it is: a feast of pirated television on file-sharing websites, found for you by the world's most powerful search engine.


feeble ['fi:bl] adj.

1. 软弱的,虚弱的,无力的

2. 低能的,智力差的,性格软弱的,道德差的 3. (光线、音量、响度、清晰度等)弱的,微弱的 4. (强度、力量、效果等)无力的,不足的,无益的,无效的

5. 易折的,易损的,脆弱的

The agreed sanctions after the fighting stopped were feeble.


North Korea, on the other hand, will feel that as a nation with a nuclear deterrent, however feeble, it

deserves respect.


But Germany can be Germany – an economy with fiscal discipline, feeble domestic demand and a huge export surplus – only because others are not. 但德国之所以是德国——一个财政自律、内需疲软、出口顺差巨大的经济体——只是因为其它国家不是德国。

flap [fl?p] n.

1. 拍,拍打,拍击;掌击

2. 拍动;摆动;飘动;(鸟的)振翅;拍击声

3. 片状垂下物;前襟;口袋盖;(帽)边;鞋舌;信封口盖;边缘; 5. (鱼的)鳃盖子 vt.

1. 使(上下、前后地)拍动,摆动,飘动;(鸟)振(翅),鼓(翼):

The bird flapped its wings and flew away.那鸟振翅飞去。

He flapped his arms.他挥动手臂。

2. (用扁平物)拍,拍打,拍击;掌击:

The scarf flapped her face.围巾轻拂着她的脸。 to flap flies away (或 off)赶苍蝇

3. [口语](干脆利索地)投,掷,抛,扔,丢 4. 拉下(帽子)的边 5. 唤起?的注意 vi.

1. (尤指发出声音地)拍动;摆动;飘动,飘扬: A flag flaps in the wind.旗在风中飘扬。

2. (鸟翼等)振动,扑动;(鸟)振翼,拍翅(或振翼)飞行:The bird flapped its way up the stream. 那鸟鼓翅向河上游飞去。

3. (用宽阔柔软的东西)拍打,拍击:

He flapped at a fly with a cloth.他用布来拍打苍蝇。4. (如下垂物)垂下

5. 空谈,唠叨;说蠢话:

There's no use flapping about it now.现在对于这件事讲空话是没有用的了。

But one study shows that just before mating, members of a mosquito pair flap their wings just so to

create a harmonic duet.


The small triangular flap at the bottom will be incorporated into the vaginal introitus to avoid a circular scar in this location.


Apart from a flap over Mr Holder's role in advising Bill Clinton to pardon a dodgy financier, neither has attracted much attention.


flip1 [flip] vt.

1. (用手指等)轻弹,轻指;(用鞭等急速地)轻打,轻击:

to flip a speck of dust off把一点灰尘掸掉 2. 捻、掷(硬币等);轻抛: to flip a coin往上抛硬币 3. 急挥;急拉;使急速地动;转动;翻动,翻(书页、纸张、纸牌等):

to flip the drawer shut急忙关上抽屉 to flip pages in a book翻书页 vi.

1. 用手指轻弹,用鞭轻击:

The man flipped at a fly with a fly swatter. 那人用苍蝇拍拍打苍蝇。

2. 急动,急拉,急扔;翻,翻动;(跳水时)作空翻: The truck ran off the road and flipped over in the ditch.


3. 捻、掷硬币(看其正反面来决定某事):

We'll flip for who buys the tickets.我们要扔硬币来决定谁买票。

4. 迅速翻阅书籍,翻动纸张;匆匆查看,草草翻阅,(迅速、随便地)浏览(常与through连用):

I haven't read the book properly,I just flipped through it to see what it was like.


5. 蹦蹦跳跳;(用鳍状肢或翅膀等)啪嗒啪嗒地走动,


The seals flipped along the beach.海豹沿着海滩啪嗒啪嗒地翻动着。

6. [美国俚语](由于激动、愤怒、疯狂等而)失去自制力,精神失常,失去理智;发疯,发狂;变得狂热;欣喜若狂(常与 out 连用):

He flipped over his new girl friend.他对新的女朋友爱得发狂。 n.

1. 轻弹,轻打,轻击;轻抛;急拉;急推;急动;跳动

2. 翻筋斗,空翻

3. [口语]短期的徒步旅行;(飞机的)一次短距离飞行 4. 【足球】短距离快速传球 flip2 [flip] n.

1. 饮料酒(一种由酒、糖、蛋混合的饮料,上洒豆蔻粉)

2. 混合甜酒(18世纪特别流行的一种饮料,用啤酒、朗姆酒或其他酒类混合加糖) flip3 [flip] adj.


The second failing is an ironic flip side of success. 第二个缺陷正是成功具有讽刺意味的另一面。

Whenever particles interact, they can cause one another to flip.


Arrow pointing right. Flip or rotate the arrow to change its direction.


fragile ['fr?d?ail] adj.

1. 易碎的,脆的,易损坏的 2. 脆弱的;虚弱的,体弱的

3. 纤巧的,不实在的,缺少力量的;无价值的,不足信的

We have to face the fact that land is fragile. 我们不得不正视一个事实,土地是脆弱的。

But the fallout from a collapse in the mortgage and lending markets could shake fragile consumer confidence further.


Some are calling for more drastic action, though that would stiffen the headwinds blowing against a fragile economy.


friction ['frik??n] n.

1. (一物体的表面与另一物体表面的)摩擦 2. 【机械学】摩擦(力) 3. (因意见分歧,急躁等而产生的)不和,争执,摩擦;倾轧;冲突

4. 头皮按摩;摩擦治疗

But there are plenty of potential sources of friction between the two Pacific powers.


Major disagreements over how and when to introduce direct elections have been a major source of friction in Hong Kong.


If you throw two pennies off the Empire State Building at different speeds, air friction causes them to approach the same terminal velocity.


fuse1 [fju:z] vt.

1. 熔(化),熔合,熔解,熔融:

Copper and zinc are fused to make brass.铜与锌熔合后形成黄铜。

2. 混合;交融;融合:

He skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole.

他巧妙地把这些片断合并成连贯的整体。 3. 熔接 vi.

1. 熔化

2. 混合,合并;熔合(常与with连用) n.

1. 导火线,导火索,导爆线 2. 引信,信管,起爆装置 vt.

装引信(或导火线)于 .

【电工学】保险丝,熔线,熔断器[参较 circuit breaker] vt.

1. 把保险丝接入(电路)

2. 使(电器等)(因保险丝烧断而)中断工作:

If you plug in all these appliances at once,you'll fuse all the lights,

如果你把所有电器同时接上电,保险丝就会烧断,所有的电灯将熄灭。 vi.

(保险丝)烧断;(电器等)因保险丝烧断而中断工作: The lights have all fused.保险丝烧断了,所有的灯都灭了。

It's what happens when twin embryos fuse in the womb.


The hyphae can fuse and form a heterocaryotic mycelium.


The electrical supply has the proper overload fuse or circuit breaker protection.


galaxy ['ɡ?l?ksi] n.

1. [G-]【天文学】银河系;银河(=Milky Way) 2. 【天文学】星系

3. 一群(出色或著名的人物);一批(光彩夺目的东西) Indeed, it would be very surprising if a misunderstanding of the galaxy caused the CMB to be aligned with the solar system.

的确,如果一个关于银河系的误解,就能造成CMB朝向太阳系排列的效果,这将是非常令人惊讶的。 Then, by measuring the total amount of rest-frame ultraviolet light, researchers can estimate the number of high-mass stars in the galaxy.

然后,经由测量静止座标光谱中紫外光的总量,研究人员就能够估计该星系里大质量恒星的数目。 These theories propose that gravity is stronger with huge galaxy clusters than the theories of Isaac Newton

or Albert Einstein would suggest.


generalize ['d?en?r?laiz] vt.

1. 对?进行概括,从?概括出一般规律:

to help the student generalize what he has learned 帮助学生对他所学过的内容进行归纳 2. 从?引出一般性结论,归纳出,概括出,推断出:to generalize a conclusion from a collection of facts从大量事实中引出结论

3. 使一般化;赋予?以共性;使具一般形式 4. 使普及,推广;使广义化:

They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.他们希望推广这种新型香皂的应用。 5. 使含糊 vi.

1. 形成概念,做出推断;概括:

One cannot generalize from a few examples.不能从几个事例中得出一般性概念。

2. 笼统地讲(或写);从原则上考虑;含糊地处理: It is impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.


3. 延及全身

4. (到处)推广,普遍化,变得一般

In dealing with crystals we must generalize these latter equations so as to take account of anisotropy. 研究晶体时,必须推广这后一个方程组,以便将各向异性考虑在内。

On balance, it is impossible to generalize and determine whether Poland or Yugoslavia grants foreign investors more freedom.


Obviously, there are lots of species of spiders, and I had to generalize there—spiders have the most incredible sexual rituals.


generosity [,d?en?'r?s?ti] n.

1. 宽宏大量,宽大,大度;豪爽 2. 慷慨,大方,不吝啬 3. 宽宏大量(或慷慨)的行为 4. 丰饶,丰富,大量,充足 5. [古语]出身高贵

Their generosity is putting an additional burden on their limited resources.


Between Israel and the Palestinians there is probably still a deal to be made if both show enough courage and generosity.


Two months is an awfully long time for your son and his wife to lounge around doing nothing and taking advantage of your generosity.


glare1 [ɡlε?] vi.

1. 炫目地照射,发耀眼的光,闪耀:

The tropic sun glared down on us all day.热带的太阳整日灼晒着我们。

2. 瞪眼,怒视,怒目而视(常与 at, down 连用): The whole class glared at the teacher when he told them their punishment.


3. 炫耀,炫示,显眼,惹眼 vt.

1. 瞪着眼发出(或表示)(敌意等),以怒视表示(敌意等):

They glared their anger at each other.他们互相怒视。 n.

1. 强而炫目的光,炫光,强烈的闪光;强烈的阳光;炫耀,炫目

2. 炫耀,耀目;夸耀,张扬;炫耀的陈设;惹眼 3. 瞪眼,怒目而视,愤怒的目光

Lehman's former leaders are not the only ones squirming in the glare.


THE glare of public debate was a departure from Thailand's usual brand of political deal making.


And commercial banks are reluctant to expose the idiosyncrasies of their loan books to the glare of market scrutiny.


glide [ɡlaid] vi.1. (飞鸟等)滑动,滑行,滑翔;滑移;游动:

The bird glided to the ground.鸟向地面滑行。

Fish were gliding about in the lake.鱼在湖里轻快地游动。

2. (时间等)消逝;悄悄地过去;(事情)渐变(常与 along, away, by 等连用):

The days just glided by.时光悄悄地流逝。 3. 偷偷地走,悄悄地走;溜走(常与 along, in, out 等连用):

The thief glided out of the room.贼偷偷地溜出了房间。

4. 【航空学】(飞机等)下滑,滑降:The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field.驾驶员关闭了发动机,滑行降落到机场。 (乘滑翔机)滑翔

5. 【音乐、语音学】 (从一个音向另一个音或从一种音调向另一种音调)滑移,延滑 vt.

使滑动,使滑行,使滑移 n.

1. 滑动,滑行;滑移 2.



They believe it used both sets of wings to glide, without power, from tree to tree.


When a word ends in a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, they are connected with a glide between the two vowels.


Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power, while others can glide along over surfaces by some little-understood mechanism.


gloom [ɡlu:m] n.

1. 黑暗,阴暗,昏暗;阴沉,朦胧 2. (黑)暗处,阴暗处;多荫的地方 3. 郁闷,抑郁,忧愁,忧伤;沮丧

4. 忧郁的表情,沮丧的心情,消沉的样子 5. [苏格兰英语]蹙额,皱眉 vi.

1. (天色等)变黑暗 (或阴暗),变朦胧,变阴沉

2. 变郁闷,显得忧郁(或沮丧),显愁容;感到闷闷不乐:

She gloomed all day. 她整天闷闷不乐。

3. 隐约地出现:The hill gloomed before us.山丘隐隐约约出现在我们面前。 4. 蹙额,皱眉 vt.

1. 使黑暗(或阴暗、朦胧、阴沉) 2. 忧郁地表示,沮丧地表示

3. [古语]使忧郁,使郁闷,使沮丧,使情绪低落 THE Middle East is no stranger to doom and gloom. 恶运与忧郁对于中东,一点儿也不陌生。

Over the next three years, he expects sales to grow in the \digits\despite the deepening economic gloom.


Credit spreads have widened and shares are pitching from gloom to elation as investors look to the Federal Reserve for solace.


gossip ['ɡ?sip] n.

1. (尤指涉及私人、私事的)闲话,流言蜚语,小道消息,内幕新闻

2. 喋喋不休,闲谈,闲聊;漫谈社会新闻(或他人隐


3. 饶舌者;爱议论别人长短的人;传播流言蜚语的人[亦作 gossiper, gossipper] vi.

1. 闲聊,闲谈;漫谈式地写作

2. 传播流言蜚语;说长道短;散布小道消息 vt.

1. 以流言蜚语的方式传布 2. [废语]作?的教父(或教母)

His malicious gossip caused much mischief until the truth became known.


For one thing, taking a safe person into your confidence dulls the isolating edge of a secret—and defuses the desire to gossip.

因为在吐露秘密时引入一个可靠安全的人会让秘密中的“孤立”性弱化--排除你想说闲话的程度。 On the other hand, I have also seen gossip - over an office romance, for example - distract people from their work and even force unwanted transfers. 另一方面,我也看到八卦──比如针对办公室恋情──分散了人们的工作精力,甚至带来了意想之外的变动。

grieve1 [ɡri:v] vt.

1. 使悲伤,使感到悲伤,使伤心,使苦恼;为?而伤心:

She is grieved for you.她为你而悲伤。

The boy's wrong actions grieved his parents.男孩的错误行为使他的父母感到伤心。 2. [废语]迫害,伤害;虐待 vi.


She grieved at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.


Please do not grieve for me请别为我悲伤难过。 Yet, such I grieve to tell you was the case.但,我很痛心的是,这的确是一个事实。

Instead of trying to lift someone's spirit with false cheer, you might try allowing the patient to grieve as well as sharing some of your own emotions.


grope [ɡr?up] vi.

1. (用于)触摸,暗中摸(常与 for 连用):

She groped for her key in her bag她在包里摸钥匙。 He groped for the door handle in the dark.他在黑暗中摸索寻找门把手。

2. 摸索;探索(常与after,for连用):

Throughout the ages, men have groped after the meaning of the Universe and their own role in it.长期以来,人们一直在探索宇宙的意义以及人类自身在宇宙中的作用。 3. 摸索着行进 vt.1. 摸索(路等):

We groped our way along the dark corridor.我们摸索着走过黑暗的走廊。

2. [英国方言]搜(罪犯等的)身

Why grope after the meaning of a word? Look it up in the dictionary!

干吗要在心中琢磨一个词的意思?查词典好了! Why grope after the meaning of a ward? Look it up in the dictionary!

干吗要在心中琢磨一个词的意思?查词典好了! With strong sense of responsibility, good team spirit , have the courage to grope.


guilt [ɡilt] n.

1. 罪,罪行;罪状;过失2. 内疚,良心自责 3. 犯罪,有罪

Why should he be sacrificed to camouflage the guilt of others?


Thus, the fates alone would determine the guilt or innocence of the prisoner.

因此,唯有命运能够决定犯人是有罪还是无辜的。 Previous studies had shown that washing can remove the guilt people feel about past misdeeds.


harmonious [hɑ:'m?unj?s] adj.

1. 【音乐】和声的

2. 音调和谐的,声音好听的,悦耳的 3. 谐和的,调和的,协调的,匀称的 4. 和睦的,融洽的

At home, he hopes to create a \在国内他希望建立一个“和谐社会”。

Humans are sacred, the network is only a tool while feelings are very harmonious part of human beings. 人是神圣的,网络只是一个工具,情感是人非常和谐的一部分。

She vowed to build a \health world, \echoing the slogan of harmony promoted by President Hu.


hatch1 [h?t?]

vt.1. 孵,孵化:to hatch eggs孵蛋,抱窝 2. 孵出:

A goose was hatched among ducks.在一群小鸭中孵出了一只小鹅。

3. 图谋,策划;筹划;使产生,创造: to hatch a scheme策划阴谋

They are hatching a plot.他们在搞阴谋。 vi.(雌禽)抱窝;(卵)孵化;(小鸡等)孵出: The baby birds have hatched.幼鸟已出壳了。

n.1. 孵;孵化2. (小鸡等的)一窝,一孵3. (昆虫的)羽化4. 结果,结局

When the larvae hatch, they find a snail and begin the cycle again.


Caterpillars hatch 15 days earlier, overcompensating by five days for the change in the oaks.


But the government's proposals, designed without an escape hatch in the event of slowing growth, reflect ideology, not realism.



grope [ɡr?up] vi.

1. (用于)触摸,暗中摸(常与 for 连用):

She groped for her key in her bag她在包里摸钥匙。 He groped for the door handle in the dark.他在黑暗中摸索寻找门把手。

2. 摸索;探索(常与after,for连用):

Throughout the ages, men have groped after the meaning of the Universe and their own role in it.长期以来,人们一直在探索宇宙的意义以及人类自身在宇宙中的作用。 3. 摸索着行进 vt.1. 摸索(路等):

We groped our way along the dark corridor.我们摸索着走过黑暗的走廊。

2. [英国方言]搜(罪犯等的)身

Why grope after the meaning of a word? Look it up in the dictionary!

干吗要在心中琢磨一个词的意思?查词典好了! Why grope after the meaning of a ward? Look it up in the dictionary!

干吗要在心中琢磨一个词的意思?查词典好了! With strong sense of responsibility, good team spirit , have the courage to grope.


guilt [ɡilt] n.

1. 罪,罪行;罪状;过失2. 内疚,良心自责 3. 犯罪,有罪

Why should he be sacrificed to camouflage the guilt of others?


Thus, the fates alone would determine the guilt or innocence of the prisoner.

因此,唯有命运能够决定犯人是有罪还是无辜的。 Previous studies had shown that washing can remove the guilt people feel about past misdeeds.


harmonious [hɑ:'m?unj?s] adj.

1. 【音乐】和声的

2. 音调和谐的,声音好听的,悦耳的 3. 谐和的,调和的,协调的,匀称的 4. 和睦的,融洽的

At home, he hopes to create a \在国内他希望建立一个“和谐社会”。

Humans are sacred, the network is only a tool while feelings are very harmonious part of human beings. 人是神圣的,网络只是一个工具,情感是人非常和谐的一部分。

She vowed to build a \health world, \echoing the slogan of harmony promoted by President Hu.


hatch1 [h?t?]

vt.1. 孵,孵化:to hatch eggs孵蛋,抱窝 2. 孵出:

A goose was hatched among ducks.在一群小鸭中孵出了一只小鹅。

3. 图谋,策划;筹划;使产生,创造: to hatch a scheme策划阴谋

They are hatching a plot.他们在搞阴谋。 vi.(雌禽)抱窝;(卵)孵化;(小鸡等)孵出: The baby birds have hatched.幼鸟已出壳了。

n.1. 孵;孵化2. (小鸡等的)一窝,一孵3. (昆虫的)羽化4. 结果,结局

When the larvae hatch, they find a snail and begin the cycle again.


Caterpillars hatch 15 days earlier, overcompensating by five days for the change in the oaks.


But the government's proposals, designed without an escape hatch in the event of slowing growth, reflect ideology, not realism.


