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Lesson 1A Private Conversation

New words & Expressionsprivate adj. 私人的 angry adj. 生气的 conversation n. 谈话 angrily adv. 生气地 theatre n. 剧场,戏院 attention n. 注意 seat n. 坐位 bear v. 容忍 play n. 戏 business n. 事 loudly adv. 大声地 rudely adv. 无理地,粗鲁地

Lead-inWhat do you think is happening in the picture?

A man turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily.

Listen to the tape

Why did the writer complain(抱怨) to the people behind him?

Because they were talking loudly.

Listen and read the text to find out the answers to the following questions

Where did the writer go last week? He went to the theatre. Did he have a good seat? Yes, he had Why didn’t he enjoy the play? Because he could not hear the actors. A young man and young woman behind him were talking loudly. What did the young man say to the writer? He said it’s none of your business. It’s a private conversation.

★private adj.私人的private letter/house/school 私信/私人住宅/私立学校 private life 私生活 private space 私人空间 private company 私人公司 反义词:public 公共的,公众的 Public school/places 公立学校/公共场合 pubic letter 公开信

★ conversation n. 谈话 subject of conversation


have /hold a conversation with sb. I had a short conversation with the teacher last night. have a conversation about sth. They had a conversation about family and friends.Let‘s have an english conversation. 让我们来讲段英文对话.


dialogue 比较正式,还可以指国家间的对话 talk 无拘无束或非正式的谈话 conversation 非正式的谈话 chat 就是闲聊,无关紧要的事 gossip 闲言碎语

★ business n. 事情 (往往指私人事情) thing 泛指事情 matter 麻烦的事情What is your business here? 你来这有何贵干? It‘s my / your / our business. 这是我/你/我们的事。

(It’s) none of your business!It's none of = it's not , 只是前者语气更重。

生意,出差。 do business with sb. 和某人做生意; on business 出差 I‘m on business in Shanghai now.

★ theatre n. 剧场,电影院go to the theatre 去看戏 go to the cinema 去看电影

★ play n.戏剧,演出 = show play chess play basketball play the violin

★ seat n.座,座位 have a seat take a seat, please. 请坐下。 v. 使坐下 Sit down Sit on the chair Be seated, please.

★ attention

n. 专心 注意

pay attention to sb. / sth. 关注某人/某事。 May I have you attention please? 请大家注意了。 pay no attention不注意 pay little attention有点注意 pay close attention密切注意 pay more attention更多注意

★ bear = stand

v. 容忍 (bore borne)

My sister can not bear mouse in the house. n. 熊 polar bear

angry be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at / about sth. 为某事而生气

angrily loud loudly rude rudely

adj or adv angry/angrily rude/rudely loud/loudly quiet/quietly 1.The writer got very ____. That’s why he looked at them ____. 2.All his classmates do not like him because he is ____. He always speaks to others ____. 3.The teacher has a ____ voice. He likes to speaking ____. He always says that he can’t hear us if we don’t talk _____. 4.Listen. It’s very ____ in the reading room. Everybody is reading their books ____. So, please keep ____.

Last week I went to the theatre.上星期我去 看戏。 go to the theatre 看戏去 eg: we go to the theatre tonight, I have got two tickets Shall. cinema n.电影院 eg: There are few fine cinemas in the city. go to the cinema 看电影去。 go to +place:去做什么

I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it.我的座位很好,戏 很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。interesting adj .引起兴趣的,有趣的 The book is so interesting that I do not want to put it down. interested adj. .对…感兴趣的 be interested in sth/ doing sth eg. I am interested in sports. enjoy v.享受…之乐,欣赏,喜爱 I did not enjoy the meal / book/ the music. enjoy doing sth. I enjoy going out on weekends. enjoy swimming 喜欢游泳。 How did you enjoy your trip 旅行如何? enjoy one's dinner 饭吃得津津有味。

A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.一青年男子与一青年女 子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。 behind prep.&adv. 在…后面 eg. She stood behind a tree. behind the times 落伍, 赶不上潮流 eg. I am sorry to say, my dear, your clothes are a bit behind the times. back of ( in back of ) 在…后面 eg: He hid in back of the house.

在前面 : in front 在前面adv. eg: I will go in front, you come after. in front of 在…前面 prep eg: He was standing in front of me. in the front of 在…(整体内部的)前面 eg: He is sitting in the front of the car with the driver. ahead 向前 adv. eg: Wait here, I will go ahead and see if everything is all right. ahead of 在…之前prep. eg. She is ahead of all the other girls in her class in English.

