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1.Globalization is worldwide interconnectedness,evidenced in global movements of natural resources,trade goods,human labour,finance capital,information,and infectious diseases.P2

2.Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.P12

3.The dominant culture is a type of culture that one group possesses the power to speak for the entire culture while setting the tone and agenda that others will usually follow.P12

4.Co-cultures are cultures discussing groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics,perceptions,values,beliefs,and practices that are sufficiently different to distinguish them from other groups and communities and from the dominant culture.P13

5.Communication is a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their internal states with other people through the use of symbols.P16

6.Culture is a set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have increased the probability of survival and resulted in satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche,and thus became shared among those who could communicate with each other because they had a common language and they lived in the same time and place.P23

7.Values are culturally defined standards of desirability,goodness,and beauty that serve as broad guidelines for social living.P25

Values are shared ideas about what is true,right,and beautiful which underline cultural patterns and guide society in response to the physical and social environment.P189

8.Stereotypes are a collection of false assumptions that people in all cultures make about the characteristics of members of various groups.P42

A stereotype is a cognitive structure containing the perceiver’s knowledge,beliefs,and experiences about some human social groups.P170

9.Objectivity is the state of being objective,just,unbiased and not influenced by emotions or personal prejudices.P43

10.Social organizations or social institutions are the groups that members of a culture turn to for lessons about the meaning of life and methods for living that life.P49

11.Family is a group of intimates,who generate a sense of home and group identity,complete with strong ties of loyalty and emotion,and an experience of a history and a future.P54

12.Individualism is a kind of thought that involves self-motivation,autonomy,and independent thinking,which takes in the following forms.People’s personal goals take priority over their allegiance to groups like the family or the employer.The loyalty of individualists to a given group is very weak;they feel they belong to many groups and are apt to change their membership as it suits to them,switching churches,for example,or leaving one employer for another.Such thought stresses personal rights and responsibilities,privacy,voicing one’s own opinion,freedom,innovation,and self-expression.P198. P199.P67

13.Collectivism is a kind of thought that people primarily view themselves as members of groups and collectives rather than as autonomous individuals.In such cultures people emphasize community,collaboration,shared interest,harmony,tradition,the public good,and maintaining face.Collectivism means greater emphasis on the views.needs,and goals of the in-group rather than oneself;social norms and duty defined by the in-group rather than behavior to get pleasure;beliefs shared with the in-group rather than beliefs that distinguish the self from in-group;and great readiness to cooperate with in-group members.P200.P198.P67

14.History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time;it illumines reality,vitalizes memory,provides guidance in daily life,and brings us tidings of antiquity.P75

15.(不考)Worldview is a culture’s orientation toward God,humanity,nature,questions of existence,the universe and cosmos,life,moral and ethical reasoning,suffering,death,and other philosophical issues that influence how its members perceive the world.P97 The worldview of a people is the way they interpret reality and events,including images of themselves and how they relate to the world around them.P97

Worldview functions as a guide to help people determine what the world looks like and how they should function within that world.P98

16.(不考)The idea of secularism is connected with questions about the meaning of life and explanations about death.P101

17.(不考)Religion deals with the nature of life and death,the creation of the universe,the origin of society and groups within the society,the relationship of individuals and groups to one another,and the relation of humankind to


18.Identity is the reflective self-conception or self-image that we each derive from our family,gender,cultural,ethnic,and individual socialization process.

Cultural identity:the identification of communications of a shared system of symbolic verbal and nonverbal behavior that are meaningful to group members who have a sense of belonging and who share traditions,heritage,language,and similar norms of appropriate behavior.Cultural identity is a social construction.P154

19.Prejudices are deeply held negative feelings associated with a particular group.

Prejudice amounts to a rigid and irrational generalization about a category of people.Prejudice is irrational to the extent that people hold inflexible attitudes supported by little or no direct evidence.Prejudice may target people of a particular social class,sex,sexual orientation,age,political affiliation,race,or ethnicity.P173

20.Racism is the belief in the inherent superiority of a particular race.It denies the basic equality of humankind and corelates ability with physical composition.Thus it assumes that success or failure in any societal endeavor will depend upon genetic endowment rather than environment and access to opportunity.P177

21.Ethnocentrism is the notion that one’s own culture is superior to any other.It is the idea that other cultures should be measured by the degree to which they live up to our cultural standards.We are ethnocentric when we view other cultures through the narrow lens of our own culture or social position.P179-P180

22.(1)Perception is the means by which you make sense of your physical and social world.

(2)Perception is the process of selecting,organizing,and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of the world.

(3)Perception is the process whereby people convert external events and experiences into meaningful internal understanding.P185

23.Beliefs serve as the storage system for the content of our past experiences,including thoughts,memories,and interpretations of events.P187

24.Cultural patterns are a useful umbrella term that allows us to talk about values,beliefs,and other orientations collectively.P190

25.Uncertainty avoidance defines the extent to which people within a culture

are made nervous by situations which they perceive as unstructured,unclear,or unpredictable,situations which they therefore try to avoid by maintaining strict codes of behavior and a belief in absolute truths.P201

26.Power distance is a characteristic of a culture defining the extent to which the less powerful person in society accepts inequality in power and considers it as normal.P203

27.Masculinity and feminity refer to the degree to which masculine or feminine traits are valued and revealed.P205

28.A being orientation refers to spontaneous expression of the human personality.P213

29.The being-in-dong orientation stresses the idea of development and growth.It emphasizes the kind of activity that contributes to the development of all aspects of the self as an integral whole.P214

30.The doing orientation describes activity in which accomplishments are measurable by standards external to the individual.P214

31.Context is the information that surrounds an event;it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of the event.P215

32.(不考)Language is merely a set of shared symbols or signs that a cooperative group pf people fas mutually agreed to use to create meaning.P225

33.Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.P246

34.All human interaction is influenced to some degree by the cultural,social,and physical settings in which it occurs.These settings are called the communication context.P285.

35.Intercultural communication competence is the overall internal capability of an individual to manage the key challenging features of intercultural communication:namely,cultural differences and unfamiliarity,inter-group posture,and the accompanying experience of stress.P384

36. (1)Culture shock is a mental state that comes from the transition that

occurs when you go from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one and find that your old,established patterns of behavior are ineffective.

(2)Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all your familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.These signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situation of daily life:how to give orders,how to make purchases,when and where not to respond.Now these cues,which may be words,gestures,facial expressions,customs,or norms,are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much as a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept.All of us depend for our peace of mind and efficiency on hundreds of these cues,most of which we are not consciously aware of.P397

37.Ethics refers to judgments that focus om degrees of rightness and

wrongness,virtue and vice,and obligation in human behavior.P404


1.Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature,but habits and customs keep them apart.---Confucius.性相近,习相远。--孔子

2.Lack of communication has given rise to differences in language,in thinking,in systems of belief and culture generally.These differences have made hostility among societies endemic and seemingly eternal.--Isaac Asimov P1




3.In every conceivable manner,the family is a link to our past and a bridge to our future.---Alex Haley


4.History is philosophy teaching by example.---Henry ST.John Bolingbroke P48历史是提供实例讲解的哲学。

5.(不考)Religion is doing;a man does not merely think his religion or feel it,he lives his religion as much as he is able,otherwise it is not a religion nut fantasy or philosophy.---George Gurdjieff



6.(不考)There is only one religion,though there are a hundred versions of

it.---George Bernard Shaw.P97



7.The particular human chain we’re part of is central to our individual identity.---Elizabeth Stone



8.The value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose.---Richard Grant P152

翻译一:我们寻求认同感的过程,其意义常常带有目的性。 翻译二:寻找自身认同的过程时常带有实现某种目的的价值。

9.Your beliefs become your thoughts.Your thoughts become your words.Your words become your actions.Your actions become your habits.Your habits become your values.Your values become your destiny.---Mahatma Gandhi. 10.On a group of theories one can find a school;but on a group of values one can find a culture,a civilization,a new way of living together among men.---Ignazio Silone. P184

信仰决定思想。思想决定语言。语言决定(形成)行动。行动决定习惯。习惯决定价值。价值决定命运。(此句中的value 意为价值观,为了保持译语的结构匀称,就译为价值)

11.If one finger is sore,the whole hand will hurt.--Chinese Proverb 翻译一:牵一发而动全身。


12.Our lives are all different and yet the same.---Anne Frank.



13.(不考)Language shapes the way we think,and determines what we think about.--Benjamin Lee Whorf.


14.(不考)If we spoke a different language,we would perceive a somewhat different world.--Ludwing Wittgenstein.


15.(不考)Language is the roadmap of a culture.It tells you where its people came from and where they are going.--Rita Mae Brown.P221 语言是文化的路标。从它那里我们了解人类的起源和发展方向。

16.There are times when silence has the loudest voice.--Leroy Brownlow 有时沉默往往具有爆发力。

17.To know what people think,pay regard to what they do,rather than what they say.--Rene Descartes.P243


翻译二:了解人们所想之事,关注人们所做之事,而不是人们所说的话。 翻译三:了解人们思考的内容,关注人们所做的事情,而不是人们说的话。

18.Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.--Arab Proverb 生活似兄弟,经商如异客。

19.You will never know a man till you do business with him.--Scottish Proverb. P285



20.Human history is increasingly a race between intercultural education and disaster.If education is not intercultural,it is probably not education,but rather the inculcation of nationalist or religious fundamentalism.--David Coulby. 人类历史更多地体现为跨文化教育和大灾难的竞赛。教育不跨文化,它也许算不上真正的教育,充其量它只是在反复灌输国家主义(民族主义)和基要主义(基要主义强调直解《圣经》)

21.Our young must be taught that racial peculiarity do exist,but that beneath the skin,beyond the differing features and into the true heart of being,fundamentally we are more alike,my friend,than we are unlike.--Maya Angelou.P326


22.If you are not in tune with the universe,there is sickness in the heart and mind.--Navajo Saying.



23.He who has health has hope,and he who has hope has everything.--Arabian Saying.P357

翻译一:人有健康就有了希望,有希望就拥有一切。 翻译二:有健康就有希望,有希望就拥有一切。

24.No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.--Mahatma Gandhi. 翻译一:任何排外的文化终将灭亡。 翻译二:任何文化要长存必须兼收并蓄。

25.You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstance unless you change.--Les Brown.P383


翻译二:惟有改变自己,一个人才能实现目标,甚至超越自己。 谚语警句

26.One who does not honor the penny is not worthy of the dollar.看轻一美分者不配拥有一美元。

27.A penny saved is a penny earned.聚沙成塔,水滴石穿。/省钱即赚钱。 28.The quacking duck is the first to get shot.P29枪打出头鸟。 29.Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

30.He who hesitates is lost.当断不断,必受其患。 31.Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于语言。

32.Nothing ventured,nothing gained.不入虎穴焉得虎子。 33.Man does not live by bread alone.人活着不能只靠面包。

34.Make hay while the sun shines.晒草须乘日照时。(乘热打铁,勿失良机) 35.God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。

36.Pull yourself up by your bootstraps你要重新振作起来啊!

Pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps直译过来就是:“通过自己的靴带站起身来”,这个短语的正确意思是:“不依靠他人,经过自己的努力来改善不良的处境”。因此,当美国人说\时,他/她要表达的意思就是:\、\、\of the bad state by your own struggle.\

37.No pain,no gain.一分耕耘一分收获。/不劳而无获。 38.A man’s home is his castle.一个人的家就是他的城堡。 U.S. a proverbial expression of personal privacy and security.

39.The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 吱吱叫的轮子先上油。/会哭的孩子有奶吃。to convey the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention. It is alternately expressed as \wheel gets the oil\

40.Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。变化乃是生活的情趣。Diversity makes life interesting, as in Jim dates a different girl every week variety is the spice of life, he claims . This phrase comes from William Cowper's poem, \gives it all its flavor.\ Changes and new experiences make life delightful. 41.Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.坏事不过二。

Proverb an unusual situation or event is unlikely to happen again in exactly the same circumstances or to the same person.The same misfortune will never recur, as in Go ahead and try your luck investing in options again; lightning never strikes twice . This saying is based on a long-standing myth, which has been proved to be untrue. Nevertheless, it is so well known it is often shortened, as in the example. [Mid-1800s]

42.There is more than one way to skin a cat.解决事情的方法不止一种。A problem generally has more than one solution.

43.God gave us the nuts but he doesn’t crack them. 上帝给予我们美好的未来,但需要我们自己去奋斗。

44.What you can do today,don’t postpone until tomorrow.今日事今日毕。

45.To know the road ahead,ask those coming back.P30欲知前方事,且问过来人。

46.One does not make the wind,but is blown by it.顺天者昌,逆天者亡。

47.Since we cannot get what we like,let us like what we get.与其失去喜欢的,不如喜欢拥有的。

48.Man proposes and God disposes.成事在人,谋事在天。 49.Fall seven times,stand up eight.永不言败。永不放弃。 50.A man’s tongue is his sword.言辞即匕首。

51.Those who know do not speak and those who speak do not know.知者不


52.Even in paradise,it’s not good to be alone.即使在天堂,人们总是聚集在一起。

53.A table is not blessed if it has fed no scholars.不服务学者的桌子不值得拥有。

54.When spiderwebs unite,they can tie up a lion. 蛛网联结可束缚雄狮。 55.A single arrow is easily broken,but not a bunch.一箭易折,一束难折。 56.A single hand cannot lift the calabash to the head.单手难以提起葫芦头。 57.A harsh word dropped from the tongue cannot be brought back by a coach and six horses.一个人所说的难听的话即使用一辆有六匹马的马车也难以收回。 58.The spit aimed at the sky comes back to one.害人反害己。

59.Kick a stone in anger and harm your own foot.愤怒的踢石头反而伤害自己的脚。

60 .Sweep only in front of your own door.各扫自家门前雪。

61.He who stirs another’s porridge often burns his own.爱管闲事的人没有好下场

62..A zebra does not despise its stripes.知识(智慧)比珠宝更好.斑马不会小看它身上的条纹。

63.I dance to the tune that is played.我随着曲子起舞。

64.The candle of someone who lies almost always burns just to midnight.说谎者必半路败露其真面孔。P31

65.A house without an elderly person is like an orchard without a well.没有老者(长辈)的房子好比只有枯井的果园。P72

66.Don’t beat around the bush.不要拐弯抹角了。 67.Tell it like it is.P218实话实说.

68.One’s face is the mirror of one’s soul.脸是反映灵魂的镜子。P259 69.The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.眼睛能反映心灵的深度。

70.Thou tell’st me there is murder in mine eye.我从你的眼中看出一股杀气。P262

71.Just give me the bottom line.说个截止期限吧。

72..Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕。


Chapter 1 P46

? Intercultural communication presents you with a challenge you must meet if you are to become an effective communicator in today’s world.

? New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the global economic arena have contributed to increased international contacts.Everyone worldwide will be affected by and need to communicate about finite natural resources and the environment to help reduce and avoid international conflict.

? Domestic contacts are increasing because new immigrants and co-cultures are growing in numbers.

? Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.

? All cultures have a dominant or national culture that is normally defined by examining the people who control the power within the culture.

? Co-cultural communication is communication between members who hold two or more divergent cultural experiences that might influence the communication process.

? Communication accomplishes many interpersonal needs, helps establish personal identities, and has an influence on people.

? Communication is a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their internal states with other people through the use of symbols.

? Communication is dynamic, symbolic, contextual, self-reflective, learned, and has a consequence.

? Culture and communication are so intertwined that it is easy to think that culture is communication and communication is culture.

? Culture is a set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have increased the probability of survival.

? Culture seeks to inform its members what to expect from life, and therefore reduces confusion and helps them predict what to expect from life.

? The elements that compose a culture are history, religion, values, social organizations, and language.

? Culture is learned, shared, and transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols and a dynamic and integrated system.

? Some of the problems with studying intercultural communication involve individual uniqueness, stereotyping, lack of objectivity, and viewing communication as a cure-all.

Chapter 2 P95-96

? The deep structures of a culture, which include such elements as family, history(country), and religion (worldview), are important because they carry a culture’s most important beliefs. Their messages endure, are deeply felt, and help supply much of a identity.

? Families can take a variety of different forms.

? Traditional definitions of “family” are undergoing changes in the United States

? Globalization has had a major impact on traditional family structures throughout the world.

? Families perform a series of key functions in all cultures. These functions include teaching members of the culture about reproduction, economics, socialization and religion, identity, and communication.

? Rapidly increasing cultural diversity in the U.S. business community will require greater intercultural understanding and skills.

Chapter 9 P355-356

? Systems of formal and informal education seek to meet the perceived needs of societies.

? Schools are a primary means by which a culture’s history and traditions are passed from generation to generation.

? Schools teach the informal knowledge of a culture.

? Schools are a primary vehicle for teaching cultural values.

? Schools in the United States are becoming increasingly diverse.

? Schools no longer teach only Eurocentric cultural values; instead, today schools routinely teach the experiences and values of many cultures.

? Learning preferences are particular ways in which individuals receive or process information.

? Cognitive, communication, relational, and motivational learning preferences have a profound impact on classroom learning.

? Students who are limited in their English proficiency face various obstacles in the classroom.

? Teachers should be aware of what they bring to the classroom in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, and biases.

? Assessing the acculturation levels of the students in the classroom will help teachers determine how much their students are involved in their own culture as well as the Anglo-American culture.

Chapter 10 P381-382

? Culture and language diversity can cause problems in health care communication.

? Cultures differ in the ways they explain, treat, and prevent illness. ?Health belief systems can be divided into three categories—supernatural/magico-religious,holistic,and scientii c/biomedical—each with their own set of underlying premises.

? Cultural diversity leads to differences in beliefs about the causes of illness. ? Because of cultural diversity, people hold varying beliefs about how to treat illness.

? The ways in which people try to prevent illness are culturally diverse. ? Health care practices must accommodate a culturally diverse population. ? It is necessary for health care providers in a multicultural environment to become interculturally competent.

? Intercultural competence requires that health care workers know not only

their own culture but also the cultures of the patients they serve.

? Language diversity is a common problem in health care communication. ? An interpreter should be used when a practitioners are not fluent in the language of their patients.

? Family members and friends generally are not good interpreters because of their connection to the patient.

? Cultural diversity affects individual beliefs about death and dying, which can lead to conflicts between providers and families about communicating bad news to patients.

Chapter 11 P410-411

? Communication with the culturally different may lead to adverse emotional responses that trigger feelings of awkwardness and anxiety.

? Intercultural competence means having the ability to interact effectively and appropriately with members of another linguistic-cultural background.

? The basic components of communication competence are motivation, knowledge, skills, sensitivity, and character.

? Potential problems in intercultural communication include failure to recognize differences, anxiety, the desire to reduce uncertainty, stereotyping, prejudice, racism, misuse of power, ethnocentrism, and culture shock.

? To improve intercultural communication, you must know your culture, know your personal attitudes, know your communication style, monitor yourself, be empathic, be aware of cultural differences in listening, encourage feedback, develop communication flexibility, and learn about cultural adaptation.

? Venturing into a new culture can cause anxiety and emotional disturbances. ? Culture shock is a mental state that comes from the transition that occurs when you go from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one and find that your established patterns of behavior are ineffective.

? Culture shock has four phases: excitement, disenchantment, beginning resolution,and effective functioning.

? International immigration causes culturally and ethnically diverse societies that must learn to interact with each other.

? Acculturation means dealing with issues of language, disequilibrium, and ethnocentrism.

? The stress-adaptation-growth model provides a theoretical view of cultural adaptation in which sojourners reduce the initial stress of a new cultural environment,learn to adapt to the new culture, and eventually achieve personal growth.

? Disequilibrium may be dealt with through four coping mechanisms: assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization.

? Adaptation strategies include making personal contact with the host culture, learning about the host culture, and participating in cultural activities.

? Host cultures may react negatively at times to immigration because they see their familiar cities and neighborhoods being transformed into multiethnic, multicultural societies.

? Ethics focuses on appropriate behavior in interpersonal interactions, both within your own culture and when you are in another culture.

? There are two major perspectives on ethics: fundamentalism and cultural relativism.

? Messages elicit responses that may have negative consequences for the message recipient.

? It is important to have respect for others when engaged in intercultural communication.

? Searching for commonalities between people and cultures helps develop an inter-cultural ethic.

? Respecting cultural differences is essential to ethical intercultural communication.

? Above all else, you must accept responsibility for your communicative behavior.

四.Activities and Discuss Ideas. Chapter 1 Activities

1. Explain the following statement: “In studying other cultures, we do so very often from the perspective of our own culture.”188

2. Explain how changes in technology, the new global economy, and increases in the world’s population might affect you.

3. Explain how and why communication and culture are linked.

4.Explain the following statement: “When studying intercultural communication, you should be aware of the problems associated with individual uniqueness, stereotyping, objectivity, and assuming communication is a cure-all.”

5. Explain what is meant by the phrase “Communication is contextual.” Can you think of examples of how context has influenced your behavior?


1. In small groups, discuss national or domestic news stories from the past week to determine under what circumstances cultures encountering one another display communication.

2. In small groups, discuss your interpretation of the following quote: “Globalization is political, technological, and cultural, as well as economic.” 3. In small groups, identify your culture or co-culture.

4. Discuss with other members of your class the types of communication problems that have occurred when you have interacted with people from cultures different from your own.

5. Explain how these difficulties have made you feel.

6. In small groups, discuss the various ways in which the dominant culture influences and controls the values, attitudes, and behavior of co-cultures.

7. In small groups, discuss the following topic: “We are alike and we are different.” Have the group produce one list that describes how two different ethnic groups are alike and another list that specifies how they are different. 8. In small groups, discuss how changes in the demo-graphics of the United States have affected you. How do you believe these changes will ultimately affect society?

Chapter 2 Activities

1. Ask someone from a different culture some specific questions about child-rearing practices. You might inquire about methods of discipline, toys, games, stories, topics discussed at the dinner table, and so forth.

2. Working in small groups, have each person discuss the “stories” that helped form his or her family and cultural identity.

3. Assemble a small group of people from a variety of cultures and try to answer the following questions:a. What sort of family interactions influence gen-der roles?b. How do family interaction patterns influence relations between young people and the elderly?

4. Pair off in class or out of class with someone from a culture different from your own. Find out as much as you can about the history of your partner’s culture. Try to isolate examples of how your partner’s cultural values have been determined by historical events.


1. What are some ways in which a person’s family influences his or her cultural identity?

2. Examine the deep structure of your culture(s) and explain how it influences intercultural communication.

3. Compare how the following approaches to parenting would deal with aggressive behavior among children: authoritarian, laissez-faire, collectivist, and individualist.

4. How can the different historical legacies of the United States and the Islamic world promote conflict?

5. Can you think of some ways that globalization will change our traditional

notion of what is considered a family?

Chapter 4


1. Construct a list of as many of your identities as you can. Using the list, draw a pie chart with each identity receiving space proportional to that identity’s importance to you. Compare your chart with other classmates’ charts.

2. Select an ethnicity other than your own and try to answer the five questions from page 172 and 173.153

3. Working with some members of your class, try to list some examples of what you believe to be examples of American ethnocentrism.

4. What is the relationship among stereotypes, prejudice, racism, and ethnocentrism?

5. Can you think of some intercultural communication problems that were not discussed in this chapter?


1. Why is an awareness of identity important in your personal life? What are some of the situations in which this awareness would be beneficial?

2. How would you define identity? How would you explain your identities to another person?

3. What are some of your different identities and how did you acquire them? What are some differences between your identities and the same identities in another culture?

4. How did you establish some of your identities? How do you enact those identities?

5. Discuss the following statement: “Prejudice can never be eliminated because it is so deeply rooted in human nature.”

Chapter 5


1. In small groups, list the American cultural values mentioned in this chapter. Try to think of other values that are not included in the text. Then find examples from American advertising campaigns that illustrate these values. For example, the advertising slogan from an athletic-shoe manufacturer, “Just do it,” reflects the American value of accomplishment.

2. Working with others in a small group and using Hofstede’s value dimensions, make a list of behaviors found in American culture that reflect individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and femininity.

