1牛津英语8A Unit5 Birdwatchers

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1牛津英语8A Unit5 Birdwatchers ( period 1)


一设计思路: 1.教学内容本课时是牛津英语8A的第五单元第一课时——Comic stripe & welcome to this unit。




1、知识目标:①、向学生介绍本单元话题“观鸟”,同时使学生准备好进入下一课时的学习——谈论鸟类的理想家园 “Zhalong Nature Reserve”。












教师准备:不同鸟类图片,网络资源,录音材料和多媒体教学设备。 学生准备:





Teaching Procedures

STEP 1Playing a piece of music

Playing a piece of music called “the seaside voice.” (there is sound by birds .) After the students

listen to the music ,Get the students to talk about the music .

Is it nice ? (Yes .)

Where is the man playing the piano ? (Near the sea .)

What’ s there near the sea ? (Birds .)

Would you like to go and see the birds ? (Yes .)

Let’ s go birdwatching

.Let’ s be birdwatchers. (Teach the words “birdwatching ,birdwatcher.”) STEP 2 Reading and guessing

Tell the students if they want to be a good birdwatcher , first they should read and guess what bird it is. Show the riddle on the screen .

I am a bird .I have two wings .And I can fly high in the sky .When I am hungry ,I eat insects with my beak . I have blue and green feathers. Everyone says I Look very beautiful in the sun .I can speak if you speak to me . ( A parrot .)

Show the sentences one by one and get the students to guess.It is also very nessary for the teacher to revise the words , like “wings beak feather” . Get the students to read the words well .

STEP 3 Talking about birds

As it is illustrated in the following pictures ,show the pictures of different kinds of birds .And then talk about them focusing on what’ s special about the birds .

STEP 4 Giving names

Show the pictures together and then get the students to give their names . Make sure all the students can read the names correctly .

STEP 5 Doing some riddles

Get the students to do some riddles .Make sure they know the birds well.

4 a. I live close to sea .I have black and grey or black feathers.I am long–winged. I am web-footed.Ican swim very well . Who am I ?

b. I live in wetland. I am very tall. I have long beak,long neck and long legs. I have black and white feathers. Who am I ?

c. I have brown or grey feathers. I am small .I often live near the houses . People can often see me and hear me .

Who am I ?

d. I am strong .My wings are broad .My beak are hooked and my feathers are brownish .Do you know me ?

e. I am very beautiful .I can swim beautifully with my white feathers . And I also have thin long neck . Can you say my name ?

STEP 6 Making up new dialogues

Ask the students :

What bird is your favourite ?

Which bird do you like best ? Why ?

Ask the students to make up new dialogues using the dialogue in Part B as a model.

-Which bird do you like best ? I like best …

5 Why ? Because

STEP 7 Exercises

Get the students to fill in the blanks and help the students to organise their ideas again .

My favourite birds Among all the birds ,I like the swallow best .They have long pointed wings .They have forked tails . They fly to northern countries in summer . They are both beautiful and clever.Golden eagles are almost the strongest birds in the world .They have brownish feathers and broad wings .Their beaks are hooked . I like them because they look cool .

STEP 8 Presentation

Students book P74 Part A.

Tell the students that Eddie loves birds,too.Ask them to listen to the tape and find

the answers to the following questions .

1.What is Eddie going to do ? (He’ s going birdwatching. )

2.Does he really love birds ? ( No.)

3.What kind of birds does he like best ? (He likes Beijing

Ducks and roast chickens .

6 Then get the students to read and practise.


Act the dialogue out .Help the students to the humour here .

STEP 9 Discussion

Get the students to discuss the following questions .

1. What Danger may the birds have now? (Pollution ,loss of living areas etc. )

2. What Can we do to help thebirds? (Ask more people to help .Build more reseves. Etc.)

STEP 10 Homework

1. Remember the new words .

2. Look for more information about birds .

Finish off the exercises.





3、反复操练和巩固应用为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in pairs,in groups,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。同时注意让学生在练个别词汇




